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What Is the Best Amazon Listing Optimization Tool?


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As a business owner listing products on Amazon, it’s important to consider the best Amazon listing optimization tool. Having good Amazon optimization is a game-changer when it comes to your products being seen on Amazon. 

For maximum success, your products will need to be regularly updated with descriptions and professional photos. Adding your products to your business’ Amazon page manually can take up a significant portion of your time and effort. To optimize your time and your business’ Amazon page, you need a great Amazon optimization tool. Here are five options for the best Amazon listing optimization tools.

  1. Helium 10
  2. Sellbery
  3. SellerApp
  4. Viral Launch
  5. Seller.Tools
  6. Amazon Listing Optimization Tool FAQs
  7. Final Notes

1. Helium 10

At Helium 10, we specialize in helping businesses make the most out of their business pages on Amazon. If your business has never worked with Amazon, Helium 10 can teach you how to open an Amazon store, as well as provide tools to help your e-commerce business flourish. Our user-friendly design and tools that help you grow and scale your business on Amazon, such as keyword research tools and profitability calculators, can help your business reach new goals. 

Helium 10 is the best Amazon listing optimization tool because it has everything you need for your Amazon business in one location. You can create an Amazon product listing, go over review insights, spelling checks, Amazon FBA tools, and even check your competitors’ content and compare it all in just a few clicks. Features of our optimization tool include:

  • Keyword processor
  • Listing optimizer
  • Keyword index checker
  • Amazon listing insights
  • Amazon split testing

Our Amazon listing optimization tool also helps you make any changes to improve your ranking on Amazon and ensure that your business is visible in search results. Your business page will be professional and easy to navigate, which can help improve user experience and generate more sales. 

2. Sellbery

Sellbery is another optimization tool that works with several different websites to ensure that your product is seen. They work with Amazon, Etsy, Shopify, and more and allow you to edit your product information to ensure it’s correct before you post it. 

You can also post your product to multiple sites at the same time. Sellbery also offers advanced quantity sync that keeps your product information up to date on all of your listing sites. Although the ability to post to five different selling sites at the same time is convenient for some businesses, it also means that the listing optimization tool is not specific to Amazon. Having an optimization tool that specializes in just Amazon, like Helium 10, is important when it comes to optimizing your Amazon business.

3. SellerApp

smart man in glasses using an optimization tool on his laptop

Another Amazon-specific tool that works with listing optimization is SellerApp. When using SellerApp, you can work with keywords to create product descriptions that will attract people to the items you’re selling. SellerApp also offers backend search terms and photography input to further enhance your listings. 

Marketing, sales, operations, and more are all offered with SellerApp, making it a one-stop shop for your business’ success on Amazon. Similar to Helium 10, you can use SellerApp for all of your business’ Amazon needs. 

This tool is specific to Amazon and has many different features that all work together to help your business grow on Amazon. However, it is not as user-friendly as Helium 10 and has fewer integrations and seller tool features. 

4. Viral Launch

Viral Launch is another optimization tool that is specific to Amazon. There are three main areas that Viral Launch focuses on when it comes to listing optimization, including: 

  • Listing analyzation
  • Keyword management
  • Listing building

Using these three areas, Viral Launch can help you build a specific Amazon listing that promotes and sells your product.

With Viral Launch, you can analyze your competition and other listings to create a listing that captures the attention of those searching on Amazon. You will then use popular keywords to help your listing show up in search results. From there, your listing will be built and published for the public to see.

Viral Launch works great for Amazon listings, but it is not a full-service provider and does not offer as many features as Helium 10 and SellerApp.

5. Seller.Tools

Our final Amazon listing optimization tool on our list is Seller.Tools. Seller.Tools is a listing optimization tool that focuses on Amazon and promises to take your business to the next level with optimization, eight-figure consultation, and account management. An eight-figure consultation is when a previous user of Seller.Tools who has found success provides advice and recommendations to help you figure out how to optimize your business results on Amazon. 

Using keywords, listing optimization, and more, your business can grow on Amazon using Seller.Tools. They also offer an Amazon opportunities audit that can help you cut waste that is affecting your own revenue. 

Although Seller.Tools is also Amazon-specific, it is not as user-friendly as Helium 10. Seller.Tools offers several levels of payment plans, and the effectiveness of this tool is dependent on the level you are using. The levels range from free to up to $500 a month, which is on the higher end of the pricing scale for listing optimization tools. 

Amazon Listing Optimization Tool FAQs

What qualities should you look for in an Amazon listing optimization tool?

When you are searching for an Amazon listing optimization tool, it is important to look for what the company offers. For example, it will be in your best interest to find a tool that is specific to Amazon listings, and not just any selling website.

Pay attention to their customer reviews and testimonials, as customer feedback can provide an honest summary of the effectiveness of an Amazon listing optimization tool. You can learn important information from people who have used the tool before you to help you make the right decision. It is also important to make sure that the company has all of the features you want in an optimization tool, such as listing help, marketing, keyword organization, competition evaluation, and more.

What are tips to optimize Amazon listings?

To optimize your Amazon listings, they need to have features that allow them to show up easily in search results. Some tips to optimize your Amazon listings include:

  • Using professional and informational images
  • Writing brief but effective product descriptions
  • Incorporating keywords in headers and product copy

With these tips, you can optimize your Amazon listings to appear toward the top of search results and attract more prospective customers. 

How are products ranked on Amazon?

Amazon doesn’t have a clear-cut ranking system that businesses can follow to appear toward the top of search results for their targeted keywords. However, your products can be ranked higher in the search results for several reasons. Firstly, customer reviews play a significant role in ranking performance, as most users value the input of what other customers have to say about a product. Good reviews will place you higher up in the search results. Keywords, photos, and website traffic also all make a difference in your search placement, which means optimizing your listings is crucial to success. 

Final Notes

Out of all of the Amazon listing optimization tools on the market, Helium 10 is the best choice for your business’ Amazon needs. Because it is user-friendly, all-encompassing, and Amazon-specific, Helium 10 can help take your Amazon business to the next level. Using a listing optimization tool will greatly enhance your company’s visibility on search engine result pages, as keyword usage, clear images, and concise descriptions can help boost your ranking for your targeted keywords. If you need an Amazon listing optimization tool, Helium 10 is the best choice.


The Helium 10 Software Suite will allow you to gain an unfair advantage over your competitors as it was designed and battle-tested by Amazon's top sellers. So if you want more sales, more time, lower PPC costs, and if you want to discover hidden keywords your competitors don’t use then start using Helium 10 -- the same tools top Amazon sellers use on a daily basis.

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