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The Serious Sellers Club

Celebrating your revenue milestones

We know that being an Amazon seller is not for the faint of heart. Building something from the ground up and growing it into a successful business takes a lot of blood, sweat and tears. To celebrate your extraordinary effort and well-deserved achievements, Helium 10 is proud to announce The Serious Sellers Club.

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Club Overview

The Serious Sellers Club recognizes our sellers’ hard-earned success by creating an exclusive community to support your endeavors, foster connections, and commend those huge milestones in your selling journey.

Membership is free, and here are a few perks of joining the club:

Private LinkedIn group dedicated to you and your fellow sellers. Chat, network, share experiences or just vent in a safe space with industry allies.


Special discounts and early bird access to Helium 10 events, sweepstakes and socials.


Branded swag to celebrate your achievements as a seller. Each tier will receive their own swag.

How to Join the Club


There are three tiers of membership to the Serious Sellers Club, and it’s open to sellers who’ve hit the following Amazon revenue goals: 6-figures, 7-figures and 8-figures.

Sales are based on annual earnings and sellers are able to apply multiple revenue awards per year as their sales and businesses grow.


Once you’re in the Serious Sellers Club, your membership is permanent—there’s no need to reapply to maintain your status, regardless of future earnings.

However, we do encourage sellers to always reach for stars and grab that next tier. For example, if you’re currently in the six-figure tier, and your business sees an amazing jump in sales that qualifies you for the seven-figure tier, you should definitely apply for that upgrade.


A quick eligibility checklist:

  • You’re a Helium 10 user
  • Your MWS Token is connected
  • You have the Profits tool enabled

Helium 10 is excited to acknowledge the impressive achievements of our Amazon sellers, and we look forward to seeing all your continued success.


Terms & Conditions

The Serious Sellers Club award will be given to Helium 10 users who have hit the following tiers: $100K, $1MM, and $10MM in annual revenue within the last 12 months from today’s date (ie: from March 2021 to March 2022). Users who are selling on both Amazon and Walmart.com can apply to a tier based on their combined revenue from both marketplaces, as long as both MWS tokens are connected and enabled.

Applicants must be a paid member of Helium 10, and apply using the same email address associated with their Helium 10 account. All Helium 10 members must have their MWS token linked and Profits enabled from their Amazon account and if applicable, Walmart account in order to apply.

Those who are not Helium 10 members but are at six, seven, or eight figure revenues on Amazon can sign up for a paid Helium 10 plan and link their Amazon and Walmart MWS tokens. You must be a Helium 10 paid member for 2 of the last 12 months to be eligible for the Serious Sellers Club.

Helium 10 celebrates the success of Serious Sellers Club members with physical awards available at our tradeshows and regional events, swag, exclusive invites, and discounts. US based members have the option to receive a physical award by mail upon request.

Applications will be processed on a monthly basis by Helium 10 once MWS tokens are validated