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’Tis the Season: How to Prime your Business on Amazon for Q4

Helium 10’s newest data report explores leveraging Halloween, Black Friday, and Christmas-fueled search traffic boosts for maximum sales potential.

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Redefining “The Reason For The Season”

No matter your experience level, you are most likely aware of seasonal trends in the Amazon and Walmart marketplaces. Shoppers generally spend more around the holidays, meaning sellers need to be ready to do more if they want to keep up.

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Helium 10. Reporting For Data.

If you’re going to be capitalizing on seasonality and consumer trends, you need to know which strategies to optimize and more importantly, when to start. Hint: It’s sooner than you think.

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Tackle product seasonality head-on with specific, actionable data.

Welcome to the intersection of hard-data and impeccable timing.

It doesn’t matter if you’re fresh to the Amazon scene and curious about dealing with the holiday rush, or an e-commerce war-house looking for more advanced PPC targeting. When you get down to business, Helium 10 has your back.

The best part? We’re using the same tools you already know and love. We’ve used these tools to collect data over the last two years and compiled our findings into one convenient report detailing specific keyword trends, seasonal PPC patterns, and bold predictions for the remainder of 2022.

Everything you should be doing now to prepare your online business for the holiday rush later

Visualized data on PPC trends, keyword optimization, and product research strategies

Critical Q4 holiday timeframes to keep on your radar, starting today

Unlock The New Seasonal Data Here.

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