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Helium 10 Buzz 10/26/23: New Amazon AI Image Generator | Walmart Incentivized Reviews | Amazon Anime

We’re back with another episode of the Weekly Buzz with Helium 10’s Chief Brand Evangelist, Bradley Sutton. Every week, we cover the latest breaking news in the Amazon, Walmart, and E-commerce space, interview someone you need to hear from and provide a training tip for the week.

Amazon rolls out AI-powered image generation to help advertisers deliver a better ad experience for customers

Walmart beefs up its third-party marketplace as it challenges bigger online rival Amazon

Amazon introduces Consult-a-Friend, a new mobile experience that lets you ask your friends for advice while you shop

Amazon will now let you access Crunchyroll’s anime library right from Prime Video

We round up with a focus on the importance of researching historical search volume and keywords for the upcoming holiday season. Stay tuned for all this and more!

In this episode of the Weekly Buzz by Helium 10, Bradley talks about:

  • 00:55 – New Amazon Image AI Tool
  • 03:24 – Walmart Incentivized Reviews
  • 04:13 – Amazon Seller Export
  • 05:30 – Small Business Search
  • 06:12 – Walmart Stats
  • 08:23 – Amazon Call A Friend
  • 10:29 – Anime on Amazon
  • 12:22 – $1 Million TikTok Shop Month
  • 13:25 – Join Helium 10 Elite
  • 14:15 – Pro Training Tip: Historical Trend Keywords Q4


Bradley Sutton:

Amazon releases a new tool that allows you to make customized images with AI. Walmart is actually encouraging incentivized reviews. Amazon buyers now have a chance to phone a friend, as it were. This and many more news stories on today’s edition of the weekly buzz. How cool is that? Pretty cool, I think.

Bradley Sutton:

Hello everybody, and welcome to another episode of the series sellers podcast by Helium 10. I am your host, Bradley Sutton, and this is the show that is our Helium 10 Weekly Buzz, where we give you a rundown on all of the news stories in the Amazon, Walmart and E-commerce world and we give you training tips the week that will give you serious strategies for serious sellers of any level in the e-commerce world. Let’s see what’s buzzing this week. Let’s go ahead and hop right into the news. If my screen looks a little bit different, I’m actually recording this from a hotel room because I’m in Amazon unboxed in New York, and that’s actually the first news story of the day. Amazon has actually announced today that there is a new generative AI image generator. Now it’s especially designed for sponsor brand ads, but, as you can see from this article here, you’re going to be able to use your main image from your listings and then you can write like a prompt, like put this water bottle on a Maldives beach or make this water bottle seem like it’s underwater, and then what it’s going to do, what Amazon is going to do, it’s going to take that image and then it’s going to go ahead and like overlay it on this computer generated with AI background. So, basically, what Amazon sellers have been wanting to do, you’re going to be able to make lifestyle images with this generative AI. Now, as I said, it’s mainly for sponsor brand ads. So you know how, in a sponsor brand ad, you can use a custom image now which convert a lot better.

Bradley Sutton:

Well, for a lot of you sellers out there, you might not have had a means to make a custom image, like maybe you don’t have a studio where you can just get new images made. You know, maybe you’re not wanting to rent an Airbnb to take a photo shoot in a certain you know room setting that you that you need. Maybe you don’t have the means to do something in Photoshop for this image because you don’t know how to use Photoshop. Well, now, this is where this generative AI is going to come in, because you can take your image from your listing or another image you have and then overlay it on any kind of background. Now I did a step by step tutorial on how to do this, because there’s actually other kind of applications. Like you could just generate some images in this tool and use it as a lifestyle image, you know, for you you can generate multiple images and use it in Amazon post. So if you’d like to know how to use this and it’s completely free for brand registered store owners go to the Helium 10 blog, forward slash blog, and then this should probably be one of the first blogs that comes up on the page. There will be a step by step with images on exactly how to use this new tool. I’m curious, if you’ve tried it yet, let me know in the comments below what kind of results you get. It’s not always perfect, you know. Sometimes there’s some funky images that come up, but this is super cool that Amazon announced this at Unboxed today and if you tune in this Saturday for the regular episode of the podcast, there’s going to be interviews with a few vice presidents and other executives at Amazon about all the other advanced Amazon advertising releases that they announced this week here in New York. So make sure to tune into Saturday’s episode. All right.

Bradley Sutton:

Next up, it was an email actually that I got from Walmart and part of the email says as you can see here, the review accelerator program now lets you get double the number of drumroll, please incentivize review. So it’s hilarious. You know like we talk about Walmart. You know, following the path of Amazon from before. Remember, it was okay to do incentivize reviews back in the day on Amazon. Right now it’s okay to do incentivize reviews, you know, using Walmart on the Walmart platform. So now they have this review accelerator program and it offers twice the number of incentivize reviews. I think this is more like kind of like. I haven’t used it, so I think it’s kind of like the Amazon Vine program, but if you’re interested in finding out more information, if you’re a Walmart seller, make sure to go to your email and you probably got this email this week and then click on that link and I’ll give you more information on how to do these Walmart incentivize reviews.

Bradley Sutton:

All right, the next news article here is just from your seller central dashboard. It’s entitled ship FBA inventory from China at a lower cost. This is something that you talked about at Amazon Accelerate a little bit, and some sellers have been using this already, but it says hey, now you can ship your FBA inventory from China to our US fulfillment centers at a lower cost with seller export and delivery. I’ve always used my own, you know carrier, so I’m not sure if this is completely new or if this is something that has been existing. They’re just expanding it. But it basically says hey, seller export and deliveries and Amazon partner carrier program that handles your FBA shipping, including customs clearance and door to door pickup and delivery. This program is integrated into seller central and offers a simplified FBA experience with Amazon negotiated shipment rates, seamless payments and end to end tracking.

Bradley Sutton:

All right. So if you’d like more information on this, go ahead and go to your seller central dashboard and you’ll be able to hit get that news story. Is that something that you’d be interested in trying? You know there’s always been people out there who say, oh no, you know like I don’t want to Amazon to know where my suppliers, because they’re going to copy my products. Amazon doesn’t need to like know who our suppliers is going to copy our product. So I don’t think that’s the issue. But I know that’s maybe holding some of you guys back. So what about you? You going to use that. You know, check out Amazon’s rates here, All right. The next article here is also from your seller central dashboard and it’s entitled find small businesses using a small business search filter. So this is going to be on the buyer side, where they’re you know. You know how. If you have a small business badge, well now, buyers who are interested in this kind of thing, they’re going to have this filter, and I think in a lot of websites it’s already active, Like if you search coffin shelf. So if you scroll down the page in the coffin shelf, you can actually see here there’s a business type. All right, business type filter and then small business. So just another reason why you should make sure that your small business certification is still active on Amazon.

Bradley Sutton:

Next article is from CNBC and it’s entitled Walmart beefs off its third party marketplace as a challenges bigger online rival, Amazon, and there’s a lot of interesting things, facts and figures from this article that might encourage you about selling on the Walmart platform. It talks about the older or the Walmart seller conference that they had earlier this year, but it’s talking about what their plans are for this this Q4 and also some of the numbers that are encouraging. You know how Walmart had, kind of like a another prime day ish event. Well, if you notice here, it says more than half the items included in Walmart sales event that week they were from third party marketplace sellers. You know, you could have said that maybe two years ago, as most items were actually from Walmart itself. There’s a increase in year over year sales, as you can see from this graph those of you watching this on YouTube and sales, and it says about 70% of items, including in Walmart plus week, were marketplace items. So way more than than half actually. Now this article quoted the outside source saying that you know, while Amazon has about 1 million active sellers, Walmart has only about 100,000 right now. So obviously still way, way, way, you know, below Amazon and as far as the share in 2023 of e-commerce sales, Amazon has 37% and Walmart has about 6%. But that 6% is is it’s all time high. Just in 2016, it was at 2%. Now, remember another way that Walmart has an advantage over Amazon, as you can see from this article. It says they’ve got 4,600 stores across the country and those act as kind of like mini warehouses, with more than 50% of online orders fulfilled from the stores. All right, so you know. You might think, hey, well, Amazon has all those warehouses. Walmart has way more stores than Amazon has warehouses. So as Walmart expands the kind of delivery and storage at their stores, it could be a way for them to get even wider footprint than Amazon for delivery. But anyways, check out that article from CNBC. It’s kind of interesting, very encouraging. I have always recommended you guys, you know, if you’re into selling on Amazon, the USA, you should be selling on Walmart as well.

Bradley Sutton:

Now, next story here is actually from Amazon itself. But how many of you remember back in the day what was that show called? Who Wants to be a Millionaire? And it was like a quiz show, right? And then do you remember what would happen if you like didn’t know the answer? You had the opportunity to phone a friend. I think it was called, right. It was like with Regis Philbin, who was the host of that show. Anyways, Amazon now has something like that for buyers. So take a look at this article. It’s entitled. It’s not called phone a friend, but it’s an. It’s entitled Amazon introduces consult a friend a new mobile experience that lets you ask your friends for advice while you shop. So this hasn’t been live across the board. I’m curious if any of you have it. But basically what’s going on is you could be on a you know mobile listing and, instead of just having the button where you can just share a link with your friends, it actually opens up like a chat window where you could use your text message or other messaging apps and Collaborate live with you know, your selected friends about a product and get feedback. What do you think? Do you think this is going to help sales or do you think it could hurt it, like maybe you know one? One kind of logic could be that, well, Maybe something that somebody would just bought, no matter what, Maybe now they might not buy it because they’re gonna go ask their friends and maybe their friends don’t don’t reply right away. I’m not sure, but it’s kind of an interesting you know interesting thing and there’s gonna be buttons that that have to do with it and, like your friends are gonna be able to like vote if they like it.

Bradley Sutton:

You know multiple friends, so later this could be something that Drives more data points as far as what Amazon shows for keywords. So imagine somebody searched an Amazon for a certain keyword. They click this item. They have console friends. If somebody has a product where all their friends liked it, I would imagine that the Amazon algorithm is gonna work to maybe push that one up, as opposed to one where everybody all of your friends gave it a thumbs down. You know this is all still kind of speculation right now, but again, very interesting. Amazon is always trying to innovate on the buyer side and the things that it does on the buyer side Obviously affects us sellers. To what? What are your thoughts on this? One? Another article today coming from the verge, and it’s entitled Amazon Will now let you access crunchy rolls anime library right from prime video. So I’m not sure how many anime fans Japanese animation out there are like me. I have a crunchy roll account and this is not gonna be free, but you still pay, like the 799. But now you can do it from prime video. All right, so you can like cancel your crunchy roll account now.

Bradley Sutton:

There’s a couple reasons why I brought this up as an article. Number one it’s just another benefit of Amazon Prime, you know, and the more Amazon Prime customers there are, the or, the more sticky, the more tools that there are, you know, the more sticky they’re gonna be, you know, the better it is for us sellers. And I’m literally gonna do this because I can’t stand the crunchy roll app. You know I need to watch my spy family and demons layer and all my other animus that I watch. Crunchyroll sucks as a platform. Prime video it’s cool, like I don’t have a problem with prime video, so I’m definitely gonna be switching this.

Bradley Sutton:

But then also announced today at Amazon unboxed is and I don’t want to spoil it too much. Like I said, it’s gonna be talked about in Saturday’s episode, but we’re we’re gonna talk about how they’re. They’re putting advertising now out for like prime video. Now, does this count as prime video? It’s an outside service. I’m not sure you know how that’s gonna work, because I think the Amazon sponsored TV is is mainly gonna be for like Amazon shows and and things like that. But who knows, maybe now all of a sudden, you know, you might have some kind of like. You know trinket that weeps like, or people who like anime, and, and you could potentially target people who watch in the future Crunchyroll anime from Prime video. I’m not sure how that’s going to work, but again, this is cool to speculate on and cool to think about. Amazon is always adding things that eventually is going to trickle down to us Amazon sellers here. Last thing I want to bring up is you know, a couple of days ago here in New York we had our quarterly workshop for helium 10 elite members and it was a doozy, guys. We had a Leeron who gave you know, crate input on a lot of features in sellers central if you’re not using, and then we actually had an Amazon or a Helium 10 Elite member. She’s been on this podcast before.

Bradley Sutton:

Elizabeth. You know she sold over $20 million on Amazon. Now she is up to guys after her only third month on TikTok shop. She is doing a million dollars a month on TikTok shop and she, like, opened up her TikTok shop seller center account, broke down exactly how she does her sales and showed you know the group. They’re everything that they can do. We’re going to have that recording up. So I think elite might be open guys. It’s 3.99 a month. It would be worth. I’ll tell you right now. It would be worth it to like, sign up just for two months or one month just to be able to get the recording, this video. You’re like, I don’t I’ve never said that before. You know, we have quarterly workshops all the time. They’re all great, but this one literally could pay for itself just with you learning how to do TikTok shop. I mean, do you think you want to sell a million dollars a month on TikTok shop? I’m not saying that’s going to happen, guaranteed, but, um, it’s definitely possible because she’s doing it.

Bradley Sutton:

So, guys, go to H forward, slash elite or upgrade your account, just temporary, to elite. I’m not sure you still can. They might have closed it already. It was open for a couple of weeks. They might have closed it. If so, if you have no way to upgrade to elite, send a message to customer services. Hey, I heard Bradley in the weekly buzz says to sign up for elite and he said that you guys can help me push it through, even though it might be closed. But but find a way to sign up for elite. We’re going to have that recording up in about two or three weeks and, guys, it is a game changer to be selling on TikTok shop and she shows you exactly how to do it. All right, that’s it for the news today. Now, next up, you know we’re right in Q4. We have some really cool new ways in healing Tensa rebro, to do keyword research, looking at what your competitors are. You were ranking for maybe last Q4. You can do that now with just a couple of clicks. Carrie, show us how.


Today I want to show you a quick and easy way that you can find keywords that are going to be great for key 4, that maybe your competitors are Capitalizing on, that you have not really focused on at all yet. So I’m going to go ahead and just get into it and the first thing that you want to do is you want to log into your helium 10 account and you’re going to go to cerebro. So it’s under the tools bar. You’re going to go to cerebro here and this is what cerebro looks like and I’ve already pulled it up for us and this is our competitors ascent. Right here I want to take a look at the keywords that maybe they were capitalizing on during Q4 of last year and that maybe we were not taking a look at. The way that we do that is. We’re going to do that reverse ascent search and then I’m going to click on show historical trend and it’s going to show us the past 24 months of data. So this is all bar graphs of sponsored and organic keywords. Now I’m going to click on December of 2022, because I want to see what they were doing in December of 2022, and I’m going to click apply filters. This is going to show all of the keywords that they were ranking for, organic and sponsored during that time. So you can see there’s quite a big list here and I want to take a look at first maybe where they were in spots between ranking one and Maybe spot 20. Then I’m going to hit apply filters. This is going to show kind of the top keywords that they were potentially focused on, and so there’s still about 209 which I’m sure there’s a lot of great keywords that we’re missing in here that we can take advantage of.


But I want to see some kind of Q4 specific things for the holiday season. I’m going to look at gifts, gift Christmas. That’s what I’m going to kind of take a look at and see if we have some great keywords in here. It looks like we’ve got some great keywords, so goth gifts for home, goth that gives for women, goth gifts for women. So I’m going to take a look and see if we have any of these that we are indexing for. So I’m going to go to check index checker and it’s under tools and you’re going to click on index checker here and on index checker. I’ve already put our ASIN in here and I’m going to put in. I think it was. Let’s see here we have goth gifts for women and goth gift. Okay so goth gifts for women, goth Gift, let’s do another one. Let’s see here what else we have that has a good search volume. Let’s say, spooky gifts for women. Let’s see if we’re indexed for spooky gifts for women.


Okay so let’s go ahead and click index checker and we’re going to see if we’re even showing up in as Relevant for these keywords in Amazon. And it looks like we’re not showing for any of those. So that’s kind of not so great. We want to make sure that we have these keywords, you know, indexed so that we can start advertising on these keywords and we can start ranking organically for these keywords. So there’s probably quite a few keywords that we haven’t capitalized on During the holiday season that we need to focus on right now, and I think those are some of the greatest. I looked, I took a look at the historical search volume and some of those they might be, you know, a few hundred right now, but a lot of them go up to, you know, 15,000, 20,000 during the month of December. So there’s a lot of opportunity here to really capitalize on these keywords that maybe no one else is focusing on. So go ahead and check it out and let us know what you think.

Bradley Sutton:

All right, thank you very much for that, Carrie. So, guys, I’m not sure if that’s for platinum members, but at least for diamond members, maybe platinum members to you guys might have access to what she was showing you, so make sure to use that right away. Really important to be looking at the keywords here in Q4 from last year as opposed to just Looking at what’s going on right now. All right, guys, thank you so much for joining us. I’ve been away from the weekly buzz for a couple weeks, but it’s good to be back. I’ll be back next time to see what’s buzzing.

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Want to absolutely start crushing it on Amazon? Here are few carefully curated resources to get you started: 

  • Freedom Ticket: Taught by Amazon thought leader Kevin King, get A-Z Amazon strategies and techniques for establishing and solidifying your business. 
  • Helium 10: 30+ software tools to boost your entire sales pipeline from product research to customer communication and Amazon refund automation. Make running a successful Amazon or Walmart business easier with better data and insights. See what our customers have to say.
  • Helium 10 Chrome Extension: Verify your Amazon product idea and validate how lucrative it can be with over a dozen data metrics and profitability estimation. 
  • Trademarks are vital for protecting your Amazon brand from hijackers, and provides a streamlined process for helping you get one.

The Helium 10 Software Suite will allow you to gain an unfair advantage over your competitors as it was designed and battle-tested by Amazon's top sellers. So if you want more sales, more time, lower PPC costs, and if you want to discover hidden keywords your competitors don’t use then start using Helium 10 -- the same tools top Amazon sellers use on a daily basis.

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