#537 – Walmart Sales Growth Strategies From The World’s #1 Walmart Expert!

Video of the episode at the bottom
Have you heard the latest buzz about Walmart’s marketplace? It’s time to tune in as we chat with Michael Lebhar of SellCord, the brain behind the surge in sales for countless Walmart sellers. Our discussion is packed with strategies and insights, from exploring the alluring incentives for new sellers to the secrets of wielding the latest metrics to skyrocket your sales.
Imagine mastering the art of ad automation or creating a brand shop that takes your visibility to new heights; that’s exactly what we’re unpacking in this episode. Michael and Carrie dissect Helium 10’s Adtomic and its advanced features, designed to empower Walmart sellers with precision ad management. We’re also sizing up the impact of Walmart Brand Shops on your sales figures. The conversation then shifts gears to the nitty-gritty of search engine marketing (SEM) and how Walmart’s beta coupon program is shaking up the game – a potential goldmine for engaging customers.
But wait, there’s more! Are your listings primed to pull in buyers, or could they use a tactical tweak? We’re laying out a blueprint to boost your presence and sales on Walmart’s marketplace, emphasizing the vital role of high-converting keywords and how Walmart’s Fulfillment Services (WFS) and flash deals can be your ace in the hole. We wrap up by dishing out pro tips on navigating Walmart’s evolving landscape, from optimizing product categories for approval to the influence of title density on your Walmart listing’s performance. Walmart sellers, buckle up – this episode is your roadmap to conquering Walmart’s bustling bazaar.
In episode 537 of the Serious Sellers Podcast, Carrie and Michael discuss:
- 00:00 – Selling on Walmart With Helium 10
- 00:56 – Winning with Walmart Wednesday: Incentives for New Sellers
- 03:15 – New Features for Walmart Sellers
- 04:47 – Walmart Seller Center Updates and Strategies
- 07:05 – Walmart Brand Shops and Marketing Strategies
- 08:17 – Success of Search Engine Marketing Strategy
- 11:28 – Strategies for Boosting Walmart Sales
- 13:35 – Boosting Sales Strategies on Walmart
- 14:49 – Optimizing Walmart Marketplace Sales Strategies
- 19:30 – Effective Keyword Campaign Strategies
- 21:43 – Walmart Strategies and Tips for Sellers
- 23:48 – Amazon Seller Approval Guidelines Update
- 28:53 – Optimizing Walmart Listings for Success
Carrie Miller:
In today’s episode, we are going to be talking with Michael Lebhar about strategies that sellers can utilize to help grow their sales on Walmart, and we’re also going to be talking about some new metrics that Walmart has made available to sellers and how you can use them to your advantage. This and so much more on today’s episode.
Bradley Sutton:
How cool is that? Pretty cool, I think. If you guys would like to network with other Walmart sellers, make sure to join our brand new Facebook group called Helium 10 Winning with Walmart. You can actually just search for that on Facebook or you can actually go to h10.me/walmartgroup and you can go directly to that page. So make sure to join. You can tag me and Carrie with questions and ask questions of other Walmart sellers or even share your own experiences in that Facebook group.
Carrie Miller:
Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of the serious sellers podcast brought to you by Helium 10. My name is Carrie and I’m going to be your host today, and this is our Walmart Wednesday, where we go over all of the things Walmart and we answer your questions live and we give you any updates that have to do with Walmart. So we’ll go ahead and get into it. So today I do have a special guest that I’ll announce in just a minute and he is going to be great for answering questions and I will answer some as well. But before I get into that, I wanted to talk about some incentives that Walmart is having for new sellers. So if you have been considering selling on the Walmart platform and you haven’t pulled the trigger yet and you want to get into selling on Walmart, there is a really cool incentive right now. I’m going to put the link to this special deal because it’s not for everyone. You have to apply through our Helium 10 link. Basically, what it is is, if you apply through this Helium 10 special link, then you can get up to 100% of the referral fees taken off, basically for 90 days. So you won’t have to pay referral fees for literally up to 90 days, so actually up to 100% for 90 days. So the way that it works is basically everything that you do kind of unlocks something. So the first 50% off that you get off is you get 50% of the referral fees for just signing up and getting your products up and running, and then the 90 days start. Once you’re up and running, then you get another 20% off your referral fees if you start utilizing Walmart Fulfillment Services. So that’s WFS and you can enroll in that pretty easily. The next thing is you’ll get another 20% off for using Walmart Connect, which is the ads platform, so you can start advertising on Walmart. And then, finally, if you want to start automating with the repricer, you can. You get another 10% if you start using the repress repricer. So that adds up to 100% off of your referral fees. Now, not everybody’s going to use the repricer, so at least up to 90% off referral fees, which is absolutely incredible, such a good deal. So I will add that link in. So if you haven’t started selling on Walmart and you really want to get started selling on Walmart, definitely click that link and take advantage of that. And this goes for US sellers and international sellers. So they’re they’re allowing anyone who clicks that link, that is a seller on, or wants to sell on Walmart and gets accepted, you can have that great deal. So that’s great.
Carrie Miller:
And then the next thing helium 10. As you all know, we have Adtomic for Walmart, which is our ads program where we help you to manage your ads. It makes it a lot easier to manage your ads, and so we’ve added some rules and automations. You can now do day partying so you can advertise at certain parts of the day that are more profitable for you. You can add in bid rules. You can add a target, a cost max, impressions max, or you can create custom bid rules. So the new Add Tomic is absolutely incredible. If you want to book a demo, we’ll also put that link below as well, because you can book a demo with one of our Helium 10 Adtomic experts that can help you. Not only you know, show you how it works, but then get you up and running on that. With ads. It’s super easy. There’s so many automations that will help you to manage your Walmart ads. All right, so I’m going to go ahead and get into our special guest, because I think a lot of you are very excited to have him on and his name is Michael Lebhar, so I’m going to go ahead and bring him on. Hello, Michael. Hey, so Michael Lebhar is from SellCord and many of you have seen him on Walmart Wednesday and a lot of other podcasts. He’s been speaking, I pretty much all over the world, haven’t you? He’s been talking about selling on Walmart. He owns an agency called SellCord and he is doing really, really well on Walmart, has some products in stores, so we have a wealth of information available to us by just chatting with Michael. So thanks so much for joining us. What’s up Michael?
Thanks for having me here. It’s fun to be back.
Carrie Miller:
Yeah, yeah, you were on here last. It’s been, I think, a year since you’ve been on, so I’m very excited to have you back so I wanted to talk to you about a few things like new updates, and so we’ll talk about some updates with Walmart, and then I’m gonna also ask you about some strategies that you can give to sellers. So the first thing I want to talk about, though, is sales rank, because this is something that’s new. In the back of Walmart seller center, under search insights, you can actually see your sales rank for your product, and so I was wondering if you had any insights on how any Walmart sellers could utilize this information, or what you know, what you can do with that, or what you’ve been using it for for sure.
Yeah, that’s a pretty new data that Walmart started adding in and basically, if you go to your growth opportunities and you go into search insights, there’s actually a lot of helpful data there conversion rates, click rates, and they rank it kind of high, medium and low select you could have a good idea of how you compare against competitors in your category. But what you’re specific specifically regarding is Sales rank, and sales rank is a number that they basically rank how well you’re doing Compared to the other. You know your competitors in the space, so it’s pretty helpful number. I like seeing when we have also multiple items within certain categories, seeing how they rank against each other, how the search links against each other, and then you could see the difference in sales rank and obviously the difference in sales between those items. You could kind of gauge a little bit more on like the type of sales you should be expecting from other items. So I would definitely make sure to take a look at that. Look, go, look at the data and start getting more comfortable with it. As you know, time goes on, it’ll start becoming, you know they’ll start there again. It’s gonna start being more and more data there. So I would definitely take a look at that data and try to utilize it another thing.
Carrie Miller:
I mentioned this on our last Walmart Wednesday and that is that brand stores are now available. So I was wondering if you have started utilizing those, because I know you manage a lot of brands. Have you started creating brand stores and how are you utilizing them? What kind of success have you been seeing so far?
great question. Yeah, so brand stores been. You know We’ve been waiting for them for a while because there’s been brand store functionality for years. But you used to have to pay seventy, five thousand dollars, if I’m not mistaken, to get a brand store. Now it’s actually free. You just have to apply mom, not all brands get accepted to the most brands kind of that we’ve been applying. I’ve been getting accepted to the brand store. It’s through Walmart connect. So it’s through your Walmart connect account, you apply and you get access to there. There’s a few great reasons. Number one like on Walmart, the brand shows pretty prominently on top of the title. A lot of people click on there. They look at your expanded assortment. So you’re able to actually you know, you know, utilize it to bring all your items into that one link. A lot of times when you’re it’s just done by shelf and it’s not by your brand store, like you’ll see, random items that are you’re not your brand show up when you click on your brand. So it’s important to. That’s one great way. Number two is for advertising. You’re able to start sent. You’re able to send ads to certain shelves. Now, sending it to a shelf that just has items on it because of a filter and doesn’t. It’s not like a. A set shelf Through brand shops is way less effective. Also, you can’t have any banners and things like that, so we’ve been using a lot for advertising and that proves to be pretty effective. So, yeah, definitely exciting and there’s definitely a lot of Opportunity there. A tap into creating ban shops We’ve been creating a lot of them for brands over the past. What would say mainly like month and a half, two months.
Carrie Miller:
Awesome. Yeah, I think a lot of people have started to work on those, so I think that’s definitely a huge opportunity as well to not only get your sales for the one item but, you know, showcase all of your items and increase the court order court cart order value. The next thing I wanted to ask you about is the search engine marketing. It’s called SEM on the growth opportunities tab. How has that been working for you? What? What kinds of things have you been seeing with with SEM, or I guess they might call it Sem on the back end there. And, yeah, just go ahead and get some insights on that this was an interesting one because you know it’s.
If you know in the Amazon space like people use different providers to help send Google traffic to their Amazon listing To build rank, that’s essentially what this product is. It’s you could run Google ads from within though your Walmart account. So number one, your attribution is gonna be, you know, much more legitimate, obviously because it’s first-party data, so they know what converts. So like that’s really helpful. You know, I’m trying. I was trying to kind of see if there’s a difference in cost running gets through Walmart versus. So I’m trying to see a little bit about that. But yeah, so we long story short. In a lot of cases we haven’t seen success that. There’s been some cases where we’ve seen some good success with it. I wouldn’t say like any crazy results, but if we’re helping boost items that also have like lower ad relevancies and are having a little bit of hard time getting traction, like we’ve seen some decent success there. I would say, just because they’re giving away a lot of promos with that, like check your email, you probably got either like spend a thousand, get a thousand, spend 500, get 500, or even now yesterday I think I saw some clients got like spend 500, get 250 or something along those lines. So there’s a lot of you know I’m opportunities, or even you could see from there, like how you know how effective it is and then from there you could decide if you want further in it. I think it’s definitely worth what. It depends on the category. So, like I would say, you know, search on Google for, let’s say, you sell bikes, or turn Google for bikes and see, like what Google Shopping ads are coming up and if you feel like you’re right, fit well there and convert well there, based on your pricing and Based on your product type, like then there’s definitely opportunity there.
Carrie Miller:
What’s kind of interesting is. I remember you pointed out to me like two years ago that Walmart was actually doing this for us for free, and so we actually got a lot of traffic to our listings through those kind of Google ads and I noticed my sales picked up with the Google ads that they were doing for me for free. So I do think it’s definitely something that’s worthwhile to do, because it says Walmart comm under the Google shopping little ad and so people trust Walmart comm and it’s just a, I think, a higher conversion rate. For that reason I’m. Coupons can you tell me a little bit about coupons? I know they’re in beta and I know you have had access to coupons. What kind of success have you seen with those? And can you tell us just a little bit about the coupons that Walmart is testing out right now?
Yeah, so traditionally there’s really been no coupons on Walmart.com. Besides, for some in-store items was through a third-party provider. There was a couponing program that was very expensive for in-store brands and you should spend tens and tens of thousands of dollars to be part of it. That was the only couponing available on Walmart. Walmart recently rolled out couponing through Marketplace beta and it’s been in beta I think it’s already been a couple months and we’ve been having a lot of testing with it. I’ve started to become a really big fan of it. We’ve started seeing some really strong success there. Now, in some ways, obviously when you have a price cross-off it works better, but obviously with coupons, not everybody redeems, so you save a little bit there. But more importantly, the reason why we’ve been leveraging coupons is Walmart has these deal shelves that do a lot of volume, and very significant volume, In order to be able to be eligible for those deal shops deal pages that a lot of times want really good pricing, sometimes even better than Amazon. So if you’re going to provide pricing that’s better than Amazon, or even if it’s going to be good pricing but you just don’t want to bring down your Amazon, you’re okay, get bringing down your Walmart. You just don’t want to bring down your Amazon because your Amazon is doing a lot of volume. Whatever the case might be, you don’t want to lose your buy box on Amazon. One of the good ways to do that is through couponing, because it depends on who your account manager is and how well your relationship is with Walmart, but they do sometimes accept your items for that. So that’s been a one really cool way to leverage coupons and we’ve been seeing some success there.
Carrie Miller:
Okay, another one that’s in beta is subscribe, not subscribe and save. You said subscribe. So have you had some clients utilizing subscribe on Walmart? Has it been getting good traction? What do you think about subscribe?
I think it’s got ways to go. I think it’s really cool that there’s that functionality there now. I think in the beginning that we’re testing out subscribe and save and now it’s just unsubscribe. But there’s really, if you’re selling obviously consumables, anything consumables, but anything people repurchase often, it definitely makes a lot of sense. I think just the Walmart, it’s pretty prominent now and a lot of times it’s auto selected, so it’s like pretty prominent and I’ll talk to buy a lot of items. So we have been seeing some traction there. The issue is, I think the Walmart customer isn’t used to subscribing yet. So on Amazon they’re very used to subscribing. So I think it’s going to take some time till the Walmart customer really picks up on that. It doesn’t hurt to have it on there, obviously, but I think it’s going to take some time till the Walmart customer really picks up on the habit of subscribing and the convenience of it. So I think we got a little bit of time to go there, but it’s cool that it’s already built out.
Carrie Miller:
Yeah, sounds like coupons is giving better traction. Okay, so I have had a lot of questions from people recently about, you know, they’re starting up on Walmart and they’re kind of, you know, getting everything set up but they want to really, you know, be successful on the Walmart marketplace and they want to get sales going. So what are some strategies and what are some things that you would give advice to somebody who’s you know maybe just starting out on Walmart, or maybe they’re on Walmart and they haven’t had enough traction yet? Like, what are some sales strategies that you would recommend to them to boost their visibility and sales on Walmart?
Yeah, so I think there’s a few things and obviously it depends a lot on the type of items you sell and a whole bunch of other things, but some things that generally keep in mind is Walmart recently started releasing some data, which is extremely helpful. If you have Pacvue, you could actually see it on search insights on Pacvue. But there’s basically Walmart started releasing data through API on the Kinect side where it basically shows you every keyword on Walmart, from 1,000 to 300,000, what the keyword is, how high it ranks, right. So they’re not giving you search volume data, they’re giving you, if it’s one, it’s the most searched keyword, right, for example. And then what are the three top items converting getting the click share and the conversion share for those keywords and the way we you know, I think, when you’re coming to the platform and you’re in a new or seller coming to the platform, I think it’s really important to understand the shelves that have volume and the key word is the shelf. But like the shelves that have volume, and then what’s converting for those shelves and make sure like your product fits the characteristics of what’s currently converting there, because if not, like you’re right, you might be successful, but it’s hard to know. But if your product has the right features, as at the similar price points and maybe even more competitive, then you know there’s good opportunities there and I think you really have to tailor your approach a lot more to understand the shelves and their standards going on. That’s number one. Number two is, like, lean into the Walmart programs as fast, as quickly as possible, whether it’s WFS, whether it’s Walmart Connect, whether it’s work incentives working with Walmart, whether it’s, you know, flash deals, promotions. Like, really lean into those programs. They drive so much significant volume and it’s something that you know is. It’s one of the advantages of being a marketplace seller versus selling DSV on you know one P to Walmart. So, like you have a lot of those advantages, you might as well use them to your leverage.
And people always complain about and I hear this all the time the one P seller is in the store items. They’re on the top, ranked on the top and they get preference. The reality is that marketplace sellers have a lot of advantages that the one P sellers don’t. So if the marketplace sellers really tap into the advantages and I’ve seen the ones that do it but if they tap into Flash Deals, promotions, a lot more of those placements are marketplace right now. They’re not. Flash Deals is basically all marketplace, I think if not I’m not mistaken, it’s all marketplace. Mosaic’s are, especially during key times and events. It’s very heavily marketplace driven. A lot of the data and things you get is a lot more on the marketplace side than on the one-piece side. So there’s really a lot of programs that you could really lean into, especially with WFS. There’s so many things that if you do them, you put yourself at a better advantage. So yeah, I would just kind of strongly emphasize that.
Carrie Miller:
So you’re saying Walmart Connect is advertising and the Flash Deals not everybody has access to those. Can you maybe give some strategies to get those or what is needed in order to get access to Flash Deals?
So if you’re doing volume any decent significant volume it’s usually going to be added to your account. If it’s not and you’re doing a lot of volume, you can reach out to me and I can get it added to your account. But yeah, most cases if your account’s doing volume it’ll get added to your account. If not, you can open up a case and request that. I’m not sure if that works, but you can email me and I can try to get it added to your account.
Carrie Miller:
Is there a number of certain amount of volume, a year or a month, or what are they looking for?
So I’m not sure they don’t say it. I know there’s a number for that specific item to be eligible for Flash Picks. To actually do that it’s in the thousands. It’s not that much that it has to be doing in sales. It’s in the low thousands for it to be eligible for Flash Deals. But for the account itself, I’m not sure Because I have very small accounts that have it and I have sometimes bigger ones that don’t have it, that just have to request it. So yeah, I’m not sure exactly what the criteria is.
Carrie Miller:
All right, yeah, those are some good suggestions. Anything maybe on the optimization side, or like do you think? That the pro seller badge is really needed, like what are some other things people can do and focus on that they can control to get more sales.
Yeah. So I think items if you’re already an existing seller or if you’re coming on, like I think it’s important to pay attention to item spec 5.0. There’s been new updates in the Walmart guidelines for how items are listed. I was actually in the Walmart offices in Hoboken a few weeks ago and we were actually looking through listings that we managed and seeing how, like, once item spec 5.0 got implemented for listings that didn’t implement the changes, how, like slow performance kind of dropped off in some areas. So definitely learn those, pay attention to some of those, adjust your listings. You know, in Venezuela there’s no reason to wait until, like, you’re not just starting to not rank to make those changes. So I would definitely suggest that is one thing that you could control. I really pay attention to.
Carrie Miller:
All right. So what about keywords? So you said you know they’re basically ranked on there, but I know you know with Helium 10, we have kind of a search volume. You know, what kind of keywords do you recommend going after, like if something has you know 30,000 search volume or it’s like a high ranked volume, do you think people should go after those? Or should they go over after low hanging fruit keywords in their advertising, in their listing? Like, what’s your keyword strategy for marketplace sellers?
It’s a great question. So start off with getting as really figuring out your really high converting keywords and building campaigns around those. Because even though the volumes of those are so low, you really need to build ad relevancy on Walmart and you could try bidding on the main keywords. But it’s just so. Even if your item in a situation where your item would convert really well for a high volume keyword, you eventually want to target those because that’s where you’ll make sales. It’s too hard to make sales by the smaller keywords. If it’s a situation where the really large keyword, your item, doesn’t fit in well there, like then you know that shouldn’t be an item you’re focusing on. But in order to be able to bid effectively on those keywords, you need to start building some ad relevancy. So what you’d seen work best is like building some campaigns around a lot more targeted keywords and build some relevancy there and then from there, like when you start bidding on the main keywords, you’ll start being able to win them much easier and much better.
Carrie Miller:
Do you mean like long tail keywords, like, for example, like bookshelf, like you would say large green bookshelf and you would target that instead of just bookshelf?
Exactly, yeah, and with Walmart, like you don’t have to go even that long tail, like sometimes it’s even two words, right. So like a white bookshelf, a bookcase, a green bookcase, but things like that, and you’ll already have, you know, some volume there. That already allowed you to start converting.
Carrie Miller:
Another question for you about ads. Then I noticed whenever I’m shopping on Walmart I haven’t seen many people utilizing video ads. Do you know why that would be? You know? Do you think they’re really good converting tool for you know? Because I think they’re only a dollar and I think that’s pretty cheap for a lot of people who are moving over from Amazon, or like just a dollar or something. They’re not that expensive comparatively to Amazon. So I’m just curious why you think maybe there’s not as many video ads and what you think? You know how well you think they’re doing?
Yeah, so we’ve been having good success with video ads. It’s really great if you have good content about your product and there is good video, so to say, do about your product. You’re getting so much brand visibility and just for low costs. Like you said, the reason why it’s not in a lot of categories is, for the most part, it’s usually people not bidding on it. Like you have to accept the video ads and most people are just not doing it. So a lot of times, like we’ll see really good success there, then some competitors start the video ads because we’re doing it and then it starts becoming not as economical. But in the beginning you could get some good boost out of it.
Carrie Miller:
Any other strategies or anything that maybe I haven’t covered, that you wanted to talk about in this?
I think that’s good. I think just pay really close attention to the updates and things that are coming out from Walmart, like if you’re pretty quick to jump on those, you know some of those programs could help move the needle. So and just plan a lot around promotions. Like there’s a lot of leverage with promotions. Like try to plan properly around how to position your promotions. It’s a longer conversation but there’s a lot to unpack there. So definitely try to have a better eye for the promotional angle.
Carrie Miller:
I did see like Black Friday it came up pretty quickly. Is that kind of how Walmart works? Is like the deals come out pretty quickly, you have to move fast and say you want to do them, or is there a planning process for them?
There’s a planning process. If you have an account manager, like holiday deals get planned way in advance, but there’s also like the prime equivalent event that they do around prime things. So like definitely want to plan ahead with your account manager and ask them if there’s any opportunities for your items to fit into any of their promotions and see if there’s any opportunities there.
Carrie Miller:
Okay, all right. So we’ve got a question from Lady and the Storm. How long is the process to get approved?
To sell on Walmart. It could either happen right away, it could either take a few days, it could either be a denial. So you know it really depends on. But if you really, if you fill out your information properly and you double check it all and you fill out your information properly and all the paperwork and everything matches up and you’re, you know it looks like you have a decent Amazon store, like you know, you shouldn’t have a problem getting accepted unless you have, like another application before. And most people, by the way, that come to us with like a non accept, like denied accounts, it’s usually like they have another, they have another, they have another account they tried opening. It’s linked on the email, there’s that to like all these bunch of things. But just, I think it’s very important to make sure you really think through your application, make sure that you know you have everything filled out and if you already tried applying in the past, like reach out about it rather than opening up another application, it’ll just get both your applications, yeah you can reach out to sell cord.
Carrie Miller:
Michael does has helped some people that have gotten rejected. That I’ve sent over to him. So reach out to them if you do have some issues with that. And also have they kind of loosened the guidelines on? You know, do you have to be an established seller still? Or I’ve seen some people who, like maybe started a new brand and then they applied and they got accepted. Is that the kind of the norm or is that just kind of like? They got kind of passed through and they got lucky.
No, so they’re starting to accept like newer, smaller sellers. It depends a lot on the products you sell and you know it goes there. It goes under different teams based on the main category that you’re under. So you know there’s definitely there is there. There changes a little bit but for the most part we started seeing new small applications get approved.
Carrie Miller:
So it is dependent on the category. So that’s a good thing to note. Okay, next one from Lynn how to manage Amazon PPC. Okay, so we’re not doing Amazon. See, for example, how to add negative keywords in Walmart. So okay, so I’m going to try to sit rephrase this, maybe in Walmart terms, because this we’re not talking about Amazon in this one, but how to manage Amazon or Walmart PPC. The platform is different from Amazon. For example, how to add negative keyword in Walmart Seller Center.
Yeah, so Walmart Seller Center doesn’t have negative targeting yet they’re adding it so that they’re adding that there’s new things that came like conquesting ads and stuff like that, so there is newer things for targeting. But, yeah, negative is gonna come soon.
Carrie Miller:
Yeah they said it was on the road map. So yeah. Alright. Next lady in a storm asks how long do you have to ship your items?
So it depends on how you fill out your shipping template. So you just have to whatever you fill out in your shipping templates, like that’s what you have to when you have to meet. So if you fill out two days, you’re gonna have to make sure it’s two days. It’s a fill out one day. So it depends how you manage your shipping templates. I think there’s a minimum. There’s like a maximum, though I’m not exactly sure what that is.
Carrie Miller:
But I think it’s seven days. This is the max. Can you analyze wholesale for sales data in competition with helium 10? You can with x-ray. So you can, you know, find the products that you want to sell and you can actually Utilize x-ray to look at sales. So that’s a great way to do it, mostly. And then also, you know, you can also look at the sales rank as well in the back end of seller center. You can utilize that information and then any information that you get, like if you have Pacvue or using kind of a software To help you to run your ads. You can see some more data in there that way, but I would say mostly x-ray for helium 10, go ahead and go to the, the main page for the price that you’re selling, and then pull, pull our Chrome extension and it’ll show you the sales data there. Um, okay, is tied? Janak Ranchod said is title density as relevant to Walmart listings compared to Amazon listings?
Yeah, so I’m not sure exactly what it’s meant by that, but Title Density on Helium 10 is basically Keyword phrases on Amazon.
Carrie Miller:
So if you, for example, green bookshelf and you wanted to target green bookshelf but if, like 50 competitors on page one have green bookshelf in their title, it’s gonna be really competitive. However, if that phrase you see that maybe only one or two have just that same exact phrase, then you can actually rank for it a lot easier on Amazon. So it’s basically like the exact phrase form and how many competitors have that exact phrase in their title.
Yeah. So I have a different approach when it comes to ranking on Walmart and you know everybody’s got their own opinions. But my approach for ranking on Walmart is more about you have to find the keywords that have the most volume and then, based on the most volume, you have to then analyze who’s taking the conversion share of those keywords and then understand their product, their price points and, if you’re on the features around their product, if your product Matches up well enough to their product, meaning you’re just as you have just as much features, your item is just as good, if not better, and your price points competitive enough. That’s what you want to target because you know if you get there you’ll convert and you’re gonna have to check their PDP and make sure like your PDP is better and all that kind of stuff. But the problem is, if you’re focusing on, if you do all that research, but you’re focusing on key on items, on keywords, that the items that converting in the shelf, you’re not gonna, you’re not gonna match on, you’re not gonna match one next to it, doesn’t matter if you rank, you’re just gonna start de-ranking because Walmart’s so heavily based on conversion rates. So I that’s kind of our approach to it, and also because the Significant keywords are the only ones that drive legitimate volume, like there is some volume done from other keywords but it’s usually not significant enough loose is asking Do you recommend to start Walmart even when just started on Amazon? I would say it depends on their products, your storemen and a little bit of more about your company. But as a whole, usually not usually, I would say like build your brand, build a little bit of your capabilities off of Amazon. It’s gonna be hard to tackle both at the same time and then start with that.
Carrie Miller:
So you think starting on Amazon first is a good idea, and then yeah. Okay, the next one. Jenak asked. I hope I’m saying your name right, Jenak. Jenak, can you simply copy your Amazon listings to create your Walmart listings?
You shouldn’t. That’s a big no-no. You should Rewrite your listings like you can use the same core of information. You should rewrite your titles, descriptions, key features, to be optimized based on Walmart style guide. So number one, the keywords that you care about, are going to be different. Walmart wants shorter titles, they want different style, descriptions, key features. So for the most part, all that’s different. So you really that’s kind of the biggest Task is to just make sure you’re optimized specifically for Walmart.
Carrie Miller:
Yeah, I think it actually kind of hinders you on your listing quality score when you do that. So yeah, Lynn asks are you going to host a Walmart PPC management session? We really need it. I think we can arrange that in the in the near future. So we’ll definitely work on that and if you haven’t joined our one winning with Walmart group, that’s probably where we’ll do it. So make sure you’re in our helium 10 winning with Walmart group if you want to do that. Alright, it looks like we’ve come to an end of the questions. I think that we had a lot of great information. Oh, we got another question. I will put this one up here. Let’s see here. Mr. Kamal says how much revenue Should you have on Amazon to consider yourself to move to Walmart?
So I mean, the revenue number is a hard thing because it depends on your Category and the type of items you sell and how competitive is on Walmart versus how well you’re doing on Amazon. A lot of times, if you really started tapping on your Amazon and then definitely make sense to spend one by once, you already have some traction and you have a good hold. You have good products, like you know, I would I mean, we’re a big fan of Walmart’s a lot of times will tell people to start pretty early on. So it’s just, I think, less about revenue numbers because it’s so dependable based on different brands. I think what what’s important to understand is like do you have good enough products that are? You know? You feel like you know you could move properly on Walmart. Is enough volume for them on Walmart? And what is that? What is what type of a volume are you looking for it to be worthwhile for you to kind of take on the endeavor? And then you know, yeah, and, and based on that you could really analyze, okay, are you ready to move, and what that would look like and just expand not move, but expand.
Carrie Miller:
All right, it looks like we’ve come to an end of the questions. Thank you everyone for joining and for just, you know, interacting and asking all these great questions throughout. And thanks again, Michael, for joining us. I know it’s been a while since you’ve been on and I’m really happy that you were able to answer a lot of these questions for us. So thanks again and we will see you all again next month. We’ll have another guest for Winning with Walmart Wednesday, and we’ll see you then. Bye, everyone.
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