#523 – Using Amazon Brand Analytics Data Like You Never Have Before!

Video of the episode at the bottom
Listen in as Bradley Sutton unveils the game-changing Black Box Brand Analytics tool, a groundbreaking resource that blends Amazon’s Brand Analytics with Helium 10’s robust capabilities. This episode is a gold mine for Amazon sellers eager to master product research and optimize their keywords to increase Amazon product rankings. Bradley walks you through the ins and outs of using the tool to pinpoint high-traffic keywords, unpack the nuances of search frequency rank, and demonstrate how these insights can drastically improve your click and conversion rates. Using practical examples, such as the comparison between “coffin decor” and “coffin cat tree,” he highlights the market saturation and what it means for your marketing strategies and listing optimization.
In the second part of our session, we turn our attention to the strategic application of data filters for laser-focused keyword research. Bradley guides you through advanced techniques to navigate through the data, revealing how to eliminate certain terms and hone in on keywords with substantial search volumes. Moreover, we shed light on how to identify products with low conversion rates and dissect the competition by examining click share and conversion share metrics. We also dive into analyzing Amazon’s Best Sellers Rank to identify high-performing products and dissect the success factors driving traffic to top listings. By listening to this episode, you’ll gain valuable insights into market gaps and learn how to strategically position your products to stand out in the crowded Amazon marketplace.
In episode 523 of the Serious Sellers Podcast, Bradley discusses:
- 00:00 – Introducing Black Box and Brand Analytics inside Helium 10
- 05:03 – Click Rates and Sales Dominance Analysis
- 08:44 – Data Filters for Targeted Keyword Research
- 12:34 – Searching for Dominating ASINs and Keywords
- 21:41 – Analyzing Top Clicked Keywords for Competitors
- 25:16 – Newer Home and Kitchen Products
- 30:19 – Keyword Analysis for New Product Launch
- 35:08 – Helium 10 Demo
Bradley Sutton:
Today I’m introducing a brand new, really cool tool to Helium 10. It’s called Blackbox Brand Analytics and it allows you to combine Amazon data from Brand Analytics with Helium 10 data in ways that you have never used before. How cool is that? Pretty cool, I think. I want to know what keywords are driving the most sales. For a list of keywords. To do that, you need to know what highly searched for keywords the product is ranking for maybe at the top of page one. You can actually find that out in seconds by using Helium 10’s keyword research tool, cerebro. Now, that’s just one of the many, many functions that make this tool my favorite tool in the whole suite, and it’s the most powerful keyword research tool ever created for e-commerce sellers. For more information, go to h10.me/cerebro. Don’t forget to use the Serious Sellers Podcast discount coupon SSP10.
Bradley Sutton:
Hello everybody and welcome to another episode of the Serious Sellers Podcast by Helium 10. I’m your host, Bradley Sutton, and this is the show. That is our monthly Ask Me Anything and training session. This is actually something that we do every single week for our Serious Sellers Club and Helium 10 Elite members. I got a cool demo I’m going to be doing today a little mini training on a brand new tool that Helium 10 launched a couple of weeks ago that maybe you haven’t had a chance to play with yet. So we’re going to be demoing that so that you guys can see how you can get benefit from it. So let me show my screen here. This is brand analytics. All right, so this is not Helium 10. Obviously, this is from Seller Central, but this is something that you guys have been using maybe for years, right, it’s? Anybody with brand registry can use it. The way you access it is go to your menu in Seller Central, then you go to Brands and then you go to Brand Analytics and then you want to hit, under Search Analytics, the top search terms.
Bradley Sutton:
Now how I’ve been using this, how sellers have been using this the one, the version that’s on Amazon, is you can go to a date range, like weekly, you can go monthly, you can go quarterly, and then let’s say, first of all, that you want to see all of the keywords that start with the word coffin. Right, like hey, what keywords have coffin in it that was searched for the most? So here is one use case. All right, so I’m going to hit Refine Results after I put coffin inside the search term and then now all of the keywords that were searched the most on Amazon show up here for this week. Let’s start with the word coffin. So we see, here we’ve got coffin nails tips, a lot of stuff that has to do with nails. Right, search frequency rank is how often it has been searched compared to other keywords. There we go. There’s coffin shelf all right, c coffin shelf has been searched for is the 129,000th most search term on Amazon for the week of 1217 to 1214,. All right, you can see other other keywords here that have come up Now. This is great. Obviously, you know it’s been out for a little over three years almost four years I think and it gave unprecedented at the time information you know, like, for example, let’s take that word coffin shelf. Or let’s go into a different one, let’s go to coffin decor all right. So now if I see here under coffin decor, I can see the top three clicked. All right. So again, if you guys know this, you know you might be bored right now, don’t worry, we’re going to get into the new stuff soon, but I want to make sure everybody understands the value of this data.
Bradley Sutton:
First of all, what Amazon is telling you is, for whatever keyword, here are the top three clicked out of the after the search of a certain keyword. So if somebody searched coffin decor, the product that was clicked more than any other product in all of Amazon after the search of that keyword is this Gothic wooden makeup organizer. All right, and it makes up 5% of the clicks. Now, of the conversion share, it was 6%. That means of the actual sales of that product it makes up 6%. So, right off the bat, I know that they have a better conversion rate than just the average because, theoretically speaking, if they were converting at the same rate as everybody else on this page, well, their click share, or their conversion share, should be about the same as their click share should be 5%. Right, but it’s 6%, okay.
Bradley Sutton:
The other thing I can do when I look at this and how I used to use this is I, right off the bat, can tell this is a wide open keyword. Why the top clicked product is only 5%, meaning that the other top clicked, the top three clicked, are less than 5%. What does that mean? That means that more than 85% of all of the sales from this keyword are from products that weren’t even the top three clicked. Does that make sense, guys? That means it’s wide open. That means people are probably purchasing like 30 different products on that page, and let me just contrast that with this keyword right here. This is actually the keyword that I found the other day using this tool. Look at this keyword here Coffin Cat Tree. Now, coffin Cat Tree. Take a look at the percentage of clicks that the top clicked product has 33%. You guys remember what the other one was 5%, right. The second top clicked product 27%. So, right off the bat, I know that this keyword, coffin Cat Tree the top two clicked products, already make up more than 50% of the clicks out of all the clicks on this keyword. Look at the conversion rate 33% for this top clicked one and 11%. That means that the other products on the page are only making up about 60%. You guys remember what it was on the other one it was more than 90%, all right, so you see the huge difference. So this is being dominated by a certain number of products.
Bradley Sutton:
The other thing that you could use brand analytics for is your historical data. Before Helium 10 had the historical cerebro, this was the only way that you could do historical research Like let’s say, all right, hey, valentine’s Day is coming up, right. What’s interesting is I can actually look at what were the top keywords, and maybe I want to put valentines here. So here in brand analytics, I’m going to. What did I say I was going to look at 12th to February 18th. What were the top keywords? That has to do with valentines, all right. And yeah, I think I picked the right date because, look at these, valentine’s Day gifts was the eighth most searched term in all of Amazon for the week of February 12th. So obviously this was a hot keyword. But if I were to try and do this right now, you know, if I was using not historical cerebro, it’s not going to give me what are the best selling Valentine’s products, because nobody’s buying Valentine’s Gifts in December, right. So this is was one of the ways that people could do Historical keyword research and see what were the products that were doing well, right, all right.
Bradley Sutton:
Now that brings us to this announcement of this new tool inside of helium 10,. All right, I want everybody to navigate with me there. It’s going to be under tools and then go to black box. All right, black box is a tool you guys know and love to find products, and now this tool Is in black box, and there is a new Tool here called a BA top search terms so I call this black box brand analytics. All right, a BA is just a abbreviation, because that’s too long. A BA stands for Amazon brand analytics, so just click that and let me explain how this tool works and why this is going to be beneficial for you.
Bradley Sutton:
This is going to be pretty awesome, guys, because this is pulling in all of that data from Amazon, and now it’s combining it with the helium 10 data points that you already know and love, and it’s giving you just a lot more targeted filtering ability and research capabilities. For example, I could just use it the same way that I was using it right now. Right, like again, hey, let me go in to the week of February 12th to the 18th and let me See what keywords that have the word Valentine in it, and then go ahead and apply the filters, and there those same keywords are coming up here right now. All of a sudden, though, I can see that, hey, what does being the eighth most search term mean? Right, it’s not just that, which doesn’t give me that much information, but now I can see, oh wow, the search volume was 2 million, because that’s a Helium 10 Data point.
Bradley Sutton:
All right, I could see the top three ASINs, total conversions, share. I could see pictures of the top products All right, and I could also go to the history of the click share for this product. So I can do already just what current things that you can already do in Brandon Alex. But here’s where it starts getting cool. Maybe I I’m like, hey, I want to Not see any keyword that has candy in it. So I’m gonna say exclude phrases containing candy, all right. Now I want to see. Maybe I want to see were there any products or Were there any keywords where the current the click share was wide open, meaning that people were clicking all over page one. There wasn’t any dominant products. So I’m gonna say the top three ASIN total click share is a maximum of if I were to add them up together, a maximum of 20%. Let’s just say, all right, maybe I want to see I don’t want to see this two word Keywords. I want to say, hey, show me any keyword that hits this but that actually had three words. So like Valentine’s Day wouldn’t come up, but Valentine’s Day gifts would come up, all right, what else can I do? Hey, I want to see the keywords that have a search volume of at least 20,000. All right, a search volume of at least 20,000? All right, let’s just. Let’s just see how that filters it down here.
Bradley Sutton:
Now, all of a sudden, those 2,600 keywords Go down to 36. Look at that. I went from 2,600 to 36 and now I can see Instant information, exactly what I was looking for. What are some other things I could search by? Like maybe I want to say, hey, what are all the the keywords where the top three products had bad conversion rate? All right, so let me reset these filters on and I’m gonna go and look at Just this last week. All right, guys, I have not tested any of this, I’m doing this all live right on the fly here. But let’s look at December 10th through the 16th. Let’s just say, out of any of the top keywords from December 10th to the 16th, if it was a keyword that had, let’s just say, at least, let’s just, let’s just narrow it down. Let’s try and find some low-hanging fruit. Let’s go 2000 search volume to 6,000 search volume. All right, we’re finding, from the week of the 10th through the 16th, a Keyword that had between 2000 and 6000 search volume. It’s at least two words long, okay.
Bradley Sutton:
And then look at this. I’m gonna go hey, I want a Matt. Let’s just say One asin had greater than, hmm, let’s just say, 50% of the clicks. So I want to find a keyword where one asin is just dominating. All right, they were just dominate. I’m not sure if, you know, I can actually find something here. I might have to fix this a little bit, but we’re one what had more than 50% of the clicks, meaning that you know, maybe they’re, they’re, they’re just completely Dominating the clicks. Everybody’s looking for this one product, all right. But if I take, look at this, the top three click asins, the average age is less than, let’s just say, 12 months. All right, this is crazy, guys. You can’t do this in seller central. Let me see, first of all, if anything comes up. I might have gone too narrow on this. Let’s take a look here. And let’s go 12 months average age 94 keywords come up. Look at that. All right, let me. Let me make it even more narrow conversion share let’s just say we’re one asin. Number of asin has greater than 40% of the conversions. That narrows it down to 62 keywords.
Bradley Sutton:
Now let’s just take a look at it now. Obviously, we’ve got Lego and stuff like that here, but Is there anything One? So a lot of brand names here? Okay, that that that explains it, right? Which would you expect Products to dominate on a certain keyword like this? Well, obviously, it’s going to be brand branded keywords. Mostly, if I’m searching for a Lego, I’m not gonna buy something else, right? Or here here. But look at this bubble face wash, right? Maybe I don’t know what bubble face wash is. Well, I just put my mouse over here. I can see the top 10 products. So I’m like what? Why in the world is A Product getting dominated? Well, it does look like bubble is a brand name, which I didn’t realize, right? But let’s say that. What? Let’s pretend that bubble wasn’t a brand name? This would be something I would want to look into. Like, wow, there’s only one product that’s really getting a lot of sales here and a lot of conversion rate, and so that means that if I add another product, it’s gonna be that much more likely that I can, I can get in on the action.
Bradley Sutton:
Let’s take a look at some of the other keywords that come up here to see if we can see any non, any non branded branded ones I might want. I might want to go a little bit. I’m gonna go a little bit wider on this. All right, let’s go. One asin had more than 30% and the top three ASIN’s total review count is less than 400. All right, again, this is stuff that you cannot do in Seller Essential guys. But what I’m saying is, hey, I wanna see where it has a lot of the clicks. I need to go a little bit wider on this, but if I add up the top three click products, their total review count is less than 400, meaning it’s a relatively newer niche. Let’s take a look at the keywords that come up here Bassinet, lipliner, and I’m still seeing a lot of branded keywords here. All right, which is what you would expect, but look at these conversion share Top three ASIN’s total conversion share 70% for this one Top ASIN click share 73%, 98%, 46%, 30%. So this is just an example of the filters that I’m entering, but you can see the potential here of how you can instantly find keywords that might have opportunity here. I was going and I was looking on the opposite end of the spectrum, where I wanna see where one or two products are dominating. Maybe I wanna see the opposite, where I want to see the top products only have a maximum of 5% click share or conversion share.
Bradley Sutton:
The list goes on and on. There’s literally a million different combinations of filters that you could enter into here. Let’s just go over some of these other filters I could use. I could have an exclude phrases. I can have the top three ASINs have a total click share with a minimum and maximum total conversion share, minimum and maximum search frequency rank. That’s from Amazon where it’s like which rank of search volume does it have? I could use the helium 10 search volume. I can have the search frequency rank trend. All right, search volume trend. Like, let’s say it’s, I’m looking at the week list on helium 10. Let’s actually do that because I think that’s a cool one. Maybe I want to see what are the keywords from week to week from December 10th through December 16th. Are there any keywords with at least 5,000 searches that increased 200% and that had at least three words, meaning that, hey, these keywords had to have like less than 2,000 search volume if it increased? And there’s tons of them. Good grief, botox face serum look at that. Botox face serum went up. Let’s take a look at the search volume here. Good grief, look at this. Like I’m not saying guys, go and source this product. But would I ever have known that Botox face serum went in one week from 10,000 search volume to 200,000 search volume? That’s way more than 200% increase.
Bradley Sutton:
Look at this one gag gifts adults, dog beds for large dogs Dog beds for large dogs obviously was a hot Christmas product because it went to 151,000 search volume from 22,000 search volume. All right, let’s narrow this down. I don’t want to see these humongous ones. Let’s go to 5,000 to 15,000 search volume. Anything that increased 200%. Let’s take a look. We’ve got 1,200 keywords. Grippy socks, women all right, grippy socks, women is a keyword that went from and we can take a look here. It went from last month 9,000, now it’s up to 14,000 searches. Let’s see another one here, mr and Mrs Gifts. All right, 14,000 searches. It is up from 6,000 searches, all right. So, as you can see, guys, here the possibilities are endless as far as what you want to play with. Now, the question is this is just version one of this tool is what do you want to see? How do you want to search brand analytics to find products or to find keywords? Remember, this is not just a product research, but this is also a keyword research. You can enter I didn’t show this to you, but you can enter in an ASIN. I probably should show that, because that’s an important way of using the tool that we didn’t go at all.
Bradley Sutton:
Let’s just go to Amazon. I’m gonna go to Amazon and let’s just say that I am looking for a bat shelf. All right, or I’m thinking of selling in the bat shelf, or I am selling a bat shelf and so I wanna see, hey, who’s one of the top players in this niche and I could see that, hey, this product here is definitely a top one, so I can copy his ASIN, all right. Now I’m gonna go into Black Box brand analytics and I can paste that here. Okay, and I don’t wanna just do this top one, maybe, I wanna do a lot of the top products. So let’s just take a couple more of these bat shelves here, all right. Here’s another bat shelf that sold like 100 units. Maybe let’s go ahead and copy that. I can actually put up to 99 different ASINs here, all right, let’s do another one. Let’s copy this ASIN, all right. So here’s three ASINs. So basically, what I’m saying is here for the week of December 10th through the December 16th.
Bradley Sutton:
Show me any keyword that has over 500 search volume where one of these three bat shelves was one of the top three clicked. All right, so this isn’t just hey, they were ranking high, which is what’s the rebro, and you know keyword tracker and tools like that tell you. But they were ranking high, but they were also one of the top three clicked and there’s actually only three keywords that these came up that had at least 500 search volume. Bat shelf, goth shelf and bath home decor Tells me right now. Maybe I wanna go ahead and take off this search volume. Let’s go ahead and apply the filters, see if any lower search volume ones come up. Six keywords come up. All right, emo home decor, bat shelves. Plural, bat room decor. All right, so this tells me now where any of my competitors were one of the top three clicked products in all of Amazon for that keyword. So if I have 20 competitors, I drop them all in there and I would instantly I would instantly see that to see where they were one of the top. All right, let’s go ahead and open it up right now.
Bradley Sutton:
Do you guys have any questions on how to use this tool and what I can help you with or how to use anything helium-tun related. Guys, this is your time here. David says I would like to see leave out a specific ASIN or choose a competitor. Hmm, the second part, to choose a competitor we have that, so you could put in there your ASIN. I would assume, david, the exclude is because you may. Are you saying that you maybe you want to look specifically at keywords, that you are not one of the top three clicked already? And if that’s true, yeah, that would seem like a reasonable, reasonable request right there.
Bradley Sutton:
We got another question here from Joanna. Can helium 10 find out what’s new sellers who are settling the top 10 and best sellers ranking are doing in order to get their Product the top 10 so fast? Well, yeah, absolutely, you could see on the keyword side, all right, so so I don’t, I’ve never done that, but let’s walk through this and let’s see if we can do it. All right, let’s go ahead, joanna, and let’s do this as a nice little case study. So let’s, first of all, I’ll go to see who is in the top 10 BSR in a certain category and then again that’s in black box. So I’m gonna go this time to black box products, all right, and let’s go into a, a subcategory All right, let’s go in the home and kitchen category and let’s go into the Kitchen and dining category and let’s go bakeware All right.
Bradley Sutton:
So let’s go bakeware and let’s just see who has been in the top 100, like in the last month in BSR. And I can do that right here using the filters, where I put a minimum one of BSR and Maximum 100, and I’m in the bakeware category, I go ahead and hit search. Let’s go a little bit higher. Instead of looking at that category, let’s look at what was I in home and kitchen. We can just look in all of home and kitchen. Let’s see. They better not be doing maintenance on this. Let me get mad. Nope, the here we got, we got tons of products in the home and kitchen category, all right. So maybe I want to know are there any products that are newer here? All right, and we do that by age, all right. So let’s, let’s go and put here under age a maximum Of, let’s just say, four months. Are there anybody within one to 100 of BSR that have a product that’s only four months or less? And we’ve got a lot of products here that have variations. So that’s why there’s tons of products coming up here, let’s see, that has a lot less reviews. I actually don’t want. I actually don’t want the variations to come up. So let’s just say max variation one, let’s see if anything comes up at all. Nothing comes up in the home and kitchen category. So what you were asking nobody in the home and kitchen is less than four months old. That doesn’t have variation.
Bradley Sutton:
So let’s let’s check out another, let’s check out another category here. Let’s go under. Let’s look up baby, let’s look up beauty, let’s look up the Entity of home and kitchen. Here we go. Is there anybody? That’s a new product that’s up. So right now, Joanna, there’s not many products that are newer, that are really hitting your criteria. But let’s just, let’s just expand this out and just do a make-believe. Let’s go to 1000 BSR or 2000 BSR and let’s see if anything comes up. Here we go, sorry. So here is a product. Let’s just take a look at one of these products strong ahead Hair kit. The heck is this.
Bradley Sutton:
Let’s take a look at this product on Amazon Strong ahead hair kit. I have no idea what this product is, but it’s fairly new. It’s less than four months old and it’s already got a strong BSR. So if I wanted to see instantly what was some of the keyword ways that this product is getting up here, I could actually just run Xray keywords on this page itself, all right. So if I’m on an Amazon page, I put my mouse over the Helium-10 chrome extension and Select x-ray keywords and then I could see, without even having to go into Cerebro, what were the top searches, and I can see there’s tons of branded searches. So for this product, now I know instantly why is it one of the top BSRs and it’s a brand new product, and the reason is they have crazy amounts of brand search. Like, look at this Olaplex brand search 232,000 search volume Right.
Bradley Sutton:
So this is the process, Joanna. Any product on Amazon that you are seeing is doing really well and it’s brand new, maybe doesn’t have that many reviews. Just run x-ray keywords on it. If you wanna go a little bit deeper, go into Cerebro and then you’ll find out where they are at least getting their organic and sponsored traffic, all right. So this is this doesn’t show you the sponsored traffic on x-ray keywords. You’d have to look into Cerebro for that, but that’s not going to tell you. Are they running Instagram traffic to it, et cetera, but it’ll at least give you a nice overview of where their organic traffic is coming from. That allows them to be one of the top sellers. So thank you for that question. Joanna Danian says how does this match up to competitor software using brand analytics data? Well, there’s no competitors to Helium 10 that have this as far as, like all in one suites of tools, we’re the only ones to have this in it.
Bradley Sutton:
Joanna now has a product, so this is the product that Joanna found. It’s not selling that great. This is a top BSR, did you say. Let’s take a look at their BSR, if it even says anything. So it is the number 33 in the Garment Steamer category right now. Okay, there we go number 33 in Garment Steamer category. Let’s take a look here. What are we going? How old is this listing? Let’s take a look at the BSR chart history and I could see that it has only been out for three days. All right, it’s only been out for three days, so the odds that we could see words ranking for already is probably slim to none, because there’s not enough time if this product has only been out for three days. But let’s just give it a try. I don’t think anything is going to come out here because this is too brand new Like even brand analytics is more than three days old. So brand analytics I’m not even going to look, because brand analytics is usually one week behind a little bit. So when I would check this, joanna is, I would check this next week, once the data comes out. But let’s just see if Helium 10 has any data at all for this keyword, even though it was only launched three days ago. Oh, my goodness man, helium 10 is on it We’ve got.
Bradley Sutton:
Let’s take a look at keywords where they’re ranking in the top 20 and at least 300 search volume. Might not be too many here because, again, this product was just launched three days ago, but there we go, it’s already ranking for 30 keywords in the top half of the page. So right here, look at this Travel steamer for clothes, portable mini. Good grief, that is a long tail keyword if I ever saw one. It already has 10,000 search volume and this product is organic rank 13. And look at their sponsored rank. They were one. So they are going hard and heavy on this brand new keyword and sponsored. So there you go.
Bradley Sutton:
I was kind of like selling Helium 10 short, saying that we wouldn’t have any data since this product was just launched three days ago. Nope, I’m wrong. Helium 10, one Bradley, zero here. Easy to see where this product is getting sales from, because on a 10,000 search volume they’re bidding for top of search and they’re already ranking number 13. All right, so there you have it. That’s where this product is getting a lot of its sales from that exact keyword, right there. Good question, joanna. I hope that was clear for you guys on how to do that for any product on Amazon. All right, you wanna know where their traffic is coming from, at least their organic search traffic. You just run Cerebra on it or look at it in the brand analytics, if it’s been out there for longer than a week, and you’re instantly gonna get an idea of the keywords that are driving sales for the product.
Bradley Sutton:
Jerov says I’m a new Amazon seller. I look for keywords to rank higher on Amazon, but I am still in 306 rank. So if you’re 306, that means that you’re not ranking at all, because Amazon only shows 306. I’m assuming that you’re looking in Helium 10 keyword tracker and it shows greater than 306. That means that you’re not ranked. Actually, how can you help me, because I’ve yet to make three sales. All right, the first step you need to do, jerov. If you’re not ranking for keywords that you know are relevant to you, you need to make sure if you’re indexed. Let me show you how you can do that. All right, so let’s just take this product right here. This is the steamer that Joanna had found. I need to see if I’m indexed for certain keywords, all right, so let’s go here to index checker. All right, what I’m gonna do is you’re gonna take your ACI. I’m doing this for this travel steamer. You gotta put your ACI in here and I’m gonna put a keyword I know it’s already ranking for, just to show you how this works. And so we already determined that this product is getting sales.
Bradley Sutton:
From what was that keyword? Here we go travel steamer for clothes, portable mini All right, so I’m gonna put that here. But what’s a keyword that is probably not indexed for? I’m just gonna put a random keyword here sumo wrestling All right, but obviously you’re not gonna put these nonsense keywords here. You would put the keywords that you think you should be ranking for, but you’re not All right. So this is what you’re gonna look for. You’re gonna hit check keywords and then you are looking for the right column on index checker if there is a checkmark or not. Forget about all these other columns here. You just wanna see this cumulative and so I can see that travel steamer for clothes, portable mini.
Bradley Sutton:
For this product there’s a checkmark. That means I am indexed. That means I am even if I’m not ranking. There’s a potential for me to rank. But look at this keyword sumo wrestling. Maybe this was a product that I thought was super relevant to me, but you see here how there’s a dash instead of a line. That means that I am not indexed. And what does that mean? That means I can’t run PPC on this keyword. That means it’s literally impossible for me to rank for that keyword. So the first thing you need to do, jerov, is make sure that on your keywords that you’re trying to rank for that you even can. And if there’s a dash there, the simplest reason could be you don’t even have that keyword maybe in your listing. That means you’re not indexed for it. If it does have a checkmark but you’re not ranked, it’s just. You know there’s hundreds and hundreds of products that are indexed for certain keywords To be one of the top 306, it takes some doing. You probably gotta start running some sponsored ads to there. So, for any keyword that you are not ranking but that you are indexed for and you wanna get ranked, the path to doing that is running sponsored ads at the top of the search and hopefully people will see your product, click on it, buy it and that’s what’s going to move up your organic rank.
Bradley Sutton:
David says can you show us how Helium 10 works for Walmart sellers Interested in seeing its abilities for keyword ranking and finding arbitrage opportunities? All right. So, david, pretty much almost everything I’ve shown other than Blackbox. It works the same way for Walmart. So, for example, so let’s look at walmartcom, all right, and let’s go. I don’t know, let’s look up this product here Steamer iron for clothes. Let’s do a search for that on Walmart. So let’s just type in steamer iron for clothes. Okay, so this is not really for arbitrage, but this is more for ranking.
Bradley Sutton:
Like, hey, I wanna have, I’m gonna come out with you know some steamer, you know my own travel steamer and I wanna see the products that are selling a lot on Walmart in this niche. Where are they getting their sales from? All right, so let’s just take, let’s just go to this product right here. This is like the organic rank product. I’m gonna copy the item number, which I believe is this item number here at the very top of Walmart. Let’s go into Cerebro and now I change this left hand marketplace chooser to the Walmart marketplace, all right, and let’s type in that product ID. I’ll know in a couple seconds if this is the right product ID or not.
Bradley Sutton:
And you just press get keywords and now this is going to find all of the keywords that this product is ranking for. And there it is. Look at that, let’s find. Let’s go search under the Walmart search volume anything over 1000 search volume, and now instantly I can see the top keywords where this product is one of the top 10 organic ranked. And now I know where this product is getting sales from. And these are the keywords I’m gonna have to put in my Walmart listing and I would also add this to keyword tracker for Walmart. If I’m already selling this product, I’m not ranking very high. I’m gonna put it in keyword tracker and track my organic and sponsored rank for these keywords Right off the bat too.
Bradley Sutton:
For this Hamilton Beach product, I can see that they are not running sponsored ads, so there’s an advantage right there where I know, hey, Hamilton Beach is not running Walmart sponsored ads for this product, because Helium 10 doesn’t show any sponsored ranks, so there’s an instant advantage. I know that I can get as far as arbitrage goes. You just have to kind of like search for the products that have a high amount of sales, and we don’t have as many sales estimates for Walmart products as we do for Amazon, because Walmart doesn’t have what Amazon does, which is BSR, which allows us to make an algorithm, but we do have some sales estimates for Walmart products, and so that’s another way that you could use the tool for Walmart selling. I’m about to actually start doing some arbitrage and some wholesale on Walmart myself. I was just talking to one of my team who I used to use a few years ago. We’re gonna relaunch my Walmart business, so I’ll have a lot more Walmart information for you guys soon.
Bradley Sutton:
Thank you guys for joining us. If you’re an Elite member or a Serious Sellers Club, we’ll be back next not next Monday, but next Tuesday, I believe, because Monday’s a holiday. If you are just watching this on YouTube or another platform, make sure to come back. At the end of January. We’ll go ahead and have this available as well. But thank you guys for joining us, appreciate it. Make sure to use that tool and we’ll see you later. Have a good one, bye, bye now. I’ll see you guys next time.
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Want to absolutely start crushing it on Amazon? Here are few carefully curated resources to get you started:
- Freedom Ticket: Taught by Amazon thought leader Kevin King, get A-Z Amazon strategies and techniques for establishing and solidifying your business.
- Helium 10: 30+ software tools to boost your entire sales pipeline from product research to customer communication and Amazon refund automation. Make running a successful Amazon or Walmart business easier with better data and insights. See what our customers have to say.
- Helium 10 Chrome Extension: Verify your Amazon product idea and validate how lucrative it can be with over a dozen data metrics and profitability estimation.
- SellerTrademarks.com: Trademarks are vital for protecting your Amazon brand from hijackers, and sellertrademarks.com provides a streamlined process for helping you get one.
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