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#634 – Top 10 Completely Unique Amazon Strategies

Join Bradley as he shares his top 10 unique money-making strategies exclusively available to Helium 10 users. These strategies, often overlooked by the average Amazon seller, are designed to provide a competitive edge and significantly boost your profits. He shares how one particular strategy added over $5,000 in profit for a product selling just five units a day. By comparing Helium 10’s functionalities with other Amazon tools out there, Bradley highlights the potential for substantial gains by utilizing features available to Helium 10 users. This episode is packed with insights into lesser-known techniques that can supercharge your Amazon business for maximum profitability, even during off-peak times.

Listen in as Bradley reveals advanced Amazon product research techniques using Helium 10’s tools that can revolutionize your approach to analyzing product performance and keyword effectiveness. Discover how to leverage the historical Cerebro feature to track high-performing seasonal products currently out of stock and understand what drove their sales during their peak season. We also dive into Amazon Brand Analytics tools inside Helium 10 to streamline the process of identifying top-clicked keywords for seasonal products. By analyzing a broader date range, you can uncover a comprehensive list of keywords that led to significant clicks and conversions, enhancing your product’s market strategy.

Finally, Bradley guides you through strategies to determine if your product is indexed for a keyword on Amazon. Learn how the Index Checker tool can efficiently identify which specific keywords are preventing a product from being indexed for certain phrases. He also explores the importance of understanding shifts in keyword ranks and how these shifts can explain changes in sales performance. With insights into optimizing packaging size for immediate savings. This is a look at 10 strategies most Amazon sellers and Helium 10 users overlook, this episode offers a comprehensive guide to maximizing your profits and refining your Amazon-selling and e-commerce strategy using Helium 10.

In episode 634 of the Serious Sellers Podcast, Bradley talks about:

  • 03:19 – #1 Cerebro Historical Trend
  • 08:39 – #2 ABA Top Search Terms
  • 11:40 – #3 Cerebro Historial Search Volume & Rank
  • 15:21 – #4 Amazon Recommended Rank
  • 20:11 – #5 Child ASIN Variation Sales Performance
  • 21:55 – #6 Cerebro Data Shows All 7 Pages
  • 24:59 – #7 Helium 10 Index Checker
  • 29:07 – #8 Keyword Sales Estimates
  • 31:17 – #9 Keyword Tracker with Boost
  • 33:48 – #10 Size Tier Alerts


Bradley Sutton:

Today we’re going to go over my top 10 all-time list of money-making strategies that you can’t do with any other tool outside of Helium 10, including one that is adding over $5,000 of profit to me for one of my products that only sells five units a day. How cool is that? Pretty cool, I think. Hello, everybody, and welcome to another episode of the Serious Sellers Podcast by Helium 10. I am your host, Bradley Sutton, and this is the show. That’s a completely BS-free, unscripted and unrehearsed organic conversation about serious strategies or serious sellers of any level in the e-commerce world.

Bradley Sutton:

And today is a special edition of our Seller Strategy Masterclass Sessions that we’ve done in the past. But basically, this one is going to be all about very unique strategies, like kind of like under the radar, things that not everybody out there is doing. You know, I always get the question like, hey, how can I do stuff that not all sellers are already doing, you know? Or, like most sellers, something that most sellers don’t have access to? Like every single seller out there has access to Product Opportunity Explorer in Amazon. Every single seller is using Amazon Advertising. Doesn’t mean we shouldn’t use it. It just means you don’t have a competitive advantage per se, like just because you’re using one of those things, everybody else is using it. So what I did was I picked my 10 favorite strategies that actually only Helium 10 members can use. Now, obviously, Helium 10 is the most used tool for Amazon sellers in the world, but still, actually, if you compare the number of Helium 10 users to the total number of sellers, even though there’s a million active users of Helium 10, that is not that number of total Amazon sellers.

Bradley Sutton:

There’s way more Amazon sellers out there. And the number out of those 1 million users of Helium 10, the number of sellers who are using every single one of these strategies probably less than 1,000, I would say. A lot of them have access to not all of them have access to those 1 million users. A lot of them are using the free Chrome extension as well. So, first of all, only the paying users to Helium 10 have it, and some of these are maybe only like a diamond plan things. But I know a lot of you guys are diamond plan users. But whether you’re platinum user, diamond users, there’s going to be different strategies here, guys. That is, it’s going to blow your mind. If you have not heard of it before, if you’ve been living under a rock, haven’t been watching these videos, so let’s go ahead and hop into it. And, like I said in my intro, there’s one of these where, over this year of 2025, it’s bringing me $5,000 of profit to my bottom line. It’s not like, oh, I think I’m going to get more sales and because my keyword rank is increased, no, literally $5,000 a profit verified. All right, I’m going to show you how I know that. All right, let’s go ahead and get into my number one strategy that you can only do with Helium 10.

Bradley Sutton:

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Bradley Sutton:

Let me first go ahead and kind of like paint the picture here of what it is. Let’s say, for example, if I record this in January, I might look at, hey, what’s going on for the 4th of July product? And if I were to look at the 4th of July decorations, for example, right now in January, I would get a number of products here that are some of the best sellers. However, are these the best sellers of products overall for 4th of July? Probably not. You know, not many people are buying 4th of July products in January of the year, right, and you could see some of the top ranked ones on this page, like here is one here. They sold 400 a month, but that’s not really a top seller for 4th of July products. If I were to actually just look in brand analytics using Helium 10 or using Seller Central, and if I look all the way back into what the top month or the top week was last year in 2024, June 23rd to June 29th I could see that there was 400,000 search volume for this keyword and I could see what the actual top product was and this product, as you can see, the number one product last year. It is barely even selling right now. Only a hundred people bought it in 30 days, but it was selling tens of thousands of units back last June. So that’s one scenario which is hey, it’s a seasonal product.

Bradley Sutton:

What are the keywords it’s ranking for now? All right, but what are the keywords that were driving sales to it back then. For example, if I were to run Cerebro on it right now, take a look, it has let’s see, 2000 keywords right now that it’s ranking for. I mean it’s selling right now. Some seasonal products are not even in stock, but this one is in stock 2000 keywords, let’s see for a search volume of over 1000 and where it is ranking between one and, let’s say, 10. So this is where it’s getting from sales from now.

Bradley Sutton:

How many keywords are there? Zero. Look at that. Zero keywords. I would probably have to take this down to 500 or something to see if it’s even ranking for it. Only one keyword. It’s for Memorial day, which makes sense, right, memorial day is before 4th of July. Okay, so only one keyword.

Bradley Sutton:

So if I was doing my research right now in Cerebro, if I was using some other tool out there like Cerebro, I would find very few highly relevant keywords that are driving sales to this product. Is that going to help me create my listing for 4th of July? No, so if I’m using another tool, I would have to wait until 4th of July or June to at least see what the top keywords are. But watch this what I can do inside of Helium 10 is I hit the historical trend button, okay, and with that I’m going to see hey, let’s go back to June of 2024. And let’s actually see, hey, what were the keywords driving the sales to this product that I know was selling great last June? Because it was brand analytics one of the keywords driving the sales to this product that I know was selling great last June Because it was brand analytics one of the top ones. And so now let’s go ahead and look at 500 keywords, 500 search volume and above rank one through 10. And now, instead of one keyword, look at this. I’ve got 65 keywords and I can see oh, 4th of July decorations, USA decorations for party, 4th of July decoration, 4th of July decor, et cetera, et cetera. So now, all of a sudden, I can see what the seasonal keywords are, even though we’re not in season, because it’s like I’m taking a time machine in Cerebro all the way back to last June and last July to see All right. So that’s one use case scenario for this strategy.

Bradley Sutton:

Another use case scenario let’s say there’s a product that you know historically is a great seller because you were monitoring them before, or maybe you were looking in Brand Analytics what were the top sellers, but that product is not even in stock at all right now. For example, here’s a product that actually is the number one selling coffin shelf throughout the year, but, as you can see, right now it says currently unavailable. All right, so if you’re just to use the regular Cerebro or you’re using another tool that’s out there to try and find what the keywords that this product is ranking for, what would you find? You’re going to find nothing. Right, here is a Helium 10 Cerebro running Cerebro and there is no keywords that it’s ranking for. These are all coming from Amazon’s relevancy. Amazon recommended no keywords that this is ranking for it. So then you know how would you see what are the top keywords for coffin shelves, because this is the number one selling coffin shelf throughout the year. It just so happens that right now it’s out of stock again.

Bradley Sutton:

Take the time machine back and find out when it was in stock and what keywords were driving sales. So right now, like I said, Cerebro or any other tool out there is showing nothing. Well, let’s go back to, like, say, October of last year, when it was in stock it was ranking for over a thousand keywords. Hey, for keywords that have a search volume of at least 500, where was it ranking, from one through 10? For example, I can do that search and now I’ve got 14 keywords here that were driving sales when any other tool out there would have shown absolutely nothing. All right, so, guys, this is the number one thing that is unique to Helium 10 is this historical cerebral available on the diamond plan. I had long wanted this, for years from Helium 10. I would have paid $300 just for this. It is that valuable to be looking at products that are seasonal, to be looking at products that are out of stock. Take a time machine and Cerebro back, even though I maybe I never had searched this product before you’re going to see information on it.

Bradley Sutton:

Strategy number two of my favorite things that you can only do with Helium 10. Let me give you, guys, another scenario. Remember that 4th of July decorations product. That was one of the top products and we did like a little historical search on it. Let’s just think about Brand Analytics keywords, all right, where Brand Analytics tells us hey, this is one of the top three click products and one of the top three converted products, like, it’ll tell you of those top three click, what was the conversion share. How many sales did it get from a certain keyword? Well, what happens? If I look at it right now, I could do that in Helium 10. I could have done that for years in Seller Central Brand Analytics. Well, if I do that, let’s see here. I’m searching for one week, January 5th to January 11th. Where was this product, this 4th of July decorations product, one of the top three click products? It’s not one of the top three for 4th of July decorations, but it was for these three keywords USA decorations, USA decorations for party, independence day decoration.

Bradley Sutton:

Now, here’s the thing. This is an extreme example only three keywords showing up here. That’s because, as you guys know, it’s pretty seasonal product that really only kicks off 4th of July. But if I want to go look, hey, I want to look at all the weeks in May, all the weeks in June, all the weeks in July, because, you know, for Memorial day, maybe this product you know is patriotic product is getting some sales. In June, maybe it’s going to start to get sales for 4th of July.

Bradley Sutton:

What would I have to do? One by one? I would have to download reports from Brand Analytics, week by week. For what? 20, 15, 20 weeks in order to get all the keywords. Well, watch what you can do now in seconds. Instead of going week by week, I’m just going to go ahead and look at starting in July. I’m going to just click all of the different weeks in June, July, even going to May for Memorial Day, and then I want to see, hey, is it just three keywords that this product is one of the top three click? Probably not. Let’s see what it shows. Look at that 75 keywords. It went from three to 75. It’s showing me any week that this product was one of the top three click ones. Look at this one. I didn’t even think about this one President’s Day decorations, 4th of July decor, citizenship party decorations. In some weeks it was one of the top three click from there. I didn’t even prepare this, guys. I didn’t even know that that was going to come up. But you can see how it differs when you look at a big date range. Is this brand new information that’s never been available? No, it’s there in seller central, but it would have taken 20-30 minutes of downloading reports that have 1 billion and 2 million keywords and then filtering it out for this one product, week over week over week to try and find all of these relevant keywords. And it’s not Helium 10 saying this is relevant. This is Amazon itself saying, hey, these keywords or this product was one of the top three clicked and had conversions or sales for these keywords. So, guys, again strategy number two you can only do this with helium 10. This tool is available for diamond members who have brand registry with Amazon.

Bradley Sutton:

Strategy number three is also about the historical, cerebral, but a different aspect of it. Let me paint this scenario what if you’re analyzing your sales and you see, from one month to another, your sales went down or your sales went up? Or you’re looking in the competitor’s BSR chart and you’re like, wow, look what happened in this month. His sales went way up, his sales went way down. What would you want to know? Well, I mean, there’s obviously a number of reasons somebody’s sales could have gone up or down. It could be that, you know, keyword search volume went up, or it’s a seasonal product, but a lot of times it’s because they got more visibility on a keyword, whether we’re talking sponsored rank or organic rank. Especially right, if there was some high volume search terms where they were not ranking well on. And then, all of a sudden, they got to the top of page one. Now, all of a sudden, you know, hey, that’s the reason why their sales went up. Or the opposite, their sales went down, but you can find the keywords where. Where did their rank go down from one month to the next? That is a very valid and real scenario that you’d probably be wanting to look at for your competitors or even for your products. So you know, hey, if my competitor sales dropped off because their keyword rank dropped off in a keyword from one month to the next, I better make sure my keyword rank doesn’t drop off, right. Or the opposite. If my sales went up and I can tie it to certain keyword increases in rank, well, those are the keywords I definitely want to double down on and make sure I never drop off on those keywords, or I try and those up if they had dropped off. Let me show you how you can do that in seconds.

Bradley Sutton:

So here let’s go ahead and look at that one out of stock coffin shelf. Let’s take a look here at at their BSR chart. I can see that in June they had a BSR that was super high. They were not selling much, but then, come July, their BSR really went down, meaning their sales went up. So let’s go ahead and go back to Cerebro on this product and let’s go ahead and hit the monthly comparison.

Bradley Sutton:

Now let’s go ahead and compare June with July. All right, June of 2024 compared to July, because that’s where their sales had an increase. And let’s just say, hey, in June, where were they ranking? Like outside of the top 20, but then, all of a sudden, in July, the second month, they were ranking in the top 10, right, this is for organic. I can do the same for sponsor. Let’s just see what keywords come up and wow, look at that 18 keywords. Look at this in June emo decor they were ranking 165, but all of a sudden in July their rank went up to uh, to 10. Coffin decor their rank in June was 21, but then, all of a sudden in July it jumped up to number one. Coffin seller All right, it went from 75 to 10. Gothic shelf went from 33 to five.

Bradley Sutton:

Now, all of a sudden, what I’m doing is I’m tying in increases in their keyword rank to their increase in sales. I could have done this the opposite way, like if one month was high, the next month was low? Where did they lose keyword rank? Where did they take their foot off the gas in advertising guys? This is crazy that you can do this all right. So this historical Cerebro guys is an absolute game changer when it came on, because it totally revolutionized the way you can do your keyword research work before. You can only live in the now. What is happening right now? All of their tools, all they show you is what’s going on now. Even the base Helium 10, that’s what it will show, which is great if the product is doing great right now. But you want to have a holistic look. So, yes, look at what’s happening now, but take that extra step and tie keyword increases in rank and decreases in rank to increases in sales and decreases in sales and I think you can see you can get a lot of actionable information from that strategy.

Bradley Sutton:

Number four you can only do in Helium 10. And this is one that four years ago or five years ago I predicted all it’s like, oh yeah, a bunch of other tools are surely going to copy us, because this is just so, so valuable. It’s called the Amazon recommended rank. What this is, is a direct tie into the Amazon API that tells you how relevant it thinks a keyword is to a product. Right, it ranks keywords based on what Amazon thinks is relevant to the product and it gives it a score and Helium 10 takes that score and translate it into a rank. So the number one score a keyword could have for a product like hey, this is the most relevant keyword according to Amazon algorithm is like 999. So if it has that 999, that means we give it Amazon recommended rank number one, number one rank keyword. If it has another score of a 996, well then that’s Amazon recommended rank two, and so on and so forth. But it really helps you understand what does Amazon think your product is. When you look at those like top 20 or 30 keywords that Amazon recommends, it really lets you know hey, is Amazon confused about your product? Are you on the right track?

Bradley Sutton:

This is especially critical when you have a brand new listing. You guys ever had situations where you make a brand new listing and you can’t get impressions in PPC for it. A lot of times it’s because there’s something wrong with the relevancy. Amazon doesn’t think you’re relevant for the keyword, even if you did the right things in your listing optimization. Sometimes Amazon just kind of glitches out and says oh, we don’t know what this product is, we think it’s this and you obviously know it’s not, and so that’s why you know you have something wrong.

Bradley Sutton:

The way I discovered how beneficial this is I’ve told this story before is when I started selling some socks. On, the one socket said if you can read this. The other socket said bring me coffee. The number one keywords for this product were coffee related keywords, you know, like gifts for coffee lovers, but this was socks in the clothing category, and when I ran Amazon recommended rank on this because I couldn’t get any impressions in PPC for coffee related keywords I could see that all the keywords that Amazon thought the product was had nothing to do with coffee. We just like thought it was generic socks, and so of course, I wasn’t going to get impressions, and so I had to do some other things to try and make myself more relevant to Amazon for it.

Bradley Sutton:

But if I didn’t have this Amazon recommended rank, I would have been in the dark. I’ll be like what’s going on, Amazon, right? Well, let me show you an example of this live. All right. Here is one of the Helium 10 coffin shelves a coffin bookshelf for Manny’s Mysterious Oddities, and I ran it in Cerebro. And, by the way, guys, this is for platinum diamond. Any level of Helium 10 has this. I’m going to sort it by Amazon recommended rank. All right, this is basically going to tell me hey, what does Amazon think my product is? Now, this is not always going to be your top keywords, but you can really get a good picture of the top 20 keywords if Amazon is confused about your product or not.

Bradley Sutton:

And take a look at the number one keyword coffin shelf wall large. We have coffin bookshelf large. We’ve got coffin shelf, coffin bookshelf, gothic bookshelf. Is there any doubt that Amazon knows exactly what my product is? No, all my main keywords are kind of like right there in the top 20 or at the very least they really describe my product. Well, I am optimized correctly for those keywords. There’s no confusion.

Bradley Sutton:

Now take a look at this other product. If I were to look in the Amazon search results, I typed in coffin shelf, right here and now I’m on page. What page am I on here? Let’s see, I’m on page four of the search results, which is kind of crazy because there’s barely any coffin shelves in the entire coffin shelf industry. As you can see here, most of these products aren’t even coffin shelves. So like it’s kind of shocking that there’d be a coffin shelf on page four when even page one there’s irrelevant products. So I ran it in Cerebro. I sorted by Amazon recommended rank. Now do you remember what my product was? Had all the right keywords coffin shelf, kitchen shelves, wall mounted, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. Anything about coffin or Gothic? No, so coffin shelf wasn’t even in the ballpark.

Bradley Sutton:

As far as what Amazon thinks this product is relevant for, is this product ever going to rank high for coffin shelf when Amazon doesn’t think it’s relevant for coffin shelf? No, they have to re-optimize their listing or figure out is there a category issue? What’s going on with this? Is that seller blind? Well, right now he is, because he’s been stuck on page four forever and he hasn’t done anything about it. He obviously doesn’t use Helium 10. If he used Helium 10, he would be able to see instantly. He’s got a relevancy problem with coffin and gothic related keywords so that now he’s got to figure out how to fix that. But again, Helium 10 members, platinum diamond, whatever level, you guys are not going to be in the dark for this. This you can only see with Helium 10, what keyboards does Amazon think you’re relevant for strategy?

Bradley Sutton:

Number five is a real quick one. For years, Helium 10, along with all other you know sales estimation tools out there. They would give you and we would give you sales at the parent level, right, that means if there is a product on Amazon that had variations, estimated sales that Helium 10 gives in the past, it’s all the child items put together. Like if you had a coffin shelving, you had a red, blue, green, purple one. You see the number 100 for estimated sales, how many units a month it sells. Well, that 100 represents the red, blue, green, purple, et cetera all put together, because Amazon reports BSR at the parent level, all right. So there’s not visibility on what each of the child items has, but Helium 10 now is the only tool where, if on the Chrome extension, you can see sales estimates at the child level, all right.

Bradley Sutton:

So let me show you how you can actually see that once you’re in Helium 10, let’s say you’re on a page that has a lot of variations, like this queen size bed sheets. If I run x-ray, what is actually going to show up right here for this product? It says, hey, parent level sales going to show up right here for this product it says, hey, parent level sales 121,000, but the ASIN sales is exact product 13,000. And I can go Helium 10 estimates for each of these colors, in each of these sizes, about what the sales are. So this is super beneficial, guys, because people who aren’t using Helium 10, they’re kind of blind. Sure they could see the Amazon number, which is not very accurate as far as you know, since it only goes, shows you like 100 or 500 or 10,000 or 1000, things like that, and sometimes it’s off. But with Helium 10, now you can actually see which child items, which colors, which sizes, are selling the most and get a really close estimate as far as how many it is selling.

Bradley Sutton:

Strategy number six that again is only available in Helium 10. And that’s going. Let’s go take it back to Cerebro. First thing is we are showing you all keyword ranks. Okay, as you guys can see, when you look at search results on Amazon, how many pages show up? Only seven pages actually show up, despite other products being indexed. All right, this is 306 approximately organic positions and about 110 or so sponsored positions. Helium 10 Cerebro is the only reverse ASIN tool out there that shows you all seven pages, anything that’s ranking at all you are going to see in Cerebro.

Bradley Sutton:

You try and use other tools, it might show you only page one, or maybe page one and two, maybe half of page three. Helium 10 shows this all to you. This is first of all important because Amazon has search shuffle sometimes. So sometimes a product might go from page one or two just randomly for a few days to page three, four, five, six or seven. Now what happens if you’re using a tool that’s only checking pages one and two and it only checks maybe once a week? Well, now, all of a sudden, what happened? Is you miss out on keywords? This happens actually a lot. You’re going to miss out on keywords because you’re only looking at the top two pages or top one page. With Helium 10, you don’t have to worry about that. Did a page or did a keyword fall off from page one or two? We fall off from page one or two. We’re still going to capture it so that you can make sure you don’t miss out on it.

Bradley Sutton:

The other thing that Helium 10 is doing is we’re checking where is that product running sponsored header ads? Where is it running sponsored brand video ads? Where is it showing up in little widgets that Amazon has, like Amazon’s choice? Now, I’m not talking about the Amazon’s Choice badge, but you know there’s like a widget sometimes that comes up that says all sponsored in Amazon’s Choice and other things like trending. Now Helium 10 is showing all of that. So when you look in Cerebro at a certain product, again you’re seeing all 306 ranks. You’re also seeing all sponsored brand video ads. Like, this product here is not running any video ads.

Bradley Sutton:

So you know, some people ask well, why are there so many keywords that Cerebro has? They’re not all relevant. Well, no, Cerebro is not a relevancy tool. It has a relevancy tool, like literally the only relevancy tool that’s connected to Amazon, but it’s showing you where a product is ranking in the top 306 at all times. Where is it showing in sponsored ads the top 110 that no other tool is doing? Where is that product showing up in video ads? No other tool is showing you that? Where is that product showing up in sponsored brand header ads, headline ads? Where is it showing up in these other sponsor widgets? It’s showing you all of that. This is the only tool that is giving you that depth of information, because you might not always just want to see, hey, where’s the top keywords for a product? Of course, Cerebro can do that, but maybe you’re just like hey, show me all the keywords where it’s running a sponsored brand video ads, because maybe I want to target that keyword with a video ad. Where’s the keywords where they’re not showing up in sponsored brand headline ads? I’m going to reverse engineer it All right. So again, Cerebro is the only tool that is checking all pages of Amazon.

Bradley Sutton:

Search strategy number seven that’s unique to Helium 10. And it actually happens to be one of the first tools that Helium 10 ever made, and that’s index checker. It used to be called 5K checker. Indexing and ranking are two different things. Ranking is how the products that are showing up in the search results, the first seven pages, like, for example remember that keyword we looked up before queen size bed sheets there are seven pages or 300 listings that are ranking for, but there are actually 30,000 products that are indexed, searchable for the keyword. So what’s the use case of this? Let’s say that I was that one coffin shelf that had that relevancy issue and I was comparing my product with the Helium 10 coffin bookshelf and I’m like, hey, you know what, where are the keywords that my competitor, which is actually my product, is ranking in the top 30, but my product is not ranking at all? So I just ran a search like that and I came up with 36 keywords. So there’s 36 keywords that the Helium 10 coffin shelf is ranking on page one. For that this other product is not ranking at all. So if I was this other product, you know like we got keywords here like Elvira coffin table book.

Bradley Sutton:

Right, I want to know. I’m obviously not ranking for these keywords, but maybe am I not even indexed, meaning that am I not searchable? Why is this important? Because if I am indexed for a keyword and I’m just not ranking for it, what does that mean? I could probably just run some sponsor ads. I’ll add it to a sponsored ad campaign and start running traffic to it. But if I am not indexed for the keyword, guess what? I can put that in any campaign and put a $5,000 bid. Is Amazon going to show me for that keyword? Not, if I’m not indexed.

Bradley Sutton:

So the next step is find out if you’re indexed. So these 36 keywords that this product is not ranking for, I’m going to go ahead and put those into index checker and let’s go ahead and check am I indexed at the phrase level for each of these keywords? And let’s take a look. Actually, only a few of these keywords I’m indexed for. So these keywords that says yes, I’m indexed right away. I can go ahead and start running some sponsored ads to those keywords and I’ll know I’ll probably get some action for these keywords as long as I’m relevant for it. But at least, at the very least, I’m indexed. But look at all of these keywords I am not indexed for. Now, some of these I know I probably am indexed for, like I would imagine I’m indexed for coffin or if I was a seller.

Bradley Sutton:

But maybe I’m wondering what is the actual word in these phrases that is causing me to be not indexed. So I can go in and re-paste all of these phrases that I’m not indexed for and then I’m going to remove the phrases and I want to check at the individual level what are the keywords. Maybe I need to add to my listing to get indexed for so that I can be indexed for those phrases. Just because you’re in, not indexed for a phrase,  it’s probably a lot of times because only one word there. So like, for example, if I had a keyword in my listing sumo wrestler belt maybe I’ve got sumo and belt in my listing but not wrestler, it means I’m not indexed for wrestler, and that’s causing the whole phrase sumo wrestler belt to not be indexed or searchable. So what do I have to do? Do I have to add the whole sumo wrestler belt just to get indexed? No, all I have to add is wrestler, because I have sumo and belt in there. So that’s what this is going to show me right here for those individual phrases. And now I can see right here wow, there’s only a few keywords that this product is indexed for coffin book, large shelf, gothic coffins, tall. But all these other keywords are the exact keywords. That is causing me not to be indexed. So, guys, this is just something that is irreplaceable, or I guess that you could do it without this tool. I would just, you know, type in one by one searches on Amazon and put the ASIN and do a whole bunch of things. It would literally take me an hour and a half probably, to do this. What I just showed you in about two minutes here to really see what words I have to add to my listing in order to be indexed. So index checker guys, is so important, only available in Helium 10.

Bradley Sutton:

Strategy number eight that is unique to Helium 10 is we show keyword sales estimates. Before, all you had with Helium 10 and other tools still only have that is search volume. Like, what are the actual searches? How many searches are there per month? Now, why do we want search volume? Why do we care? Well, we assume that the higher the search volume, the higher the sales are, which for the most part is actually true. But at the end of the day, wouldn’t you rather know, hey, what is the estimated number of sales that this generates? Because it’s not always equivalent to higher and lower search volume.

Bradley Sutton:

Let me show you exactly how I mean. So here’s one of the search results for the coffin shelf keyword. Right, and you could see that you know a lot of times. Yes, keyword sales is very similar to the trajectory of search volume. Here we’ve got a keyword with 170,000 search volume, 1,350 sales. Here’s one that’s a little bit less 136,000 search volume, 1,200 sales. All right.

Bradley Sutton:

But then what happens sometimes? Look at this here are two keywords with near identical search volume. Floating shelves bathroom has 15,900 searches. Gothic decor has 15,900 searches. So maybe you’re looking at these two keywords, hey, which is the more important keyword? Which keyword should I put in my title? Which one should I focus on in PPC? They both have the same search volume. Look at the estimated sales. Floating shelves bathroom has 233 estimated sales in the last week but gothic decor only has 95. So, even though these two keywords have the same search volume, which keyword is more valuable? Obviously floating shelves bathroom. And it kind of makes sense because floating shelves bathroom is very specific, right. Like somebody who types in that probably has something very specific in mind, somebody who’s typing in gothic decor. A lot of those people aren’t even going to buy something because maybe they’re just like kind of like browsing, right. And so you can clearly see that, with the data that Helium 10 is showing you, hey, the more valuable keyword is floating shelves bathroom. I mean, if it was equally relevant, let’s just say, because it generates more than two times the number of sales.

Bradley Sutton:

Even though the two keywords have the same search volume, what tool is the only tool that gives you sales instead of just search volume. It’s Helium 10. Strategy number nine that you can only have with Helium 10, that is, keyword tracker with boost. All right, the base form of keyword tracker with boost. All right, the base form of keyword tracker is the same as pretty much any keyword tracker out there.

Bradley Sutton:

We’re going to check once a day, at least once a day, all right, and this is not useless information. You kind of just want to see, hey, day by day, what’s my rank. You know most keywords, most products. They’re not going to fluctuate too much day by day, especially the higher search volume ones. But sometimes, like I said, there’s something called the search shuffle.

Bradley Sutton:

Where, based on where somebody is searching, you know, keyword ranks might be different. Based on what browser somebody is using, keyword ranks might be different based on just whatever Amazon is doing. It can literally have somebody searching right here in my address and somebody across the street, somebody searching right here in my address and somebody across the street. Same zip code, same street, they could show a different rank. Well, if the rank is just fluctuating a little bit, like here, in one situation it’s page one, position five. Another one page one, position seven. Is that a big deal? No, but it is a big deal. When, like here, it’s page one, position five, but then somebody across town is page three, position 150. That’s a big difference.

Bradley Sutton:

If you’re only looking at one browsing scenario per day, even if it’s rotating, you know which Helium 10 does you might not be getting the whole picture. Especially when you’re launching. You really want a good picture of what’s going on across the country. Also, especially when you are trying to run your sponsored ads, you know like you want to know hey, is my bid high enough? Don’t just rely on Amazon. Look at where you’re showing up in the search results. And so Helium 10 is the only tool where you can actually see ranks hourly, 24 times a day. The way to do that is by running, turning on boost. So if I want to see where am I ranking 24 times a day for this keyword Halloween decor I just click on this rocket ship. Anybody has access to this platinum diamond, et cetera. And now, 24 times a day, in rotating browsing scenarios, different browsers, different addresses, et cetera. It’s going to go ahead and check so that you can really see, not just like hey, what happens when I up my bid and sponsored ads. But, hey, is your rank kind of consistent across the board, or is it fluctuating a lot? Helium 10 is the only tool that has ever had this, and we have had this for almost eight years. Now it’s been like this. So, guys, keyword tracking is so important. We all know that. Make sure that you are using boost on your most important keywords so that you know if your keyword rank is fluctuating or what kind of sponsored position you are getting at the hourly level.

Bradley Sutton:

All right, last strategy of the day, guys, and this is that one I teased at the beginning this is getting me $5,000 of profit. Why is that? Well, this is in the alerts tool. We have this kind of like alarm where we’re going to send you a notification on your alerts dashboard If we notice that you have a product that is very close to going down a size here. All right, so like, for example, let’s say you’re a large standard size product and it’s nine by nine by nine. Well, do you know that if you go nine by nine by eight, you could you actually go down to a different size here and it could mean one, two dollars or even more of a difference in your fulfillment costs and your shipping costs If you just shave off like a half inch or an inch on one side. If you have any product like that, or Helium 10 is going to, let you know it, let me know about this in about July or August of last year.

Bradley Sutton:

Let me show you the exact notification I got. I got this notification that says hey, you have some products with size tier optimization suggestions. It was actually three different products that were all in the same variation family. Now, when I went to see the details, it was saying hey, if you just reduce your length by one inch, you could go from large bulky to large standard size. Now what does that mean? You could go from large bulky to large standard size. Now what does that mean? Your fulfillment cost goes from $10.75 to $7 per unit.

Bradley Sutton:

Guys, my computer, like mind, says that that is $3.75 per unit. Guess what I did it? I redesigned my packaging and a little bit of the product and I was able to fit on that new size tier and now I am getting charged $3 and 75 cents less than I was getting charged before. What does that equate to as far as fees go? Well, this product I sell about 1,500 units a year. Not very much, that’s only like what? Four or five units a day. Watch this $3.75 times 1,500. And it came out perfectly because it was in January of this year when I got my next shipment in. That is $5,600, guys, $5,600, guys, $5,600 is going to my bottom line because I got this notification from helium 10 saying that I could just shave off a half inch to an inch on one side of my product and I’m going to save all those Amazon fees. So, guys, this is a platinum diamond, any level. Check your alerts dashboard on the left-hand side. Does it say that you have products with size tier optimization suggestions.

Bradley Sutton:

You can’t always change it. Like I did. It was easy for me to change my product. Some of you have a mold and you literally have a perfect package that fits around that mold and you can’t really change your packaging size other than changing your actual mold. But some of you might be able to change the way you package it. Some of you might be able to, you know, do a different configuration and shave that half inch or inch off of one side and it could mean a dollar, $2, $3, or, like me, $3 and 75 cents per unit difference by, uh, reducing my packaging size, and that is money to your bottom line.

Bradley Sutton:

All the strategies we talked about today is money to your bottom line, right, but it kind of like is a long way around. You know, like, like, you can do stuff like get right keywords, but it doesn’t. You know you can be indexing for the right keywords all of a sudden. That doesn’t guarantee you’re going to get sales. This guarantees money in your pocket, but all of these strategies that we went over today, definitely, if you do them right, they’re going to bring you sales as well. So, guys, we went over 10 strategies that I would say, 95% of Helium 10 users are not using all of them and that means that, hey, 99% of all Amazon sellers are probably not using them. So what are you waiting for? If you’re not a Helium 10 member yet, make sure to get started right away so that you can take advantage of all of these special features that only Helium 10 has. That’ll give you a leg up on your competition in 2025.

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Want to absolutely start crushing it on Amazon? Here are few carefully curated resources to get you started:

  • Freedom Ticket: Taught by Amazon thought leader Kevin King, get A-Z Amazon strategies and techniques for establishing and solidifying your business.
  • Helium 10: 30+ software tools to boost your entire sales pipeline from product research to customer communication and Amazon refund automation. Make running a successful Amazon or Walmart business easier with better data and insights. See what our customers have to say.
  • Helium 10 Chrome Extension: Verify your Amazon product idea and validate how lucrative it can be with over a dozen data metrics and profitability estimation.
  • Trademarks are vital for protecting your Amazon brand from hijackers, and provides a streamlined process for helping you get one.
VP of Education and Strategy

Bradley is the VP of Education and Strategy for Helium 10 as well as the host of the most listened to podcast in the world for Amazon sellers, the Serious Sellers Podcast. He has been involved in e-commerce for over 20 years, and before joining Helium 10, launched over 400 products as a consultant for Amazon Sellers.

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Published in: Serious Sellers Podcast

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