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#299 – 22 Product Research Strategies For 2022 – Part 2

In Part 2, our speakers share the rest of the product research strategies like using Helium 10’s suite of tools to find the best product, gift guides, making money on Amazon with investing, and finding product opportunities inside Walmart.

Make sure to stay until the end because they will be sharing 6 more bonus product research strategies for you to crush it in 2022.

In episode 299 of the Serious Sellers Podcast, Bradley and the team discuss:

  • 03:30 – Product Research Using Helium 10 And A New Tool From Amazon
  • 09:15 – Using Helium 10’s Market Tracker For Product Research
  • 14:10 – Searching Inside Gift Guides For Product Ideas
  • 20:00 – Making Money On Amazon Without Investing A Dime
  • 24:00 –  Finding Product Opportunity Using The Title Density Filter 
  • 27:20 – 6 More Bonus Strategies For Product Research
  • 29:00 – Using Helium 10’s Tools For Walmart
  • 33:00 – Get Additional Income With Amazon Explore
  • 35:00 – Taking Advantage Of Brand Analytics
  • 38:25 – More Opportunities Inside Frequently Bought Together 


Bradley Sutton:

All right. This is part two of a two-part series where we’re giving you the top 22 product research strategies for 2022. How cool is that? Pretty cool I think.

Bradley Sutton:

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Bradley Sutton:

Hello everybody, and welcome to another episode of the Serious Sellers Podcast by Helium 10. I am your host Bradley Sutton, and this is the show that’s a completely BS-free, unscripted, and unrehearsed organic conversation about serious strategies for serious sellers of any level in the Amazon and Walmart world. And this is part two in a two-part series on The Top Product Research Strategies, 22 of them, but actually, we’re going to throw in some bonuses there. So there’s even going to be six bonus research strategies that can help you even off of Amazon. Now, if this is the first time you’re listening to the podcast, you didn’t hear last weeks. Make sure to go ahead and pause this right now, and then go back to you know, whatever you’re listening to this on and look at the very previous episode from this. And you’ll have part one there it’s better to start there.

Bradley Sutton:

But in this one, we’re going to go over things such as how to find product opportunities on Walmart. Some brand new filters that are in Helium 10 and a way to make money on Amazon that doesn’t even require any physical product and nor book, nor anything. So a lot of people don’t even know about this, so this is going to be super cool guys, make sure to stay until the end to get all these strategies in for sure. Now, if you want to be able to see the complete version of this webinar that we did with screen shares and you know, our faces and different things like that so you can visualize a little bit better some of these strategies, by all means, you can go ahead and do that. Just go to, And you’d be able to go ahead and see that complete version.

Bradley Sutton:

All right, we’ve got Adriana in the house. How’s it going? From Monterey, Mexico.


Hi Bradley, [Speaking in Spanish].

Bradley Sutton:

All right. Adriana is our new brand Evangelists here for the Latin American market, Spain and all of South America, Mexico, Central America. You’re going to start seeing a lot of content from her, the Spanish language. I mean, before it used to have to be me trying with my terrible Spanish, trying to do videos and stuff. I’m like, no, no, no, we need a native speaker here. So Adriana is that. All right. Well, I’m excited to see about your strategies. You know, we’ve been talking a lot about off of Amazon, but now we’re going to come back on Amazon. We’re going to come back into Helium 10. Like how can we find some products that have opportunities by using Helium 10? And then also, how can we utilize a new tool that’s actually from Amazon in order to get product ideas, let’s see the strategies that you prepared for us.


I use Black Box to search for products that have a good amount of revenue, a good amount of sales coming in every month, and that have competitor products with poor quality listings. I use the filters to put in the minimum amount of monthly revenue that I’m looking for. I set the minimum and maximum price and I set the rating to a maximum of four because we want to find low-rated products that will give us an opportunity to come in and offer a better quality product. I also set a maximum of images to four, as I want to find products that are not using all of the available slots. That way I know I can, I can work on grading, a listing with seven great images that will help the listing convert better.


Black Box would then give us a list of products that fit that criteria. And we can, in a matter of seconds, really find products that have only three to four images. Our rating of 3 or 3.5 stars, and perhaps are even lacking a plus content. This will make it easier for us to compete if we create a better-looking listing, offering a better quality product. Another way that I like to search for products that are in high demand is by searching for keywords that are showing an upward trend in search volume. The way I would find these keywords is by using Cerebro or even Magnet to search for keywords that are showing this upward trend. I would find these keywords by setting the search volume trend filter minimum to 100, to find keywords whose search volume has increased at least 100%. There will, of course, be keywords that have an increase in search volume because of seasonality such as keywords related to Halloween or Christmas.


But we should only look at keywords that have this growth due to an increase in interest in these products. You can click on the graph icon on the search volume column to get a visual representation of what their growth has been like and when it started. I also like to use the Product Opportunity Explorer tool, where I search for keywords to find information on how many products are getting most of the sales for that niche. The column total number of products tells us the number of products that share 80% of the niches click share. I can sort this column and if I find it’s only five products, that means they are dominating that niche. They have 80% of all the sales in the niche. So might think if the listings are bad, it might be easy to get a big market share. Conversely, if it takes 200 or 180 to 100 plus products, just to be able to communicatively get 80% click share for that niche, you might see this as a niche that is wide open and anyone who has a shot to get a share of the sales.

Bradley Sutton:

All right. Those are another three great strategies there. I believe we are at number, if my notes are correct here, at 12, 13, and 14. Do you have a favorite of those three that you just did? I’ll do that. Okay.


Yes. I think Black Box for finding poor quality listings because I mean, it’s, it’s easy then to just be creative and create this beautiful list of things that will make the customers choose our products.

Bradley Sutton:

Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. I love that because it’s really amazing when you guys actually use those filters that Adriana was using, you can find some products that are making tons of money on Amazon, but their listing is garbage. It’s like, what in the world? Like, why are people viewing this? And so that to me is a great indication of opportunity because since she had put those minimum revenue filters in, you know for a fact that these listings are selling, so if they’re selling, but then the listing is garbage. Like you got to ask yourself why, well, maybe everybody’s listing is terrible in that niche. So people have to like, choose that product. Well, if you come in with a great listing and you’re going to have an advantage, or maybe it’s that product is so unique that even though the listing is terrible, the Amazon buyer just like has no choice. They’re like, well, I got to buy this product. Which is why I have to do it. So now, are you launching any products this year, or next year is your next product launch?


Well, I am already planning for next year. Right now, for the rest of the year I’m kind of slowing down the lunches because of that whole like shipping situation that’s going on, but I’m already doing my research, so I’m ready for January to launch new products.

Bradley Sutton:

Okay. Now for everybody speaking Spanish, [Speaking in Spanish]


[Speaking in Spanish]

Bradley Sutton:

Perfect. Perfect. So we’re going to have these presentation guys for you in Spanish, given by Adriana sometime later on this month, for those who are Spanish speakers out there. Anyways, thank you so much for that Adriana. We’re now at numbers, 15 and 16, let’s talk about how to find product opportunities in both market tracker and also another arbitrage way of finding products. All right, this next strategy is using Market Tracker in Helium 10. Now Market Tracker, as you guys know, is not a product research tool, it’s actually an analytics tool. And what you do is if you’re selling a product on Amazon you track its markets. So you can see your share of voice. Like how much percent of the are you getting sales-wise, right. And who are the new movers and shakers? So for example, right here, it’s like saying, Hey, you know what?

Bradley Sutton:

You were not tracking this coffin shelf. You, do you want to track it? And some of these I’m going to put yes because I definitely want to compare it to my coffin shelf, but some of these I would probably hit no, because I don’t consider them competitors. However, before you hit no, write down some of these, because these sometimes can be great ideas for future product line extensions. Like here, I’m tracking our coffin shelf, but this is a product only hit no, but it’s a makeup coffin shelf and coffin brush set. Like if I’m selling coffin shelves that would be an interesting line extension. I see a lot of coffin shelves here, but as I scroll down and look at this, here’s a coffin-shaped felt letter board kit, again, not a coffin shelf, not part of my niche, but it would be an interesting expansion on my spooky coffin brand. Right?

Bradley Sutton:

Here’s a coffin crystal tray. Let’s see what else. Here’s a coffin key holder. Here’s another coffin key holder. Here’s a coffin pen holder. Here’s a coffin bath tray, another coffin letter board here’s coffin-shaped. What is this like plugs for, for the wall, for like your outlets? I mean, there’s a never-ending list of interesting ideas here for me to expand my own product line. So again, don’t use market tracker just to attract your niche, but use it for product ideas to expand out your brand. Another thing that I like to do is I like to look at big deals for websites like Walmart or best buy the ones that have stores near me, Staples, Walmart, Best Buy, Home Depot, things like that. For example, here, here’s and they have some early access deals on things.

Bradley Sutton:

Now, I like to go into the toy niche because in the past in the toy niche, I’ve made tens of thousands of dollars on just one product. And here’s one here, a Barbie estate 3in1 dream camper. Now I actually saw this earlier. And as you can see here, it says $79, but then I also saw it in other places on the Walmart website where it’s $10.99, that’s crazy $10.99, but either price I can make money. Like for example, if I were to run Xray on this page, it’s going to tell me that on Amazon. Let’s see, is it on Amazon? Yes, I can see it right here. Here’s the link right here. And I could look on Amazon and you can see on Amazon, there’s no buy box. This is sold out. It’s like a hot toy product for the Christmas season. And if I hit see all buying options, look at these prices $117, $130. That’s crazy. Remember how much it is on Walmart. There’s two prices, one for $79, and there’s this crazy option that looks like there might be a flash deal for only $10.99. Imagine how much money you can make on this product, selling it for $130 on Amazon.

Bradley Sutton:

All right, guys, you know, we’ve got Black Friday coming up and people are doing tons of black Friday orders. So again, you’re not ready for a private label yet. You want to just, you know, flip a few things to get some extra bucks during this holiday season, start looking at all those mailers and looking on websites and things like that, where it’s showing their specials, and then see that if that product is on Amazon and what it’s going for. I did a video on it before, but it was that product. I said I did tens of thousands of dollars for last year. It was like a monster truck, remote control car, one product. I was buying it for $39.99 at Walmart. And I was buying hundreds of these and selling them for over $100 on Amazon because they were completely sold out of the regular manufacturer on Amazon. So there’s another way that you can find product opportunities. That’s not a private label.

Bradley Sutton:

All right. We are now in Canada. One of our first Canadian employees here is Lailama, how’s it going today?


I’m doing great. Thank you. How about you?

Bradley Sutton:

I’m doing just delightful. Thanks. So now let’s just get right into it. I’m looking at my list here. Ooh, this is a good one guys, gift guides. And also she’s going to talk about Black Box again in Helium 10, and then we’re going to go off of Amazon again for a cool way of looking at something that’s trending on other websites. So let’s go ahead and show your strategies now.


All right, let’s dive right into the product research strategies that I have for you. And my first strategy is going to be gift guides. So you simply run a Google search for top holiday gifts, birthday gifts, anything you want. I personally went for top sustainable gifts just because who doesn’t love a good gift, which is also environment friendly, right? So chances are, you’re going to get a plethora of articles on gift ideas, but what you want to do is sift through as many as possible and look for the ones that are unique. So you’re not entering a market that is already saturated. Now, just by the way, guys, this gift guide strategy was also mentioned by Tim Jordan in one of the Project X videos in case you guys missed it there. Well, I’m getting some brilliant suggestions already. So you guys have to check this out.


I think my favorite is going to be this one. And just to point out, opportunity could mean something completely different to you than me, but as you’re scrolling through these lists and lists of product ideas, you want to keep in mind what signifies opportunity to you. I personally like going for a product between, let’s say, $20 and $70 so that I get a good profit margin, but I also don’t want to spend too much on inventory costs, right? So keep these benchmarks in and whatever you select as your top favorites, make sure to run different Helium 10 tools on them to validate that this is in fact a good product. Now, onto strategy. Number two, which is Black Box’s Advanced Filters, and a newer way to use Black Box for keywords is by analyzing the top 10 listings on a page. So for example, I could say Helium 10, show me the words with at least 3000 in search volume in the baby category with at least six of the top 10, having more than 5,000 in revenue and less than 150 in reviews.


And the reason this would be valuable is that there’s at least six listings with that kind of revenue. And then I know there’s obviously a demand for the products and not just the keyword itself, right? If there’s less than one 50 reviews, then I also know that there’s some room for me to enter the market. So I did a test. Okay. And on some of these keywords, like the braided crib bumper, and when you look at it on Amazon, there’s definitely some opportunity to tap into. And the last strategy would be Pinterest Trends. Now I always come across the most unique products when I’m scrolling on Pinterest. And it’s honestly such a great place to look into if you want to be one of the very first people in the market. So you would go on to and check your newsfeed for any trending ideas.


Sometimes it has great suggestions, but because it is holiday season right now, a lot of the stuff you will find on here will be seasonal. So if that doesn’t work for you, then you could just with keyword search on the search bar and maybe wait for auto-complete to see what is trending. For me, I’m going to go for Reten. And just because I’m thinking along the lines of home category, maybe decore and so far, I have to say it does look promising from the trends it’s showing me. So you can just keep looking at different products until something catches your eye. And for me, I came across this cute rainbow-shaped decore item. So I guess I’m going to go for a keyword with this. Maybe it’s a Reten rainbow. And to further validate my information, I can go into Demand Analyzer to get a rough estimate of the average revenue, average price. And honestly, this looks like an opportunity to me. So maybe I can further investigate it with other tools, but that would be all for me today.

Bradley Sutton:

All right. Reten gift guide, super interesting. The Pinterest Trends, you know, we’ve actually, a lot of people don’t even realize this we’ve had this as a part of the tool. You didn’t show it much in your video because you know, you switch from one tab to the other, but actually, that screenshot you gave was actually on the Pinterest page, right?


Yeah, yeah. That’s right.

Bradley Sutton:

Yeah. So like, guys, we’ve had this for almost a year now where if you’re on the Pinterest Trends page hit the Chrome Extension and then you can actually see what the demand is on Amazon for those keywords, now Lailama, you know, we’re now up to 19 strategies and don’t feel bad if you pick your own, but up to now, do you have a favorite one that we’ve done so far?


I really liked the Black Box Advanced Filters just for those days when I’m feeling uninspired and liking ideas, I can just mindlessly look on it and it’ll give me a bunch of suggestions. It’s like, I don’t even have to do much. So that has to be my favorite.

Bradley Sutton:

Yeah. I like it. I’m lazy like you too. And so like, I don’t want to actually walk to the store to look or open up guides and stuff like that. That’s actually a great way to look for product research. So thank you so much for bringing these to us now. I’ve got a couple more numbers, 20 and 21 for product research strategy. One is another way to sell on Amazon without even having to invest any money at all. And another one is also again having to do with that Mobile App. So you can do some research on the goal.

Bradley Sutton:

One way you guys can make money on Amazon without having to invest a dime is the Merch by Amazon program. It’s a print-on-demand service that Amazon provides and how it works is you just upload your artwork and a listing gets created and like on shirts and other items like that. And if somebody wants to buy it, they buy it, and only then do you actually get some money, or do you have to pay Amazon for it? So you’re actually going to get commission off of the sale. I think it’s something like $12. The price is what you pay. And then, so if you sell it for $18, you get 6 bucks. And so it’s a pretty easy way, to make some money. You can search on your own for different keywords that you might think are trending out there that people might want to buy shirts like, you know mountain lovers shirts or something like that. Or you can actually do research here in Black Box for keywords.

Bradley Sutton:

So here in Black Box for keywords, I’m looking at minimum search volume 3000 and the average age in month of maximum of four, meaning that this is a keyword that just kind of came onto the radar. And I see tons of interesting terms where have shirt in the title. And you know, some of these there’s going to be a lot of like political ones here. Like I see a lot of Brandon shirts here that have thousands of, of searches. But right, here’s a couple of monster shirts and squid shirt. Now, obviously, you can’t do Squid Games. Logos are trying to copy things that you saw, but, but if you actually look at the Squid Game shirts, there’s people who just put green letters on a white shirt, and anybody who watches the show knows what that means. And I dunno, you’d have to check with the trademark lawyer if that’s okay or not. But I see tons of merch by Amazon people making some good money here on those kinds of shirts.

Bradley Sutton:

For the monster shirts. This was probably hot during Halloween is like some scary designs right here. And then I could see dadcula instead of Dracula. So it was like for mom and dad, different ideas for shirts. So again merch by Amazon is a great way to kind of build up capital before you’re ready for private label. Another thing that is another product research idea, maybe you are in the actual Amazon Mobile App. And like for example, I’m here on the Project X coffin shelf. Well, you can actually do kind of like a Cerebro search, which is the Helium 10 reverse ASIN tool. And maybe, you know, you’re just browsing the Amazon app and you’re like, Hey, I wonder what, how much money this product makes or what are the keywords that drive the sales? Well, you can set it up once you have the Helium 10 Mobile App, you just hit share in the Amazon app and then you would want to hit here Helium 10.

Bradley Sutton:

And then once you hit Helium 10, it’s actually going to open up that product here. And it’s going to show you the estimated sales in the last 30 days, $6,000. And it’s going to show you the top keywords. All right. And I can actually expand it out. I could see coffin shelf here Oddities and Curiosities. And then I could just start going down a rabbit trail doing some searches, you know, maybe I see something here that’s interesting. And I want to see related keywords, or I just happen to see something anywhere, you know, like if you guys remember one of my first things was showing you what was in the tequila room, but however, I’ve come up with keyword ideas. I could actually go here and hit research and I could look up something like cool home decor and I would just type it in right here.

Bradley Sutton:

And then it’s going to find me the related keywords here. So let’s look up cool home decor and let’s see, you know, what’s the search volume here? What are the top products here? And I could see here bubble candle, a dog figurine storage box, a bonsai tree, spaceman tapestry, a lot of crazy products here are showing up on cool home decor. And I could see what related keywords are. So there’s a lot of ways that you can use do research product research right here from both the Amazon app and the Helium 10 Mobile App. All right. So there’s some more product research we’ve come to the end of our 22. Don’t forget to stick around. We’ve got six bonus ones coming for you in a little bit.

Bradley Sutton:

All right. We’ve got Marcus, here our new German language Evangelists [Speaking in German]


Hello, Bradley. How are you? [Speaking in German]

Bradley Sutton:

I don’t know what you just said, but I mean it’s some kind of greeting, so that’s great. Thank you. It’s great to have you here. We definitely want to be able to, you know, just like with Adriana and the Spanish-speaking market, we want to also make sure that all of those who speak German around the world are also taken care of. So you’re definitely going to be helping us out on there. You pick your best product research strategy. Let’s go ahead and take a look at it now.


So the other day I was doing some product research and I came across the keyword crystal shelf display. Interesting. What are people searching that are looking for this product? So I made a quick search in our keyword tool Magnet, and Magnet came back with a result of 3,670 different keywords that are all connected through organic search through PPC, through brought together everything relevant. But what I was doing, product research, I wanted to mix it up a bit more and I used the new filter title density. So I limited the search volume to a minimum of 2000 searches a month. So only products that are searched a lot. And for tighter density, I set a maximum of three. And what this does is to filter it even more down to just products that have their keywords, not more than a maximum of three times on the first page of the Amazon search results. So even more opportunity, for example, circle shelf with over 3000 searches a month and only three products with circle shelf and the title or the next one also have a 3000 searches a month shadow box with shelves. I wonder what these look like. And this is why Title Density gives you a complete new angle in your product research.

Bradley Sutton:

All right. So that was really, really cool. That’s probably one of my favorites of the 22 because if you guys have seen the podcast episodes about the Maldives Honeymoon strategy, don’t forget guys, I told you about the Serious Sellers Podcast. If you go back to episodes 200 and 250, we talked about the Maldives Honeymoon launch strategy, which really focuses on trying to find keywords that do not have that that do not have many listings with it in the title. So that is a really, really great way. Thank you for that. Now, Adrianna said that she was going to go ahead and remake this presentation in Spanish. Are you able to do that for German too for us?


Yeah, absolutely looking forward to it.

Bradley Sutton:

Awesome. Awesome. All right. Well, thank you very much, Marcus, for coming on here. We appreciate it. So now real quick, guys, I told you before, I’m going to have another six bonus strategies for you. So don’t go anywhere. Some of these, you know how we do here, we like to save the best for last. I got one more guest and also I’m going to give you three of my bonus hacks as well that some of them I barely have ever talked about in the past.

Bradley Sutton:

All right. All the way from nearby Temecula, California, Carrie, how’s it Going?


Good. How are you doing?

Bradley Sutton:

I’m doing delightful. Now you are a familiar face to a lot of our Helium 10 audience because you’ve been doing some really cool webinars on Walmart. Now, Carrie, you are bringing us some bonus training and one of them actually is not even anything to do about Amazon product research, but Walmart, another one is like, I don’t want to give it away, but it’s a way that you can make money on Amazon without buying physical products. And it’s not Merch by Amazon and it’s not KDP, but it requires zero investment. So I hope you guys are excited about that. And then Adriana I think had talked a little bit about Opportunity to Explore. And if I’m not mistaken are going to bring up another kind of cool hack for that. So anyway, let’s go ahead and see what’s bonus strategies you’ve got for us.


There is so much opportunity on and I’m going to show you using a very competitive product on Amazon, the garlic press. So what you’re going to do is you want to go to and then you’re going to search for really competitive products. I chose garlic press, but you should have a list of very competitive products that, you know have a high demand and are very competitive on Then once you search it, you’ll see at the top, there’s some boxes and those boxes help you narrow down your search. On garlic press when I searched it, it shows stainless steel, OXO mincer, Rachel Ray, and cleaner. I’m actually going to choose stainless steel and that’s going to narrow it down just a little bit. And then it gives me all the results of stainless steel garlic presses. The next thing I want to do is I’m going to pull the Xray Chrome Extension for Walmart.


And what the first thing I take a look at is WFS, which is Walmart Fulfillment Services. And on this extension, it’s showing that garlic press or stainless steel garlic press only has 13% Walmart Fulfillment Services Products. So that means that only 13% of the sellers are utilizing Walmart Fulfillment Services for this product. And that’s really good news because it’s a very low number and Walmart Fulfillment Services is a very important part of ranking. So if you can get in there, get Walmart Fulfillment Services going for you, then you can actually start ranking and beating your competitors by simply implementing that. The next thing I want to take a look at is the Walmart Revenue. So I like to sort from highest to lowest to see who’s selling the most on And I took a look here and actually this particular product that’s the highest-selling is selling $12,996 in revenue per month.


And there is an ASIN right next to it, which actually has a link to the Amazon product. So we can actually take a look at the Amazon product and see how much they’re selling on Amazon, which is really cool. So when we pulled the Xray extension, it actually shows how many sales this product is selling on It’s the same exact product, and it’s only selling 50 units per month. And that is a totally in $1,750 in revenue, which is quite baffling, knowing that it’s selling over 12,000 on But this just goes to show that some products that are really competitive on might have a lot of great opportunity and very low competition on The next thing I want to show you is actually how to find product opportunities on through using the Product Opportunity Explorer. The first thing you want to do is go to your Amazon seller central account click on the growth tab.


And then once you’re on the growth tab, click Product Opportunity Explorer. I actually went ahead and already searched coffin shelf because I wanted to utilize coffin shelf as an example here. So then once you’ve searched coffin shelf, you’re actually going to click on the word coffin shelf in the results. And it’ll take you to a page that’s going to show you how many units are sold per month for that search term and all kinds of great information. But the information I want to take a look at most is the conversion rate. So if we take a look at coffin shelf, it has a conversion rate of 4.05%. And then the next search term, which is related to it is actually coffin bookshelf, and all the search terms down below this are related to that search term that we did. So coffin bookshelf actually only has a 0.92% conversion rate.


Now, why would that be so low? We can go ahead and take a look on and I searched coffin bookshelf to see what was available under that search term. And it looks like there are not very many coffin bookshelves. Okay? So we have very small floating shelves that are 11 inches. They can fit some books in there, but very small ones. And so there really aren’t any coffin bookshelves. So if someone’s looking for that, they’re going to have a harder time finding it, which would be the reason why the conversion rate is so low. So this is a great opportunity for you to go in and see these related terms where the conversion rate is so low because basically no one’s offering this product and people are searching for it. So that’s a product that you can get in with very low competition and a good opportunity.


The next thing and this is a bonus if you are having a hard time raising the money to buy your initial set of inventory, I have a really great solution for you. And that is Amazon Explore. Amazon Explore allows you to list different things like tours of your city, or classes on how to cook or do some sort of talent that you have. So basically you can set your price for these things. So if you live in a really cool place, you can give tours of your city. If you are really good at cooking, you can give cooking classes or any kind of classes that you want. It’s really kind of a great way to start because you don’t have to have any money to start, and you can start generating an income and generating money so that you can go ahead and buy your first set of inventory.


The way that you actually get paid is just by listing your products or your services on Amazon Explore, and then setting the date and time when it’s convenient for you. And then people will buy it. You can actually take people on a virtual tour of a store that you might have if there’s a brick-and-mortar store that you have. But there’s a ton of different things that you can do. All you have to do is apply and then start offering your services. So if you’re having a hard time raising your revenue go ahead and check out Amazon Explore

Bradley Sutton:

Carrie, thank you so much for that. We’ve come to the end. Now we’ve got three more. Let’s go ahead and see our final three bonus strategies. All right. Here’s some more bonus product research techniques. This one is using brand analytics. So you only have this, if you have a brand registry with Amazon. So if you don’t have that, then you’re not going to have access to this. So once you register your brand with your trademark and everything with Amazon, and they recognize you, you’ll be able to open up this page. And it’s basically telling you what are the most searched keywords on Amazon and of those keywords? What are the top three products that have gotten clicks from that resulted from a search of that keyword and then of those products? You know, what percentage of the conversion do they have? And so this is a method that Kevin King has taught a couple of times and he downloads it into this to a CSV file.

Bradley Sutton:

Sometimes he’ll actually download three or four different weeks and then compare the data using pivot tables and things like that. But in a nutshell a basic explanation of, one of the things he looks at is he’s looking at keywords where the ones that are the most clicked. If you add at the top three, it doesn’t equal that many. For example, here’s a Pixel 6 case. I’m assuming that’s a phone case. Of course, you wouldn’t want to do phone cases, guys, it’s very saturated, but look here, the number one click only has got 7%. The number two’s only got 7%. And the number three is like got like 6%. So, so we’re talking like 20% only are the top three-click mean 80% are the rest of 80% of the clicks are coming from other items on the page. Now let’s contrast that with heating pad.

Bradley Sutton:

All right. The top one is like 23%. The second one is 13%, and then the next one is 7%. So, so that’s like 40% to 50% of the clicks are taken by just three products. There’s a big difference that you can see there. And sometimes these numbers are even more extreme. So, how you use that information is up to you. You know, some people say, Hey I want to find the one where there’s hardly anybody or, or the top three-click are not having a big percentage of clicks so that there’s actually wide open for other people. Other people say you know what? I want to see where there’s only there’s like one, two or three products dominating because it might be easier for me to get a chunk of that. So again, brand analytics is a great way to look things up.

Bradley Sutton:

The next one is from Tim Jordan from project exit, and he talked about a Similarweb. So what you do is you can put in a website. So like, for example, let’s say I’m going on to get product ideas. This is similar to Lailama about the gift guides and like a gift box. This is a great way to look for product research. And so maybe I found some good things here. We’ll take this website, put it on Similarweb, and then it’ll actually tell you other similar similar websites, imagine that Similarweb telling you similar website. So, now it’ll give me other places where I can get product ideas., Stitch Fix. We got Urban Outfitters, LL Bean different similar websites, and even referral websites also visited websites., So it gives you very similar websites.

Bradley Sutton:

Another one here, let’s just say I’m doing a That’s if maybe I’m in the beauty niche, I’m checking out Ezra Firestone’s company right here. I could see related companies that are also in the beauty niche, don’t forget that if you can find websites that are actually Shopify websites Helium 10’s Demand Analyzer is going to work on the Shopify website. So you can see what the demand is on some of the keywords that are on the page. So again, this hack from Tim Jordan,, put it in to see similar websites. All right. Another thing last one of the day is frequently bought together. So here is the Helium 10 coffin shelf, right? And what frequently bought together means are, is that people are buying our product with another product in the same purchase.

Bradley Sutton:

Right. you know, there’s another thing that some listings have, I don’t think ours does, but it’s called customer also bought that just means one person bought one thing like on Monday, and then they bought something else on Wednesday. So it could be unrelated, but as you can see, Amazon has a history of our coffin shelf being bought with this either a coffin leather board or moon-shaped mirrors. All right. And how can this be product research? Well, it could be line extensions, you know, or it could be maybe a new bundle, like, Hey, maybe I’m going to make a product that has coffin shelf. And the letter board made like a coffin because it’s, it’s similar. Well, I can go into Black Box Product Targeting, enter in the ASIN, and going to show me not just those three frequently bought together, but all the frequently bought together. The other ones that we have seen over the last few weeks.

Bradley Sutton:

And as you can see, look at the products that are being frequently bought together with our coffin shelf. Here’s some bat stickers. Here’s a bat shelf, right? I’m seeing a theme. There’s the moon shelf that we saw, bat lights, look at this 3d skull ice mold tray. You know, this could be great by itself. If I wanted to extend this spooky brand or possibly as a combo with the coffin shelf. I don’t know what the heck, this is a Bloss Lotus cotton swab holder. We got a skeleton hannering. Here’s a coffin mirror. Here’s a coffin key holder. So this could give you ideas on future bundling, where you could actually put this product together with your product and offer it together because you actually have proof that people do like to buy this thing together.

Bradley Sutton:

All Right everybody, hope you guys enjoyed this episode. It’s great if you liked it, but what I would much rather hear than you just like this information is I want to hear a few months from now, you telling me at a conference or something. Hey, Bradley. Remember that one strategy went over. We actually implemented that and we found a product and now we’re crushing on Amazon. So, guys, I don’t want you to just take in this information and do nothing with it. Please pick one or more of these strategies to find your first or next product to sell on Amazon in 2022. And then let me know about it. And who knows, maybe we’ll bring you on the podcast to talk about it. See you guys later.

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