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#298 – 22 Product Research Strategies for 2022 – Part 1

Are you looking for your first or next product to sell on Amazon? In the spirit of prepping for 2022, Bradley and his team will be sharing their best Amazon product research strategies.

In episode 298 of the Serious Sellers Podcast, Bradley and the team discuss:

  • 2:50 – Bradley Shares The First Batch Of Strategies
  • 10:00 – Using Third Party Sites To Find Product Opportunities
  • 15:50 – Etsy And Pinterest Are Ahead Of Amazon
  • 18:30 – Getting Product Ideas From Your Surroundings
  • 20:34 – Finding The Right Keywords For Your Product Ideas
  • 26:34 – Finding Opportunities With Oversized Arbitraged Items
  • 32:40 – How To Take Advantage Of Etsy’s Sales Numbers
  • 34:00 – Arbitrage On-The-Go Using Helium 10’s Mobile App


Bradley Sutton:

Are you looking to find your first or next product to sell on Amazon today is part one of a two-part series where we’re going to go over the 22 top product research strategies for 2022. How cool is that? Pretty cool I think.

Bradley Sutton:

Hello everybody, and welcome to another episode of the Serious Sellers Podcast by Helium 10. I am your host Bradley Sutton, and this is the show that’s a completely BS-free unscripted, and unrehearsed organic conversation about serious strategies for serious sellers of any level in the Amazon and Walmart world. And we recently did a product research webinar entitled The Top 22 Strategies on How to Find Your Next Product to Sell on Amazon for 2022. And so what we’re doing is we’re gonna take a lot of clips from that webinar and put them here where we had different experts here at Helium 10 some of their best strategies. And we’re going to have things that vary from using Helium 10, but also some things that not only don’t even require Helium 10 at all, they don’t even require Amazon in order to find the product strategy.

Bradley Sutton:

So this is going to be part one of a two-part series. And then in the next episode, we’ll have the rest of the strategies, but guys, I want to hear from you, let me know what is your top strategy that you’ve heard today on this one or in the next one? And let us know, you know you know, hit us up on Instagram or on Facebook and let us know which one you liked or which one you’ve used yourself. 

Bradley Sutton:

Now, if you want to be able to see the complete version of this webinar that we did with screen shares and you know, our faces and different things like that. So they can visualize a little bit better some of these strategies by all means you can go ahead and do that. Just go to, and you’d be able to go ahead and see that complete version.

Bradley Sutton:
All right, let’s go ahead and get into those strategies now. So the first three strategies that we’re going to go over now is going to be about Black Box. It’s going to be about how to validate opportunity. Like we can find opportunity in so many places, but how do you take those next steps in order to know, is this really something that really makes sense to sell on Amazon? And we’re going to talk in another video here about how do you do a test listing when you don’t have enough information to validate. So let’s go ahead and show you guys these first strategies now. Now, if you want to be able to see the complete version of this webinar that we did with screen shares and you know, our faces and different things like that. So they can visualize a little bit better some of these strategies by all means you can go ahead and do that. Just go to, and you’d be able to go ahead and see that complete version. All right, let’s go ahead and get into those strategies now. So the first three strategies that we’re going to go over now is going to be about Black Box. It’s going to be about how to validate opportunity. Like we can find opportunity in so many places, but how do you take those next steps in order to know, is this really something that really makes sense to sell on Amazon? And we’re going to talk in another video here about how do you do a test listing when you don’t have enough information to validate. So let’s go ahead and show you guys these first strategies now.

Bradley Sutton:

All right. The first thing that it’s important to understand when we talk about product research opportunities is what is the opposite of opportunity. And here’s an example, collagen peptides. If you guys were to search this on your computer on page one, you would see results where it’s tens of thousands of reviews. All right. So the first of all, you got to consider, if you had a product, like let’s say you were able to get your product to page one, position three or four right up here, and a buyer didn’t know your brand, and maybe they didn’t know these other brands either, but they had a hundred thousand reviews and 37,000 reviews and 96,000 reviews. And then they saw yours with zero or one or two reviews. You think they would buy your product? Probably not. And then if you were like, actually dig in on Xray on the same page, you would see that a lot of these products on the top of page one, they’re doing like millions of dollars a month, you know, the kind of sales velocity that you would have to get to, to compete with people who are doing two, $3 million a month is insane. So that’s what product research opportunity is not when it’s too competitive like that.

Bradley Sutton:

All right. So the first method then is in Black Box. You can go to Black Box for products. This is probably the way that people are looking for product research on Amazon. Probably the most common way I would say. And, and here I just did a sample search in the patio lawn and garden where I’m looking for products that make at least $7,500 a month between $20 and $40, and then a review count maximum of 70.

Bradley Sutton:

All right. So the thought process here is that it’s less than 70 reviews. Yet it’s still making like $7,500 a month. They’re probably not all collagen peptides where there’s just thousands and thousands of reviews and just tons of competition. Right. And I put a variation count max one. And then if you scroll down here, you’ll see some things that might not seem to make too much sense like a wheelbarrow. But then I came across this product here, a Moss pole. I have no idea what the heck this is, but it is grossing $9,000 a month. Right. Now, if I were to look at this on Amazon, I could see why it came up. All right, it’s doing that $10,000 revenue about, but look at this only got seven ratings, all right. A Brand new product, that’s been around just a little bit.

Bradley Sutton:

So this is just the way you can find different product ideas. Now, the thing is that you need to validate this. And regardless of how you do your product research validation is key. So that’s like the next product research strategy that we’re going to talk about. Number two, here is how to validate your product research, because you can find products in a variety of ways, but how do you know if it’s good on how do you vet it? Right. Well, I’m going to click on keywords right here on the page, and that’s going to open up Cerebro and show me all of the keywords that this product is ranking for, because yes, maybe I can compete on a one-to-one basis, one vs one with that product, but I don’t really know overall how I can compete. You know, on the different keywords.

Bradley Sutton:

So I look here and I can see that it is the sixth organic rank on the keyword Moss pole that has 31,000 searches a month. So 30,000 searches a month. And they’re at the very top of the page, I would say they’re definitely gaining a lot of sales from that keyword. So then what I would do is I would actually look at it on Amazon Moss pole, and then just take a look here. First of all, Moss poles guys, if you’re not seeing this, it looks like corn dogs. I don’t even know what this product is, but I’m looking at this and I do see a few here that have thousands of reviews. There’s one here on the top of page one that only has got 70. If I scroll down here, I could see a few there’s one that only has seven one that has a hundred, another one that has a hundred, but the point is, I’m looking at who else I’m going to compete with because if I find one product that seems to have a good indication, I’m not just competing with that. I got to look at the niche as a whole.

Bradley Sutton:

Now here’s the thing. What if you’re doing something and this is going to be strategy number three, by the way, what if you’re looking at something that there is not a lot of competitors like there is here for moss pole, like what we did in Project X, or this case study that we did a while back as we were looking at egg tray, right? And then we noticed that if you look at the egg tray results on Amazon, they’re all like plastic and ceramic and things like that. But we noticed that there might be a demand for wooden egg trays. So, but we weren’t sure like there weren’t a lot of wooden egg trays out there. So what we can do in this case is make what’s called a PPC test listing. All right. So this is only when you have almost no data to validate your idea.

Bradley Sutton:

This is how you can validate a kind of newish idea. So the idea was that, Hey, maybe it’s just a matter that nobody sees what an egg tray on this egg tray search is, but if they just saw it here on page one, they would get it. So what you can do is you would go into your Amazon advertising, you’d get like a few from Etsy or, or some other manufacturer you can get like five or 10 units, and then you would make a fixed bid PPC campaign. That’s really high to get you at that top position. All right. And then you would put your product there and then put the keywords that you think would be relevant to your product. But you don’t know because there’s nobody else doing what you’re trying to do. And then you would put a really high bid here to make sure you’re at page one, position one.

Bradley Sutton:

And then you would show up at the beginning here with a wooden egg tray with zero reviews, probably because it’s a brand new product. And then you would just look at the data. Are people clicking on it? Are people buying it at a high price? And if so, that would kind of validate your idea that, Hey, yes, you are relevant for those keywords. All right. So we’ve done three down. We’ve got 19 plus more to go. What was your favorite strategy there? So the first one is probably the basic one that I think everybody knows about, right. It’s like, Hey, I want to find a product to sell on Amazon. It’s got X and Y characteristics that tend to show me that there could be some opportunity there. All right. So I think that’s what people have been doing for years. We’re going to want to start with the stuff that you guys are mainly aware of, and then expand out to give you guys other strategies.

Bradley Sutton:

But point number two was important because you can find products to sell on Amazon through a number of ways. We’re going to show you over 22 ways today, but how do you like take that second and third step in order to see, Hey, can I really compete here? Can I make money? That’s important that you guys can do. We’re going to show you guys some strategies today that kind of like, even are faster than Amazon. Like you might not even see it on Amazon. You might see some opportunity somewhere else. Like on Etsy, we’re going to talk about, we’re going to talk about Pinterest, but then if you find opportunities somewhere off of Amazon, how do you even know how to validate it? If there’s nothing on Amazon to really validate, right? Well, that’s where you use that third strategy that we talked about, which is using a PPC test listing in order to gather some data. We talked about that in Project X. All right, now, it’s not going to be just the Bradley show today. I’ve got an amazing team here at Helium 10 and they prepared some of their best product research strategies. All right, what’s up Shivali. How’s it going today?


It’s going Good. How are you, Bradley?

Bradley Sutton:

I’m doing just delightful. Thank you. Now Shivali, you’ve actually got three strategies here and if I’m not mistaken, none of them are really finding opportunity on the traditional Amazon, right?


Yes. Yeah. I think oftentimes we think about, you know, selling on Amazon and we put ourselves in this box of only finding products on Amazon, but that’s not all, that doesn’t have to be the case. Right. You can find products all around you. So I wanted to talk a little bit about the strategies where you can use third-party sites that maybe you’re already surfing like Etsy and Pinterest to find product opportunities or things that you might be interested in selling as well as a strategy that you can use. If let’s say you don’t have the largest amount of capital to really invest.

Bradley Sutton:

Awesome. All right, let’s go ahead and see what three strategies you prepared for us.


Another way to conduct product research is by utilizing Helium 10’s Black Box tool to take a look at saturated markets. Typically when we think of saturated markets, we think, oh, there’s too much competition for me to compete, but that’s not always the case. So let’s consider an example. Let’s say we inputted a minimum of 6,000 for search volume, 5,000 for monthly revenue. And 1000 for review count in the keywords tab of Black Box. Odds are you would receive a handful of products that appear to be saturated in return. One of them being crystal wine glasses, but opening up the corresponding Amazon search for that keyword, we would find most of the results are a simple standard wine glass. Sure, there’s nice packaging, but none of them really stand out. Whereas, if you input the same keyword, crystal wine glasses in Etsy, we would see a lot more versatility. Embroidered, crystal wine glasses, colored ones.


The same goes for Pinterest. We would see similar versatility. So what could that mean? Even if a market appears to be saturated, you can use sites like Etsy and Pinterest to figure out how to stand out. Now, of course at sea and Pinterest are great resources to leverage, but they’re by no means the only sites you can go to for product ideas. Alibaba is also a great starting place. For those of you who don’t know Alibaba is the largest sourcing website in the world. You can kind of think of it like the Amazon marketplace that can accelerate to suppliers, however, it’s useful for more than just sourcing. So in this case, you were surfing the site for ideas and you happen to stumble upon a Crescent moon shelf listing. You could click the suppliers’ storefront to further explore your options. If you see an item that catches your interest while browsing that storefront like maybe a storage bag organizer, you would be able to open it up in a new tab, take some of those keywords and enter them into Alibaba and analyze that product opportunities demand by running Helium 10’s Demand Analyzer tool on it.


Now the Demand Analyzer tool can be found inside of the Helium 10 Chrome Extension. And when you click see analysis, through this, you would be able to discern top-level information. Like how many times on average are people searching for that product every month, who are your top competitors, and more so if there’s high demand and it looks like something you would want to compete in, then you could move forward with trying to validate whether that product opportunity is worth your time, effort, and money. With other means such as the Profitability Calculator. Keep in mind that physical products don’t have to be the only way that you get started on Amazon. If you don’t necessarily have a hefty budget to invest the big bucks into Private Label from the get-go, you can always start with something digital, like Kindle direct publishing that has little to no investment capital required.


And there are many ways to find niches. You can compete in to list a few. You could use Black Box to filter for books and any additional parameters that would help you find an in-demand niche that has a listing you could possibly do better. For instance, the 75 HARD Challenge book is searched for upwards of 3000 times on average every month. And opening up that keyword on Amazon, you would see a handful of listings with lower reviews. Now, of course on this page could be, maybe a listing that you feel you could do better. You could see a listing with a book cover. You might be able to repurpose better, a description section you could optimize, or even reviews that you would be able to leverage to either write a better book or have a ghostwriter write better content for you. You could also navigate to the Kindle store using the dropdown menu next to the search bar on Amazon, and then further niche down using the subcategories on the left-hand paneling to surf the Superstore, to find a Kindle space. You feel comfortable and confident entering.

Bradley Sutton:

All right. So we had there, what were the three here? We had Etsy, Pinterest, and also KDP. If I were to estimate or to guess what your favorite was, I would assume KDP, since you actually are a KDP author, would I be right there?


Yeah, you would, you would. I think it’s really cool that, you know, people can get started with little to no investment capital. It’s a great place to, you know, dip your feet into the Amazon space without going full speed, I guess. Anyway.

Bradley Sutton:

Yeah. Now if you remember the Etsy Pinterest one was actually something we talked about in Project X. Now Project X is this thing that we did on YouTube showing people how to find product opportunity and actually launch it. But you know, so this is a couple of years back, but Shivali do you remember why Tim Jordan? And I said that’s sometimes Etsy and Pinterest. I don’t want to give it away here with my question, but like, why?


Look at products that are trending.

Bradley Sutton:

Yeah. Why was it ahead of Amazon?


It pulls from Google as well? It’s just what people are searching for.

Bradley Sutton:

Yeah, exactly. Searching you see, you know, when we talk about Amazon, right. People, you know, if you see a product on Amazon, like Shivali when you make your product on Amazon from the time that you thought of the product, and then you, you know, you got it made and everything that was actually selling. And I was like, well, what was that time period? Like, like, was it two weeks later?


Yeah, it was actually much longer for me, but Yeah, I actually ended up having you know, seller central some issues with it, but Pinterest and Etsy, if I’d started there, I think it would have been complete, it would’ve been perfect because it’s ahead by months.

Bradley Sutton:

Exactly. And so the reason is because of what Shivali just said, it took her, you know, and any of you. I know there’s a lot of you guys here who said you are brand new and I’m just giving you a heads up. I’m not trying to be a Debbie downer or something. This is just reality. If you’re making your product in China, you’ve got to get it made, which takes like a month. Maybe you had a month that you’re going through getting samples and stuff. This is totally normal. This is the way you make products. And then it takes like a month or maybe two months to get here. It takes a while to get to Amazon. We’re talking maybe six months from the time you had your original idea, but at Etsy sellers, Shivali. Are Etsy sellers getting their products made in China for the most part?


Yeah, they definitely can.

Bradley Sutton:

They could, but if I’m selling, I’m going to, I’m going to make it myself in my garage. A lot of people now, Pinterest, that’s not even, you can’t even buy from that. That’s just ideas. Right. So if I have an idea and I want to put it on Pinterest, Shivali, how long does it take me to get it on Pinterest?



Bradley Sutton:

I had this idea, let me, I’m not a Pinterest user. What do you call it? Pin it or something? Pin it on my wall or something like that. Right? Yeah. So if I have an idea on Pinterest, it’s there like the next day. So if I have that same idea and it’s only gonna be on Amazon, it’s like months and months and months, like it took Shivali to do guys. So you can sometimes see things on Pinterest and Etsy that you could have months before you can see it trending on Amazon. So that strategy guys, that is super, super key to get ahead of the game on that platform. So thank you so much, Shivali, thank you for your help on this. Let’s actually go into one of my strategies right here.

Bradley Sutton:

So I am at the Helium 10 office working today and I am in what is the tequila room? Okay. So here I am. Let me just show you guys. Here’s our entire office here. We got a few people working out of here today. We actually work from home normally, but every couple of Thursdays we come in here. Anyways. I want to show you guys just how you can just like, look around your surroundings to get product ideas. And this is not something that, Hey, no matter what room you’re in your house, you’re going to go to find product opportunity, but I just want to teach you how to even like, look at things in order to know. All right. So let’s go ahead and take a look at some things that we see here. So here’s like something interesting, like a metal wire, like a wire globe. Okay. We’ve got a stainless steel. I’m assuming this is for ice.

Bradley Sutton:

Here’s a wider like rectangular succulent planter. Here’s maybe a tray for wine glasses, perhaps. Little astronaut minifig geometric shape. Maybe I call this, I think these are called like tumblers or something like that. So steel tumbler, ah, look at this one. I like this. This looks really interesting. This is a short glass tray with cut-out for salt or something bad. It is actually a pretty cool product, right? There is this. This is like a wooden here, a home decor, white sand collection, hobby lobby. So this is from hobby lobby, but it’s like a fake decor wine bottle.I don’t know what keyword that would be in the office. Now, granted, this is an interest room cause tequila room. But what you would do is like write down some of these things and then you go into Helium 10 and look for the search volume.

Bradley Sutton:

You look on Amazon with the main keywords are and things like that. And you can get some interesting ideas. Let’s go ahead and hop into Helium 10 now and do that. All right. So the first step on one of these, I’m not going to do all of those ones that I saw, but let me just start here at globe. You know, I didn’t know what the main keyword is. So if you don’t know what the main keyword is, just throw it into Magnet. Like what a seed keyword in it. You know, I knew that wire globe was metal and it was a globe, right? So I put in globe here and then I put in a filter that says, Hey, show me the phrases that contain metal and globe. And sure enough here I saw metal world globe. Now, only 250 search volume so it didn’t really seem like it might be much, but then I just checked here on Amazon and sure enough, you know, most of the stuff that comes for metal globe is not it.

Bradley Sutton:

Now, if you remember, there was also a stainless steel ice bucket. Now that one, I just entered directly into Amazon and I can see using Xray it had 840 search volume. And then there was one here that is selling like $80,000 a month. So I’m like, Hmm, this might be interesting. Again, this doesn’t mean it’s opportunity, but I want to see, well obviously they’re not getting all of their sales, right from a keyword that only has 800 search volume. So when I click into Cerebro here, I could see some of the keywords where it’s ranking in the top five or 10 that have over a thousand search volume. And then you could see some keywords here, like ice bucket that has 40,000 searches. And so if I were to actually search for ice bucket for a cocktail bar, for example, I could definitely see a lot of products that were similar to the one that we have in the tequila room.

Bradley Sutton:

Again, this might not be necessarily opportunity. Cause when I look here, I can see it has thousands of reviews, but again, I was able within just like a minute to find the kind of keywords that drive sales to that product that I saw. Now, another one, if you remember, was that rectangular succulent planner? Sure enough. There’s actually a, quite a number of rectangular ones here, and not all have a high reviews. Like there’s one, you know, the one that has Amazon’s choice only has like 400 views. Here’s a one, page one that only has 20 reviews. So this one might look like the most promising one so far. When I actually run Xray on it, I can see that there’s a few that are making about five to $10,000 a month. Now another search that I did was shot glass tray.

Bradley Sutton:

You guys remember that one that looked like it had spaces for shot glasses and like some other things, I forgot what exactly it was. But look at this, I found almost the exact same product that is in our tequila room and I’m like, this is pretty crazy. It’s a $50 product. I guarantee you can make this for pretty cheap in Alibaba, as a matter of fact, like watch what happens here when after running Xray I can actually run the Demand Analyzer and or Supplier Finder, I should say and actually look on Alibaba for this. All right. So that one was $50, right? And then you could see here, there are different ones here that these are only like four and $5 each from So that one definitely looks very interesting.

Bradley Sutton:

And if I actually looked on this page, I can actually see, it says here it’s Amazon’s choice for another keyword tequila board. And then if I looked on tequila board, I can see other unique products. That, again, I’m just going down a rabbit trail here. It all started just by me looking at something in our tequila room. And I came across like a few different keywords that look like it might have opportunity here. So again, the point is, look around your house, look around daily life and start writing down what you think they are. And then just start going down these rabbit trails and you might find something cool, like a tequila board that sells for 50 bucks that you can probably get for $5 from China. All right. So I want to change how you guys just go about your daily life.

Bradley Sutton:

You know, and some people get mad at me when I do this because now they say, Bradley, you ruined my life because now everywhere I go, all I’m thinking about is can I sell that on Amazon? Can I sell that on? I was like, Ooh, look at this. Can I sell? And you’re going to start to annoy your friends and family stuff, but Hey guys, this is the life of an entrepreneur. So that had nothing to do with software. At least the first part of it, you know, it had nothing to do with Helium 10. It didn’t even have anything to do with But my point with that strategy was in your own house when you’re at somebody else’s house when you’re at the store. I mean, I remember I was at an ice cream shop in the Dominican Republic and I saw an idea for a product.

Bradley Sutton:

It was like one of those little things where you can put the ice cream cones in, you’re going to just, your eyes are going to start to be opened at unique products. Now I’m not saying, Hey, you know, go look at the collagen peptides or a garlic press or something like that. You know, that might be saturated, but keep your eye open for unique products. Like you remember that when I did that video live, not live today, but mean, I just like was recording myself and, and I was like, whoa, this is a cool product. That one that had the tequila shot glasses and a space for the lime and the salt and stuff. And sure enough, that actually turned out to be something that looked pretty interesting. Like that would be an amazing Christmas gift kind of product. So you never know where you can get the inspiration.

Bradley Sutton:

All right. Live from Indiana Lem. How’s it going?


Good. How are you guys doing?

Bradley Sutton:

We’re doing awesome. Now, any of these strategies, have you, did you ever use this in your Amazon sellings?


I definitely used a variation of them, but for me in my Amazon selling, like, especially since I have a good decent amount of retail arbitrage, one thing that we’ll be talking about, I’ve definitely utilized in my experience

Bradley Sutton:

Okay, excellent. Well, without further ado, let’s get into the strategy. We are now in strategies 8, 9, and 10. So let’s go ahead and see what you prepared for us.


All right. Let’s dive right into our product research strategy. So our very first one is finding arbitrage items being sold that are considered to be oversized or large sizes. So then they are shipped for FBM and can be dropped shipped. So we’re going to utilize Black Box within the products tab for this. And obviously, we want to look at one with decent monthly revenue and one that are labeled for large or special oversized. And we want to make sure that we look for a minimum of four sellers in this listing to ensure that we find an arbitrage listing. So as we scroll through our results, we find one that’s a barbecue gas grill being sold for around $2,349 with about 56 sales a month. So luckily if we go to the listing, the title has the model number in it. So it’d be really easy for us to Google and see if it’s being sold anywhere else for cheaper.


So simple Google search is going to already show us that’s being sold on a website for $1,399. If I click into this website, I see that it’s even offering free shipping. Are you kidding me? So let’s see how that figure works out for us. If we go back to our listing and look within our Profitability Calculator. Now our only costs here is the cost of the product, which is again $1399 and any Amazon fee. So when you put that in with the price point of being, being sold at $2,349, we were left with a profit of almost $600 each, which is a 25% margin, holy smokes, that’s awesome. This listing only has six sellers, so definitely an opportunity to make some money here. So moving on. So we’ll move on to our second strategy, which also uses Black Box, but within the keywords tab this time, here, we’re mainly just looking for keywords that provide us with a low barrier of entry where we can be competitive and build some decent sales.


So with that in mind, we’ll make sure that our filters account for a high search volume, with a moderate price point, and where the average review count, isn’t too high, like a hundred. You want to make sure that we exclude a single-word keyword as well. So we’re going to look in a random category like tools and home improvement. And so let’s go ahead and scroll through these keywords. Okay. We found a keyword, it says laser pointer, high power, which has over 14,000 search volume and the average price point of $23. All right, that’s great. With around 500 monthly sales and average reviews of 32 per listing, whoa, let’s dive deeper into this. So upon searching this into Amazon, we can see in the search results that this indeed does have exactly what the filter said it would. Around that price point, same underneath that review count of a hundred.


This looks good. So let’s go ahead and deploy Xray to make sure that we can find a random keyword to then put into Cerebro. Again, we’re solely just looking for within this ASIN. A keyword that have good search volume, that peer at the top of page one. So we’re going to just look at this random ASIN and pop into Cerebro. So in Cerebro, we’re going to try to find again, like I said, top keywords that have high search volume that appear on the top of page one. So within this, within the set of keywords that are being shown, we see one that’s the highest of them, all green laser pointer with over 17,000 search volume. And when we search these keywords, we see the same type of things that we saw before with listings around a $20 price point below a hundred reviews.


Now, this is definitely something that would indicate opportunity. Now, lastly, for non-Amazon strategy, we move on to Etsy. Yes, that’s right Etsy. We’re going to be looking for cops sewing items within random categories and search queries on Etsy. So for instance, we’re going to search the word storage, super broad I know. Storage, that’s where we’re going to be looking for and on Etsy trying to find a product to the bestseller batch attached to it. Now we’re coming across a product that’s called a zipper bag organizer with a hinged lid. It essentially seems to be a wooden box with openings to place plastic Ziploc bags with different size openings, depending on the baggie. So like a quart-size bag, a sandwich bag, a snack bag, or even like a gallon Ziploc bag. Alright, that’s pretty cool. That’s pretty clever.


So let’s dive deeper into this. On the listing, it says that it is a best seller because again, we’re looking for listings that say bestseller, but how do we confirm that this is the main item that’s selling like crazy for this specific Etsy seller. Now, believe it or not, it truly is as easy as just clicking on the seller’s name on the listing, which appears in big letters above the product title, which we’re going to do right now, and then go directly and click on the number of sales that they have underneath their seller profile. In this specific case, this seller profile says it made 954 sales, but let’s see how many of those appear to be this zipper bag organizer. Guys, you can’t see this, but practically all of the previous sales made here or all this zipper bag organizer, holy smokes on Etsy on Etsy. So imagine how this would do on Amazon.

Bradley Sutton:

Alright, Lem, I got two words for you. Holy smokes. I’m about to make a new catchphrase here. Like I got my, how cool is that, Lem’s got his holy smokes. All right. It’s really cool. Those things that you mentioned, especially the arbitrage, because when you do arbitrage, you gotta be careful, you know, you gotta make sure, obviously, you got the right part number and everything, and that it’s not some kind of gated thing but you could see the potential there, guys that, you know, you could just sell something, buy it from other website and then drop ship it. And you know, it can make you a lot of money right there. Now one question I have for you is on Etsy and we talked a little bit about this with Shivali, but do you remember where we got the products for our test listing that we did in Project X?


Yeah. I believe you got it from Etsy like you started looking from Etsy.

Bradley Sutton:

So if any of you guys are trying to do something brand new that is not out there. And so you do want to test it out, just like try like, Hey, can I get clicks, guys instead of having to go in and have somebody make, you know, like 10 samples, which he costs an arm and a leg, and it takes a lot of time go to Etsy and see. And I really love that hack, that Lem gave about seeing which ones are the top sellers. Now, Lem, when you were looking at that is every single seller have that available, like where you can see their sales.


Yeah on Etsy, practically every seller has available. So you can get a really clear idea of what products are the best selling for each seller.

Bradley Sutton:

Yeah. So for every seller guys look at that number. I think there was one that he had was 623 or something like that. And at 1000 you can see if it’s one of the top sellers out there. If it’s probably like five or six, they only have that number five or six then probably it’s not worth mentioning. What Lem showed was he actually took it a step further. You actually clicked on that sales number and then looked into their orders on a product level on, guys, every order that was on that screen there, if you guys saw it, that’s every single order that they’ve made. So you can see what are the top sellers. However, not everybody can you click everybody? You can see that sales number, but not everybody. You can click on it. So if there’s no link, it’s just a little hack for you guys. If there’s no, like if you mouse over it and it doesn’t change that link little hand button, then you can’t look at it. Just go to another one of the top sellers, but always look at that sales number like Lem said so that you guys can see. All right. Thank you so much Lem for that strategy. Now, Lem talked a little bit about arbitrage. So let me show you guys another way that you can do kind of arbitrage on the, go with this next one.

Bradley Sutton:

Retail arbitrage can get you money sometimes before you’re ready to do a Private Label product by allowing you to start small. So how would you do retail arbitrage? You basically got to look in the stores for clearance items or things that you can get for cheap that are going for more on Amazon. If you want to see what kind of activities happening on Amazon what price is selling for something you see in a store, just pull it out and then scan the barcode with the Helium 10 mobile app. I’m going to hit the research button here and then I hit the camera button and I’m going to want to go ahead and zoom in on this barcode. And it pulls up instantly on the Helium 10 mobile app. I can see who is selling for $15, selling about 35 units a month. And even is telling me some of the top-ranking keywords for just in case. I might have some Private Label ideas for the future. So again, retail arbitrage is a cool method. Use the Helium 10 mobile app to see what’s happening on Amazon for it.

Bradley Sutton:

All right. So there we go. When you’re on the go and you’re in a store, everything in the store guys has a barcode. There are some things in your house. Remember I said, Hey, look around this stuff in your house. And it has a barcode use the Helium 10 mobile app in order to scan that barcode. And it gets some information on how much it’s selling on Amazon. So when you’re in the store, the benefit is like, let’s say you see something in the clearance aisle, right? And you scan it. You can see, Hey, this is going for like $50 on Amazon right now. But it’s on clearance right now for 20. Well, I’ve done that before. I’ll just go buy up a whole bunch of items and then put it on Amazon and sell. So that’s another one of those ways where if you’re brand new and you’re like, man, you know, I need to come up with like $2,000 or $4,000 to get this product I want to do.

Bradley Sutton:

I don’t have that kind of money yet. This is just one of those ways where you can build up your money on Amazon by doing some arbitrage and using the Helium 10 mobile app to help you. All right, guys, let me know real quick. What is your favorite strategy so far? Do you have you guys been counting? That was number 11. All right. So that means that we are halfway through the top 22.

Bradley Sutton:

Alright guys, hope you enjoyed these first few product research strategies. I couldn’t fit it all into one episode. So in the next episode, you guys are going to get the rest of these strategies, including some bonus ones. So make sure to tune in, make sure that you’re subscribed guys, and that you have notifications on whether you’re listening to this on Spotify or apple podcasts so that you can be notified as soon as the rest of those product research strategies go live.

Enjoy this episode? Be sure to check out our previous episodes for even more content to propel you to Amazon FBA Seller success! And don’t forget to “Like” our Facebook page and subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you listen to our podcast.

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  • Freedom Ticket: Taught by Amazon thought leader Kevin King, get A-Z Amazon strategies and techniques for establishing and solidifying your business.
  • Helium 10: 30+ software tools to boost your entire sales pipeline from product research to customer communication and Amazon refund automation. Make running a successful Amazon or Walmart business easier with better data and insights. See what our customers have to say.
  • Helium 10 Chrome Extension: Verify your Amazon product idea and validate how lucrative it can be with over a dozen data metrics and profitability estimation.
  • Trademarks are vital for protecting your Amazon brand from hijackers, and provides a streamlined process for helping you get one.

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