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#283 – 22 Keyword Research Strategies for 2022 – Part 1

The only thing that compares to how slow 2020 crawled by is how fast 2021 has gone! In the spirit of prepping for 2022, Bradley is back with 22 Amazon keyword research strategies in a very special edition of The Serious Sellers Podcast. Title density, mining Etsy for keywords, advanced Helium 10 tool filters… grab your pen and paper, Bradley is delivering the goods!

In episode 283 of the Serious Sellers Podcast, Bradley discusses:

  • 02:00 – Bradley Is Retiring… From Saving His Best Stuff For Events
  • 03:50 – Why Title Density Is Important For Keyword Research
  • 05:40 – How To Find Keywords From Etsy
  • 08:00 – Get New Trending Keywords From Pinterest!
  • 08:50 – Helium 10’s Demand Analyzer is a Powerful Keyword Research Tool
  • 09:40 – Keep Keyword Seasonality In Mind While Doing Your Research
  • 14:40 – Find Top Keywords From Multiple Products Using Advanced Filters 
  • 20:40 – Utilizing The Related Searches Section on Amazon
  • 22:40 – More Advanced Filters From Cerebro To Help You Crush It
  • 28:20 – Getting More Valuable Keywords By Checking the Top 10 Sponsored Ranks       


Bradley Sutton:

Alright guys, today is our yearly masterclass that we do on keyword research, where I’m going to give you all of my best keyword research strategies for 2022 with nothing held back. How cool is that? Pretty cool I think.

Bradley Sutton:

You want to know what keywords are driving the most sales for listings on Amazon. To do that, you need to know what highly searched for keywords the product is ranking for maybe at the top of page one, you can actually find that out in seconds by using Helium 10’s keyword research tool Cerebro. Now that’s just one of the many, many functions that make this tool my favorite tool in the whole suite, and it’s the most powerful keyword research tool ever created for e-commerce sellers. For more information, go to h10.me/cerebro. Don’t forget to use the Serious Sellers Podcast discount coupon, SSP10

Bradley Sutton:

Hello everybody and welcome to another episode of the Serious Sellers Podcast by Helium 10. I am your host Bradley Sutton, and this is the show that’s a completely BS-free, unscripted, and unrehearsed organic conversation about serious strategies for serious sellers of any level in the Amazon and Walmart world.

Bradley Sutton:

And today is our yearly keyword research masterclass. You know, things change month to month, let alone year to year on Amazon. You know, the main things, I think the main core principles of keyword research usually stays the same, but every year there’s like newer things that you can be doing better perhaps, or that I’ve discovered using different case studies that can help you. And, you know, way back in the day, I used to save some of my best stuff for when I do classes or do like mastermind sessions and zoom calls and things like that, you know, like Billion Dollar Seller Summit, or, you know, other kind of like high-level private groups. But earlier this year I made the decision I’m retiring from that. So like this year at Billion Dollar Seller Summit, I was like, Nope, I’m not going to speak for the first time ever.

Bradley Sutton:

I want it to be Carrie. You know Carrie my sister from another mister here at Helium 10. I was like, “Carrie, please take over as a speaker”. And the reason why was what was happening was– you guys know how I do case studies, but what I would do is things like there were super cool that I found out. I wouldn’t say it really on this podcast, at least for a while. And I wouldn’t say it in Facebook live or Freedom Ticket Xtra or different things like that. What would happen is I would like, “Oh, I’m going to save this because I’m not sure what I’m going to speak at a mastermind and I have to have something new”. But I was like, that’s not cool. You know, like I don’t like saving my stuff just for, you know, like 50 or 75 people. I want to give you guys everything.

Bradley Sutton:

So I was like, you know what, early 2021. And I’m like, I’m retiring from saving my best stuff for masterminds whenever come up with cool information. I’m just giving it to the world, not holding anything back. So right here, this is my best stuff, you know, unless my forgetful self has you know, forgot something. This is everything I’m not holding anything back, including stuff that I found out, you know, in the last few days. So here it is, this is going to be hopefully good for all of 2022. As you guys know, I don’t script these out. You know, I don’t plan this. I kind of do all these podcasts off the top of my head. So I’m not sure how many strategies I’m going to have, but let me put it this way. Let me try and do, since we just said 2022, let’s try and do 22 strategies.

Bradley Sutton:

So let’s see if in the next 45 minutes or so, I can come up with 22 strategies that can help you on Amazon and Walmart. And if we do less, oh well, but if we do more great, I want to give you guys more bang for your buck. Alright? So let’s start off with something that was not in last year’s keyword research that I did in September keyword research podcast and strategy, number one, title density. Alright, what does this title density mean? Title density refers to the number of products on page one of a certain search term that have in phrase form that keyword. Alright?. So this is actually a way that I’ve been doing for a long time, but until now it’s kind of had to, you, you kind of have to do it with manual tactics, like using Xray or just counting listings, right?

Bradley Sutton:

But now anywhere in Helium 10 and soon coming to Black Box. But right now in Cerebro and Magnet, anywhere where you see a keyword, you are going to see a column called Title Density. And so this part of keyword research is almost in the product research stage. I’m not going to go into this too deep, but basically, the part of the Maldives Honeymoon Strategy is trying to find products where like the main keyword or keywords have a very low title density, meaning that almost nobody has that keyword in the title. So that’s strategy number one is when you’re doing your keyword research, take a look at that title density, and that’ll give you an idea of maybe which keywords you can get easier wins on. And even if you’re in the product research stage, it’s actually a good way to do product research. So maybe you’re doing research for a coffin shelf.

Bradley Sutton:

You’re doing keyword research. You’ve already got the product. You’re just making a listing. When you’re doing your keyword research, run some filters on that title density. And you might find some other product ideas for future ones. So again, number one is title density. Make sure to look at that, you know, before you even have the product to kind of gauge how easy or difficult it is to get to page one with that. Alright, let’s go back into keyword research more, more like nitty-gritty keyword research, as opposed to product research here. Strategy number two, let’s say there’s a product that you found on Etsy or something, and it’s not even on Amazon. So a lot of these strategies I’m going to talk about today. Maybe you can’t even use because, you know, there’s no product on Amazon to like research your keywords because you just got this idea from Etsy.

Bradley Sutton:

Well, two things, first of all, on Etsy, you can use the Demand Analyzer, that’s Helium 10 Chrome extension. You know, if you’re on any search on Etsy and you come up with something that’s trending, you can hit the Chrome extension, just see what kind of search volume there is on Amazon. But, the one strategy I want to talk about here is if you find an actual product on Etsy, that’s selling well, that you’re going to have something like go to the very bottom. Alright? And on the bottom, you’ll see something that says explore related searches. Alright? What this explore related searches is, these are what the actual seller of that product you’re looking at has put in the back end of their Etsy listing as the most important searches for their product. Alright? So, you know, like I’m looking at the Helium 10 one, the Helium 10 egg tray, and at the bottom, I see words like egg tray, egg storage, a container.

Bradley Sutton:

Well, why is that? Well, that’s because I know that those are the most important keywords for my listing. I know my product, you know, pretty well. And so that’s what I put there because I want to kind of like, you know, feed that Etsy search algorithm, right? So take advantage of this being completely open, you know, and you can see what any seller out there put as their main keywords. Alright? So again, if there’s no product on Amazon free to look at, that is the way to find keywords from Etsy. Alright? Strategy number three, let’s just say you’re doing, you’re doing some product research and you come up with something that you think is trending. Maybe you found it on Pinterest. Alright?

Bradley Sutton:

Again, this has nothing to do with Helium 10 right now but go to a page that not many people know about trends.pinterest.com. Remember a lot of times searches happen way earlier on Pinterest than other websites, even Amazon. So what you can do is you go to trends.pinterest.com. And let’s just say, you’ve got a coffin shelf. Well, what you can do is to see what’s trending is use the auto complete, you know, this is kind of a rudimentary way, but guys, this, this is what we used to do on Amazon. Like eight years ago, I wasn’t selling on Amazon, but this is what people tell me that they used to do. Like eight years ago, they used to just use the kind of auto-complete on Amazon. But the interesting thing on trends.pinterest.com, you start typing in coffin and it’s going to auto-complete to some of the most trending keywords that start with coffin and you’ll even see Pinterest search volume that like search search volume charts, I should say, actually of those keywords.

Bradley Sutton:

And again, this could be for both product research, you’ll see a lot of trending stuff, but you might also get some newer keywords that maybe haven’t really registered on Amazon is having that much search volume yet. Alright? So that’s number three. Strategy number four, speaking of off Amazon another way I like to find strange keywords is actually just looking on Shopify or Alibaba.com. You know, I might be searching, I might see something interesting on a Shopify website, you run that Demand Analyzer, that program I told you from the Helium 10 Chrome extension on any Shopify page, and it’s going to pull some of the top keywords from that page. And then you’ll instantly see if there is search volume on Amazon and what, you know, some of the top products, some related keywords, et cetera. And then if you’re on Alibaba, that’s where really you find some interesting, interesting things.

Bradley Sutton:

Alright? So you know, look on Alibaba at titles and different things like that. And you might find that the Chinese factories might be describing a product in a way that you didn’t realize. And then again, right there on the Alibaba.com page, you just hit the Helium 10 Chrome extension, and you can extract the search volume on Amazon for some of those keywords while you’re on alibaba.com. Alright? So that’s number four. Let’s go number five, anytime you’re doing keyword research in Helium 10, always click on the little graph that’s right next to it. You know, if you see any keywords in magnet, if you see it in Xray, if you see it in Cerebro, check that graph, knowing that you can check the seasonality, right? Like if I were to go in July and look at beach ball, I might see 150,000 searches. Right? But I guarantee you that if you click on the history of that search volume, it’s not going to be 150,000 searches in January, you know, maybe in the lower hemisphere, Australia it’s wintertime or something in January, it might be, you know, heavy searches, but in America, at least. If you’re selling on amazon.com, you’re going to see like probably, I don’t know, 20,000 searches in February because most states in America are cold in February. Right? So always keep that in mind that, you know, right now you might be seen as search volume whenever you’re doing your keyword research, but just take a look on some of those main ones about the seasonality of it, so that, you know, like maybe that’s your main keyword now, but is it really the keyword you want to launch for if you’re actually not going to launch your product for another three or four months or something.

Bradley Sutton:

So just something to keep in mind there, that strategy, what number are we at? I think we’re like at number five. Alright? Strategy number six. We’re getting really down to the nitty gritty. You want to find the top keywords for one product. Alright? So, let’s just say that you are selling a coffin shelf and you were like, alright, who is the number one selling coffin shelf on Amazon right now? According to Xray, it looks like it’s the Helium 10 project X coffin shelf. Right? You can just put that into Helium 10 Cerebro, which is reverse ASIN tool. And we are going to show you all of the related keywords to there. And these keywords are coming from three data sources. Number one, the keywords that Amazon recommends. I’ll talk about that later. Number two, the keywords that we have detected that it’s showing up in sponsored results. I’m going to talk about that one later. And then number three, all of the keywords where that product has been detected in organic search results in the top seven pages, which is usually all the Amazon shows about 306 listings. Alright? So if you want to find the top keywords from one listing, just enter that ASIN, the Amazon product identification number into Cerebro press enter. And then what I would suggest doing is filtering for organic rank, like 1 to 10, Alright? Filtering from 1 to 10. In other words, show me the keywords, Helium 10, where this product has been detected in the last 30 days in the top 10 positions on page one of that keyword. And then I will usually put a minimum search volume, no matter what the keyword is. The absolute minimum would probably be like 300. But if it’s a bigger niche, my minimum might be 1,000 or it might be 2,000, you know, like “collagen peptides”, my minimum search volume would probably be like 4,000 and some of those big sellers, because there’s tons of search volume now for “coffin shelf”. There’s actually not that many keywords related to coffin shelf. They have search volume. So I might put the minimum like three or 400, but that is the way to find the top keywords because remember guys, why is this correct? The way that products get on the top of page one is not by chance. Alright? Yes. you know, part of the Maldives honeymoon strategy you might have to do with it. Somebody has a brand new listing. They put it in their title. Nobody has that keyword in their title yet. Maybe instantly they can get to page one, but it’s not sustainable. Like that’s only in the honeymoon period, but if they don’t actually convert for that keyword, they’re going to fall off of page one.

Bradley Sutton:

So if you see products that are consistently on the top of page one for high volume searches, that means that keyword is very relevant to that product. They’re absolutely getting sales. They’re getting conversions for it better than other products are getting conversions because that’s how the Amazon algorithm works to get products to page one, because remember, how does Amazon make money? Amazon makes money if the buyer buys the product. So how do the buyers look for products? They use search terms. So the way Amazon can get money is, Hey, I’m going to show products to the customers that gives us on Amazon, the best chance to make that sale. So if we see good interaction on a keyword with products for a certain for a certain keyword, then you know what, let’s keep showing that, that product higher and higher, right? So again, this is the way to find the top 10 keywords for one product, which should always be maybe step one of your keyword research. Right?

Bradley Sutton:

Now, I said, you can do that in Cerebro. If you want to do that in one click, you could use a newer tool that Helium 10 has called Listing Analyzer. Alright? Listing Analyzer is not in the Chrome extension in the dashboard, hit listing analyzer, put a keyword, or I’m sorry, put a ASIN in there and you’ll get a lot of the top keywords that is in the top 10 for. And then you can actually open up a search more in Cerebro. So again, you can do this two ways Listing Analyzer or Cerebro. Alright? Let’s go to strategy number seven of the day, we’re going to spend a little bit of time on this one, cause this is like, you know, I didn’t plan it, you know, to be lucky number seven right here, but this is probably the meat and potatoes that I think Helium 10 is known for is Cerebro.

Bradley Sutton:

And the multi-ASIN search, I mean we’re the first to have this years ago now, you know, we, we started this when I first came to the company and you know, often imitated never duplicated out there. So this is like creme de la creme part of keyword research strategy. It’s finding the top keywords from multiple products using the advanced filters of Cerebro. How would you do that? You go in find what’s the main keyword for a product. Alright, maybe using that strategy. I said in number six, right? For finding keywords for one product, maybe if it’s a coffin shelf, maybe I find that you know what, coffin shelf looks like the most relevant keyword, what you do then go to coffin shelf and just take a look at that page who are the top sellers of coffin shelf that are similar to your product, right?

Bradley Sutton:

Similar to your product inform, function and price. Or I’m going to talk about that a little bit later, why that’s important. But I would suggest getting like five or six or seven, the very first ASIN that I put into Cerebro. I’m going to make that my baseline ASIN, alright? Baseline ASIN means I don’t have my own product yet. You know, normally you would use this function. If you have your own products compared it to others. But if I’m doing keyword research for brand new product, I don’t have my own product yet. So, I’m going to pick a lower selling, one, a lower selling one on that page. Again, a lot of people get confused about this. Like, why would I do that? Well, it’s because I guess need a baseline to compare things to, because of the way Cerebro works is it compares everything after that first product that you enter into Cerebro.

Bradley Sutton:

Alright? So I’m not going to waste that first position on one of my good competitors. I got to you do a lower one because it just the baseline, right? So I put a baseline product there. And then I usually put like anywhere between four and seven or eight of the top competitors that are closest to my product. And then I press enter, what does that show me? That shows me all of those aforementioned things, you know, the advance the Amazon recommended the sponsored results and the organic, but not just for one product, but for all six or seven or eight, however many products you put there. And this could be thousands of thousands of keywords. But again, to find the top 10 keywords or top 20, the ones that overall are driving the most sales to this niche as a whole, I would use the following filters.

Bradley Sutton:

I would use search volume filter again. Sometimes it could be 500 minimum. Sometimes it could be a thousand. Sometimes more, you got to play around with it’s different niches are different. And then what I’m doing is I’m going to put the ranking competitors minimum of 75% of the ASINs. What does that mean? That means like if I put in five competitors, I’m going to put probably at least four minimum. That means show me the keywords, Helium 10, that not just one is ranking forward, not just two, but at least four out of the five ones that I put, they’re all ranking for it. So I can know it’s definitely relevant across the board. Alright? If I put eight Asians in there to, to examine, I might put a minimum of, or six, right? There’s no magic number here. Like I said, that, that’s just my personal thing where I say I try and do around 75% of however many ASINs, again, that is ranking competitors minimum.

Bradley Sutton:

That’s what I’m putting in that field. Now, in addition to that, I still have to dial it down further because if I just do that, I’m still having probably potentially hundreds of keywords. And there might be keywords there that still are not necessarily the top relevant ones. I mean the relevant, maybe they have some kind of relevancy to the niche. I mean, otherwise, why would all the top competitors be ranking for it, but it’s not hyper-relevant because maybe they’re all ranking for it, but they’re like all on page five or six, you know, are they getting sales for that? Probably not that many. Right? So the other filter I have to use is competitor rank average. What does this mean? This means if I were to take the position or the rank, the keyword rank of all of these products for this one, keyword, they’re all on X position or X page.

Bradley Sutton:

So what I would do, I usually like to put between one and 30 as far as rank. And so that means that all if at least four or out of that five are all ranking for this keyword and I were to take their average position, they’re kind of all on page one. In other words, that’s what it’s saying. In a nutshell, you know, maybe one is five, one is 15, one is 20, one is 50. But if I average that out, it’s between one and 30, I hope that makes sense. In other words, a lot of those ones, the top competitors are all on page one. So this really helps me find the ones that are kind of hyper relevant to this niche as a whole, because multiple ones of the top competitors, not only are they all ranking for it, but they’re all almost all on the top of, or in the middle of page one, right?

Bradley Sutton:

This is the great way to get your main keywords for this niche, alright? Now here is a little mini hack I haven’t talked about and it kind of doesn’t really have to do with Helium 10 here is the danger of picking your competitors. Just once, like I said, it might be common sense or maybe even the data shows that the main keyword is coffin shelf, right? But what if there is a top selling product that doesn’t have for whatever reason, coffin shelf in a title, but it is a coffin shelf, you know, that might be an extreme example. So let’s just say, what if there’s a top selling coffin shelf that for whatever reason, maybe they’re suffering from the Amazon search shuffle. Maybe they’re not on page one. If I was just using Xray on the main page of coffin shelf to look for the top sellers, I would totally be missing out on including a top competitor.

Bradley Sutton:

So one of the ways I could do this is I could go out there and just look at some of the other, you know, top keywords that client came up, my keyword research and just scan to make sure there’s no other products that maybe I missed that wasn’t on page one of coffin shelf, or another way as soon as I’m doing, picking the top competitors before I even get to the stage, go to the bottom of the page of the search results on, on Amazon, like for coffin shelf or whatever. And you are going to see at very bottom something that says it related searches, alright? I mean, this could go away anytime, but it’s been here for like a year related searches. This is kind of like showing what Amazon’s data shows as what people are also searching for, alright? So for example, for related searches for coffin shelf, you’re going to find all the keywords that actually would have come up in Cerebro anyways, like right now, on this day that I’m recording this podcast.

Bradley Sutton:

I’m just looking at it live. I see under related searches, coffin shelf large, gothic decor, coffin bookshelf, coffin decor, moon shelf, and coffin mirror. Alright? So use this and just, I would go and just click once you don’t have to click once there and just make sure that you didn’t miss any of your main competitors, because again, maybe they weren’t on page one here for whatever reason, but they might’ve been on page one here on one of those other keywords. So that right there is strategy number nine, actually. Alright? That I just gave you guys number eight and nine looking at related keywords, right? Strategy number 10 for keyword research is more advanced filters, alright? In Cerebro, so that strategy, I just told you is how you can find that like the top 10 keywords for the niche. Now, I had said using the minimum competitive, you know, minimum ranking competitors.

Bradley Sutton:

In other words, you know, probably these are all top sellers. They probably know what they’re doing. And I want to find the keywords that are relevant to the niche as a whole. But what happens sometimes is that there are some competitors who may have discovered a new keyword, or there’s only a couple of competitors who are really crushing it on a certain keyword that the other top competitors just either don’t know about, or they’re just not performing well. I mean, every single niche I’ve ever seen, I see this now. Yes. A lot of these could be brand-related keywords and I’m not talking about those, but I’m talking about like niche keywords, like who knows coffin mirror could be one, like, it’s not common sense to say, you know what? I have a coffin shelf. I can get a lot of sales from coffin mirror, but maybe one of the coffin shelves figured it out that people who are searching for coffin mirror are buying coffin shelves as well.

Bradley Sutton:

So they put it in their listing and they’re crushing it. They’re on page one. They’re like maybe in the middle of a whole bunch of coffin mirrors and there’s one coffin shelf, but all the other coffin shelf products are not on page one of this keyword. So how would you find that? How would you find that again, you’re in Cerebro. I would erase all those filters I did in step seven there. And what I would do is I would actually keep the search volume minimum. I’ll keep the search volume minimum filter, but then what I would do is I will go in and on the very bottom, there are filters that are, we call the advanced rank filters. And the very first one I would put in is a min and max ASIN, right? So let’s just say I put in seven ASINs or I put an eight ASINs that I’m looking at the keywords for. What I would do is I would say minimum one, maximum two for ASINs, and then the right to the right of that. It says there what ranks. And so, again, minimum, maximum, I would put between one and 10. Now, what is the difference of this and that last one in step seven, where I talked about rank filters and competitor rank average? In this one, I am taking absolute numbers. I am not taking an average. And every single time there are more keywords and some golden keywords that come up with this step of the strategy that you didn’t get in that step seven. I just talked about. So what I am saying is Helium 10, if I put a minimum one ASIN and maximum two, please show me keywords where only one or two ASINs are ranked in the top 10. I can put in whatever numbers, maybe I want to put one in 30, one in 40, one in 50, whatever, but whatever numbers I put, that’s what I’m saying.

Bradley Sutton:

I’m saying Helium 10 don’t show me the average, but just show me the absolute number. Say, which are the ones where only one or only two products out of all these products I put in here are in the top 10 of this keyword. And maybe the other ones don’t even have it in their listing either they’re not in the top 10, whatever. And I’m going to get some golden gems in here that is going to show me some keywords. That one or two competitors are crushing it on, but others aren’t. And the cool thing about this is every single time I do this, there’s always products that are performing well for keywords that the other competitors aren’t, but now you’re coming along and you’re getting the best of the best. Instead of just going with what everybody else is doing as a whole together and compete on the same things.

Bradley Sutton:

Now, all of a sudden you’re getting the advantage that maybe one or two competitors had over the others because they were the only ones with it. And, but you’re getting the best out of everybody out of all these top competitors. I hope that makes sense. It’s kind of hard to explain, you know, without being able to look at a graph, but guys, this is, this is something that we implemented in Helium 10 about a year ago, and I still don’t see enough people using this strategy. It’s really good. So again, use the advanced rank filters to say, Hey, show me ones where a maximum of X ASINs are ranking in a certain range, and you are going to find some hidden gem keywords there. Now, strategy number 10 basically is just opening it up. All those, all those searches.

Bradley Sutton:

Alright so, everything I just told you, you know, the step seven and whatever, I just said it’s number nine right there, guys. You just open that up. So, you know how restrictive those filters were, you know, remember why they have it so restricted. Well, I was looking for the top 10 keywords. These are the keywords that I probably want to get in phrase form in my listing. And so that’s what I was looking for. So you don’t want to put just 10 keywords in your listing or 15 or 20, right? You want to have hundreds of keywords in your listing, one of index for a lot of keywords. So those are always step one because those are the most relevant to your product. What I just said and steps up seven and nine here, but here in step 10 is you just got to open up those searches little by little.

Bradley Sutton:

So I would open up that first filter. You remember the one where I said, competitor rank average, let’s say I had a, between one and 30. Well, maybe I’ll open it up to between one and 200. I had the minimum of search volume at 1000. Maybe I would lower it to 500. Maybe I had minimum ranking competitors six, what? Maybe I’ll lower that to three. I’m just going to keep opening it up until I am satisfied that I have all of the potentially relevant keywords to my listing. Now, the differences of these in the first ones is these. I’m probably not going to put in phrase form in my listing because I don’t have enough room to put every single keyword. I find that’s relevant to my listing in phrase form. I only want to save that for like a top 10 or 15, but I definitely want to get indexed for all these keywords.

Bradley Sutton:

So I’m going to add it to my keyword list. So that is step number 10 is just opening up your searches that you did. Step number 11. We are halfway there as long as I can get– Remember, I’m shooting for 22 strategies for 2022, and we are at 11. Alright?. Find the keywords where the products are high in sponsored rank. So you can do this through either of the methods I mentioned about Cerebro, either putting one ASIN in or multi-ASIN and what do I mean by high end sponsored? Well, we have this filter called sponsored rank and what that means. And guys, I understand this fluctuates a lot. So it’s not like if we say that it’s three in sponsored rank, that doesn’t mean you’re going to go into Amazon right now.

Bradley Sutton:

And it’s going to be the third position that comes up. It’s probably not going to be as a matter of fact, just because these fluctuate, but what I’m going to do is I’m going to put that ASIN in of one of these top competitors or multi competitors. And I want to see where they are showing up for in the top 10 sponsored ranks, at least once. Because if you come up in the top 10 sponsored ranks, the last time Helium 10 checked, usually the top 10 doesn’t fluctuate that much like it does at the bottom. So if somebody is getting a high rank and sponsored that they probably have a high bid. Now, if these are the best sellers, think about the logic here guys, if these are the best sellers in this niche and they are putting a high bid on a keyword, why do you think they’re doing that?

Bradley Sutton:

Well, if they’re not dumb, they’re probably doing that because they’ve got some kind of PPC data that shows that, Hey, this is a good keyword. I’m converting for this keyword. So it’s kind of like, you’re taking advantage of what these guys have probably had to pay for weeks and months to get the data on, to know what’s good and what’s not in PPC. So I’m looking for the keywords where they are showing up for in the top 10, which is basically on page one of the sponsored results. The last time Helium 10 checked, and this sometimes gives me other keywords. Maybe these are keywords that don’t have too much search volume, and maybe they’re not organically ranked high. So they never came up in my step seven or step nine, right? However, it’s a keyword that they get, you know, one or two sales here or there in sponsored ads so that they want to be at the very top, right?

Bradley Sutton:

You are going to find more valuable keywords using this method. Alright? A lot of sellers don’t do this. Alright?. So that was step 11. Now I am looking at my time right here, and I’m not sure how much my editor is cutting out of this, but I’m like at like 30 minutes almost here. And I’m only at step 11, so I don’t want this to be like an hour and a half episode. So actually I didn’t even plan it. I told you guys, I don’t plan these out at all. I just like, press record. And then I’m like, let’s go. So what I’m realizing now is I need to make this into a two part episode. So I’m going to go ahead and end it right here with step 11. And then in the next episode, I’m going to try and get to step 22 of keyword research strategy.

Bradley Sutton:

So I hope you guys have found this informative and whether you’re a new seller, or you are a seller that has been selling on Amazon, any one of you guys can use these strategies and should be using these strategies to find the best keywords for your listing. But like I said, I’m just scratching the surface. I’ve hopefully got about 11 if not more strategies left. So come back on the next episode for Part 2 of my top 22 Keyword Research Strategies for 2022. And guys, obviously I know most of you are all Helium 10 users. If for whatever reason, you are not a Helium 10 user, you want to go ahead and try some of these strategies out, sign up, go to h10.me/cerebro to find out more about Cerebro. And then somewhere on that page, you can actually sign up to be a Helium 10 member, and don’t forget, use the coupon code SSP10 like Serious Sellers Podcast 10 and save 10% off for life. Try it out for a month, alright guys? Use that coupon, try it out for a month. And if you like it, great continue. If you don’t like it, you can ask for your money back. So there’s zero risk here. So again, h10.me/cerebro, then sign up for account. Use SSP10 to get 10% off for life. Make sure to come back in the next episode, guys, I’m going to give you 11 more top keyword research strategies. We’ll see you then.

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Want to absolutely start crushing it on Amazon? Here are few carefully curated resources to get you started:

  • Freedom Ticket: Taught by Amazon thought leader Kevin King, get A-Z Amazon strategies and techniques for establishing and solidifying your business.
  • Ultimate Resource Guide: Discover the best tools and services to help you dominate on Amazon.
  • Helium 10: 20+ software tools to boost your entire sales pipeline from product research to customer communication and Amazon refund automation. Make running a successful Amazon business easier with better data and insights. See what our customers have to say.
  • Helium 10 Chrome Extension: Verify your Amazon product idea and validate how lucrative it can be with over a dozen data metrics and profitability estimation. 
  • SellerTradmarks.com: Trademarks are vital for protecting your Amazon brand from hijackers, and sellertrademarks.com provides a streamlined process for helping you get one.

The Helium 10 Software Suite will allow you to gain an unfair advantage over your competitors as it was designed and battle-tested by Amazon's top sellers. So if you want more sales, more time, lower PPC costs, and if you want to discover hidden keywords your competitors don’t use then start using Helium 10 -- the same tools top Amazon sellers use on a daily basis.

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