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#407 – December’s New Amazon And Walmart Seller Tools, Updates, & Features

We’re back with another Bigger Better Launch recap podcast episode where we review all the latest tools, updates, and features inside Helium 10. In addition, we also share some top actionable strategies on how you can use these new features to improve your Amazon and Walmart businesses. What are the goals that you want to achieve in 2023? 

In episode 407 of the Serious Sellers Podcast, Bradley discusses:

  • 02:30 – What Are Your Goals Next Year?
  • 04:30 – Quick Recap Of Last Month’s BBL
  • 15:45 – How To Find The Exact PPC Campaign Strategy for a Competitor
  • 16:50 – How To See Which Organic Keywords Your Competitors Are Beating You On
  • 18:09 – Why You Need Market Tracker 360
  • 19:57 – Introducing Adtomic Budget Utilization
  • 20:55 – Advanced Analytics in Profits Inventory Levels
  • 27:00 – How To Find The Products That Amazon Recommends Someone Advertise For
  • 28:50 – Stay Ahead Of Listing / Dimensional Changes
  • 32:30 – Ever Notice How Different Page One Looked In 2022?
  • 35:50 – Introducing Cerebro Traffic Analysis
  • 38:15 – How To Request A Feature In Helium 10?
  • 39:15 – Make Sure To Use Refund Genie  


Bradley Sutton:

Today we’re gonna be going over a lot of strategies that are bound to help you crush it in 2023 if you’re an Amazon or Walmart seller. How cool is that? Pretty cool I think.

Bradley Sutton:

We know that getting to page one on keyword search results is one of the most important goals that an Amazon seller might have. So track your progress on the way to page one and even get historical keyword ranking information and even see sponsored ad rank placement with Keyword Tracker by Helium 10. For more information, go to Hello everybody, and welcome to another episode of the Serious Seller’s Podcast by Helium 10. I am your host Bradley Sutton, and this is the show that’s a completely BS-free unscripted, and unrehearsed organic conversation about serious strategies for serious sellers of any level in the e-commerce world. And here I am you’re watching this on YouTube, you’re like, what in the world? Who is this guy? I’m wearing a, I just came from church, so I’m wearing an shirt and tie and sports jacket.

Bradley Sutton:

So sometimes people think that all I do is go around with baseball hats and t-shirts and stuff, but no I’m a multifaceted person, fashionably speaking. All right, so don’t think that I will look like I do on the podcast everywhere. I do have different wardrobes. And here’s one of them I didn’t wanna change. So I’m recording this on a Saturday. So let’s just go ahead and get this done here. Now we do this BBL, Bigger, Better Launch every month. And then what I do is I do this recap podcast episode. Whether somebody listens to the original BBL or not, I do it completely differently because I’m focused more here on the podcast on strategy and how you can use some of the things that we went over to help you guys crush it in your business, especially now that we’re at the end of 2022.

Bradley Sutton:

It’s like you guys are hopefully maybe have set some goals for you for 2023. You know, what are your goals? I’m wondering what kind of goals you have, like sales for my accounts. I haven’t looked at it yet, but I know it’s down probably like 25 if not 50% down. I’ve kind of neglected some accounts. I stopped doing a lot of the wholesale that I used to be doing. And so next year I want to go back push my accounts back up to the million dollar range like they were in 2020 and 2021. So that’s my goal. What what about you guys? It’s important to have goals in in your business. So, so let’s you know, put something on record of what your goal that you guys want to achieve are. Now the stuff that is gonna help me reach the goals is more dedication and more commitment to it.

Bradley Sutton:

You know, like sometimes I let the Helium 10 side of things take too much of my life, and then I don’t have any time for my Amazon businesses, so I gotta make sure I have some balance. You know, you guys might have balance issues that you need to work out. Been partying too much, or maybe you’ve got a day job that you’ve been spending all your time on obviously during the day, but then your nighttime, you’re taking that job home with you, and then you have no energy at the end of the day to work in your Amazon business. Whatever the case is, something we can all do is work on balance. The other thing that of course is just implementing new strategies. You could have been an eight figure seller in 2017 on Amazon, but if you’re using the exact same strategies that you did in 2017, first of all, you’re gonna get suspended because things like incentivize reviews, search find, buy, two step URLs, all those things that used to bring people to the top in those days, it’s literally against Amazon in terms of service.

Bradley Sutton:

But apart from that, even just regular stuff the way you manage your PPC look, look how much PPC has grown in the last few years, and if you’re not taking advantage of it, sponsored display ads, sponsored brand ads, sponsored video ads, et cetera. So you’ve gotta make sure that you’re constantly keeping up with all the best strategies, whether it’s just general Amazon strategy or Helium 10 strategy. So let’s get into some stuff that I think can definitely help sellers out there reach their goals. All right, so first of all, just a quick recap of what we went over last month in last month’s episode of BBL. We launched something which are PPC bids estimates in Cerebro and magnet. Now, this is something that a lot of users were asking for because of so often the bids that they would see inside of Seller Central ended up being so far off.

Bradley Sutton:

Now, there was no complete accurate prediction on bids, right? You know, because as we know it depends on the account. It depends on the time of day. You know, it depends on how relevant you are to a listing, et cetera, et cetera. But on average as long as the keywords are are fairly relevant to your product, we were able to develop an algorithm that is a little bit closer than what you see in Amazon. So that a little bit less margin of error there. So that’s something that for those of you who have a Diamond in the above account, you’ll be able to see a column in Cerebro and magnet. And actually that’s a brand new update as of this week, even in Keyword Tracker. Now you’re going to be able to see these bids as well.

Bradley Sutton:

The next thing that we launched was Xray thumbnail downloads. A lot of you guys use Xray to download the you know, reports on products, especially you wholesale sellers. Now there’s thumbnails in those in those downloads. Another thing we launched is Chrome extension Graph updates. This is something I think you guys should definitely take advantage of, is when you’re searching on Amazon, and a lot of people are not hitting the graph in Xray. So on some columns in Xray, you’ll see like for search volume or not really search volume, actually the more the other ones like the reviews or the BSR or things like that. There’s be a little graph icon. Take a look at that. It’s important to understand what historically has gone on with a product. What you remember when you’re looking at Xray, you’re looking at things that have to do with like, the last 30 days or what’s the current amount.

Bradley Sutton:

Like, for example, when you see reviews in Xray, it means how many reviews they have right now. But maybe you wanna know what’s the review velocity. So how fast are they growing reviews? So click on the graph next, and then now there will be different tabs in there, or you can see the review velocity. One thing I’ve always suggested doing is if you see a product with some abnormal review velocity, that’s kind of like a sign, there might be some shady stuff going on. If you see their sales is one number, and then it seems like they’re all of a sudden they jump up like 300 reviews in a matter of like two days. Sometimes I might not even get into that niche cause I’m like, Hey, these guys are obviously willing to get dirty and risk their Amazon accounts by doing some shady review stuff that could be a reason to stay away from this niche.

Bradley Sutton:

But anyways, what we launched was this ability to, on the same graph, you can see, hey, what’s the review velocity? What’s the BSR history of a product? You know, BSR history I like easy, you can tell when a product has gone outta stock and how many times it’s gone outta stock. Like, if you see a BSR chart that’s pretty consistent going up and down and up and down, you could tell that, hey, there’s sales happening, but all of a sudden for a time, it’s just consistently going up. You know, they’re probably out of stock. So it’s a great way to see how often a product goes out of stock as well. The next thing we went over was Adtomic Advanced Bulk features was something for Adtomic users and then also in atomic hourly analytics for Diamond members.

Bradley Sutton:

All right? So if you’re a Diamond member with $20,000 of PPC spend or more, you will notice in your campaign performance that you can actually now see how your PPC campaigns are doing at an hourly level. And then you know how you use it. First of all, this is just interesting information. You know, like for example, I’m looking at something on my screen right now. We’re at at 7:00 PM the spend is like super high, right? But the a cost is super low. Now, conversely, at 8:00 AM, my spend is low and my a cost is terrible. So what I can do with that is actually something that we also release is called Adtomic Schedules. You know, some people call this day partying, right? Basically how schedules works for Atomic is that I can like say, you know what?

Bradley Sutton:

I noticed that at eight to 9:00 AM my campaigns just do not work for me at all. So what I’m going to do is I’m gonna tell Adtomic to pause my campaigns between eight and nine, because that is not a good time of day. So that’s something that is new that definitely people should be using. A lot of people have been thinking about the last few years selling their Amazon business. So what we did is we launched a course specifically for people who are nearing that level. Fist of all Diamond and Elite members, if you guys are, think you’re getting close to the point where you’re like, Hey, in the next year or two, I want to think about exiting my business. We made a very detailed course from Northbound is a company who specializes in this and we partner with them to deliver this course.

Bradley Sutton:

So it’s called Exit Ticket. And if you’re a diamond or above member, you guys have access to it at the same place that you have access to Freedom Ticket. So make sure to take advantage of that. And then my absolute favor thing, probably in like three years that we have ever added, it’s that powerful to Helium 10 is Cerebro Historical Data. So this is something that f right now is just elite members, I’m just literally out of words because this is just something that is so game changing in my opinion, because here’s the use case. I would love to know your use case, but here’s why I always wanted to look at Cerebro historical data use case number one. Let’s say I’m doing product research into a product that could be seasonal or maybe, I don’t even know if it’s seasonal or not, right?

Bradley Sutton:

But you know, if, if in December, like right now is December, if I’m looking into a product that is like beach water cooler or something like that, right? I mean, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to be able to look at the search volume history and see that, wow, beach water cooler has probably low search volume now, but probably 10x the search volume come May, June, July. But what you haven’t had access to is like, okay, well if I’m gonna make a beach water cooler and I wanna launch it by summer of next year, I’m not gonna wait until summer to do their keyword research on things. I gotta start doing it now. But historically, you haven’t been able to do that. Like right now in December, I could see who are the main products and run Cerebro and see where they’re ranking now, but is that a really good indication of what the main keywords are and who’s the getting sales?

Bradley Sutton:

It’s very likely that a lot of the top players might not even be in stock. You know, in some categories, people just go out of stock. Like you think people who are still Christmas tree ornaments and things like that are selling it in July and August probably not. They just let their stuff run outta stock and then they’ll start again when it comes to the season. So if you’re doing research now in any tool, not just Cerebro, it’s like not that great. So what have you done in the past? I mean, personally, in the past, before this was available, I would look in Brand Analytics. You know Brand Analytics, I would throw in some of the, the keywords or products I thought was the best, and, and I could see what were the main keywords.

Bradley Sutton:

But that’s very, very limited because it’s only limited to looking at keywords and products where there’s the top three clicked, right? So we all know how much we love Cerebro for right now. Like I wanna see what’s the top coffin, shelf’s keyword for right now, et cetera. But now with this new function is, I can say, you know what, let me go look at whatever I said the beach cooler for whatever suburbs, whatever keyword. I said, let me go look at these pro top products and see what they were ranking for in September what they were ranking for at the beginning of the summer in May. You know, what they were ranking for whenever, what they were doing sponsored ads for. So you get like information if you’re doing product research on the next level, another use case, like let’s say you’re already in a niche and you’re, you’re just doing some competitor research, and you noticed that from like last month to this month.

Bradley Sutton:

For example, one of your competitors doubled his sales right? Now, hopefully maybe you were tracking him in Market Tracker. And so he already got on your radar and you were tracking his keywords, and you can kind of look, but maybe, maybe you had no idea this competitor was even in the ballpark because he was such a low seller. Well, what you could do now is run Cerebro on his listing, even compared to yours, right? And then you would do the one-to-one comparison in Cerebro, just like you would do a regular comparison for right now, right? So if right now he’s doing twice as good as you, or twice as good as he was last month, like he doubled up your sales in one month’s time, I’m gonna take that Cerebro from right now and take a look at it, all right?

Bradley Sutton:

Where’s my keywords now? Where’s his keywords? Where he doing sponsored ads that right now that he’s beating me, et cetera. But now what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna do that exact same Cerebro Search as of last month, right? And then now I’m gonna take a correlation and I’ll be like, all right, which keywords did he gain rank on? Because that’s probably the cause of at least where he got more sales from the organic side. And so it allows me to reverse engineer the success of my competitors. There’s nothing like this out there there, there’s great Amazon tools that are available now, like Search Query Performance to look at your own stuff, right? Like, hey, where in the Search Query Performance probably covers about maybe 20% to 40% of your sales, at least for that amount.

Bradley Sutton:

You can like see where you’re getting traction on the keyword level, but you don’t know, you can’t look at your competitor’s ASINs and know, right? So this is a game changer for me to be able to instantly get insights when a customer or when a competitor’s doing. Well take a flips out. I’m gonna give you one last you know, use case for this before I move on here, but take another use case is what about the opposite? Like, what if you or your competitor had a really, really bad month of sales, right? Well, what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna go compare their good month of sales to that bad month and see where did they lose keyword rank? Where did they stop advertising at the top of the page? And then guess what? I just figured out what was part of the reason of why they or myself lost sales.

Bradley Sutton:

So the possibilities are endless guys. Actually, I lied. One more use case is this here that we’re looking on the screen is to look at overall the historical trends on a graph too. Like, for example, what I’m looking at here is the orange is sponsored ads of this listing that I have highlighted. And the purple is the organic keywords that they’re ranking for. So you can see that in May of 2022, this ASIN just stopped doing sponsored ads, right? And they’re only doing organic and looks like they’re organic, really didn’t suffer too much, but maybe in August they were out of stock. So guys, the number of stuff here is, is just pretty, pretty interesting to hear. Now quick thing that this is nothing new, but this is just a strategy I think you guys should use.

Bradley Sutton:

This is something I think Carrie brought out in the BBL is how to find the exact PPC campaign strategy for a competitor. This is not, this doesn’t work all the time, but if you ever run Cerebro guys on an ASIN and you see–, every, almost every single big seller will will have like hundreds if not thousands of keywords, right? But for example, I did a one on this coffin shelf, and as you can see, they only had 21 sponsored keywords. What do you think guys think that means? If you ever see something like less than 30, you can almost be guaranteed they are only doing exact manual campaigns. Because even if they’re doing broad or phrase, it would probably come up with like 100 or 200 different keywords, even if they only had a couple of targets, right?

Bradley Sutton:

So the fact that helium 10 in a whole month’s time only found them for 21 keywords, you basically have now reversed engineered their exact PPC strategy. Like the exact 20 keywords that they’re sponsoring in. And not only where they are focusing their spend. Like this listing right here was, is the top of the page for floating skull and also coffin bookshelf. So super interesting guys. Another strategy, how to see which organic keywords your competitors are beating you on. So those of you not watching on YouTube, just take out a pen and paper. It’s really easy. Open up Cerebro, you make your ASIN the first one that you paste into the Cerebro, and then add like 5, 6, 7, 8 more ASINs. And then really simple, all you have to do, I like putting in a minimum search volume of 500, and then I go to the relative rank filter and then just put a minimum relative rank of five.

Bradley Sutton:

That’s it. That’s all you gotta do. And then once you do that, you are going to see where you are really losing to at least five of those competitors. Like for example, here’s our coffin shelf and for Gothic shelf we are ranked five for goth shelf, we are ranked five. So now I know that we are not doing very well here for these keywords my competitors are beating us on. I mean, I don’t really care about where if they’re beating me on something that they’re all on page like five or six. So theoretically I could have added another filter and say, Hey, where is at least one of my competitors in the top 10? And I’m ranked fifth, meaning that somebody’s getting sales from this keyword, but I’m not right? Many different ways to do that, guys. So really make sure to check out the videos that we have in Cerebro for how to do that.

Bradley Sutton:

Now one thing that we did in BBL, Shivali has been doing a series the last few months on BBL for market Tracker 360. Now, most of the stuff that I’m talking about today is for sellers of all levels a lot. I mean, these strategies that I’ve been talking about for PPC, for keyword research, I don’t care if you’re a brand new seller or you, you’re a nine figure seller, you can use this Market Tracker 360 is not for brand new sellers. I don’t wanna waste your time. Don’t waste you know, don’t waste my time on this. Like nobody’s time is being wasted on you considering Market Tracker 360. I want you guys to have a goal to be able to use this tool because if you do use this tool, that means you’re a big baller right? Now, let’s say you’re a big baller status already.

Bradley Sutton:

Maybe you’re selling 5 million a year, 10 million, you’re big agency. I’ll tell you right now, you need Market Tracker 360 to get next level insights into what’s going on on Amazon, especially on the historical side. So if you are interested to see if this is a good fit for you just go to, M as in Mary, T as in Thomas, or M is market, T as in tracker, Marker Tracker 360, MT360. All right, guys or if you’re watching this on YouTube hit this QR code right here. But this is really important for you. Larger sellers or agencies who want to get a leg up on the competition is starting with Market Tracker 360. Now, how many of you guys out there have found a difficult to know when your PPP C budget is used up? Like you, you go back and you’re like maybe you’re at eight o’clock at night and you just wanna see looking at the Amazon search results also, you’re like, wait a minute, I know I’m at the top of coffin shelf.

Bradley Sutton:

Why is my listing not here? Well it’s probably cuz you’re out of stock or not out of stock, but out of budget I should say, right? So now that’s why something new for you atomic users is atomic budget utilization. So I highly recommend just checking this like once or twice a day and then taking note of which campaigns you are getting close to your limit on and then you gotta check the ACoS and things like, don’t just say, oh, I’m at a hundred percent usage like my budget, I’m out of budget already. I better increase my spend. I mean, what if your ACoS is like 60% and I guarantee you’re not gonna be profitable there. So but if, if you have like 10-20% a cost or whatever makes you profitable and you’re using your budget up, guess what guys?

Bradley Sutton:

You are leaving money on the table. So make sure to either check and Seller Central guys how many of your campaigns are getting out of budget. Or you can now do this in Atdomic Ad Manager as well. Now, one cool way that we just launched to have quick insights in your historical inventory numbers is a very, very little known or little used tab inside Profits. So this is regardless if you guys have–, I mean everybody who has our token connected to, to Helium 10, their Amazon account connected to Helium 10 has access to this, regardless if you’ve put in your cost of goods and all that stuff that you really should be doing anyways, but there’s very little used tab in Profits. It’s called Inventory Levels, all right? It’s, it’s way more than inventory levels. This is actually where you enter your cogs, but now you have these graphs.

Bradley Sutton:

If you hit the explain button guys, you are gonna be able to see stuff like your historical inventory. This is extremely interesting because for example, I noticed that all of a sudden Amazon put all of my inventory of the coffin shelves in like reserved status. And I’m like, what in the world is going on? Like, how is, how do I not have anything available? I know I’ve got like a hundred, 200 units in Amazon. What happened? Well, I can now go back and just with one click hit this historical inventory button again. You go to Inventory Levels, find the product, and click and hit explain. And then now I can see that, oh my goodness, what in the world as of December 10th, you guys are, you guys can see this. If you’re watching this on YouTube, as of December 10th, 100% of my inventory all of a sudden went to reserve status, right?

Bradley Sutton:

It’s crazy. So now there’s no doubt about why is my sales down? Well, people are probably seeing a date that’s way in the future. So this is something important to do. Check out what is going on with your historical inventory. How fast is it taking Amazon to move things through from reserved to available? Because you might have some issues that you don’t even know about. You know, I was talking to an elite member the other day. This was way worse for him. Like 30,000 units all of a sudden went to reserved. So what he did when he saw that he, he contacted Amazon and he found out that they had routed his shipment to the wrong place. So it was like his inventory was in limbo, and that means that it pretty much wasn’t available to sell, or it had like a crazy delivery date right in the middle of Christmas shopping, right?

Bradley Sutton:

So this is important. These are some of the things that sometimes sellers sleep on. Because it’s not very easy to find that, it’s almost impossible to find that, a day by day historical inventory status inside of Seller Central. So use Helium 10 go to Profits. Like I said, inventory levels hit explain and look at your day by day distribution between your available inbound and reserve status for your inventory. Another thing that you’ll can now see in that same exact tab under explained is the Inventory Heat Maps and the Sales Heat Maps, you guys have been loving these inventory heat maps and and sales heat maps. So keep using those as well. Now, one thing I wanted to talk about is something we’ve called in Helium 10, Amazon recommended. This is actually not an Helium 10 like algorithm or anything.

Bradley Sutton:

This is 100% from Amazon by Amazon, all right? We’re just bringing it into Helium 10, but it’s on the keyboard level and on the product level, right? So you guys know when you do advertising that you start a new campaign and then Amazon recommends without even you entering in keywords, they recommend keywords that you advertise for. Now, this is based on an internal, internal Amazon algorithm that kind of like equates their relevancy for advertising to what they think you should be advertising for. Is this infallible? Of course not. It’s decent. You know, Amazon is no dummies. They have all the data in the world way more than helium 10 or way more than you the seller have. So for the most part it’s pretty good, but it’s not a hundred percent infallible.

Bradley Sutton:

You can do that for product targeting or for ASIN or for keyword targeting, right? So like for example, if I’m doing a product targeting ad or sponsor display ad, I enter my ASIN for what I’m going to advertise and what I wanna send my traffic to, it’ll give me suggestions on which ones I should target. Now here’s the thing. What Helium 10 does is we are able to get tie into that Amazon algorithm and give you the exact scoring system of how Amazon equates their relevancy for advertising to a product or to a keyword. You can only do that if you have the product in your account. But you can add, I’ll tell you this right now here, here’s a little hack. You know, you guys can, anybody can do this. Even if you don’t have healing intent, you just add your competitor’s ASIN if you can into your account with zero inventory and then like make a fake ad that you’re gonna have add to a campaign for it, and then it’ll tell you, or Amazon will tell you what keywords or what products it wants to you to target for.

Bradley Sutton:

Now, the thing is obviously that’s pretty hard, but a use case that almost nobody talks about, including myself but I’ve done it before, is I like looking at this sometimes, not necessarily just to like, Hey, I’m gonna base my whole advertising strategy only on what Amazon recommends. No, but I use it to kind of just get in Amazon’s mind as it were to see what I’m relevant for. Because how many times do you find that you’re like why am I not ranking for these keywords? Or why do I get sales from these keywords like in PPC but it doesn’t even seem to push my organic rank up? And sometimes it has to do with how Amazon deems you as relevant to a keyword, right? So by using this Amazon recommended, sometimes you can see if there’s something weird going on with what Amazon thinks your product or a competitor’s product is relevant to.

Bradley Sutton:

So one way you can do this there’s two different ways. There’s the first way to see what products Amazon relates to your product is go to Black Box. All right? Now this has nothing to do with product research, right? You know, people think, oh, Black Box is for product research, this is something different. You’re going to the tab in Black Box called Product Targeting, and then you enter in your own product or your competitor’s product and then filter out only the Amazon suggested, and then you are going to get the ones that Amazon is suggesting. So like, let’s say I am selling I don’t know, let’s just say vitamin C supplements, right? And then if Amazon suggests that all of the products I should advertise for is collagen peptides, well it must mean that there’s a glitch. There’s some gremlins in the system that, hey, Amazon thinks that my product is a collagen peptides, but is vitamin C.

Bradley Sutton:

So now how you can change that? I can’t just force you, you can’t just force Amazon to change that, but maybe take a look at your listing, like if you have the word vitamin C in there, like seven times or something, just without knowing it, it just came up. This is a terrible example by the way. I’m just, hopefully you guys understand what I’m saying. But you know, maybe it’s like, oh shoot, maybe I should take vitamin C out my listing a few of these times and make sure collagen peptide is in here more often. Cuz Amazon doesn’t even seems to think my product is a vitamin C or is a collagen peptide product when it’s really vitamin C. So there could be something like that you can look into, or it could be that it, it has you in the wrong category, right?

Bradley Sutton:

And you didn’t even realize you’re in the wrong category. You can do this in Cerebro as well, entering your own ASIN and then c and then filter out for Amazon recommended. And if the top keywords, like there’s actually a scoring or a ranking, if Amazon recommended rank keywords one through 10 are like not even having something to do with your product, you’ve got a relevancy problem. And that’s gonna affect you across the board. It’s gonna affect how your PPC is gonna run, it’s going to affect the interactions with your keywords. It’s gonna affect a lot of things. So this is just a, a way to kind of like see what Amazon deems your product relevant for. The next thing that I’ve been talking about this for a while, but you guys just absolutely 1000000000%, I want you to do this before January one, all right?

Bradley Sutton:

Hopefully you guys are listening to this before January one. I need you guys to every single one of you do this, especially every single one of you guys do this regardless if you have to do it yourself, if you only have five or 10 products, or you have like a thousand products, well hire a VA, somebody just to do it. It’s gonna be worth it. What I want you guys to do is go into your products, hopefully you have a list of what the dimensions should be and if not, run the profitability calculator on your listing and then it’ll easily show you the dimensions right there and just make sure it’s right. But every single one of you, for every single major product you sell, you need to go into Helium 10 Alerts.

Bradley Sutton:

All right, guys, go into Helium 10 Alerts and activate Helium 10 Alerts for that product. All right? And then make sure first of all, that your dimensions completely line up. Let me give you guys a little secret here about how to do that. If you kind of have regularly sized products, like a coffin shelf or an egg tray, right? I’m not talking about like something weird where it might be packaged differently like socks or I don’t know, things that fold or what clothing and stuff. But if you have a product that it’s pretty solid product and the box is just a little bit over it all right? Maybe you guys have a list of all of the package dimensions that you’re supposed to be, I highly recommend doing that. If you don’t have that, and if you ever launch products, always get the exact dimensions and have a master file of your dimensions that you can cross reference, all right?

Bradley Sutton:

Let’s say for some reason you don’t feel bad, all right? Here’s what you do. Go to your listings on Amazon, super easy. And then with the Helium 10 Chrome extension, right under the BSR chart, what you’re going to see is we are pulling in what Amazon says the dimensions of the product is, and the item, so like a coffin shelf. I know my coffin shelf is just a little bit bigger, or I mean a little bit smaller than the package. Like, it’s not that weird shaped, right? So I see here my item dimensions are 14 by 3.5 by 7.5, and take a look at my package dimensions, 14.8 by 4.2 by 8. So this is perfect. This is exactly what it should be. So that’s the way. Now what if you see something that’s off, that means Amazon at one time or another has changed it and you didn’t realize that Amazon changed the dimensions.

Bradley Sutton:

All right? So that’s just an easy way to know if Amazon has screwed with your dimensions, but that should be the last time you ever have to do it that tedious way. Everybody go into your Helium 10 Alerts, and for every single ASIN in wherever your main marketplace is, just turn on the Alerts. Just turn it on, super easy, it takes seconds to do. Turn on your alerts. And now what you’re going to be doing is, you’ll know Helium 10 will send you a, a notification if any one of your dimensions, whether it’s your weight or your length or your height or your width changes, you are going to get an alert. All right? So this is super important. I want every single person before January one to do an audit of your dimensions and make sure, first of all, that Amazon hasn’t changed anything.

Bradley Sutton:

If they did, what you do is you go to Amazon and ask for remeasure. This has literally gotten me back thousands, thousands guys with a “T”, “H” thousands of dollars on just one ASIN because Amazon was charging me for the wrong dimensions, and all I had to do was have them remeasure it and then ask them to reimburse me for what the wrong amount that they have been getting charged. Next up this is kind of a visual thing, but you know, even if you guys aren’t watching this on YouTube, it’s fine. I mean, the YouTube I know comes out always way after the regular podcast anyways, but have you guys noticed in 2022 all the changes to page one? You know, for example, I’m gonna put a screenshot here.

Bradley Sutton:

I want you guys to visualize, if you’re just watching or listening to this on the podcast, you can’t see this on YouTube, I want you thinking about page one of your main keyword or just go to page one of your main keyword. If you’re, you’re driving, don’t do anything. If you’re, if you’re you know, taking a walk outside, like, I know my buddy Marina takes a walk outside and my buddy Sal does the treadmill while he listens to the podcast. So if you guys are walking or running or on the treadmill don’t do this. I don’t want you guys falling down, but if you’re in front of a computer, go to your main page and tell me what you see. Maybe at the very top right you’ll see a sponsored brand headline ad, right? What do you see the next, probably the first line of search results is what?

Bradley Sutton:

All sponsored product ads. Now scroll down just a a little bit more. What do you see? Now you might see what looks like regular search results, but no, you’ll notice this little blurb at the very top of this little section because it doesn’t say sponsored here, but it says highly rated. You guys ever seen that in your search results? A little section with a title called Highly Rated. A lot of search results have that. Guess what guys? These are not organic results. These are sponsored results, right? What do you see under that? A lot of times what sponsored video ad, right? Here’s another one that I’m showing up on the screen right now. Anybody have this section that shows four different products that says Amazon’s Choice, and then maybe it’ll say like, budget pick or under $25 or above $50, and then which ones are Amazon’s Choice, right?

Bradley Sutton:

This is another sponsored placement, right? What else? There are some different interesting ones. Like if you go to search for socks on Amazon”, you’re gonna see at the bottom of the page a widget that is actually sponsored and it’s entitled “Trending Now, this is another sponsored added placement there on page one. Doesn’t end there, guys. One that’s a little bit more rare but I’ve been seeing more and more lately at the another, this is page one. It looks like regular listings, but if you look at the very top, there’s this little words that says Top rated from our brands. You guys have any of that on your on your search result page? Another one, guys, this one’s been around for quite a while. Editorial recommendations, huge section because it’s like, has this like little mini blog almost.

Bradley Sutton:

These are in the search results. Like, it seems like there’s almost hardly any organic search results these days right now. Wouldn’t it be nice to know though who and what comes up in the search results? Like, okay, if I have a product, I know where I’m showing up in organic results, thanks to Cerebro, but, and I know where I’m showing up in regular sponsored results, but I’m curious where is this product or where is this competitor’s product showing up for editorial recommendations? Or where is it showing up for trending now, et cetera. Well, guys, happy to introduce Cerebro Traffic Analysis right now. This is for elite members, just like everything we start out with Elite, you Diamond and Platinum members don’t get your chance in a bunch, all right? Like this is not this is, this is something we always launch things to Elite first just to try and test it out, and then we’ll see about launching it to others first.

Bradley Sutton:

But don’t worry. You know we make stuff for everything. All the strategies I’ve been giving today is for everybody, not just Elite members, but this one right now, as of the end of December, is only for elite members. But traffic analysis now, in addition to Amazon recommended, in addition to regular sponsored products and in addition to organic placements, we now have extra categories that we are checking where a keyword is showing up on page one. These include editorial recommendations, Amazon’s choice section, highly rated section sponsored brand ads, sponsored brand video ads, the top rated from our brand widget and the trending now widget, you will now be able to see all of the placements on if a product is showing up in one of these widgets on page one. So for example, I’m doing a search right now, and I actually see that for the keyword protein bars, EBT eligible, one product with this one product I was analyzing is showing up for inorganic results, sponsored results.

Bradley Sutton:

And it’s an Amazon recommended keyword. It’s showing up in highly rated keyword widget, and it’s showing up in editorial recommendations all on the same page. This person has four placements on page one, right? Isn’t this like a lot more insightful now than just knowing, oh, they’re they’re ranking on page one organically? Now I know they’ve got four spots on page one. If I were to do that on my listing for the coffin shelf, I’ll see I’m in the sponsored brand placement. I’m in the sponsored video, I’m in organic, and I’m in regular sponsored ad. So there’s another four different placements I have like, are any of my competitors on some of these special widgets that I’m not on? And maybe I’ve been wondering why in the world are they getting more sales from me even though my organic rank is higher?

Bradley Sutton:

Well, now you don’t have to guess anymore because you are gonna have visibility into that. So a super, super cool addition that we have added to Helium 10 Cerebro for Elite members. And if you guys are like super excited about that, make sure you let your voices be known and, and send a message into customer support under the how to request a feature. You hit the question mark at the top of your Helium 10 page and then hit share your ideas and say, Hey, I want that new Helium 10 Traffic Analysis, or I want that Helium 10 Historical Cerebro functionality that I heard about in bbl l I’m super excited to use it. And then let’s see if we can get that launched to other members as well. So these are a lot of the strategies that I think are new-ish that a lot of sellers are not doing, and you guys could be using your advantage in order to get a benefit or a kind of a leg up against your competition, or it could be something that has nothing to do with competitors.

Bradley Sutton:

Like that Alerts hack I just told you guys about and how to check your dimensions that has zero to do with your competitors and all to do about you and how much money Amazon could potentially owe you if they’ve been charging you for something wrong. One last thing I wanna say guys, is it’s the end of the year. If you have not run your Refund Genie reports in a while and you’ve sold like I’d say at least a couple hundred thousand dollars in the last three months or so, make sure to download your Refund Genie reports and submit those to see how much money Amazon owes you. And you can have like a nice little payday at the beginning of the year with the money that Refund Genie has found you. Anyways, guys I hope your 2022 sales has been great.

Bradley Sutton:

You know, for some of you it has been. Some of you it hasn’t been, but don’t give up guys. Kind of like characteristic of a winner on Amazon is somebody who loses but doesn’t give up as well and they usually bounce back and the people who are just gonna lose in this game, they give up at the first sign of adversity, or they don’t push through to try and like fix whatever issues they’re having and they just give up, they’ve lost. But you guys, if as long as you stick with it, follow the data, use the newer strategies, don’t let obstacles hold you down. You know, no matter, you could have the most perfect strategies in the world, right? And guess what? Things still could happen to you where Amazon could shut your listing down or you could get a hijacker or something, but don’t let those get to you guys.

Bradley Sutton:

All of us, including myself, go through things like that. We’ve all had our account suspended. We’ve had fake reviews and stupid refunds, and every one of us goes through different things, but in 2023, make it the year that you’re like, I am not going to give up. I’m going to see this through and I’m gonna find success. Whatever success means to you, and again, I’ve said this before, don’t let other people define what success is. Success is not reaching a certain amount of sales on Amazon, or like there’s some magic number, having a fancy car or being the best seller in your category. You can define what your own success is. But whatever you define that as, set that as your goal. And I hope you guys, and I wish you the best of success to reach that goal in 2023. So thank you guys for tuning in this whole year. If you could do me a solid, leave us a review. If you’re watching this on Spotify or listening to this on Spotify or Apple Podcast, please leave a review and maybe I’ll wear a suit and tie again for a future episode if you guys leave a lot of reviews. Anyways, guys, thank you so much and we’ll see you in the next episode.

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Want to absolutely start crushing it on Amazon? Here are few carefully curated resources to get you started:

  • Freedom Ticket: Taught by Amazon thought leader Kevin King, get A-Z Amazon strategies and techniques for establishing and solidifying your business.
  • Helium 10: 30+ software tools to boost your entire sales pipeline from product research to customer communication and Amazon refund automation. Make running a successful Amazon or Walmart business easier with better data and insights. See what our customers have to say.
  • Helium 10 Chrome Extension: Verify your Amazon product idea and validate how lucrative it can be with over a dozen data metrics and profitability estimation.
  • Trademarks are vital for protecting your Amazon brand from hijackers, and provides a streamlined process for helping you get one.

The Helium 10 Software Suite will allow you to gain an unfair advantage over your competitors as it was designed and battle-tested by Amazon's top sellers. So if you want more sales, more time, lower PPC costs, and if you want to discover hidden keywords your competitors don’t use then start using Helium 10 -- the same tools top Amazon sellers use on a daily basis.

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