Episode 10 – How Studying Competitor Amazon Reviews Can Reveal Valuable Customer Insight

Find out how meticulously studying competitor Amazon reviews, both good AND bad, can uncover significant customer insights that you can use to create a listing that engages potential buyers and develop a product that is better than your competition’s product!
In the competitive Amazon landscape, sellers need every edge they can get to attract customers in their niche. Doing product research and keyword research can definitely get you going, but they do not always address another critical piece of the puzzle: how do customers interact with products, and what do they actually want from specific products?
A FREE and underutilized resource for valuable competitor product information is the competitor Amazon reviews in a listing. Here, you find many eye-opening nuggets such as issues customers had with the product, features they liked, and the ways in which they used the product to great effect.
Since studying customer reviews is a traditionally a very time-consuming task, not many sellers have used this technique. And honestly, who has the time (or patience) to go through a listing that has hundreds or even thousands of reviews? Fortunately, Helium 10 has created Review Downloader, a FREE tool in the Helium 10 Chrome Extension that allows you to download, parse, and quickly analyze customer feedback from competing ASINs. With this time-saving tool, you can learn from your competitor’s mistakes, proactively address customer dissatisfaction, and improve upon your own product.
In episode 10 of the Serious Sellers Podcast, Helium 10’s Success Manager Bradley Sutton and Helium 10’s Affiliate Manager, Sean Elias discuss:
- 00:38 – The Importance of Studying Reviews
- 00:57 – Sean’s Take on Studying Reviews Before Launching a New Product
- 02:00 – Checking the 1-3 Star Reviews of Competitors for Product Negatives
- 02:38 – Checking a Product’s Reviews using the Helium 10 Chrome Extension
- 03:17 – Keeper Charges Monthly Fee for Review Graphs That Helium 10 Gives for FREE
- 03:44 – A Walkthrough of How To Study Reviews with Helium 10 Review Downloader
- 05:08 – Why Reviews Are Critical to Your Amazon Business
- 05:22 – What to Do When You Find Common Complaints Among Competitor Reviews
- 05:57 – The Importance of Considering the Positives in 5 Star Reviews
- 06:28 – The Value of the Analysis Feature in Review Downloader
- 07:08 – Identifying Features That Customers Love With The Most Common Phrases Filter
- 09:53 – Study Example: the Most Common Phrases for Collagen Peptide Reviews
- 12:00 – The Difference Between Review Common Phrases and Keywords
- 12:51 – Amazon Search Terms VS. What People Think About When Purchasing Products
- 13:32 – Gain Insight Into Customer Use of Products Through Studying Reviews
- 14:46 – How to Incorporate Customer Insights from Reviews into Your Product Listing
- 16:50 – The Value of Making an Emotional Connection with Customers Through Your Listing
- 17:50 – Using a Lifestyle Image in Your Listing to Make an Emotional Connection
- 19:40 – Recap of Benefits of Studying Competitor Reviews
- 20:50 – Employing Review Study Tactics To Improve Your Existing Amazon Products
Enjoy this episode? Be sure to check out our previous episodes for even more content to propel you to Amazon FBA Seller success! And don’t forget to “Like” our Facebook page and subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Google Play or wherever you listen to our podcast.
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- Freedom Ticket: Taught by Amazon thought leader Kevin King, get A-Z Amazon strategies and techniques for establishing and solidifying your business.
- Ultimate Resource Guide: Discover the best tools and services to help you dominate on Amazon.
- Helium 10: 20+ software tools to boost your entire sales pipeline from product research to customer communication and Amazon refund automation. Make running a successful Amazon business easier with better data and insights. See what our customers have to say.
- Helium 10 Chrome Extension: Verify your Amazon product idea and validate how lucrative it can be with over a dozen data metrics and profitability estimation.
- SellerTradmarks.com: Trademarks are vital for protecting your Amazon brand from hijackers, and sellertrademarks.com provides a streamlined process for helping you get one.
Bradley Sutton: Learn all about the power of studying competitor reviews in order to make a new listing or edit your mature listing and how you can do that with Helium 10.
Bradley Sutton:How’s it going, everybody? This is the Serious Sellers Podcast by Helium 10, I’m your host Bradley Sutton. I’m joined by my co host here, Sean Elias. Sean, how’s it going today?
Sean Elias: It’s very good and I’m feeling very serious today.
Bradley Sutton: Very serious. Alright, well the last time we were together we were talking about extreme flatulence from a product review. So we gotta be a little bit more serious than that today. Speaking of reviews, that is actually the topic of what today’s–you can call it training. It’s the importance of studying reviews. When you have a brand new product you’re going to make, when you have a mature product that you need to check, you know your status and how–what’s working for you, what’s not working for you. So Sean, you have launched a few products in your time. Did you look at competitor reviews before making the product?
Sean Elias: I did, yes. And I used to spend a lot of time doing it. Scrolling through the reviews, reading paragraph after paragraph. It was very tedious but–
Bradley Sutton: Why is it important? Why did you do that? What goal did you have when you were like, you know what, I need to read my competitor reviews.
Sean Elias:Yeah, you want to improve your product so where your competitors fall short, you want to make sure if you can have your manufacturer. Make sure that the product that’s similar to your competitors at your sourcing. Now, it doesn’t have those problems and you want to make it just as good, if not better. So where it fall short, you want your manufacturer to recoup those areas and fix them up.
Bradley Sutton: Okay. Absolutely. Yeah, that makes sense. And I think that’s not new information to most people. We all have been taught that. And guys, that was something that was true in 2016. It’s true in 2019, you need to be looking at your competitor reviews to see what people are complaining about. So that would be like maybe looking at the one star reviews. It’s kind of what you did. 1 or 2 star reviews.
Sean Elias: You got it. Well 1, 2, and 3. Yeah, we’re all good. Yep.
Bradley Sutton: Okay, so 1, 2. and 3 star reviews. By the way, guys, we’re going to be talking about this with Helium 10 in mind. All right? There is a tool that helps you to do this, but again, this information out there is for you who use any tool. If you use any tool, you’ve got to listen to this because when you did that, when you’re using those, this is probably before your Helium 10 days, right? You didn’t use it.
Sean Elias: For sure. Yeah, yeah, it was. Yeah.
Bradley Sutton: So again guys, this is–we’re going to talk about it in the context of how Helium 10 can help with this, but these are tactics that you need to do no matter what tool you use or even if you don’t use a tool. So what’s something I can search for? Let’s give an example of this.
Sean Elias: Yeah. What about collagen peptides or teapot?
Bradley Sutton:Teapot? Are we–well you know we’re going to do collagen peptides later, so I’m going to do this. And by the way guys, you guys can do this too. First of all, we’re going to be using the Helium 10 Chrome Extension. You can actually install that right now, completely free of charge and follow along with me. So if you want to follow along with us, go to helium10.com/extension and then install from the Google Chrome store, the Helium 10 extension. All right, you can pause this and then come right back to it so you guys can follow along. So–
Sean Elias: I would just bring up for a quick second. One of the latest things has just happened is Keeper has now added a monthly charge to its graphs, which I know Helium 10 Chrome Extension provides for free, and it’s free. Helium 10 Chrome Extension, I think Keepa is now $17 a month. So the graphs everyone would usually use for free and now being asked to pay $17 per month. But those same graphs can be retrieved from Helium 10’s Chrome Extension.
Bradley Sutton: For the amazing price of $0. Alright, so what–everybody who’s in front of a desktop right now, go ahead and type in “teapot.” Now, hopefully, the similar ones might come up when you are searching for it that I’m searching for right here. I’m looking here for something. It has a lot of reviews, and I’m looking here, I don’t know what rank this is. Looks like the page 1 position 2, 3, 4 around here. It’s called Mueller Australia Electric Kettle. So at this time, they’ve got almost 3000 reviews. Now, what you said you would do as you would go in there and take a look at their negative reviews, right?
Sean Elias:I would.
Bradley Sutton: So I’m going to–for those of you who have the extension, hit the chrome extension, the blue button on the top right, and then you’re gonna want to hit that and then select review downloader, select any time frame, and then deselect the stars. All right? So that only one star reviews are going to show up. And then you’re gonna hit extract. And what this does is it’s going to go out and whatever time frame you specified, it’s going to go out and look at all of the reviews that have only one star. Now take a look at some of these, Sean, what are people complaining about here? Some of these one star reviews. What are some of these titles here?
Sean Elias: Yeah, this kettle starts out okay, and then degrades quickly.
Bradley Sutton: All right, so what I would do is probably read it. Why it’s degrading, what they talk about? Look at these two right here. What does this one say?
Sean Elias: It didn’t work after less than a week of use.
Bradley Sutton: Oh, how about this guy?
Sean Elias: Died after a handful of users. All right, so stopped boiling water after six months. So yeah guys, you have to get very serious when it comes to reviews. ‘Cause this is your potential customers expressing themselves and their frustrations. So get very serious.
Bradley Sutton: Here’s a good one here. What does this one say?
Sean Elias: Horribly designed base.
Bradley Sutton: Alright, so what I would do is if I found more of these about the design base, I would make sure, again, this is if I’m in the product planning stage. What I would do is I would tell my manufacturer, right guys, look what everybody is complaining about this product. What does everybody complaining about? Can we make this better? Can we make it last longer? I see a couple people saying here breaks so easily broke right away. Alright? So these are the kinds of things like what can we do to make ours, you know, less breakable. Alright, so that’s what I would do. Looking for the bad reviews. Again, this is not new information, but another thing I like to do is I like to look at the 5 star reviews for my competitor, why do you think I want to look at that Sean?
Sean Elias: Yeah, because you want to make sure that the great features and qualities of your competitor’s product are still in the product that you end up sourcing.
Bradley Sutton: Exactly. So you know, if somebody loves something about my competitor, well I better make sure that I have that feature in my product too, so that they can love my product. A newer thing that not many people use is the analysis button. Alright? Now the analysis button on your review download, or you can see this on the same page where you bring up your reviews. What I’m going to do is I’m going to search for all of the reviews. Okay? Not just the 1 or 2 or 5 stars, but all of them, and then I’m gonna hit the analysis button. So you guys go ahead and do that too. If we’re a little bit ahead of you, just pause it or put us at 0.5 speed if you’re watching on iTunes. So that we sound like this. No, I’m already probably, you have us at 2x the speed, so we sound like chipmunks. I wonder how UK accent sounds on the 2x speed. I’ll have to take a look at how you sound at that.
Sean Elias: What you’re talking about. Hit a blank spot, haha!
Bradley Sutton: Alright then. Okay, so hopefully that’s enough time that you guys went ahead and now look at this. This is something interesting. I hit analysis here on this kettle water heater. This Mueller one. What is the number 1 phrase that comes up here? In all of the reviews.
Sean Elias: The blue light.
Bradley Sutton: The blue light. All right, for those of you who are wondering what does the analysis button do? Basically what it does, it takes all the 2, 3, 4 and 5 word phrases that appear most often in the reviews and ranks it in descending order. So the phrase that comes up the most is the blue light. And you might be wondering what in the world is the blue light? So I’m going to click on this and take a look here. These people are saying several times the blue light turns on. I like the blue light. I’m like, what is this blue light? I’m going to look at another review. By the way, once I click on the actual blue light here guys, and you can see that too. All of the reviews that have the blue light in it comes up and the blue light is highlighted in yellow.
Sean Elias: Magic. Totally magic.
Bradley Sutton: All right, look at this. What does this guy say?
Sean Elias: I noticed the blue light has gone out and no, my water is hot.
Bradley Sutton: Okay, so Sean is still on 0.5 speed here. Pick it up the pace here, Sean. What about this one?
Sean Elias: Sure. I love the blue light that comes on while it’s heating up. It is mesmerizing.
Bradley Sutton:Ah, okay. What about this one here?
Sean Elias: The blue light is on while the water is heating and turns off when it finishes boiling the water.
Bradley Sutton: I see another person here saying how the blue light–all the people in his house love the blue light that comes on. All right, so if I didn’t know this product, which I don’t, all of a sudden I’m like, Whoa, this has a feature that everybody likes it. There’s a blue light that comes on while it’s being heated, it looks like, and not only do people like it, but this is the number one talked about thing in all of these reviews. So for my product, what do you think I’m gonna make sure it has?
Sean Elias: You’re going to make sure it has a blue light.
Bradley Sutton: Yeah, maybe I’ll use a different color to be a little bit, I mean actually blue light heating, that kind of–it seems kind of strange. I would probably maybe want a red light or something.
Sean Elias: Oh, you know, I actually got one recently, like two months ago.
Bradley Sutton: A teapot?
Sean Elias: Yeah. One like this and it has multiple colored lights. So the–to heat it up at like 70 degrees, it’s like an orange light. To heat it up at 90 degrees, it’s a darker orange. And then the hottest we would be at red, which is like 125 degrees.
Bradley Sutton: That makes sense. And if we include something like this in our product, well we should probably have a whole bunch of people raving how they like our light. Maybe even better because we’re taking their idea and building on it. We’re adding multiple colors. So if that’s something that we have the ability to do at our factory, we’ve got to take that. But how did we find out about this is by looking at the reviews of a competitor.
Sean Elias: Stimulates ideas. It’s wonderful.
Bradley Sutton: Exactly. All right, now what I want everybody to do, well if you’re doing this from home, if you’re a driving, please do not try to–I listen to podcasts when I drive, so I don’t want people trying to go on their laptop while they’re driving a search for this. But if you’re at home, look up Collagen Peptides. Alright? A lot of you guys have seen me do this search and pick any one of these, any one of these collagen peptides that has, you know, hundreds or even thousands of reviews. Alright, pick any single one and I guarantee this is going to come up.
Sean Elias: And if you have your kids in the backseat, you can have them do it as well. ‘Cause I know a lot of parents are trying to get their kids into Amazon now. So there’s another.
Bradley Sutton: You’ve got to start them young. Alright, so guys, pick one of the Collagen Peptides as a powder and then hit review analysis. Look at all the reviews for one last year and I guarantee the one that you’re going to see at the very top is, let me see if I can–I’m going to pull it up on my own computer right here. Where is it at? Alright. What do you think is the number one thing is going to be? You see me do this before Sean.
Sean Elias: It is gonna be, I think “in my coffee.”
Bradley Sutton: In my coffee. Now that might seem strange for those of you who haven’t seen me do this. What you might think are the most common phrases that come up, which are some of the common phrases here like hair and nails? All right, well you know College Peptides is supposed to help your hair and nails, so that makes sense, right?
Sean Elias: It’s kind of off putting. The first one is in my coffee. Then a few words down is hair and nails. Coffee, hair and nails. Ooh.
Bradley Sutton: I want them both. But I have been using, that’s a phrase that comes up. That makes sense. Okay. Right? The Collagen Peptides, that’s another one that comes up here. But again, the number one thing is in my coffee. So for those of you who don’t know how people use Collagen Peptides, which I didn’t before, I click on this and then I start reading this and I see that all of these people are putting this powder in their coffee as like almost like a creamer and it dissolves in the coffee, and then that’s how they drink their Collagen Peptides because they’re not, I guess it, they don’t have to taste it? Right. And they’re getting their hair and nail vitamins in their morning coffee, which you would not have had any idea. Now is the term in my coffee, Sean, is that something that would come up in Helium 10 or any other tool keyword research for this niche?
Sean Elias: No.
Bradley Sutton: No? Why not?
Sean Elias: Because people just don’t search.
Bradley Sutton: Alright. So when you do keyword research and Cerebro Manga, it shows you keywords that people what?
Sean Elias: Search for.
Bradley Sutton: That search for, but what it’s not showing you is it’s not showing you words that people.
Sean Elias:Think about.
Bradley Sutton: Think about exactly. Alright, because people search for and think about different things. Alright, so maybe I’m searching for Collagen Peptides, Collagen Powder, Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides. Those are search terms. Those are keywords that you’re–that have a lot of search volume and you’re gonna find those easy Magnet or Cerebro, but in my coffee is not exactly a phrase that is gonna come up because people don’t search for things like that. They’re like, if I type in my coffee, you know who knows what the heck is going to come up. They don’t think that Collagen Peptides will come up, but again, in my coffee is what they’re thinking about how they want to use the product. Now, this is very unique, this visibility we have with Amazon. If you sold Collagen Peptides to Walmart or Walgreen or whatever and you go–you’re gonna to do some product, competitor research. You walk into a store and you see the Collagen Peptide section. Now, Sean, can you just look at those products and then be able to determine what your competitor’s customers were thinking about when they bought that product?
Sean Elias: Not until I know.
Bradley Sutton: That sounds ridiculous, right? But that’s literally what we’re doing right here. You can go to the shelf on Amazon where there are Collagen Peptides, look at the products, and because of these reviews, you can actually get insight into your competitors, customers’ minds, and why are we doing this again? It’s because we’re coming out with a product, right? And if our product is the same as you know, whatever product we’re looking at, what might that mean about what our customers think about?
Sean Elias: Based on these reviews, and the review downloader.
Bradley Sutton: Based on these reviews. Again, using the review downloader. It took me 30 seconds to do this, but this is something that you could do. You could hire a VA to read the reviews. But regardless of how you find the reviews, if we have made a determination about what our competitors’ customers are thinking about, how is that helpful to us?
Sean Elias: Because we can then put it in a product listing.
Bradley Sutton: Our product listing. But why would we want to do that? Thinking about the why?
Sean Elias: Because it will stand out. This is what people use it for. No expecting that they’re gonna use it for this reason. But it turns out that it’s great to be used as well.
Bradley Sutton: Yes. So again, the key is that if our competitors, which have a similar product as us have buyers that think about these things, our product is similar. Well, it goes to say that probably our customers are looking for the same functionality as these other customers because the demographic is the same. The–what’s that fancy word–the Avatar, right? The avatar is going to be the same. Alright. So that’s why it’s so important. So then how would you use information? You talked about it a little bit. Now, we know that people use Collagen Peptides in their morning coffee. Right? So what would you do when now you’re making your listing.
Sean Elias: I want to make sure to put it in maybe the bullet points or the description as like a certain benefit, a feature like hey, you know, you would usually have to take this maybe throughout the day, have to fit it in somewhere. But no, you can simply put it in your morning coffee and you won’t even be able to taste it. Just taste like a good coffee with a slight bit of creamer. And it’s actually one of the reasons, the only reason actually why I bought it is because as soon as–
Bradley Sutton: Oh you bought Collagen Peptides if–
Sean Elias: I did. Yeah and the reason was, it was because I saw that someone said it’s great in your coffee.
Bradley Sutton: And so do you put it in your coffee?
Sean Elias: I do indeed, yeah, almost every morning.
Bradley Sutton: Alright. So there you guys go, and it’s not just for your listening. Sean said something that should be the number one thing that you do, which is your bullet points. And the reason is because our top bullet points and the top of our description, we’re making that emotional connection with our buyer. There are people on Amazon, you know Sean, who searched for things and they already know the product they’re gonna buy like they’re gonna order it, they’re gonna to look for Nike shoes. They’re looking for exact Nike shoes or Yeezy, so they’re looking for an exact Yeezy shoe and they’ll say Yeezy Beluga version one or something like that. It doesn’t matter what the reviews are, it doesn’t matter who the seller is, they just want that product and they probably want it prime. But then there’s another set of customers who are our potential customers who are searching for–they’re not married to a brand, they’re searching for best shoes for running or something like that. And now they’re open. You know, if somebody searching for Yeezy’s Beluga version one and our shoes come up, you know like we’re a private label seller, 99% chance they’re not gonna buy ours. But if they are searching for the best shoes for running or something like that, they’re not married to a certain brand. Now they see a whole bunch of shoes. Yeah, maybe they’re gonna click on ours. And what’s going to happen is we have a very short window, a very short window of a few seconds where they’re gonna be on our listing and we have to catch them. And the way we do that is by making an emotional connection via our images or via what they see. They’re not going to read deep into our description usually. They might read the first couple lines, especially if it’s on mobile or our first couple of bullet points. And if we don’t really work on what they’re looking for or solve their problem or solve their fear or solve what they want to get out of our product, they’re gonna go to the next product. So this is one of those ways we can find out how we can make that emotional connection. Now notice here, I just clicked on–what is this brand Xanax. So you guys can do that too. Xanax Collagen Peptides. Now notice this lifestyle image right here. It’s great. You know it looks really great, but what’s happening in this lifestyle image? What do you see?
Sean Elias: The couple looks young, vibrant, happy, healthy.
Bradley Sutton: Happy, healthy, and the wife or the girlfriend is on a piggyback ride with the husband right? Now, what does this say about Collagen Peptides? I mean anything at all like is this how people use Collagen Peptides? Only if you’re getting a piggyback ride from your husband.
Sean Elias: No, this is an emotional connection. It’s proposing that if you take it, you will feel like this, you’ll feel–
Bradley Sutton: I guess but like I’m having to think really hard for that. I’m just looking at this and I’m like, I don’t know what this has to do with Collagen Peptides. Maybe an advanced person be like, hmm. Maybe if I take Collagen Peptides, I’ll feel young like this couple, but what’s something easier based on now we know what people are thinking about when they buy this product and we found that information using Helium 10 Review Downloader. How would you, Sean, change this lifestyle image? What would you show here instead of this piggyback ride?
Sean Elias: I show them, maybe putting it in their coffee.
Bradley Sutton: The same models. I could use these same models and maybe, give me some details. Frame the image, how would you do it?
Sean Elias: Beautiful hand pouring the powder into the pot-steaming coffee.
Bradley Sutton: I don’t think they would put their hand inside the College Peptides and pour the powder. That’s not very sanitary. Alright. But yeah, I mean maybe here’s my idea. How about this same couple right here. The husband is reading the newspaper, the wife is reading the newspaper and they’re sipping their coffee and then there’s a big jar of Collagen Peptides there. See like now if you were searching for something to do coffee, wouldn’t that make much more of an emotional connection than the picture of somebody doing a piggyback ride.
Sean Elias: Yeah, it would. Yeah.
Bradley Sutton: Absolutely. So guys, that–which brand of Collagen Peptide do you order by the way?
Sean Elias: The one with a beautiful cow, the cute cow in the front.
Bradley Sutton: The beautiful cow on the front. Alright. I’m not sure what–
Sean Elias: There she is, photo protein.
Bradley Sutton: Okay. So, there is no emotional connection here. I think you probably pick this one because it had the most reviews or something because I’m looking at these images and they didn’t make emotional connection.
Sean Elias: There’s discount at whole foods.
Bradley Sutton: Cause it was discounted at whole foods. Alright. There it is. So he did, I thought you ordered from Amazon. So he didn’t order from Amazon. You ordered it in the store. Okay, so there you go.
Sean Elias: Because of Amazon.
Bradley Sutton: Because of Amazon. And because of this nice picture of a cow. Alright, so guys again, the moral of the story today is studying your competitor’s reviews is vital. So what’s the first way of the first beneficial information you can get that we weren’t over Sean, of why you study your competitor reviews before you make your product?
Sean Elias: Because you can find out the flaws of the current competitions and use that to improve what you will then source.
Bradley Sutton: Okay. And then what’s the second thing–the same thing, not just the flaws, but again, before you make your product, what else are you going to search for your competitors?
Sean Elias: The things people love about that competitor’s products so they can then make sure that those qualities are in your product that you then source.
Bradley Sutton: Exactly. And lastly, what else can you find by studying the reviews, and what most commonly positive or negative comes up?
Sean Elias: Well, you can use to make that emotional connection in your listings, bullet points or description or even title from what you draw out of the reviews.
Bradley Sutton: Absolutely. Alright guys, so make sure, again, these are tactics that I want you guys to put into practice right away regardless of what tool you use, but obviously, with Helium 10, it’s gonna be the easiest and least time-consuming. One last thing is what we went over today was about how to do it for a new product. Guess what? If you have an existing product, let’s say your product was this Zap’x Collagen Peptides. I would search the reviews of my own product and see what people were talking about my own product, and then I wouldn’t be too proud to say, oh man, you know, maybe I can improve my listing. Maybe I need to change this image of people doing a piggyback ride into a picture of people drinking coffee. So this doesn’t apply just to new products. This also applies to mature products. Any last words of wisdom from our bloke from London?
Sean Elias: Hey, I guess, well I just wanted to finish with is, so use the reviews not only to improve your copywriting, the copywriting of your listing, but also just to clarify that you can also use it to improve and make a better connection through images as well.
Bradley Sutton: Excellent. Alright guys, I hope you enjoyed this training. I guess you can call it a little mini training on the importance of reviews and make sure to send us a message to [email protected], attention SSP with your feedback on it, or attention Bradley. Either way. And if you would like to get specific training on any other aspect of Helium 10 or Amazon in general, please let us know. We appreciate all of the reviews you guys have been giving us in case you didn’t know in the first two days of our podcasts, we became the number one Amazon related podcasts on iTunes and we’re even 33 in all of the business category. And that’s thanks to you guys. So since this show is for you, we want to get your feedback on what you would like us to go over, or if he just would like Sean to read reviews in his dreamy accent, then you know, I’m sure he’ll be okay with that.
Sean Elias: Snap, snap, wink, wink, say no more, say no more.
Bradley Sutton: Alright guys, thanks a lot and we’ll see you next episode.
Have more questions about using competitor Amazon reviews to your advantage? Be sure to let us know in the comments!
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