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#651 – ANOTHER Amazon Fee Increase? and Big Spring Sale Live | Weekly Buzz 3/25/25

We’re back with another episode of the Weekly Buzz with Helium 10’s VP of Education and Strategy, Bradley Sutton. Every week, we cover the latest breaking news in the Amazon, Walmart, and E-commerce space, talk about Helium 10’s newest features, and provide a training tip for the week for serious sellers of any level.

Amazon is making it easier to try using deals and coupons to create additional demand for your products

Amazon’s Big Spring Sale 2025 starts March 25

AI startup Perplexity confirms interest to buy TikTok

Catch Bradley Sutton at the Prosper Show!

For our new feature alerts, Helium 10 has introduced two highly requested features in Black Box. The first caters to wholesale and arbitrage sellers, allowing them to search products using UPC, EAN, or GTIN codes, even by uploading bulk lists of 200–300+ identifiers. This streamlines the process of evaluating wholesale opportunities by quickly identifying which products are on Amazon and their estimated sales. The second feature is designed for Amazon influencers, enabling them to find high-ROI products for video content. By switching to “Influencer Mode,” users can filter products by category, price range, reviews, and the number of videos in the carousel, helping them identify listings where they have a strong chance of earning commissions.

Lastly, our strategy of the week features Helium 10’s Keyword Sales Estimate feature, which goes beyond search volume to show the actual sales estimates a keyword generates. This helps sellers prioritize high-converting keywords instead of just high-traffic ones, ultimately improving ad efficiency and product targeting. For instance, while two keywords may have similar search volumes, one might convert at a much higher rate due to buyer intent. This level of insight, exclusive to Helium 10, ensures sellers focus on terms that drive actual sales. If you’re headed to the Prosper Show in Las Vegas, don’t miss out on the chance to meet us and share your story—there might even be a spot for you on the Serious Sellers Podcast!

In this episode of the Weekly Buzz by Helium 10, Bradley covers:

  • 00:38 – Coupons/Deals Skyrocket?
  • 17:25 – Big Spring Sale
  • 18:31 – TikTok Buyer?
  • 19:31 – Prosper Show
  • 20:22 – Helium 10 New Feature Alerts
  • 24:24 – Strategy of the week: Keyword Sales Estimates


Bradley Sutton:

Amazon is raising fees again. Big spring sale is now live. These stories and more on today’s Weekly Buzz. How cool is that? Pretty cool, I think. Hello everybody, and welcome to another episode of the Serious Sellers Podcast by Helium 10. I’m your host, Bradley Sutton, and this is the show. That is our Helium 10 Weekly Buzz, where we give you a rundown of all the goings on in the Amazon, TikTok shop and e-commerce world. We give you training tips of the week and we let you know what new features that Helium 10 has. That will give you serious strategies for serious sellers of any level in the e-commerce world. Let’s see what’s buzzing Today. We’re going to go deep into what seems like yet another Amazon fee increase after they had promised no new fees right, but is it really that bad? Like some sellers are, like what in the world? Coupons are going up from 60 cents to $5. Is that really what’s going on? Well, no, that is not true. Yes, there’s some new fees here, but it’s not necessarily Amazon going against their word. But there are some cases where things could go from maybe something that costs you 300 bucks before to $2,000. So we’re going to find out what that is. We’re going to do a deep dive into it, kind of understand the ins and outs. So not too many other stories today, because I think this is kind of like what’s top of mind, so let’s go ahead and hop into it.

Bradley Sutton:

First let’s get into the actual announcement that Amazon made last week that had sellers kind of like up in arms, and this was from Seller Central and it says Amazon is making it easier to try to try using deals. So first of all, I think you guys agree with me that a lot of us are like please, amazon, stop titling these things as if you’re doing sellers a favor. Like, sellers, we are really going to help you out. We’ve got you in mind by raising your fees on this, please thank us. But anyways, I digress. The title of this article on Seller Central is Amazon is making it easier to try using deals and coupons to create additional demand for your products. And so basically, what’s going on? It says here deals and coupons give you access to additional merchandising. We all know that. Et cetera, et cetera. But now number one maybe this is a decent thing, that result of this change. Notice what it says. It says deals durations are becoming more flexible. It says, starting in June, you’re going to be able to run best deals on any day of the week for a duration of your choosing, ranging from one to 14 days. This will allow you to align your deal dates and duration with consumer trends and your objectives. However, deal dates and duration will continue to be fixed for peak events such as prime day, prime big deal days, Black Friday, Cyber Monday. All right, so that’s number one. So, yes, that part, you know, it’s true, that is more flexible.

Bradley Sutton:

Now the next one. You know that might be all for the good news here. Next section as you guys can see right here, it says performance and deals fees are becoming performance based. All right, and then, yet again, we got. We got Amazon patting themselves on their back. We’re making it easier for you to reach more customers through promotion deals by linking fees to performance. Like no, it was flat fee for stuff before. That is easy. You know, trying to multiply it by 1% or 2% plus a fee is not exactly easier, but anyways, I digress. Yet again it says we’re lowering upfront deal fees. Okay, this is a good thing, this is true and using variable fees Now, all of a sudden, it’s bad news that are based on the sale, to make it easier for you Again Amazon trying to do us a favor here for you to try out various promotion and strategies. All right, the variable fees are capped for deals to ensure you get the upside. To ensure you get the upside I swear I think somebody is being paid here. Like, how often can you gaslight Amazon sellers in one paragraph? Anyways, I keep digressing. This is like the digression episode. We’re going to get into details on some of these fees here. But basically, you know, things are going to be based on the performance, meaning how much, how much sales you make, and we’ll get into a little bit more details on that soon.

Bradley Sutton:

The next subheading here it says updates to non peak day promotion and deals fees. Uh, these are going to be applied. It says across all of our promotions and deal capabilities, effective June 2nd. All right, so number one, best deals and lightning deals. Instead of $300 and $150 flat rate Okay, that’s what it is. Now it’s going to $70 per day plus a variable fee of 1% of deal sales. All right, got that before. You just pay like 150 bucks, I think, for a lightning deal. There’s like $300 flat fee. That’s it. It’s all you ever pay for like a, you know best deal. Let’s say it lasts for three days, seven days, whatever. And now that price is going down per se, but yet again it’s per day, now $70. So, like, as the days go up, obviously the fee goes up. And then, plus, instead of that flat fee, you’re being charged a percentage, 1% of how many sales you make in that deal. Coupon deals you know this might affect more of you. Coupon, as you guys know, right now you just make a coupon, there’s no fee if you get no clicks, but it’s 60 cents per unit sold. All right, now that’s being changed. Okay, now there’s an upfront fee of $5. Is where some sellers were a little bit confused. Like what? $5 instead of 60 cents? No, no, it’s not 60 cents to $5. It’s like a flat fee, $5. If you, if you’re creating a coupon, and then 2.5% of the coupon sales. All right. So in other words, you sell 10 units at $10 each, it’s $100. You’re paying $2.50. That makes sense, plus that $5. I’ll break it down, showing you an example of like the coffin shelf in a little bit. It says for most products sold in our stores, this change will result in lower coupon fees per unit sold. We’ll see if that’s true for some of my products.

Bradley Sutton:

Now there’s a little bit of something that was kind of like teased a little bit here. Notice this. It doesn’t even have to do necessarily with this deal increase, but it says Prime Day offers more days to shine. It says Prime Day 2025 is going to be a longer and bigger event. So, you know, prime Day in the past has been a certain number of days. Sounds like it might be like Prime Week. Who knows what’s going on, let’s see. We’re still maybe a month or two away, or a couple months away at least, from this, but look for some announcements. It looks like that, you know, maybe a new schedule for Prime Day. Now for Prime exclusive discounts. Once it’s ready, it says, to reflect the larger scale of the event and impact fees will change from 50 to a hundred. So thank you Whoever wrote this for not saying that you’re doing us a favor. Like in order to give you more bang for your buck, we’re doubling the price. They were very honest here. They didn’t say that this is a favor. They’re just like hey, it’s going from 50 to a hundred bucks. It is what it is Great, no problem. And this makes sense. Like, let’s say, prime Day is twice as long as it was last year. Yeah Well, why shouldn’t it be twice as expensive? It says the best deals and lightning deals remain unchanged, and that will be fixed fees of $1,000 and $500, respectively. It says more Prime Day details will be shared next week. Unfortunately, like that means you guys are going to have to wait a week for us to be able to announce it, since you know we’re recording this Weekly buzz today and we’ll be at Prosper the rest of this week. So look out in your seller central. I’m sure there’ll be some announcements about Prime Day this week.

Bradley Sutton:

Okay, so now, before I have this really cool FAQ that I got from Amazon, I’m going to go a little bit more into detail on some of these. You know some questions you might have about this, but let’s just really quick break it down. As far as, like the coffin shelf in Project X, like what these costs may be, I hope I calculate this right. It’s like 2 am in the morning when I’m recording this. I got to leave for the airport in a couple hours here, but how I calculated out is we got the coffin shelf. That’s $33.97. So in the past, when it was 60 cents for the coupons, right, you can see here, hey, that means that if I sold 10 coffin shelves, it was $6, I paid. If I sold 50, it’s 30 bucks. If I sold 500 coffin shelves with a coupon, it is $300. All right, so now let’s compare that to the new pricing. All right. So 10 units before cost $6. Now remember that Amazon said, hey, this is going to be cheaper for you, but 10 units under the new pricing, which now is $5 base fee plus 2.5% of the sales, all right. And in this case the sales of 10 units is about $340. So, instead of $6, it is now $13. Okay Now, yes, if, if my product was half price, yes, Now, all of a sudden, you know, like, maybe I had a $15 product, or 16 or a little bit less.

Bradley Sutton:

Now, all of a sudden, yeah, you know what, it probably is a little bit cheaper this new way, but for me it’s not cheaper. Um, $25 under the old, or 25, uh, sales of coffin shelf. Under the old coupon fee, I would have paid $15. Under the new one, it’s $26. So very, very, very close, right. Um, next one, 50 units. It would have cost me $30 before. Now it’s going to cost me $50. All right, and then finally, or actually a couple more, a hundred instead of it costing me 60, it’s now going to cost $90. And 500 units coupon redemptions instead of costing 300 bucks, it’s now going to cost $429. All right, but again, if my product was only $10, yes, it would be cheaper, this new system, but for me it’s going to be more expensive if I were using coupons. I hope I have this right. Let me know in the comments if my calculations are off. But this is not too much of an increase. All right, like, if you sell 500 units, the difference I mean we’re talking less than a dollar, not even 25, not even a quarter difference per unit, like almost nothing. So again, this is not that big of a difference. If you’re selling 500 units, the difference of paying $300 compared to $400, that’s like pennies, right, like almost nothing. So don’t worry too much about it. It could actually save you money. Um, if you’re a product, if you’ve got a cheaper price a product, if you’re selling expensive products, yeah, it’s going to be a pain more.

Bradley Sutton:

Now let’s break down the lightning deals slash best deals. Okay, so here’s how this one works. All right Under the current system. Like, let’s say it’s a one day lightning deal. How much is that? Well, it costs 150 bucks, right, uh, if I’m not mistaken. All right, so 150 to $150 is what it would cost. But now let’s say you are going and doing a new lightning deal.

Bradley Sutton:

Once this, this change kicks in, what if I sell 10 units? All right, well, it’s actually gonna be cheaper. Why? Because, remember, it’s $70 plus the variable fee, which is like 1% of the sales. Okay, so, 10 units sold of the coffin shelf, instead of 150 bucks, I’m only paying 73 bucks. Look at that. I sold, I saved money. If I sell 25 units on this lightning deal, it is now going to cost $78. All right, so again, it’s cheaper. If I sell 50 units, it’s going to cost $86. And if I sell a hundred units, it’s going to cost $103. If I sell 500 units, it’s going to cost $239. So the only way for a one day lightning deal for it to be more expensive under the new system is if I sell 500 units. Okay, so, so not bad, it’s actually does save me. Uh, on the lightning deal, uh, let’s go to three days. So let’s see, I do a three day best deal. Current, I believe that would be $300, right, but if I sell 10 units, it’s under this new system it’s going to be $200. It’s cheaper to do it the new way If I sell 25 units $200,. Still cheaper 50 units $226. And if I sell 100 units, it is going to be $243 yet again. And the only way it’s going to be more expensive is if I sell 500 units, where it is now $379 instead of $300.

Bradley Sutton:

But as the days go on, this is where now it starts to get a little bit more expensive. Let’s say you’re doing a seven day deal current system right, it’s going to be $300. Everything’s a flat fee, right. But under the new way, if I sell 10 units right off the bat, it’s already more expensive $493. If I sell 25 units, it is $498. If I sell 50 units a little over 500, and it goes up to 500, it’s going to be $650 instead of $300. All right, so you can see how this can add up. Now I’m paying double for this best deal. And then, finally, if I’m going to take advantage of the one of these 14 day deals that’s now coming again, I would pay $300 flat fee under the current system, but selling only 10 units is going to cost me $983. Hopefully nobody is paying $900 to sell 10 units. Obviously, you’d want to sell more, but, as you can see, if you, if I sell, like a hundred units, it’s over a thousand dollars I’m paying, as opposed to um $300 right now. So so this is interesting. Like you could see that, hey, under the lower tiers, yes, it actually might save you money. But you could see that, hey, under the lower tiers, yes, it actually might save you money. But you could, you know, depending on how much money you’re making or how much your product costs, uh, as far as the customer to the customer, that 1% you can go up. Actually, amazon, I believe, says it’s capped to $2,000. And so this is a pretty, pretty significant for some of you. For others, maybe, it actually saves money, but it’s not like something crazy.

Bradley Sutton:

Now let’s get into the Amazon Q and a, as they had some questions that sellers were already asking, and let’s go. You know the these might be some of the questions that you yourself have. Now, the very first one is very realistic. Amazon knows what’s up. They’re keeping it real. They said hey, you announced in December 2024, you’re not going to raise fees. How can you justify this? Amazon’s response hey, we’re making the promotion and deal fees to make it easier. Well, again, stop with the gaslighting. But it says in their announcement. They said they’re not going to increase US referral or FBA fees. And this is not a US referral or FBA fee. All right, and they’re not going to. They, you know, breaking what Amazon promised, all right.

Bradley Sutton:

Another question is hey, will it still be possible for deals and promotions to be profitable with these changes? And they say, yeah, you know, like, like it could be. I mean, you guys saw right there that it not in all situations. Are these deals more expensive than they were? You know, like for the coupons, yes, but but like is that really? If you’re selling, you know if something costs, you know, $300 versus $260, is that going to take away your profit when you’re selling 300 units? If it does, you’ve got more serious problems. That is, this increase. Another question will these changes maintain the same promotion stacking rules? The answer is yes. Another one what’s going to happen if multiple promotions stack up on one promotion? Asin? The answer they said if you stack multiple promotions, like deals and then coupons, you’re going to be charged for each promotion according to its respective fee structure. All right, so if I do the coupon, I’m on that new tier If I do at the same time on the same product, a lightning deal, I’m on that tier as well. It’s stacked.

Bradley Sutton:

Will I incur the fee even if the promotion doesn’t generate sales? Yes, the answer is yes. A fixed fee for deals will be charged on the days your deal runs and the performance fees are going to apply to sales from your deal. All right, so like if you get no sales, there’s obviously no performance fee, but those daily fees, those you’ll be charged for regardless. When will these fees hit me? The answer you’re going to be charged promotion fees just like it is now 14 days after the promotion ends. Another question if my promotion is suppressed for the scheduled period, will I be charged? Easy Answer is no Question. Will best deals and lightning deals still have the same deal frequency policy with the new flexible durations? Answer yes. Can I extend best deals beyond 14 days? Answer no. Some of these guys I’m paraphrasing here, but I don’t think it needs me to go into too much detail. Will the shift to a fixed fee for coupons impact the way coupon budgets work? No, it’s not impacting that at all. It’s still the same. If there’s a lightning deal that runs only half the day. Does it charge $35 or $70 for that fixed fee? Answer lightning deals fees are scheduled for 12 hours, or the ones that are scheduled for 12 hours are fixed. Still $70 per day, all right, so that’s, as you know, pretty much as deep as I can go on this subject. Let me know what do you guys think of this. Is this kind of like what you planned? Is there something new? Did I get something wrong? Let me know in the in the comments below. I’m especially curious, though is this going to impact the way you use coupons, the way you do lightning deals, the way you do best deals? Let me know in the comments below.

Bradley Sutton:

Next article is not really an article per se, but just a reminder. Hey, as of today, amazon big spring sale is live, all right. So the big spring sale is live, and just don’t forget, guys, go into your. You know, at the very least, if you want, go and do a price discount. You know, if you haven’t done one, you can see I did one right here for the project X account. I did it kind of last second, you know, second just tonight. So it’s not too late to go ahead and start that. You can do it. It’ll start today and it’ll go through the 31st. So if you want to take advantage of perhaps some extra shopping eyeballs that’s happening right now, go ahead and set that. There’s different price structures that you have to do. It has to be at least 15% off the current price or the lowest price in 30 days, et cetera. But it kind of like calculates all of that automatically. That that might be something new, like before I used to have to calculate what was the minimum I could do. But this time when I did it, it put all of the minimum prices, or the maximum, I should say the maximum price I could put it at to have that minimum discounted amount. So go ahead and add those ASINs, all right.

Bradley Sutton:

Next article here is from Tech Explorer. It says AI startup perplexity confirms interest to buy TikTok All right. So this is just an article kind of like reminding you of the history, of what’s been going on, but it talks about hey, there’s like supposedly four different groups that are thinking about buying a TikTok. You know one group includes Frank McCourt. You know former sports tycoon, and even another group, like Microsoft, is part of another group that includes Mr Beast, et cetera, et cetera. But you know like everything seems to be all like. You know all full speed ahead that TikTok is going to be sold by the deadline. I mean, that’s just my take from reading this article. But what we don’t know is who. But that’d be interesting if one of these AI companies like Perplexity is the one who buys it. You know this article mentioned that, hey, they would rebuild TikTok’s algorithm from the ground up, making the for you recommendation feed open source, they said. So that would be interesting.

Bradley Sutton:

Last up, this week we’ll be at the Prosper Show. That’s why we’re doing the Weekly buzz a day early. Make sure to come hang out at the Helium 10 booth. I’ll be there. Don’t forget that you can actually get free tickets to the the floor of Prosper. You know, hit, hit up helium 10 customer service If you don’t know how to do that. If you’re in the Vegas area, uh, if you guys are at Prosper show, um, I’ll be speaking at a lot of different uh events. Wednesday 10:40 AM learning lounge. I’ll be doing a PPC presentation. Uh 1:50 PM I’m going to do another advertising one with Amazon ads and an eight figure seller. That’ll be in W two 19 and then 5. Pm and ask me anything with destiny I’ll be doing in the Amazon ads booth and then the Amazon ads booth on Thursday at 11 AM I’ll be doing something with a Vincenzo from e-com C, so make sure to come hang out If you guys are at the prosper show this week.

Bradley Sutton:

All right, next up, let’s get into now our new feature alerts. There’s two of them. They’re both in Black Box and one of these is been something that’s been asked about for years from a certain cohort of Helium 10 users, that’s, the wholesale and arbitrage sellers. So one thing that sellers have always asked who are doing wholesale is hey, I want to be able to search in Helium 10 Black Box by UPC, by EAN code, also by a GTIN. And not only that, we want to be able to search and upload like a list of like 200, 300 or more UPCs. You know, like sometimes you might get a wholesale list from a manufacturer and you want to be able to say, hey, pull up all of these, you know 300 products if they are on Amazon and what are the sales. Well, guess what guys? You now can do that. So go to Black Box and you’ll notice at the very bottom now there is a section that says product identifiers. All right, so you could just copy some ASINs into or not some ASINs, but some UPCs into there, or you download this file, all right. So if you hit this download button, you got to download the template, and then here’s an example. So what I did is I have this template here where I put in some UPCs and some EANs. This is from the template that we had, that is from the Project X inventory. So let’s go ahead and upload this Excel file of EANs and let’s see what happens. It says Excel file uploaded successfully. There’s four right here. I hit confirm. It puts it all right. Here the product identifiers. I can hit search and now let’s see what comes up.

Bradley Sutton:

All of those products that I had entered in, they show up right here in Helium 10. If they’re available on Amazon, which of course all my products are, it tells me their ASIN sales. You know who’s the seller and then you know. That’s perhaps a way that some of you wholesale sellers are going to be able to kind of like see, hey, is this going to be profitable or not? Then you can print this off, you know, compare it, you know, put your own prices back into the Excel file, whatever you guys do who are wholesale sellers. I don’t know too much about that aspect of things, but this is, like, probably one of our top ask for things.

Bradley Sutton:

The next new feature is also in black box and again it is for a different cohort of seller and it’s actually for non-sellers. So we’ve been making a lot of products lately in Helium 10 for Amazon influencers and the way that Amazon influencers make money. By the way, if you guys have Freedom Ticket, take that course. We have a free course inside of Helium 10 Freedom Ticket, uh for how to become an Amazon influencer to be able to make videos and make commission. We got people at Helium 10 who they work at Helium 10 in the day and they’re making thousands of dollars a month making videos for Amazon listings. Well, what’s one way that Amazon influencers can find profitable videos? Like, not necessarily profitable, I mean everything’s profit for that but as far as good ROI, in other words, where, if they make a video for it, they have a really good chance to get decent commission because they know it’s a high selling product, uh, and it’s also a product that, uh, you know it doesn’t have too many videos on it. Well, check this out. What you would do here is, in black box at the very top right, you’re going to see this dropdown where it says seller or influencer. You can now change the influencer mode. It’s available on the platinum plan. Even on the Starter plan, you’ll have 20 uses and then you could say, hey, show me a product in a certain category that is priced between X and Y and and also that has X number of reviews.

Bradley Sutton:

But hey, maybe it has less than two videos in the lower carousel and less than two videos in the upper carousel, and so on and so forth, using all of the different kind of like you know regular columns and filters that Blackbox has. But now it’s 100 hundred percent made for Amazon influencers to be able to find which products maybe they should be trying to make a video for, because they might have a good chance at making some commission. So if you’re an Amazon influencer or interested in it, make sure to use this brand new Blackbox for influencers tool that we just launched. All right, next up is our strategy of the week, and I just talked about hey, looking for products in Black Box, where it shows you whether you’re a wholesale seller, whether you’re an influencer, you use Black Box right to be about. When it comes to sales, we want to know sometimes what’s the estimated number of sales that keyword searches are generating, because that’s an even better metric than search volume. So, Shivali, let us know how Helium 10 can help with that.

Shivali Patel:

One of the most powerful and unique features that Helium 10 offers is keyword sales estimate. For years, amazon sellers relied solely on search volume to determine keyword importance. Tools such as Helium 10 have always solely on search volume to determine keyword importance. Tools such as Helium 10 have always provided monthly search volume data, which helps estimate demand. But the assumption has always been that higher search volume means more sales and, while generally true, it’s not always accurate. The real question isn’t just how often is a keyword searched, it’s actually how many sales does that keyword actually generate? Let me show you exactly why this matters. Let’s take a look at keyword data for coffin shelves. In most cases, search volume and sales estimate follow the same exact trend. For example, a keyword with 170,000 searches per month might lead to 1,350 sales, and a keyword with 136,000 searches per month results in 1,200 sales. So far, so good. But here is where it gets interesting. Take two completely different keywords floating shelves, bathroom at 15,900 searches per month, and gothic decor, sitting at 15,900 searches per month. At first glance, these seem equally valuable. Both have the same amount of search volume. If you only had access to search volume, you would also assume that they hold the same potential for conversions. But when we look at keyword sales estimate, the picture changes dramatically. My friends Floating shelves bathroom generated 233 sales in the last week, whereas gothic decor only resulted in 95 sales. That’s more than double the sales for the same exact search volume. So why does this happen?

Shivali Patel:

Keyword intent A shopper searching for floating shelves bathroom knows exactly what they want. They’re likely further down that purchase funnel and making them more likely to convert. On the other hand, someone searching Gothic Decor might just be browsing. They may or may not be looking for a specific item, leading to fewer conversions. This is why keyword sales estimates are worth considering. If you only rely on search volume, you could be wasting ad spend on the keywords that don’t actually even drive significant sales. So by using this tool, you can prioritize the most profitable keywords, ensuring that your listings and PPC strategy focus on high converting terms, not just high traffic ones. And here’s the kicker Helium 10 is the only tool, the only software solution, that provides this level of insight. No other software gives you a direct estimate of how many sales a keyword is generating. So next time you debate which keyword to target, ask yourself do I want more searches or do I want more sales? With Helium 10’s keyword sales estimate, you don’t have to guess, you’ll know exactly where to focus.

Bradley Sutton:

All right, thank you, Shivali. So, guys, if you’re at, like I said in Vegas Prosper Show, please stop by our booth Please, or you see me walking around say hi. Let me know you heard this episode and love to hear your story. Maybe you guys can be a guest on the Serious Sellers podcast. I might do some on the spot interviews while there. Next week, Carrie will be back to do the Weekly buzz and we’ll see you next week to see what’s buzzing.

Enjoy this episode? Be sure to check out our previous episodes for even more content to propel you to Amazon FBA Seller success! And don’t forget to “Like” our Facebook page and subscribe to the podcast on iTunesSpotify, or wherever you listen to our podcast.

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Want to absolutely start crushing it on Amazon? Here are few carefully curated resources to get you started:

  • Freedom Ticket: Taught by Amazon thought leader Kevin King, get A-Z Amazon strategies and techniques for establishing and solidifying your business.
  • Helium 10: 30+ software tools to boost your entire sales pipeline from product research to customer communication and Amazon refund automation. Make running a successful Amazon or Walmart business easier with better data and insights. See what our customers have to say.
  • Helium 10 Chrome Extension: Verify your Amazon product idea and validate how lucrative it can be with over a dozen data metrics and profitability estimation.
  • Trademarks are vital for protecting your Amazon brand from hijackers, and provides a streamlined process for helping you get one.
VP of Education and Strategy

Bradley is the VP of Education and Strategy for Helium 10 as well as the host of the most listened to podcast in the world for Amazon sellers, the Serious Sellers Podcast. He has been involved in e-commerce for over 20 years, and before joining Helium 10, launched over 400 products as a consultant for Amazon Sellers.

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Published in: Serious Sellers Podcast

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