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#596 – Amazon Influencer Program + Affiliate Earnings

Curious about how to make thousands of dollars in your spare time? We promise you’ll uncover innovative strategies from Gulsen Berkin Cinar and Michelle McLean, who are back after five years to share their secrets. From capitalizing on Amazon influencer opportunities to selling seasonal products, they reveal methods where people are earning up to $70,000 a month with no investment.

Join us as we explore the incredible journey of a family-run Amazon business that skyrocketed from modest beginnings to a seven-figure revenue before being sold. Gulsen shares the thrill of launching a new brand and expanding into platforms like Shopify and Walmart. Michelle, driven by her passion for seasonal products, recounts her success with Amazon products during Christmas, illustrating the excitement of spotting and profiting from trending items.

Dive into the world of Amazon influencers and affiliates with Michelle’s expert tips on maximizing commission potential by reviewing higher ticket items. Discover how you can earn substantial income through Helium 10’s affiliate program, even if you’re just starting out. We’ll also guide you on signing up for this lucrative opportunity and highlight the benefits, including lifetime recurring commissions and other rewards. Don’t miss this episode, which is packed with actionable insights and real-life success stories designed to help you thrive in the e-commerce world.

In episode 596 of the Serious Sellers Podcast, Bradley, Gulsen, and Michelle discuss:

  • 00:00 – Boss Ladies Making Money Online
  • 03:09 – Amazon Influencer Affiliate Program
  • 03:47 – Amazon Business Exit and Brand Scaling Success
  • 10:23 – Influencer Program and Earning Commissions
  • 14:17 – First Amazon Product Review Videos
  • 20:08 – Product Sourcing and Market Research
  • 22:48 – Amazon Affiliate and Reviewer Earning Potential
  • 29:02 – Helium 10 Affiliate Earning Potential
  • 32:47 – The Power of Consistent Growth
  • 34:29 – Helium 10 Affiliate Discount Opportunities
  • 38:01 – Affiliate Program Sign-Up and Benefits


Bradley Sutton:

Today we’ve got a couple of boss ladies on the show who haven’t been in the podcast in five years and they’re going to be talking about cool ways that they’re making thousands of dollars in their spare time by being either an Amazon influencer or selling seasonal products, along with a way that some people with no investment are even being paid $70,000 a month from Helium 10. How cool is that? Pretty, I think. Important message, guys. On October 23rd, Amazon is changing the window for which you can look back and claim that they owe you reimbursements for lost and damaged products at FBA warehouses. It used to be 18 months, but now it’s going down to only 2 months. So, if you have never used a reimbursement service or Refund Genie, now is the time. Last week, I ran Refund Genie on two different accounts and got a total of over $5,000 back for those sellers. And don’t forget, unlike a lot of services out there, Helium 10 doesn’t take any commission on what we get back. If we say you’re owed ten thousand dollars and you get back ten thousand dollars from amazon, you keep ten thousand dollars with no commission to Helium 10 at all. Refund Genie is now available to anybody who has a Helium 10 Platinum Annual Plan or higher. So, to get an estimate about on how much money you could get back, go to If you’ve never used a Helium 10 coupon, use the code SSP10 to save money if you need to upgrade to a Platinum Annual Plan.

Bradley Sutton:

Hello everybody and welcome to another episode of the Serious Sellers Podcast by Helium 10. I am your host, Bradley Sutton, and this is the show. That’s a completely BS-free, unscripted and unrehearsed organic conversation about serious strategies for serious sellers of any level in the e-commerce world, and we’ve got a couple of people here that are super, super old school here at Helium 10, including the one person, the only person who has been at the company here in United States side longer than me, and then another person who was one of my first hires here at Helium 10 just a couple months after I got started. So, Gulsen and Michelle, welcome back to the show.






wow, I feel so old.

Bradley Sutton:

Well, hey, that’s why I’m also I’m wearing the old school Helium 10 logo shirt here to kind of like reminisce about our old days, you know, way back then in the WeWork. Now I say welcome back to the show because there’s been a huge gap since Michelle and Gulsen have been on the show the word now in episode I don’t know like 580 something or 590 something. Their first time on the show was episode 86, way back in December of 2019. So, if you want to get a little bit more of their backstory, go ahead and see if you can find I don’t even know if you can find such an old episode, but episode 86, where we had them and some of the other members of our crew all together on one episode. But I was like you know what? It’s been years since you guys have come on and each of you have interesting things to talk about. So, let’s go ahead and have you guys uh back on. So, first of all, um, let’s start with uh, Gulsen. Now what about you? And you know you’ve since before you even worked at Helium 10. You know you’ve had like a family Amazon business. Um, ven offline, obviously you’re my co-worker, but we’ve never really talked about that in a long time. Like, are you guys still selling on Amazon? You selling on other market? What have you guys been doing with that side of your things?


Yes, so you don’t know this, but you know we were running that Amazon business with my husband and last year December we sold that one and the first call I received. Now my husband is building another brand.

Bradley Sutton:

Well, hold on. I want to talk about that. I didn’t know that you were right, I had brand and I want to talk about that. I didn’t know that. You’re right, I had no idea. So how did you find a buyer for the business? What was it like through an aggregator? Did you use a service or just networking?


Yeah, he was with a partner and um, he was always getting those questions like, um, if he ever likes to sell his shares and stuff, but at the time it was very good season to do that move last year December. So yeah, and it. You know it was very stressful and long journey for years but I’m so happy that we came to that ending and he took like a few weeks refresh and now he’s on top of it another brand by himself right now.

Bradley Sutton:

Okay, so what did he scale that brand to like? what was the peak yearly sales like approximately?


Yeah, so by the time he started it was about four hundred dollars per month.

Bradley Sutton:

Four hundred thousand dollars ?


Four hundred Dollars.

Bradley Sutton:

Four hundred. Oh, when he started, you said yeah, okay, I was like about to say well, who is buying an amazon business that grosses $400 a month, like good grief? Okay, that makes sense now. So that was when he started, and then he scaled it to what?


Yeah, the time he moved out that they were at monthly six figures.

Bradley Sutton:

Oh wow. So definitely a seven-figure brand, oh yeah, that is pretty cool and then and then. So now he’s starting from scratch or like something similar, or, and he’s already launched, or he’s just in the planning stage right now.


From scratch it’s already launched and now, um, this time we just wanted to want it to be more on like brand side. We still use, of course, amazon and we will try to start selling on Walmart as well, but now we’re just trying to be so heavy on Shopify, building the brand awareness, and then, of course, the goal is the goal again, selling it. But to me, you remember my Amazon account. I was so like a Grand Bazaar Amazon account. I still have it and still is my passion to find those seasonal items.

Bradley Sutton:

But you’re not still. Have you been off and on selling products on that account?


Yes, yes.

Bradley Sutton:

Oh okay, I didn’t know that. Okay, cool, but only seasonal.


Only seasonal and I know you don’t really like it when you do Amazon for patient. But that account you saw that it’s such a passionate account only the products I really like to spend my time on and not really that profitable, but still nice. And I feel like I still like to spend a lot of time on Black Box trying to find products and then search them on Alibaba, even if I’m not going to invest. I think it started to be like a habit for my life. And, yeah, the last time I found something it was a toy product. I never recommend anyone to, you know, join a toy business, but this one was crazy because, like it was selling on Amazon about like $26, the price to import and everything was about 450. So now it’s just, you know, um, making my mind so busy like should I really launch a toy product? But it’s so competitive and, yeah, I might be needing to pick your brain about it very soon.

Bradley Sutton:

Okay, I thought you were saying you already did this. I was waiting for the results. This is what you’re planning. What is something you’ve already done in the last year or so that really was a good experience? When you just found some random product and then it was able to sell during the season. Can you give an example?


Yeah, I can give you an example. What’s so funny is I really like to look around a lot while shopping, like actual shopping, Like I’m touring the Costco, Sam’s Club, these places and like Bluetooth Beanies. I don’t know if you remember them.

Bradley Sutton:

It’s like you have a beanie, but then there’s like headphones or something inside. Oh, okay.


Inside the beanie there were headphones and the first time I saw them like we were shopping on Sam’s Club. The first time I saw them, we were shopping on Sam’s Club and Charlie, my husband, he was telling me you know what? This product will go viral. And then we sourced it and, oh my God, it was such an amazing experience because that product really went viral.

Bradley Sutton:

So, you sourced it, not to piggyback on the listing, but you made your own listing a brand new. You just found it in Alibaba. So how much did you sell of that product?


Yeah, during Christmas time we sold close to 1,000 units

Bradley Sutton:

1,000 units at what price?


I believe it was about $14,000, $14,000, $15,000.

Bradley Sutton:

Okay, so a nice little five-figure a month there on one product or two.


yeah, it was amazing but, like I said, it was seasonal and now like I don’t even think anyone is going to search for Bluetooth beanie, but we were one of the first listings on amazon selling that product.

Bradley Sutton:

Nice so finding products at Sam’s Club in Costco. I just go there for like free samples and a dollar 50 hot dog and stuff. But now, now I know I need to start looking out for products. All right, let’s switch to Michelle now. So, Michelle, you know, in the beginning at Helium 10 and the last time you were on the podcast you like, like your experience with Amazon was pretty much just interacting with Helium 10 and interacting with, interacting with our customers. But now you’re not necessarily an Amazon private label seller. But tell us what you are now in that definitely has to do with the Amazon ecosystem.


Yeah, of course you know really quick. I wanted to say how far back I’ve been, you know, just to give some clarity for people listening. When I first started Helium 10, my daughter was eight months. She’s going to be seven years old in November. So, this just goes to show like how old I am.

Bradley Sutton:

I don’t need any reminders for that.


Yeah, I was just thinking about that and I was like, oh my gosh, it’s been almost six going on seven years, so that’s insane.

Bradley Sutton:

That’s crazy, that’s great. And then I remember how it was like your desk was like behind mine, so I need to check on what you’re doing. I just like turn around, we’re all in that little, we work there. And then I got to move to like this little, literally a closet. You know, the affiliate team office was like this little that used to be a storage closet and then it became my office.


And then what? Six or been very exciting, and I honestly love building relationships and speaking with different people around the world. It’s awesome. So now what I’m doing is I’ve learned and I’ve kind of just jumped on ships with the Amazon. Influencers program is something that you don’t need to really invest money in. It’s more of just investing your time and basically you are reviewing products and then when you review them, you upload them to Amazon and Amazon does all the work for you and you just earn commission off anyone that watches your video.

Bradley Sutton:

How do you even find out about that people are doing that, because I think nowadays some more and more people know about it, but like I didn’t really know about it until somebody like I don’t know maybe I saw a video on it or something but how do you even know that this was something that people do?


Yeah, it’s actually really funny. So, I was just searching, looking for new influence affiliates to join Helium 10 and you know, the algorithm just picks up and all of a sudden, you’re seeing like people selling you courses and it’s like, hey, the Amazon review program. And I was like, what is this? So, I dived into it and I just started following and I was like you know what? I’ve never been one to just like jump and, you know, spend a lot of money on products, but this seems like something I can do. And I did it kind of just more of like as a test and, um, it was, yeah, I got like approved right away and then I did the second approval and I got approved in that and now it’s just putting videos up on Amazon and the more videos you put there, the more commission you make. And you know it really just depends on the type of video you make as well, of course, the quality and everything. But it’s really fun and I feel like for me being like a really busy full-time mom um, and you know, working full-time this is something that I can do, that I don’t have to just like run a business. It’s just more of yeah fun on the side.

Bradley Sutton:

yeah, like even us, you know amazon sellers, like we all have families, like this is something, and maybe your daughter is a little bit too young still, but you know this is something, is something that you know you got like teenagers or even, um, you know, maybe preteens a little bit. You could almost have them like make some of these uh videos and it’s like something super simple. Obviously, you know adult needs to set it all up, but it’s not like rocket science where you have to be a pro influencer. Uh, you know, in order to make these review videos, a lot of them are just like kind of like unboxing and how you’re using it right.


Yeah, you know what Funny thing is? My daughter got her first brand deal.

Bradley Sutton:

Oh well, okay. Well, maybe she is old enough, I guess. Okay, my bad.


Yeah, so there’s. There’s Amazon sellers looking for people to or, you know, other people to review their product. And one was a mom who just came out with a kid’s face wash and she was like hey, I saw your daughter on Instagram. I would love for her to review my product. My daughter is all about skincare because of YouTube and she absolutely loved it. She did it and I just got another email yesterday from another seller who saw her video on that listing asking if they can review her skincare product now and I’m like wait, she’s starting to get all these deals, she’s only six.

Bradley Sutton:



It is really cool. Of course, you know you need to be in it as a parent, but it is really fun and I’ve seen a lot of married couples, even like a husband will have his own and then the wife has her own and they just capitalize on that extra income.

Bradley Sutton:

Interesting. Now, what’s the? I mean, there’s a difference, necessarily, between like, almost anybody can sign up to be an Amazon affiliate but then to be an Amazon influencer. Do they still require that you have some kind of social media account that has X number of followers? And then, if so, like what is that requirement?


Yeah, so that’s a great question. So many people get confused between the Amazon Associates program and that is basically offsite commission. You have to have a website; you get the affiliate link and then you basically drive traffic from your website to Amazon with the Amazon reviewers’ program. That’s onsite commission and you necessarily don’t need a huge following on social media. You just need to have good engagement for the first two steps. So as long as you get engagement, you build your, your engagement, you sign up and you get approved, you don’t even need to worry about that social platform anymore. It’s just like building up that reviewer’s videos and then just letting Amazon do that for you.

Bradley Sutton:

Okay, excellent, excellent. Now, um, what was the very first video that you did Like? What was it for? Do you remember what it was?


Yeah, so, amazon. In order for you to get approved for the second step you actually need very first video that you did like what was it for? Do you remember what it was? Yeah, so amazon. In order for you to get approved for the second step, you actually need to submit three product review videos. So, it’s not only one, it’s three. So, I did a dog uh feeder, so it’s basically a dog bowl but like it has a puzzle inside for your dogs, um, to slow their feeding. And then then I did a Spanish book, and then I did a I don’t want to say dupe, but I did a smart watch that you know looks like a brand name like Apple, and that actually got approval. So that got me three. That got my first three approvals for the Amazon reviewers’ program.

Bradley Sutton:

Your style of doing Amazon business, like why do you think this is kind of good? Like it’s obviously not for the kind of person who’s like trying to build up a brand and, you know, be able to exit like your husband did with his brand. But what kind of person is what your model is of? Like these seasonal products in here or there? Like are you even putting it on a brand registry or you’re just doing generic brands? Or how are you doing these listings?


No, no brand. How are you doing these listings? No brand registry. And I think that what I’m doing is great for who is working like typical 9 to 5 that would like to get extra site income. And also, like you know, before working at Helium 10, I did supply chain my entire life, so I’m so close to those sourcing agencies or the places in like. I’m originally from Turkey. I know a lot of Turkish manufacturers. Plus, I have very good experience in Far East so it’s so easy for me to source products. So, I feel like it is mixed for me. If you really like sourcing trying to find new people on the manufacturing end or sourcing end and if it’s giving you pleasure, then that’s great because then the money comes itself. But it’s not something that you can quit working on your corporate and rely on those seasonal items.

Bradley Sutton:

now, for example, that, what do you say? beanie, Bluetooth, Bluetooth, beanie, whatever it’s called? Um, you know, you, you grossed I don’t know fifteen thousand dollars, twenty thousand dollars or whatever from it. Yeah, was that all one order from the manufacturer and you only did one? And then, if so, like what was that initial investment? Like landed to amazon, like the price of the products and then the importation, and landed to Amazon, like, how much did you invest in that project?


It was like we created two orders the first order, it’s like it was gone like in the very first month and a half, and then, since we foresee it, we had to place another order and we did the same quantity and I think we invested about maybe $7,000 in total.

Bradley Sutton:

In the first order and both orders together.


The first order, like both orders together, could be around 14K, but it includes everything. Everything like it’s includes about two thousand of those Bluetooth beanies and the import and the shipping. So, we had to act quick so we couldn’t really do a vessel.

Bradley Sutton:

Wait, the first order was 2,000 units


It was 1,000 and 1,000.

Bradley Sutton:

Okay so you have, you sold all of them?


yeah, so the first.

Bradley Sutton:

I thought you only sold 1000 units. You actually sold 2000 units.


it was during Christmas time. We sold about 1000 and that’s why we were so high and excited. We ordered the second order and then those um the remainders. I think we have left about like 300 pieces left and then we started to get orders, maybe once a week and like bi-weekly.

Bradley Sutton:

No, not so yeah you sold way more than like 20. You know like we’re talking more like 20, 30 000, so seven thousand dollars to invest. And then are you just doing the regular private label ways to get on page one like, hey, I’m gonna run some PPC and try, I mean like that’s how you did it.


Yeah, we were so lucky because we were one of the first listings, as I said, and organic, we were already on the page one for that Bluetooth beanie. But then of course you know how it goes Competition comes so crucially and we had to run PPC but still it wasn’t that competitive because we were there at the beginning and we sent all inventory to FBA but then we had to take some inventory back and started to sell the rest as FBM.

Bradley Sutton:

You should see me about those. I’ll start shipping them for you. You can pay my kids to do that. Okay, so then I mean, that’s fascinating. I don’t know how I didn’t know all of this stuff that you’re doing. Yeah, you know what.


Funny enough. Actually, it’s not about me, but again, like with my husband. Do you remember those fidget spinners?

Bradley Sutton:

Yes, yes.


Yeah, he was also like one of the first listings with those fidget spinners on Amazon. Like I think he has a good sense of finding what will come to be a buy.

Bradley Sutton:

Well, how did you and he validate that thing? Because you know like it’s different when you’re trying to be the first kind of like we were kind of like the first coffin shelf. You know there’s not like a bunch of data where it’s like oh, I know all the main competitors and what they’re ranking for and stuff. So, what did you guys use to validate? Like, did you buy some from Costco and just put it up and do a test listing to see how it goes? Or how did you have the con? I mean, cause $7,000 is still $7,000. You know that’s a lot of money. Like you got to have some kind of confidence that you’re going to be successful. So, if you couldn’t see other beanie uh, Bluetooth, Bluetooth beanies, people having confidence what numbers or what were you looking at that made you go ahead and pull the trigger on that order?


Yeah, the thing is I can source those products so quickly because of my connections. So, with that fidget spinner we didn’t really do any drop shipping. We just found the manufacturer and I still doubt it was the manufacturer. I still feel like we were talking to a trader at that time. But we got the products in like in 10 days when we decided to go.

Bradley Sutton:

Oh, no, the beanie, though that’s the one I’m wondering. Yeah, the beanie, you saw it in Sam’s Club. It’s not like hey, let me go to. Oh, there’s a nice product Sam’s Club, let me go ahead and drop $7,000. I’m sure you must have done some kind of research or something to take a look.


Yeah, so, uh, what was really very surprising to me when you go to Alibaba or like, let’s say, DHgate, and search for some products, you would see tons of manufacturer putting the same picture of the product and selling them. That time, when we check for the Bluetooth beanies, we only sold two, two manufacturers on Alibaba and at that time I was like wow, like this is amazing, because the manufacturers are not just saturating the market. Yes, so it was one of the insights for me. And the second one was it was I believe it was right before the Halloween and you know, like during Christmas times. It’s amazing product that you can put in those stockings and not very expensive, but still, it would make your grandchildren so happy to have a gadget like that. It’s great if you’re like, if you do ski, snowboarding and stuff, you don’t really worry about you. So, we believe in the product too.

Bradley Sutton:

But was there a search volume at the time, like was anybody searching that at all in Helium 10? Or there wasn’t even search volume for that keyword yet.


I don’t remember that we saw a huge amount of search volume.

Bradley Sutton:

interesting, all right. So, hey, like that’s really getting ahead of the, you know, similar to like what we did with the wooden egg tray in project X, where there was nobody searching for wooden egg tray but we’re like, hey, I think this is going to be a hot product. All right, that’s very interesting, I like that method. Now going back to Michelle, um, let’s say I start my, my um influencer account. Would you suggest the first thing to do which actually is me I’ve had, because, I don’t know, I’m lazy, I guess, but like should is the first thing I should do is just go around my house and look at stuff that I bought from Amazon or that stuff that exists on Amazon and start making videos of those things? Is that like a good first step for somebody just getting started?


yeah, so not a lot of people know this, but Amazon has it. Use your phone, the Amazon scanner app, and you can go around your house and scan anything and then you find stuff that are actually being sold on Amazon. And I do that. And when I first started, I did a lot of my higher ticket items. So, like my bed frame I got on that wasn’t on Amazon and I checked and it was. I’m sorry I didn’t get it from Amazon, but when I checked it was on Amazon and so I reviewed it. And then I reviewed like my sofa. My couch was there. I got my couch from an outlet and my couch was also on Amazon. So, I would say to focus on like your higher ticket items, but then also mix it up and do some mid-level, like $20, $30, $40, because those are what’s going to give you commission. And if you start a lot of people focus on like really small items, like $10, $12, you’re only going to see change. So, you want to have a mix of both and the more videos you bring in, the better. I would also say to look at your like how many influencer videos are there right? Like you don’t want to review a product and there’s so many review videos that you’re not even going to be seen, so that’s something else to look out for.

Bradley Sutton:

Like what’s the best opportunity? Like obvious, it’s like, is it something that’s selling really well, so that you know there’s a lot of you know people getting on that page, and at the same time, maybe like there’s not that many influencer videos on that page? Like, is that how you prioritize it? Like, let’s say, you could do like 30 things and you’re like, okay, how do I know which ones I should do first Because I can get the most money? Would that be what you’re looking at, or is there other factors involved too?


Yeah, so I try to see how many product listings there are. So, I’ll give you an example. Like the smartwatch that I did, that was one of my like it’s still actually selling really well and because there’s multiple, actually there’s only like 50 or 100 people buying it per month from what Amazon showed, but there’s a lot of sellers that had it as well, and so I realized that people were watching my video and then they were going on to another listing and then they were like, okay, I really want to get this watch, and then they were just purchasing it. So that’s one way. So, you also just want to make sure that there’s demand for it, like people are buying it. Right, if you have a rug and you’re going to review it and you go in and like there’s bad reviews, it says from Amazon, this product is most likely going to get returned, probably not the best one you want to start with.

Bradley Sutton:

My next question, uh, would be is just, you know, to give people an idea of the potential here? um, what are some success stories you’ve heard about, like how much money people are making? And then you, your exact example. You obviously work full-time for Helium 10, so it’s not like you’re just sitting in your house all day doing video I hope not, otherwise our boss might not be happy about that but you’re just doing it here and there in your spare time. Since you already have a full-time job, how much are you grossing every month from this?


Yeah, so Amazon’s commission is uncapped. You can basically make as much. I just recently started, June, and I’m already about last month I made $600 and then all together it’s probably about a thousand, but it hasn’t even been a full three months. So, you know, with and I only have a hundred and like 60 videos on my Amazon storefront. So of course, the more videos I’m going to have, the more I’m going to be able to make. I I’m in a lot of Amazon reviewer groups and people make who’ve been there for like 12 months a year two years can make at least three to $6,000. So, like my goal is to put as many videos as possible and I’m trying to get to like 500 videos for Christmas, because I know that during Christmas time it’s going to be really busy. So, I’m really excited to see if I can get at least up to two to three thousand dollars by Christmas in a month.

Bradley Sutton:

How much time does it take you to make these videos? Because I know like they actually don’t necessarily need like super crazy professional video production and seven different scenes and Steven Spielberg quality. But it’s like you just use your cell phone, if I’m not mistaken, right, and then and then what program are using for like cut it up and then put some like captions, and is that basically it? So, what’s the time constraint? And then, what are the tools you’re using to, to, to put it all together?


So that’s a great question. Because I’m such a you know I’m busy, everything. I try not to put as much time into this and you really don’t because people want to see reviews that are very authentic. They don’t want to see like commercials or advertisements, they want to see real people making reviews. So, I just scan it. If I see that it’s on Amazon, I will quickly get my water bottle, or if it’s a product of a water bottle, quickly get it. Put my phone, place it so I can see myself in it and make a quick 30 to 45 second review video. Make sure the audio is good and I use CapCut. Capcut is free. You can also purchase it and I purchased it because you can enhance your audio, you can clean it up and you can also slice it up. So, in all, it takes me maybe like five minutes per video per product, because you get better as you go and then you just float.

Bradley Sutton:

Awesome, awesome, okay, cool, I’m going to get my kids started on that then. Now let’s switch gears and talk about what you guys do here, because this is another way that people can make money without having to invest too much money and that’s being an affiliate. And so, let’s just talk about the extreme, just to get people excited here. Some affiliates here at the company how much money are they grossing? How much money is Helium 10 paying them per month in additional things like cars and stuff like that? So just like get people excited about this subject.


It’s really crazy, because some affiliates are making about $70,000 per month.

Bradley Sutton:

From Helium 10? Okay, I might be in the wrong position here. What in the actual heck? I had no idea.


But it’s not that, so we also pay for their cars.

Bradley Sutton:

What are some cars that we’re paying for people.


What I remember, we have like one, I believe, Tesla Model S and G-Wagon and a Mercedes, RV minibus and yeah, these are the ones.

Bradley Sutton:

In addition, making tens of thousands, even up to 70,000, that okay. Now I think we have you got my attention already, like I didn’t even know that we were at that level yet, and so okay. So, what about you know what? What are the ways that that that people are getting to that level? Obviously, no, we’re not going to sit here and say, hey, anybody can just make $70,000 a month from Helium 10. But basically, how are they doing something like that? Either of you can answer this.


Yeah, it is. If you have an audience this is only what matters engaged audience you can be a very popular YouTuber, you can be running a course, you can be a great blogger, or you’re just someone spreading the word about how to sell on Amazon and the software that’s helping with it. Because we pay lifetime recurring commission 25% and on top of the commission we have extra rewards. I’d like Michelle to talk about them yeah.


So I will say, some of our top affiliate, like producers, that we pay out high commission, it’s because our program is so lucrative and, again, it’s 25 lifetime commission. So, some of our affiliates have been here for three, four years and they’re still making commission with us on top of the extra bonus program rewards that we’re paying for their cars or we’re paying for their restaurant dinners, like we pay for so many things. And I also want to clarify, like we don’t only pay out top affiliates, like we have a bonus reward program that also pays our smaller guys, like if you’re just starting out, we’re actually going to update our program, so you’re going to receive $500 just for bringing in 10 new subs.

Bradley Sutton:

I think what you know, one thing that I want to double click on right there that you said is like the lifetime commission. So, theoretically, you know, let’s say, I have this channel where I’m talking about Amazon, but, for whatever reason, I’m like you know what? YouTube shut me down. I no longer have a YouTube channel; I’m just going to stop this. But I had signed up 100 people to Helium 10. Let’s just say it’s the cheapest plan, so they’re paying Helium 10. Those 100 people are paying Helium 10 100 times $100. Okay, all right. So hey, wait, wait, hold on, I’m going to. I’m about to do some advanced math here. So those customers are paying helium 10, $10,000 a month, but every month the affiliate is getting 25%, right? Yeah, so then that’s a wait 0.25 times 10,000 is they’re getting a check for $2,500 a month. But let’s say, today my YouTube channel shut down and it shut down for a year, next year. Let’s just say, if those hundred people are still paying Helium 10, they never even did anything, they didn’t make one more video, they didn’t like help these people at all. They’re still getting a check for $2,500 a month, every month from now until infinity, as long as those members. So that that that’s that. That that’s what I think is really good about our, our system.

Bradley Sutton:

Now, uh, Michelle, you know, we obviously talked about one side of the spectrum where it’s big influencers or people who have this big course or big YouTube channel or something. Obviously, it’s a no brainer to sign up, you know, to be an affiliate, because instantly they’re probably going to start making tons of money just because they’re going to be able to sign up people. But again, we’re talking this episode is kind of like about making money without too much investment. What if I’m just an average Joe? Maybe I’m just an average Joe Helium 10 user out there I know Helium 10 well or I’m just listening to this podcast somehow and I don’t have a YouTube channel. I don’t have a big popular blog or, you know, Instagram, with a hundred thousand followers. What’s a way that I can scale up? I mean, I can still be an affiliate even if I have nobody just at least get started. But how can I scale up my platform in order to start building up? How much Helium 10 is paying me?


Yeah, so that’s a really good question. I would say consistency, and that goes for everything that you do, right. If you are an average girl, like we’ve seen this. Like we have people sign up and they don’t have like a big platform. However, like they’re consistent with growing their audience, whether they you know what I decided I’m going to be a YouTuber. Now I’m going to start posting YouTube videos consistently and on top of that, I’m going to start posting Helium 10 demos, because I am a Helium 10 wizard, so why not share my knowledge? Or I’m going to start my own community on Facebook. Um, and they’re consistent with growing their audience. They can eventually start growing commission, because all it takes is one person to get inspired and sign up for Helium 10 with your affiliate link and then, all of a sudden, it’s three months in, you’re like 10, 15, 20. And you’re already, like you said, grossing like $2,500. And you haven’t even done much. And you know, like I said, it’s really about consistency and it’s really fun, because I enjoy speaking with a lot of these smaller affiliates and encouraging them and then seeing their growth. It’s insane.

Bradley Sutton:

Maybe I don’t even have plans for making a community, but I mean, I guess theoretically, hey, I’m in, I’m in Facebook groups or uh, I post in in in X, uh, you know, like threads about, you know, formerly Twitter and as far as Amazon, I’m on Reddit and stuff like I could just share the coupon code here and there when people talk about it, and even without either, like being an influencer, I could be making commission. I just sign up. One person sees that code. You know that maybe my Reddit post is indexed by Google and then somehow somebody lands on it and I never even touched that person or had anything to do with them. They thought they use my code. I’ve got that revenue for life. So that’s, that’s something guys out there. You know you don’t have to be some big influencer. If you’re just a regular Helium 10 user and you know you have friends interested in Helium 10, give them a discount. You know, get a discount code Affiliates get discount codes that other people can’t get and you’re helping your friend out and now you’re going to you know what.


Let me just join, for instance we just had a webinar and Riley was in it and he taught, talked all about q4 and how to you know create a good listing for q4, how to prepare. That was a webinar and now they have the opportunity to share an affiliate link with their friends or family there and who, anyone else that they know who’s selling on Amazon. And if that person decides like hey, this was a really great webinar, I, I really need Helium 10 now because I want to make sure my listing is great, like, oh, now there’s a coupon code attached, so just like that, just by sharing a resource and how Helium 10 can help, they can easily earn and make money with it.

Bradley Sutton:

that’s a good point because it’s not like, oh, I need to be a Helium 10 expert or an Amazon expert. If you’ve got the audience, like actual evangelists like myself, Carrie, Shivali, we’ll go on the channel like, hey, we’ll do a video and you don’t even need to bring the expertise, because we’ve got it and you just provide the audience. And then I wish I need to arrange something. These affiliates are making so much money and I’m the one who’s doing these videos and I’m not seeing any part of this. Something doesn’t feel fair there. But anyways, take advantage of it guys. Take advantage of it. I’m not getting any money, but I’ll be supporting there. Gulsen. Anything else to say about our affiliate program?


Yeah, I think our affiliate program is offering money and also offering a bunch of information and the trends. So, we’re like at Helium 10, we are not just like, hey, promote us and get the commission. We are helping a lot for our affiliates to grow. So, some real-life experiences like one of our affiliate’s accounts get hacked and he was having hard time dealing with Google so we were there for him and we helped him to get his account back. Or I was on a call with one of our affiliates chief marketing officers because he was curious about the latest trends and I was giving him my two cents about what they should be else doing to boost their reach, like getting more students.

Bradley Sutton:

Haven’t some like giving you access to like their YouTube channel and you go in there and optimize. Like you’re literally in their YouTube and fixing for them and stuff like that.


I didn’t want to talk about that one, but yes, this happened as well. Yeah, so, like Helium 10 is the only platform where you have your dedicated account manager. We are not a platform like your account is managed by a team of VAs or you’re just talking to some AI generated chat box, so it’s like you work with us and you also have a marketing manager that you don’t need to pay. So that’s why I really find it very beneficial for our affiliates. And the other thing is we work with thousands of affiliates and we know we see what’s working, and we see what used to be working before but not anymore, or what’s failing. So, it’s good that we have this experience without really facing the actual work. So, it’s always good to share what’s working with our other partners to help them grow and win together.

Bradley Sutton:

So, if you guys want more information, want to sign up right away there’s no sign-up charge or no entry fee or anything like that. Just go to forward, slash, crush it, crush it. Two words, but it’s together, no spaces. forward, slash, crush it and sign up. If there might be a little box that says, how did you find out about this or something, make sure to say that you heard about it on the podcast. Right before I started at Helium 10, I actually had signed up to be a Helium 10 affiliate and then Michelle was like my affiliate manager and stuff. So, yeah, we’ve come full circle here, but I want you guys to go ahead and crush it as well on there. So that’s super cool. And then remember, guys, it doesn’t matter where you are in the world. You know we’ve got affiliates in in Pakistan and Tajikistan and Japan and Korea, and I think the only country we don’t have affiliates is North Korea. So, every other country in the world we’ve got affiliates because you know you’ve got an audience everywhere there and obviously Helium 10 works in so many different countries. So, make sure to sign up, all right, guys.

Bradley Sutton:

So, uh, one more note is where you know Michelle is actually going to be doing like a little mini course in helium tend to help people learn more about being an Amazon influencer, so be on the lookout for when that, uh, when that comes out, and Gulsen is going to be working on the course of Turkish cooking for Helium 10. I’m just playing, but, uh, we’ll have to think of a course that you can, uh, you can make for us too. But, thank you, thank you both, so much for uh coming on here. It’s great to see, uh, you know people who were there from almost day one, uh, from when I started here at Helium 10, and, and we’re the, we’re, we’re going to be like the trio here who keeps on going to, are doing.


Thanks, Bradley, thank you for having us.

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Want to absolutely start crushing it on Amazon? Here are few carefully curated resources to get you started: 

  • Freedom Ticket: Taught by Amazon thought leader Kevin King, get A-Z Amazon strategies and techniques for establishing and solidifying your business. 
  • Helium 10: 30+ software tools to boost your entire sales pipeline from product research to customer communication and Amazon refund automation. Make running a successful Amazon or Walmart business easier with better data and insights. See what our customers have to say.
  • Helium 10 Chrome Extension: Verify your Amazon product idea and validate how lucrative it can be with over a dozen data metrics and profitability estimation. 
  • Trademarks are vital for protecting your Amazon brand from hijackers, and provides a streamlined process for helping you get one.
VP of Education and Strategy

Bradley is the VP of Education and Strategy for Helium 10 as well as the host of the most listened to podcast in the world for Amazon sellers, the Serious Sellers Podcast. He has been involved in e-commerce for over 20 years, and before joining Helium 10, launched over 400 products as a consultant for Amazon Sellers.

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