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#610 – 5 Ways To Track Amazon Keywords

Imagine harnessing the full potential of keywords to revolutionize your e-commerce sales strategy. In today’s episode, we explore the indispensable role of keyword tracking for Amazon sellers, with or without advanced tools like Helium 10. We uncover how Amazon’s own features, such as Product Opportunity Explorer and Search Query Performance, can be leveraged to stay ahead, even as AI technologies evolve. Keywords continue to hold immense power in enhancing product visibility and discoverability, and we share how AI can amplify this by linking your products to relevant search terms through customer reviews and Q&A sections.

Unlock the secrets to optimizing your keyword tracking for maximum sales impact with our expert guide on Helium 10 tools like Keyword Tracker and Cerebro. We dive into the importance of understanding search query volume, ASIN impressions, and conversion rates to make data-driven decisions for boosting your advertising strategies. Learn how to select the most effective keywords to track, conduct competitor analysis to spot untapped sales opportunities, and ensure your products are visible for precise customer searches, all aimed at elevating your product’s ranking on Amazon.

For those ready to automate their keyword tracking, we discuss how Helium 10’s features can streamline your efforts, allowing you to keep your listings relevant without the manual hassle. From automating keyword discovery with Cerebro to visualizing performance with heat maps, we provide strategies to manage keywords efficiently across multiple products. We also delve into the strategic use of Helium 10’s Atomic feature and the nuances of aggressive PPC strategies during product launches, offering seasoned insights for both new and experienced sellers in this ever-evolving marketplace.

In episode 610 of the Serious Sellers Podcast, Bradley discusses:

  • 00:00 – Maximizing Keyword Tracking for Better Profits
  • 06:07 – Utilizing Related Keyword Data on Amazon
  • 12:26 – Optimizing Keyword Tracking for Sales
  • 19:25 – Understanding Keyword Tracker and Rank Fluctuations
  • 22:18 – Automating Keyword Tracking for Sales
  • 25:15 – Keyword Tracking Importance for Amazon Success
  • 29:48 – Maximizing Keyword Tracking Efficiency
  • 32:08 – Managing Keywords for Product Variations
  • 34:58 – Keyword Tracker Deep Dive Special Episode


Bradley Sutton:

Today we’re going to go deep into keyword tracking, not just with Helium 10, but what if you don’t have Helium 10? How can you get the best keywords out of Product Opportunity, Explorer, Search Query Performance and even Amazon’s website? And then, for those who do have Helium 10, what are some special things you can do with tracking your keywords that can put more money in your pocket? How cool is that? Pretty cool, I think. Hello, everybody, and welcome to another episode of the Serious Sellers Podcast by Helium 10. I’m your host, Bradley Sutton, and this is the show that’s completely BS-free, unscripted and unrehearsed, organic conversation about serious strategies for serious sellers of any level in the e-commerce world. And we’re doing today our monthly live ask me anything and monthly training. Uh, we do this once a month, um, so that you know you guys can get training on a specific topic. But then, hopefully, you guys have been throughout the month compiling all of your Amazon related questions or Helium 10 related questions and going to try and stump me with them. You guys can stump me sometimes. I don’t know the answer to everything, but I want to be able to have the opportunity at least to be able to answer whatever questions you have about your Amazon business today. So make sure to start getting your questions ready.

Bradley Sutton:

Now let’s just first talk about the importance of keywords, because sometimes there’s been this shift lately that you know, people think that, oh, keywords aren’t as important anymore because we live in the time of AI and things like Rufus and Cosmo. And no, if anything, keywords are more important than ever Because, remember AI whether we’re talking Rufus or AI algorithms in the back end of how Amazon indexes things like you know what some people call Cosmo and stuff it still has to be based on keywords. All right, as well as one of them. You know, theoretically speaking, could I create an Amazon listing with no text at all and just an image of a coffin shelf? Would Amazon know that it’s a coffin shelf? Potentially, right now, still not like, I’ve tested it before. All right, if you don’t have the words in there most of the time. No, you will not be searchable for the keyword. If you’re not searchable, what does that mean? That means Amazon doesn’t think that you are related to that keyword if you’re not searchable. And then, conversely, remember what is AI, things like Rufus, which is the AI assistant shopping assistant that Amazon shows all customers. Now, how does it know what a product is. Well, it’s based on what Amazon thinks the product is, all right. So, again, keywords are still vitally important.

Bradley Sutton:

If anything, the AI is helping some sellers who maybe don’t have all the best keyword research and they didn’t put like a keyword, um, you know, we had a recent podcast lately where we talked about having uh, sandals, right, like sandals, uh, women’s sandals, and maybe like sandals, women’s sandals, and maybe these sandals are great for pregnant ladies, right? And so, if I put the word great, oh, I probably wouldn’t put the word great for pregnant ladies. That’s not exactly a correct terminology, but if I were to put, hey, pregnant women get a lot of comfort from these slippers, from day one, most likely I’m going to be indexed for anything that has to do with pregnant, um, pregnant women, pregnant ladies, those kinds of keywords like that, right? So, theoretically speaking, the Amazon AI from day one, like if somebody was typing something in Rufus say hey, are these slippers good for, um, pregnant? If I’m pregnant, right, even if I have no reviews for the AI to review, cause it’s a new product. What Rufus is going to say is yes, according to this listing, um, it’s, it’s very comfortable for those who are pregnant, right, so but what if I didn’t put that in there from day one? Maybe it’s there and maybe it’s not, but probably not in the AI, because if there’s no reviews, there’s no questions and answers, there’s nothing that has to do with pregnant ladies using these slippers the AI, I’m not going to be indexed or anything.

Bradley Sutton:

So how AI enhances things is let’s say, I have a full listing, and now I’ve been. I’ve had this listing out there for like six months. I still never put the word pregnant in my listing. But there’s some reviews, right. There’s reviews of people who said, oh, I’m pregnant and, man, this really took a load off my shoulders, right? Or somebody put a Q and somebody asked another person hey, is this okay if I’m pregnant to use this? And somebody said, yes, I don’t necessarily have to have put pregnant my listing. But now, all of a sudden, would I be indexed for words related to pregnancy? Would I come up in Rufus? Probably.

Bradley Sutton:

So you see, that’s how things like Rufus, and other AIs are going to enhance the shopping experience. It’s more like for sellers who didn’t have the right keywords in their listing from day one. You now have more of a chance to get indexed for these. I mean, Amazon’s always had things like that. You know, I I’ve been showing for six years how to get indexed for keywords that you don’t have in your listing because they’re forbidden or something. So, this is like not necessarily new. But I’m going to say now it’s going to be a little bit easier and an enhanced process, all right, but again, why wait six months until people have reviews? Or maybe Amazon knows in the backend that somebody is pregnant and so it knows that if somebody is buying these shoes, hey, just, even without Q and a or without reviews, maybe it’ll go ahead and start indexing. But why wait for something like that? Why not be indexed and searchable for pregnancy related keywords from day one, right? So that’s why I’m saying, guys, forget the noise where people say, oh yeah, keywords aren’t as important anymore. If anything, I think it’s even more important. And then now, all of a sudden, things like Rufus, Cosmo are going to enhance what you can get indexed for, even if you don’t have the keywords, right? Okay, I hope we’re on the same page now.

So, what are some ways, first of all, that you can. What are some keywords that you should track, even that have nothing to do with Helium 10, or you have no tool at all. Let me show you a couple. We know that getting to page one on keyword search results is one of the most important goals that an Amazon seller might have. So track your progress on the way to page one and even get historical keyword ranking information and even see Sponsored Ad Rank Placement with Keyword Tracker by Helium 10. For more information, go to forward slash Keyword Tracker.

Bradley Sutton:

One of them is on product pages itself all, right? So, if you have searched for a keyword, I love to keep track because it changes sometimes at the very bottom, the related keyword section. Here it is right here, related searches, because this is telling you what people searching for your main keywords are searching for before and after they search this. All right, this is. I love any data that comes from Amazon. All right, this is literally from Amazon. So, it’s great data to see. So, I can see here coffin shelf large coffin shelf, large, six feet tall. Coffin bookshelf, coffin decor Now coffin mirror. If I’m selling a coffin shelf, is coffin mirror my product? No, but it’s important maybe to be indexed for that keyword, because now I can get two chances if I’m advertising for that keyword, because Amazon is telling me that, hey, right before somebody searches coffin shelf, or right after they’re also searching for coffin mirror. So now it’s like I have two at bats. If I’m indexed for both of these keywords and searchable and maybe advertising on it and related to the keywords on that page, all right, so you could just, without any tool, take note of that.

Bradley Sutton:

Another way where you can start noticing those keywords without having to, without having to look for it, is if you use the Helium 10 search expander. It’ll show the related keywords right here at the top and their search volume. So, I don’t even have to scroll down. I could just go ahead and even export the data right here. I can export the data and you see how the related keywords that showed up at the bottom it’s going, it’s going to show up right here. So that’s one way, even with zero tools. I mean, this one has a tool, but the first part of it where you can keep get an idea of important keywords and track, because again, these keywords here at the bottom change. Like I remember, at one point this year Gothic Decor was here. Now it’s not. So you know, that’s just some interesting information.

Bradley Sutton:

Another way, without even Helium 10, to be tracking what keywords are important to your niche and then how you are performing for them Opportunity Explorer. Okay, so here’s a product that I’ve been selling for a little bit Coffin letter board. Right, not all product niches are here Like most of the major ones. Like, if you’re selling something that’s selling, you know, 20 units a day, 10 units a day, I’ve got to imagine your main keywords in product opportunities, for if you’re selling 20 days, but if you’re not selling 20 a day, it’s possible it might not be here. Okay, so, anyways, what you do is you look, find the main keyword hopefully it’s there and then hit search terms. Now, this is super interesting because some you don’t get much data at all. So, in this coffin letter board niche, according to Amazon, there’s only two main keywords. All right, but still these changes over time. All right, coffin letter board, Halloween letter board.

Bradley Sutton:

If I go into trends, I can see over time how the search volume has changed. You can see it’s very, very low on this one and the product count is very low too. So if this is all I had to go off of, this is not much, but it’s important to keep watching this If you don’t have any tool like Helium 10, and every now and then, like once a week or once every two weeks, refresh your main pages to see what other keywords are showing up here. Let me just show you something that comes up a lot more. Let’s say collagen peptides. Right, let’s look up collagen peptides and if I choose this and then I hit search terms, we’ve got 17.

Bradley Sutton:

All right, so there’s a lot here, but if I was selling collagen peptides, I want to keep track of these keywords and where I’m showing up, and obviously to if I want to see where I’m showing up, and I would just look where my, my product shows up. If I search these one by one, it’s kind of tedious and not giving me a whole picture, but at least it’s better than nothing. All right, and you want to make sure that you are indexed for all of the keywords, and even Amazon is saying that some of the top keywords in this niche is Spanish keywords. All right, so you’re not always searchable for the Spanish keywords, unless Amazon has already translated your listing in the back end for the Spanish, and then these are the words that it translated, but not always does it translate in the right way, so sometimes you’ve got to put some of these extra Spanish keywords in the back end of your listing to try and get indexed for it if Amazon didn’t translate the correct words. All right. So, there’s two ways that have nothing to do with Helium 10 that, even if you have zero tools at all, you can be tracking. A third way that has nothing to do with Helium 10 that you should be tracking with your keywords, and this is now getting a little bit more advanced and Helium 10 is going to have something for this.

Bradley Sutton:

We’ve been working on something with Amazon on this to be able to offer it to sellers a little bit more easily, so you don’t have to download reports. Is search query performance All right? So, if you guys don’t know where you can get your search query performance is in your seller center. You got to have brand registry, go to brands and then brand analytics, and there’s so much wealth of information. I’m just going to show you the top thing that you guys should be tracking Search Query Performance. I like looking at the ASIN view, so coffin letter board. What I do is I’m going to take the number of clicks overall. What this means is when I say when Amazon says this is the total number of clicks, that means 2,449. Out of all the searches, how many people clicked on either a sponsored product ad or an organic placement from near the top of the page after searching this keyword? Right, and it’s two, four, four, nine. And then I say how many total purchases were there? 206.

Bradley Sutton:

All right, so now you guys can’t see, but I’m taking out my calculator, I divide. I take two, oh, six, divided by two, four, four, nine, and that comes out to 8.4%. So that means that on average during this month and obviously it’d be better to look at this at a weekly level the conversion rate for people who got a click after searching coffin letter board is 8.4%. Now what I do is I take ASIN count from the purchases and divide that by ASIN count of the clicks to see, hey, how is my conversion rate on this? All right. And so, to do that, I go ahead and I take eight, which is what my ASIN count for purchases was divided by ASIN count for clicks 83, and it’s 9.6%. And now I forgot what the other one was. So, hold on, let me see what was the other one. The other one was 8.4%, right? So, what does that mean? Do I have a better or worse conversion rate than my competitors. I have a better one because I’m at almost 10% and they’re at 8%, or probably a little bit lower, since, since, if you were to fully take into consideration what they’re doing, uh, you have to deduct my sales and my clicks, right? So, they’re around eight, I’m around 10, basically.

Bradley Sutton:

So this, why should you track this? What? What can I do with this information? Well, this means that, hey, I’ve, I want to make sure that I’m showing up at the top of the search results. And again, obviously, in helium 10, it’ll be easy to know if I’m showing up at the top of the search results, because I look at Keyword Tracker, right. But here, if I don’t have Helium 10, I kind of have an idea based on the denormalized search query volume that Search Query Performance has, which in this case is 5,300. And I compare that to the ASIN count of impressions, which is 6,400,. Right, you might be wondering how in the world can I have more impressions than searches? Well, it’s because I’m probably showing up at the top of the search results, both in organic and in sponsored, most of the time. That’s how I can show up twice for every search, sometimes. All right.

Bradley Sutton:

So if the number was a lot lower and my conversion rate is higher, what action am I taking? What would you take? The answer is oh, I got to increase my bid on this keyword. I want to show up at the top of sponsored ads 24 hours a day. Because why show up at the top of sponsored ads 24 hours a day? Because, why? Because my conversion rate is better than everybody else’s, meaning that if I show up at the top, I’m going to start getting conversions for it at a better clip than my competitors, meaning what my organic rank is going to start increasing, okay. So this is a good information here on how you can track keywords week by week, month by month. Just right there in Seller Central.

Bradley Sutton:

All right, now easiest way to track keywords is obviously in Helium 10. Now to find what keywords you should track at all the a good way is just to run Cerebro on it first, all right, on yours and your top competitors listings. Okay, to find out what keywords attract. So how can I do that? In an easy way Uh, let’s go, and uh, do coffin.

Bradley Sutton:

Yeah, let’s just go ahead and do Coffin Shelf. I’m going to run x-ray on this page. The very first product I’m going to do is my own. So I click on my own product in in x-ray if I’m in the search results, and then what I want to do is I want to click on some of my main competitors that are exactly coffin shelves as well. Let’s go ahead and do the Amazon’s choice. By the way, guys, this is super cool.

Bradley Sutton:

Helium 10 is the only tool where, in the search results, you can see for the last month who was the top clicked product and how many conversions did they have. All right, make sure to always choose the ones who are the top click products. Here was a top one, and let’s just pick another couple of coffin shelves here. Let’s see who else has a good coffin shelf. I can, I can check up on man, not a lot of people are selling a lot of coffin shelves. I guess 113. All right, well, let’s just go with these and just add this one. All right. So now what I do is I hit run Cerebro. Okay, now, that’s going to open up Cerebro.

Bradley Sutton:

Now, again, this is if you’re not tracking any keywords at all, but you have been selling on Amazon, all right. This, this is going to tell me hey, which ones should I start tracking? And I like to start tracking First of all the ones that I’m ranked for. All right, if I’m ranking highly for it or I’m on page one, hey, I want to track it. So what I could do is I can say, hey, show me keywords, have at least 300 search volume where position rank Okay, 300 search volume where position rank is between one and 30. All right, these are the keywords that last time Helium 10 checked, I was on page one. All right, and as you can see here now, 28 keywords came up. Do I have to track every single one of these? You don’t have to, but this is a good way. It’s a good way to start, because the fact that I’m on page one means Amazon and customers must think I’m somewhat relevant to that keyword and I might want to see how I’m doing. So I can take all these keywords and then add to Keyword Tracker.

Bradley Sutton:

The next group of keywords I’d want to track is where are my competitors getting their sales from? So I would clear the filters. I would say still do, maybe 300 search volume. I would say still do maybe 300 search volume. And then I want to see where, at least right here under number of competitors, minimum one competitor is ranking, maybe on page one positions one through 10, meaning they’ve got to be getting sales for that keyword or they have at some point or another. And let’s see what kind of keywords come up, and they’re 16. So some of these might be the same that I’m already ranking for, but here I would add these keywords also to track. So this just gets me started.

Bradley Sutton:

And again, why is this important? Again Like, why do I care about where I’m ranking? You want to be visible for people who are searching. I don’t care about any kind of AI. There is nothing that is going to be if somebody. For the people who know what they want, they are not going to be interacting with Rufus in the beginning for their initial search. If I know I want to buy a blue insulated water bottle on Amazon, what do I do? Am I going to go into the AI and say hello, ai, I’m looking for a drinking implement that is of a shade of color that is not red or green and that keeps things cool. What am I going to be typing? No, I know what I want. I am going to type into Amazon blue insulated water bottle, all right.

Bradley Sutton:

So for those people who already know what they want. You want to be one of the top products that shows up in the search results, right? And so that’s why you have to track your keywords, because if you’re not ranking in the top, is that person who typed in blue um insulated water bottle going to see your product or even purchase it? Probably not, so it matters where you are showing up, okay, so now let’s uh, let’s go into how to track the keywords. If you already did it in Keyword Tracker, so once you already track it and, guys, we’re going to have a podcast in a couple of weeks that really goes super in-depth as far as all the new features that Keyword Tracker has. We brought a lot of the things that used to be only in our super expensive Market Tracker 360 tool and now we brought it down to the regular Keyword Tracker, all right. So here is some keywords here I have added to Keyword Tracker. All right. Now what does it mean that it’s in Keyword Tracker in Helium 10?

Bradley Sutton:

We are checking every day, once a day, by default, where your organic rank is and sponsored rank is in a rotating browsing scenario. Keyword rank is not just about hey, once a day in one browsing scenario. Let me see where I’m ranking, depending on your browser, depending on what address you put into the delivery bar, depending if you’re incognito or not incognito, you are going to see different ranks sometimes. So what I like to do is, if I’m curious as far as how is my ranking is, if I’m curious as far as how is my ranking fluctuating, what I do is I turn on boost. All right, this is something.

Bradley Sutton:

If you’re using another tool out there, guys, you do not have access to this. You don’t have boost. What boost means is if I turn this rocket ship on, this blue rocket ship, if I turn this blue rocket ship on, it is gonna check 24 times a day in rotating browsing scenarios and how I can see that is. If I turn this blue rocket ship on, it is going to check 24 times a day in browsing, in rotating browsing scenarios, and how I can see that is. Let me click the graph of Keyword Tracker for this keyword, let me hide the competitors, and you could see here that I didn’t have boost on in this section and sometimes I wasn’t showing up. So some people say, oh, Keyword Tracker has a bug because it’s saying I’m not ranked and I am, or it says I am ranked and I don’t see it on my browser, but I just showed you guys. Sometimes in different browsers your rank is just not going to show up. And how would you know that unless you’re? You know, you get like on a live broadcast, like I’m doing, and get 20 people to all say, oh, it’s four or it’s five. You know, some people said it’s four or five. Only one person said it wasn’t ranked, plus me. You turn boost on guys and now you can see 24 times a day If your rank is really fluctuating a lot or it’s not. As you can see, for the most part my rank is pretty steady. But yes, there were a couple of browsing scenarios, as you can see here, that helium 10 checked, where I just stopped ranking for some reason. All right, so that’s why having a holistic look at rank, a keyword track, track, uh tracking is definitely important and sponsored Same thing this is the more actionable one is sponsored because I maybe I want to see hey, do I need to increase my bid in sponsored ads?

Bradley Sutton:

Like right here? I probably increased my bid. Look, I was fluctuating between like position eight and 17 in sponsored ads and then I think I increased my bid right here and then now, all of a sudden, I’m showing up at the top of the search results on sponsored ads, and how would I know? How would I be able to track that? So this is what I want you guys to do. You see how right here there is a note. I be able to track that. So this is what I want you guys to do. You see how right here there is a note. You add a note at the very time that you are trying to do something, and then now you can look back at oh, look at this. Uh, on October 7th, I increased my, my bid by 50 cents, and now I can see the effect that it had. All right, so this is way more advanced than just oh, let me see where I’m ranking. Uh, let me just track some keywords and opportunity to explore what’s going on in search career performance. No, this is like really getting a granular look at what’s going on with your ranks so that you could get a step up on your competitors who might not be looking at this. All right, so that’s that’s one way to be tracking the.

Bradley Sutton:

What I also suggest doing is you need to track your competitors keywords, all right. So, for example, if I hit here under competitors. In Keyword Tracker I added my competitors already. You can do that by hitting here edit competitors. But now for organic and sponsored. For some of my main keywords, like this top line is coffin shelf. I can see where is my rank on coffin shelf. Oh, I’m fourth out of my top six competitors. That’s no bueno, right? What’s the average rank of my competitors? How many competitors are ranking for it? And then now I can see at any given time what the rank is. I can see I’m five. Here’s one competitor who’s just not even ranking at all. Here’s one competitor who’s number one, one that’s three, one that’s two, one that’s seven. So now I can kind of like easily see what is going on with my competitors as far as where they’re. Where are they doing their sponsored ads?

Bradley Sutton:

Another key thing to do Remember how I said when you first start, when you first start tracking keywords, you want to get an initial list. Go ahead and run Cerebro. You should technically be doing that like once a week, right to see. Hey, am I ranking for any new keywords that I need to be tracking? Are my competitors? Well, you don’t have to do that. You don’t have to do that. You don’t have to do that. You don’t have to run Cerebro anymore. Use the suggested keywords and then hit customize settings Okay, and then basically you are programming. You are programming Keyword Tracker to run Cerebro on its own and let you know if there’s anything that hits your criteria.

Bradley Sutton:

So, for example, what I put was I want to know if my competitors are ranking for any new keywords that have at least 400 search volume, where at least one of my competitors are ranking for any new keywords that have at least 400 search volume, where at least one of my competitors is ranking between one and 20, but I’m not ranked. All right. So instead of me running Cerebro to find this once a week, Helium 10 is going to do it for me and just let me know. Hey, here’s a keyword that hits these criteria. Do you want to track it, yes or no? At the same time, what if I start ranking for a keyword that I wasn’t tracking because I didn’t know that I was even relevant for it? Well, Helium 10 is going to show that to me. So you would enter into keyword suggestions based on my products. Hey, if a keyword has at least 500 search volume and my organic rank is between one and 10, go ahead and let me know if I’m not tracking for it. And, sure enough, here are some suggestions that it already hit. Uh, it looks like I was not tracking Gotham decor coffin mirror. Look at that. Do you guys remember a coffin mirror? Where did that show up? That showed up right on Amazon as one of the related keywords. But here Helium 10 found that for me and told me that, hey, you need to start tracking this keyword.

Bradley Sutton:

Okay, now, maybe you’re the kind of person who likes to visualize day by day how you’re improving overall on your keywords. Well, this is one of the most asked for things from Market Tracker 360 that we had for two years, where it’s like, hey, bring in those colorful heat maps from Market Tracker 360 into Keyword Tracker so I can kind of see on a holistic level what is going on as far as when I am ranking. And then I can also mark when there was holidays. Like you see here, October 14th was Columbus Day. There’s a little gift box here that shows up there. So now I can go in and see all right, how is my ranking on holidays versus regular days? All right, so that’s just another way to look at your keyword ranks.

Bradley Sutton:

I can also say hey, instead of where my position was. I just want to know am I on page one, am I on page two, am I on page three? Well, to do that, I can say you know what I’m going to switch to page number. So under table customization I choose page number instead of rank. And now what it’s doing is it’s telling me if I’m on page one, two, three, four, five, six, seven or more. So super, super cool differences I can do. And then, if I have Helium 10 Adtomic, our PPC management software, which actually available to everybody with a diamond plan, now I can actually see hey, how many PPC campaigns do I actually have coffin shelf in? Uh, what was my PPC sales on this keyword? What is my cost per click right? Uh, what is my click through rate on this keyword? So I can get really, really granular. So, guys, again, I’m not trying to give a Keyword Tracker training. That’s actually going to be a future podcast, uh, in a in a little bit. I’m not trying to give a Keyword Tracker training. That’s actually going to be a future podcast, in a little bit.

Bradley Sutton:

But make sure that, however you’re doing it, I show you how to track keywords. If you have no tools. I show you how to track keywords in Seller Central and then how to track keywords in Keyword Tracker. Make sure that keywords are still a big part of your strategy, because it’s only going to help you, even in this new world of AI, to really make sure that you are showing up for the right keywords to the right customers and that Amazon is knows what keywords you’re relevant for. So, guys, let me know now if there’s any questions you have about anything we talked about today or anything Amazon related. This for the rest of the time. Now this is your show here, so let’s see what questions you have.

Bradley Sutton:

Russell says what do you do if you look after a range of different products with different keywords? You track them all separately. So inside of Keyword Tracker, I’ve got about 15 different products I’m tracking, all with different keywords for it. So, yes, you don’t want to track them all in the same like location, because then then absolutely it’s going to get like way too messy, in my opinion. Dan says is this only available for done? Almost every? Everything I showed you, dan, is available for platinum members as well. The only thing that’s not, as maybe the atomic one, I’m not sure about the heat map. Heat map even might be available to platinum. Spencer says where is the settings? The settings is in each of those tabs. There’s like a little gear button that says customize.

Bradley Sutton:

Sebastian says how does the boost feature measure the ranking? Does it receive the data from multiple sources or from the same browser IP? No, that was what I said. It’s rotating, completely rotating and random. That’s how it’s able to detect if there’s a lot of fluctuations going, and it’s not just giving you the same address or the same exact browser or the same criteria. It’s taking random browsing scenarios so that you can have a little bit more of a holistic look. It’s still not going to be complete.

Bradley Sutton:

You could have a tracker that checks 5,000 times a day instead of just 24. And is that going to give you every single possible browsing scenario that that that your keyword might be showing up? No, but 24 is obviously better than one, right? Moby says I’ve got 18,000 impressions but only one sale. What am I doing wrong? I’m more interested in clicks. How many clicks did you get Right? Because if you only got three clicks, well, that means your click-through rate is abysmal.

Bradley Sutton:

Now, something to keep in mind about these things is that impressions doesn’t always tell the whole story. I would check keyword. This is where Keyword Tracker comes in, all right. So I would check my Keyword Tracker and then check hey, where was I ranking? All right, where was I ranking for this keyword? Because maybe you got impressions and it was mainly from the product page that people don’t even look at, or maybe it was from the bottom of page one or page two, right? Meaning in reality, nobody even probably saw your listing, right? So now, if all your impressions were at the top of search, that’s where you get worried. And if you had like 200 clicks and only one sale, that’s where you get worried. Because you’re like wondering, why are people clicking on my product, meaning that, hey, they must have some kind of buyer intent a little bit, but then they don’t purchase. That means you have a conversion problem. So if you’re talking about a visibility problem, it’s like you don’t have enough impressions or enough quality impressions. I consider quality impressions those showing up near the top of the search, right, but if you’ve got that and you’re getting clicks, it means you have a conversion problem Two very different problems to have.

Bradley Sutton:

Lillian says how can we apply this to starting out and trying to find a product? Well, you could take a look at it and see, hey, if I’m looking to vet a certain group of products, maybe you want to see where there’s a lot of top selling products that are not ranking for top keywords. Like, if there is 10 top competitors and you notice that they’re getting sales, the top keywords in the niche. Let’s say, there’s 10 top keywords and all of those top 10 competitors are on page one, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to sell. It means that, hey, these sellers are pretty sophisticated. Sometimes. What you could do, though, is when you’re running Cerebro and looking at the keywords, you notice that, hey, out of these top 10 keywords, only like a maximum of five of these top 10 competitors are even on page one for all of them, right? That might be something that tells you hey, all right, these sellers probably are not using Helium 10. They probably don’t even know what keywords are supposed to be ranking for. So I’ve got some opportunity there.

Bradley Sutton:

Oh, great question from Ashley here. If I can pull it up, if you have hundreds of ASINs with similar keywords, can you combine keywords tracking? You could, you could. If you’ve got a whole bunch of ASINs in one variation, you kind of only have to have it once in Keyword Tracker because remember, only one product can show up at a time in a variation family for a certain keyword. Okay, so in that case you don’t need to be tracking all 40 variants of one. Only one product can show up at a time in a variation family for a certain keyword. Okay, so in that case you don’t need to be tracking all 40 variants of one. You just need to track it once if you want. But if you are ranking for similar keywords on products that aren’t even on the same variation, I would track it separately. Yes, Ali says I want to see my PPC cost by day, by rank for day.

Bradley Sutton:

Is it possible without Adtomic? No, if you have Adtomic connected so that we’re ingesting your PPC data. Yes, you will be able to see that inside of Helium 10, but you don’t actually have to use Adtomic automation to do that. You just have to have it connected. So if you’ve got a diamond account, Ali, you’ve got Atomic in there. So just that means we can go ahead and see that information. You don’t actually have to be using Atomic. I highly recommend you do. I use it on all 200 of my campaigns. I don’t use any automation. I don’t use automation at all. With Atomic, I do everything manually. It still saves me 90% of the time. But if automation is what you’re worried about, don’t do any automations. But if you have your own system for PPC, all you have to do is have that connected to Adtomic and we’ll be able to ingest that data for Keyword Tracker. But you don’t have to be using Adtomic for it. It costs nothing. If you have the diamond plan, it literally costs you nothing to be able to have that data in Keyword Tracker. It’s free. Three weeks ago it would have cost you $200 a month, but now it’s free.

Bradley Sutton:

Karen says do I log in with the same username and password with my vendor account to connect with a seller account to use Helium 10? So do you have a vendor account and a seller account tied to the same brand? You only can connect the seller account to Helium 10, but everything we showed today as far as Keyword Tracker and Cerebro, that has nothing to do with any Amazon account. You could have no Amazon account connected to Helium 10 and still get that data. Where the importance of connecting your account to Helium 10 is in some of our tools like profits and follow up, where we have to get the order information and your profitability and your inventory and things like that. Christine says do I have to avoid using the same keywords in different colors under the same parent? Everybody has different your profitability, your inventory and things like that. Uh, Christine says do I have to avoid using the same keywords in different colors under the same parent? Everybody has different ways that they do this. All right.

Bradley Sutton:

So, for example, I have coffin shelf, as you guys probably saw there, I’ve got a pink one, a purple one and a black one. Now, um, for coffin shelf, I only want to know what which one is ranking for it, cause I can only rank for one at a time. Now, if I’m checking my variations separately, is it possible that I have some different keywords that I know only one is going to rank for? Of course, there’s a keyword that I get sales from, that is pink coffin shelf. Am I getting sales on that from my black coffin shelf? No, do I care about if the black coffin shelf is ranking for that keyword? Of course not. If the black coffin shelf is ranking for that keyword, of course not. So in that situation, all I care about is the pink coffin shelf and how it’s ranking. So then that’s where I’ll go ahead and track that pink coffin shelf separately for that keyword. Pink coffin shelf right.

Bradley Sutton:

But there are some people who are like you know what, I just want to have everything together and all the keywords for all my variation in one product family. You know what. There’s people who do that. That’s why we have that ability inside of Keyword Tracker for you to do that. You, you choose whatever works for you.

Bradley Sutton:

Ali says do you have PPC automation linked with ranks? Is there any limit of keyword tracking and diamond plan? Uh, not yet. Uh, you see I’m wearing a pack view shirt today. So in uh, our pack view is also a Helium 10 company, our pack view software. Yes, you can do um bidding and based on your keyword ranks, eventually that’ll come into Adtomic. Yes, and is there any limit of keyword tracking in Diamond Plan? Yes, I forgot what it is. It might be 1,000 or 5,000 keywords. Maybe is how much you can track, but which you know. Unless you’ve got, you know, 500 products, that should be more than enough. I am not the kind of person who says you should be tracking even 100 keywords per product. Some people do and go ahead, but I maximum do like maybe 50 or a hundred, because that’s where most of my sales are going to come from.

Bradley Sutton:

All right, now I know some people were like, oh, I want to track 500 keywords for all my products. Well, you do, you. But you’re going to use it for keywords a little bit faster. I am sending my inventory at the end of this month to the Eastern warehouses. This is my first product. Should I be aggressive with PPC? I’m already saw your product honeymoon launch video, yeah, so I would consider that pretty aggressive, right, yeah, if you’re looking at my honeymoon launch, uh, episode 600 of the podcast, that’s definitely, in my opinion, pretty aggressive, because I’m doing fixed bids, uh, trying to bid top of search very high, you know high budget to rank for those keywords, yes, uh. But some people might be like, oh, that’s not very, that’s only one campaign you’re doing, you know really heavy on that, that’s not very, you know heavy. So, so it depends on your point of view, I guess what you consider. What’s the word you used? Aggressive. I should say Aggressive PPC. In my opinion that’s pretty aggressive. But as opposed to the people who say, oh, just put the products up and don’t do any PPC until you get reviews. No, I do not suggest that.

Bradley Sutton:

All right, guys, that’s about all the time we have today. Thank you, guys so much for being on this program. I hope you guys learned something. Look out for that special episode. I’m going to go way, way deeper into Keyword Tracker today, which is a broader review of keywords in general. In a few weeks you’re going to see on the podcast a very detailed video about keyword rank, so make sure to take a look at that. Thank you, guys very much for joining us and we’ll see you in the next episode. Bye-bye now.

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Want to absolutely start crushing it on Amazon? Here are few carefully curated resources to get you started:

  • Freedom Ticket: Taught by Amazon thought leader Kevin King, get A-Z Amazon strategies and techniques for establishing and solidifying your business.
  • Helium 10: 30+ software tools to boost your entire sales pipeline from product research to customer communication and Amazon refund automation. Make running a successful Amazon or Walmart business easier with better data and insights. See what our customers have to say.
  • Helium 10 Chrome Extension: Verify your Amazon product idea and validate how lucrative it can be with over a dozen data metrics and profitability estimation.
  • Trademarks are vital for protecting your Amazon brand from hijackers, and provides a streamlined process for helping you get one.
VP of Education and Strategy

Bradley is the VP of Education and Strategy for Helium 10 as well as the host of the most listened to podcast in the world for Amazon sellers, the Serious Sellers Podcast. He has been involved in e-commerce for over 20 years, and before joining Helium 10, launched over 400 products as a consultant for Amazon Sellers.

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