#508 – 2024 Amazon Keyword Research Masterclass: Part 3

Video of the episode at the bottom
In this third installment of our Seller Strategy Masterclass for Amazon keyword research, we pull back the curtain on advanced Amazon keyword research strategies, unveiling how discovering what keywords competitors are getting sales from – ones you don’t even have in your listing – can revolutionize your Amazon FBA business. We shed light on the power of Helium 10’s keyword research tool, Cerebro, and how it can swiftly identify highly searched keywords that your product is ranking for. We also discuss the clever use of the multi-ASIN search to see which keywords your competitors are capitalizing on that you aren’t even indexed for.
Continuing the conversation, we explore the advantage of understanding your relative rank on relevant keywords, and how to use filters to spot keywords where your competitors outrank you. We share some keen insights on how to leverage sponsored ads to boost your rank, and even how to find keywords that your competitors aren’t running sponsored ads for. We believe that this strategy could make you a ton of money. Listen in as we divulge ways to automate keyword research, and how to use Magnet to identify loosely related keywords and get quick information on a list of keywords.
Wrapping up the discussion, we delve into how you can get ahead of your competitors by finding hidden gems and uncovering keywords that your competitors are getting sales from that you may not have thought of. We provide guidance on using Magnet to find the most searched terms starting with a word or phrase and using the word frequency feature to identify trends. We also show you how to use auto-complete to quickly find the most searched terms. Don’t miss out on this episode filled with actionable strategies that you can implement right away to give your business a competitive edge!
In episode 508 of the Serious Sellers Podcast, Bradley talks about:
- 00:00 – Advanced Strategies for Amazon Keyword Research
- 10:36 – Product Placement for Competitor’s Importance
- 16:39 – Sponsored Rank Average and Keyword Competitors
- 20:05 – New Feature in Cerebro
- 23:16 – Automating Competitor Keyword Tracking
- 27:47 – Analyzing Keywords Using Magnet
- 32:55 – Expanding Niche With Keyword Filters
- 39:32 – Keyword Search Volume and Popularity Ranking
Bradley Sutton:
Today is the final part in a three part series on advanced Amazon keyword research, and we’re going to talk about really cool strategies, such as how to find out what keywords competitors are getting sales from that you don’t even have in your listing. How cool is that? Pretty cool, I think you want to know what keywords are driving the most sales for listings on Amazon. To do that, you need to know what highly searched for keywords the product is ranking for maybe at the top of page one. You can actually find that out in seconds by using Helium 10’s keyword research tool, Cerebro. Now, that’s just one of the many, many functions that make this tool my favorite tool in the whole suite, and it’s the most powerful keyword research tool ever created for e-commerce sellers. For more information, go to h10.me/cerebro. h10.me/cerebro. Don’t forget to use the Cereous Sellers podcast discount coupon SSP10.
Bradley Sutton:
Hello everybody and welcome to another episode of the Serious Sellers podcast by Helium 10. I am your host, Bradley Sutton, and this is the show. That is a completely BS free, unscripted and unrehearsed organic conversation about serious strategies for serious sellers of any level in the e-commerce world, and today is part three in a three part series where we’ve been giving you guys just nonstop fire strategies all about keyword research, and I’ve been telling you in these episodes these are the kind of strategies that could potentially make you thousands of dollars. And if you want to raise my flag in other words the BS flag on that statement, let me just illustrate why I say that it could mean thousands of dollars easily. All right, let’s just say you’re a newish seller, all right, maybe you’ve only got one product and it’s doing pretty good. You know, maybe you’re projected to get about $100,000 worth of sales for a year. All right.
Bradley Sutton:
Now how many sales come from search? You know it varies by category, varies by product. If you take a look at your search career performance and look at the attributed sales to keywords that actually happen within 24 hours of the click, it’s kind of a long, a long story how to calculate that out, but you know, maybe you see that 30% of your sales come from keywords. Now, obviously there’s probably more that comes from it, just from your PPC alone. But again, let’s just talk about that stuff that happens within 24 hours of a search of a keyword, which is called a denormalized search results. All right, so 30% of your sales come from keywords and you’re doing 100,000 a year. That’s like $30,000 come from keywords. Right Now, let’s just say that, hey, that $30,000 that comes from keywords, it’s from like 30 main keywords that you have already, on your own, found and you’re getting sales from.
Bradley Sutton:
Now. Imagine if you could just add five more strategies, all right, total, I’ve given you, or at the end of today, you’ll have 30 different keyword strategies that I’ve been giving you in episodes, or the the first edition, the second edition, now the third edition uh, over 30 strategies. From those 30 strategies, let’s just say, for some strange reason, all you can get out of it is only five more keywords to get sales. Only five more keywords, all right, how much is that? If you were already getting $30,000 from 30 keywords, you just added a thousand dollars worth of sales for the year. All right, let’s just say, no, you don’t just have one product. You’ve been selling on Amazon for a few years. You got maybe 10 products doing about a million dollars a year. Total, all right, not even each, just just total.
Bradley Sutton:
Now, how much if you’re adding like five, only five keywords that you’ve discovered through these strategies, all right, that’s $10,000 worth of extra sales just by following some of these strategies. Now, I really think you guys can get more than five new keywords out of these 30 strategies that we’ve given you. So, again, if you’re just hopping in on this episode, you can go ahead and listen to it, but, but I suggest watching the? Uh, the other two episodes first. Now, those episodes are 506 and 507. Uh, if you’re watching this on the web, you can just get that at h10.me/506 or h10.me/507 and catch it on YouTube. But anyways, um, even if you just want to go ahead and keep watching this, no problem, all right, let’s go ahead and hop into the strategies. All right, uh, this is, if you guys have been keeping count, this is strategy number 21,.
Bradley Sutton:
Out of our Cerebro strategies, all right, and this one is how to see which keywords your competitors are getting sales from that you aren’t even indexed for. Now, why is this important? How can it make you money? Well, this is like the easiest no brainer of them. All right, your competitors very similar product to you. They’re literally getting sales from a keyword because you know they’re high on page one. Uh, for a decent search form keyword and you don’t even have the keyword in your listing. All right, doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand how this is one of the easiest strategies of everything that we have here that can put money in your pocket. Uh, how do you go ahead and do it? Let’s go ahead and hop in.
Bradley Sutton:
Now, the first thing you’re going to do is this works on a multi-ASIN search in Cerebro. So you put your product first in Cerebro and then you had put, you know, like four, five, six, seven, eight, nine other competitors right there as well. Now what you want to do is you are first going to hit position rank, zero and zero position rank. What that filter is is it means your rank, which is why you have to put your product first in this list. So if you put zero and zero for minimum and maximum, that means you’re saying I am not ranked at all. And then what you’re going to want to do is you’re going to go ahead and go to the number of competitors, filter All right, number of competitors, and you’re going to go ahead and put minimum one. That’s all you care about. You just want to at least sell at least one person, and then nothing on the max. And then you’re going to go to competitor rank and then you’re going to put, let’s just say minimum one, let’s say maximum 10. So that means not only are your is at least one of your competitors on page one, but they are, like you know, at the top of page one. Like I said, they’re probably getting sales. I’ll go ahead and put since this is the US marketplace, I’ll go ahead and put a minimum search volume of 400. You know you can do more or less than paying if anything comes up. And I mean the goal is for if you do this, you don’t want any keywords to show up, right, you know that’s the goal, like you’re doing. All right, if no products or if no keywords show up.
Bradley Sutton:
Now, in this particular case, only one keyword came up Gothic cabinet, all right. So the way that you can see if a keyword you have is indexed or not you might not even have it in your listing Go ahead and take this list of keywords. Now, in this case it’s just one keyword and you’re going to want to go into index checker, right, that’s the next step. So normally you might have, you know like 10, 15 keywords. Me, I’m doing all right. So I only have you know one keyword on there, but you’re going to go ahead and paste the keywords into index checker and you’re going to put your ASIN as the ASIN and index checker that you are checking, all right. So I’m going to copy my ASIN, I’ll bring it over into index checker and then you just run index checker and then what you want to do is see does it say that you have indexed or not? All right, in this case. Yes, I am indexed. All right.
Bradley Sutton:
Now let’s just say one of the some of these keywords was not indexed. Well, the way to know if you are indexed or not, make sure to check the videos here in index checker and you can find out how exactly to check if you are indexed or not. But again, super simple, just a few clicks. Again, you want to see where you are not ranking at all, not even in the top seven pages, but your competitors. At least one of them is getting sales from a keyword because they’re in the top, in the top 10 positions. And then the next step, if you just want to see if maybe you’re not indexed at all, is go to index checker. One more quick thing I’m not sure if I mentioned this before, but in another video we have match type here, all right. So I’ve been talking in strictly about organic ranks in a lot of these videos, but helium 10 is checking if they’re also in the now defunct editorial recommendations.
Bradley Sutton:
If they’re showing up in an Amazon’s choice widget, that’s different than just the regular Amazon’s choice button, but in our badge it’s an Amazon’s choice widget. That’s sponsored ads. There’s a highly rated widget. They’re sponsored brand header videos or sponsored brand header ads and also sponsored brand video. So these are all different match types in Cerebro, where it’ll have a little letter next to the keyword showing that, hey, this is what keywords you know what’s the match type of this keyword. It’ll say oh or s or other things like that. So this is also valuable. Like, maybe you want to know, hey, where is my competitor showing up in the search results? And they’ve got a sponsored video ad. All right, hey, where’s my competitor showing up in a sponsored brand ad? Hey, well, what are the keywords where my competitor is showing up for like five or six or seven different things all on page one. I mean they literally could be, could be doing that. So this is a great way to look at that as well.
Bradley Sutton:
All right, let’s get into the next strategy how to find the keywords. Competitors are beating you on. All right. In the previous strategy, we talked about looking for the keywords where a competitor is getting sales from, but you might not even be ranked or indexed at all, and definitely not ranked. But you know what? If you’re ranked on page four, five or six, or even on the bottom of page one, but most of your competitors are ahead of you, all right, why is this important? How can this make you money? Again, this is one of those no brainers. Hey, you want to show up before your competitors, right? So maybe you know there’s a keyword Gothic decor and there’s six competitors on there that are coffin shelves, and you’re a coffin shelf. Right, there’s customers who are searching for Gothic decor, who are looking for a coffin shelf. Now, they don’t see all of those other products on the page. You know, maybe there’s some Skull Candleholder or some moon shaped mirror or some weird Gothic thing, right, they’re looking at only the coffin shelf. So it doesn’t really matter the position placement there. Like, hey, is this page one, position five? Because if the first four products are all something different than what they’re looking for, it’s almost as if those don’t exist, right? Does that make sense?
Bradley Sutton:
So, in this sense, like what we call your relative rank is important. Where are you showing up in the search results compared to your direct competitors? Because those are the ones who you are fighting for. You know the sale from. How do you view that? All right, so, again, this works if you have done a multi-ASIN search and then I, you know, I like to go ahead and let’s put a minimum of 300 search volume. Now, what you want to go to is where it’s called relative rank. All right, so I’m going to go here to the relative rank and let’s just say hey, where am I? At least three, four. All right, that means I’m at least the third one that comes up. And let’s go ahead, apply filters and we probably going to have a lot of keywords here. Yeah, look at this, 38 keywords show up. And so, again, these are all the keywords now where at least two of my competitors are beating me on. All right, if I wanted to, if I wanted to see all the keywords where four out of the competitors were beating me on, I would go ahead and put a minimum of four in relative rank.
Bradley Sutton:
Now let me explain how, again, this relative rank works. Here’s coffin shelf. It says over here under relative rank, I am six. That is terrible. This is the most important keyword for my listing and it says I am six. So what I can do is I can put my mouse over this relative rank and I can see where my competitors are ranking. For Now, the one that is my ASIN. It’s going to be in bold. So right here, clear as day, I can see why my relative rank is six. I see one competitor is one, another is two, another is nine, another is 14, another is 15. And then there I am, at 17. So here is a complete list of keywords where at least two out of my main competitors they are showing up on page one before me or just anywhere in the search results. You know, maybe I’m on page two, maybe they’re on page two and I’m on page five. You know, regardless, this is a great metric that you want to look at. Where are your competitors being on? You are ranking for the keyword, so at least you’re in the. You’re in the ballgame, right, but you’re not getting sales when your competitors are all showing up before you. So a great quick way to see where your competitors are being you from, find those keywords, figure out, you know, like, how you can increase your rank. You know, maybe it’s by putting some more money at your sponsored ads for those keywords and hope your conversion rate goes up. But find a way to start beating your competitors so that you’re the first in the relative rank On those keywords.
Bradley Sutton:
Next strategy how to find keywords that your competitors are not running sponsored ads for. Now, wow, how can this strategy make you money? Um, you know your main keywords. No matter what, if none of your competitors are, you know, doing ads for it, or if all of them are, you still got to do ads for it. All right, you want to rank for it, for you know your most important keywords. But sometimes you know you might want to look for keywords that have a little less competition, or maybe at least your main competitors are not the run the ones running sponsored ads. You could view that as opportunity to make some money. So how can you find that out? Again, if you are in a Multi-ASIN search, you have the results here. Um, sometimes you can go ahead and put a minimum search volume of 300. That’s what I’m going to do right here.
Bradley Sutton:
Now, what you want to do is you want to. There’s a couple ways you can do this. One way is finding out where not many people, not many of your competitors, are running sponsored ads at all. In that case, you’re going to want to find the filter that says sponsored rank count and you can put like a maximum of, let’s just say, two. What that means is, hey, show me the keywords here where my competitors a maximum of only Uh two are even running sponsored ads. Now, a lot of times, a crazy number of keywords are going to show up here, like even this one says a thousand keywords. So in this situation, I’m actually going to go ahead and put another Filter, which is the competitor rank average. All right, that means, hey, these aren’t just random sponsored ads they’re running. These are ones where they’re probably, you know, getting organically around page one or two. So I’m going to go ahead and put minimum competitor rank average one, maximum 50, and then when I apply that filter now the number is going to be a lot less of these keywords.
Bradley Sutton:
And here, 56 keywords, like, for example, here’s one right here gothic bookcase. It’s probably is fairly relevant, right, and I can see there are only there is nobody running sponsored. Good grief, I can’t believe this. There is zero competitors running sponsored ads on gothic bookcase, which is a very relevant keyword. Here’s another one coffin bookshelf. Only one competitor is showing up in sponsored ads. Uh, for this keyword gothic cabinet Nobody is running sponsored ads. So that’s a great way again to see which keywords your competitors are not even focusing on.
Bradley Sutton:
Another situation could be instead of the number of competitors, you might want to look at sponsored rank average and maybe you want to see where their average is like, at least Like 30, you know meaning they’re probably a lot of competitors are not even on the first. You know few pages of sponsored ads and if I go ahead and apply the filters on that, so again, sponsored rank average, minimum 30. I’m not putting anything in sponsored rank count. Now I see nine filtered keywords and see here, here’s one keyword right here coffin decor. There are a couple of competitors showing up in sponsored ads and this is a keyword that a lot of people are on page one for. But look at this the main competitors are are 33rd and 69th as far as sponsored ads. That means that’s like page three and page Six probably in sponsored ads. That means if I come in, I would potentially be the only person. If I bid high, I would be the only person on page one For this keyword in sponsored ads.
Bradley Sutton:
So another great way to find valuable information that can save you money in advertising so that, uh, you know that you can focus on certain keywords and you’re not going to have much A competition at all on the flip side. Maybe you’re just curious hey, where are most of my main competitors? Uh, you know advertising for where they, where are they, concentrating their top of search spend? You can go opposite on there, say you can say, hey, show me, uh, you know, put in the filter here, show me where they’re sponsored rank average, regardless of their competitor rank average. So me where it’s between one and 20, meaning that on average they’re on page one, and that’s going to show you where most of your competitors are concentrating their spend. So a lot of different ways that you can filter through this information, but it’s important to do that so you can really like dial in your ppc game.
Bradley Sutton:
How to get a quick view of top products for amazon keywords. Why is this important? Well, as you’ve been seeing from a lot of our Cerebro strategies here, sometimes when you do search results, uh or in Cerebro, you can have hundreds, if not thousands, of keywords. Not all of these keywords are completely relevant to your product and you shouldn’t just base it on our competitor performance score. You know, like I said before, that that doesn’t mean it’s always 100 relevant or that there’s not other Keywords that are very relevant.
Bradley Sutton:
If you’re looking for uh keywords where most of the top you know 10 products or the pages, the ones that are at the top of page one, are somewhat similar to your product, you know how would you? How would you do that One by one? Well, you would have to go and click each keyword and look on amazon to see all right, gothic decor, are these all coffin shelves? Oh no, when I click on gothic decor, I see a whole bunch of of random products like dream catchers and and gothic bed frames and stuff like that. Right? So now you know, okay, this is probably not a keyword where a lot of people are searching for coffin shelves. Right on the flip side, if I search for, um, you know, mini coffin bookshelf, all of the all of the products might look like one of my products. I hope that makes sense.
Bradley Sutton:
So, instead of having to go one by one and just checking what these keywords look like, we have a brand new way in order to uh see this inside of Cerebro. Let me show you how to do it. All right. So, in in Cerebro, if you mouse over any of the keywords, you’re going to see this pop-up window, if you don’t have the advanced view on, and you’re going to see thumbnails of the last time, helium 10 check the top 10 products, the thumbnails of the main image. Super, super cool. You no longer have to go to amazon to take a look at the keyword. You’ll instantly see the thumbnails. If you’re looking for a little bit more information, you, you’re gonna. You can hit the advanced view and if you hit advanced view Now, you can actually see the titles of those products, you can see the price, you can see if it has variations. The rating Super, super cool guys is one of the uh, newest features of Cerebro. Um, you know, depending on when you’re watching this, you might not have full access Uh to it yet. Um, but this is a really cool feature where you no longer have to go click one by one and then look off of Uh, helium 10 back on amazon to see what kind of products are on the top of page one.
Bradley Sutton:
All right, how to automate your amazon keyword research. All right, we’ve been talking about a lot of strategies as far as how to find top keywords from your competitors. You know from your own listings, uh, etc. Now, the way I showed it to you guys, it doesn’t take too much time. But maybe you’ve got 10, 20 products and you wanna be checking your competitor’s keywords once a week. Well, it can start getting pretty tedious and time consuming and a lot of data that you’re gonna have to process to every single week or every other week, go through all of your products and all of your competitor products and know, all right, is my competitor ranking for any new keywords that I didn’t know? So I can put it in my listing. So how would you like a way to just put time back in your hands? I mean, time is money, right, so this could take hours and hours a month, but instead of that, let Helium 10 do the work for you.
Bradley Sutton:
How can you automate keyword harvesting from your competitor’s keywords? Well, it actually goes back to your dashboard, all right. So what you’re gonna wanna do is you’re gonna wanna go back to just your regular dashboard, okay, and you’re going to hit insight settings on the very bottom left of the screen insight settings, all right. Once you do that, you are going to find the keyword insight settings and then you are going to hit four insight types and you are going to select customize under keyword suggestions based on my competitors, all right. So hopefully you’ve set your competitors and if you haven’t set your competitors on your insights dashboard, there’s videos that we have on our dashboard on how to do that. But you wanna put your top five competitors for all of your products and these are the ones that you probably are running Cerebro off of.
Bradley Sutton:
Once you’ve got that done, like I said, go to your insights types, hit under customize under keyword suggestions based on my competitors, and what you’re gonna do here is you’re gonna enter exactly whatever you like to do inside of Cerebro. You’re basically automating your Cerebro process. So maybe you said, hey, I wanna know any keyword where the search volume is at least 400 and my rank is like maybe I’m not ranking at all, so I’m gonna put zero and zero, but at least one of my competitors is ranking in the top 20 positions. All right, that’s what you just fill it out, just like you would on Cerebro. So now, any time that one of my competitors for any one of my products, right, is getting sales from a new keyword that I’m not ranked for now. I’m going to get actually an insight on it or a notification right here and it’ll tell me hey, your competitor is ranking for these new keywords.
Bradley Sutton:
Would you like to start tracking it? Would you like to start putting it in your listing? This is like super, super cool guys, next level If you don’t have access to it, you’re gonna need the diamond plan in order to access this. But I mean talk about putting money and time back in your hands. I mean this saves hours and hours of work. You now don’t have to even run Cerebro almost ever again on your products, unless you wanna do some advanced to filtering, but you can now get those keywords delivered to you in a message saying hey, your competitor is getting sales from these keywords. Do you wanna put it into your listing? So, guys, if you wanna start automating it, make sure to set that up on your insights dashboard. All right, guys.
Bradley Sutton:
So we just went over a lot of strategies in the last three episodes on Cerebro 25 of them in total. I’ve just got a couple of strategies here using our other keyword research tool, magnet, so let’s go ahead and get into it. How to find loosely related keywords to an individual keyword phrase. How can this be important? How can it make you money? Well, we showed you in Cerebro I had to get a lot of really specific information. But maybe you’re doing a little bit broader research and you wanna kind of like, hey, instead of just looking at what these exact products are ranking for, let me have a broad view of keywords that are very loosely related and some closely related and see if something comes up that maybe didn’t come up in Cerebro. Let me show you how to do that. If you go to Magnet, our tool, let’s go ahead and enter a coffin shelf if that’s my main keyword and I’m gonna hit get keywords.
Bradley Sutton:
And now what’s going to show up here are all of the keywords that are loosely related to coffin shelf, and how these keywords are sourced is from different databases. One of the sources is organic, meaning these are the keywords that other products ranking for coffin shelf are also ranking for. Right, we’ve also got smart complete. Smart complete means hey, let’s take this word, coffin shelf and then what are some long tail keywords related to it? I’ll show you guys in a later strategy how to a little bit more recent. I’ll show you in a later strategy a little bit more detail on that. And then last it’s showing Amazon recommended keywords for other products that are on the coffin shelf search results, all right.
Bradley Sutton:
So for example, I just typed in coffin shelf and take a look, even without any filtering at all. Look at some of these interesting keywords that come up Gothic kitchen decor, punk room decor, creepy room decor, goth bedroom, curiosity cabinet. So these are other keywords that maybe wouldn’t have come up in my Cerebro searches. But I’m just getting a little bit more information here and a little bit more keywords on things that I might want to put into my listing. There’s a lot of filters here. Like, maybe I just wanna see all the keywords that have over a thousand search volume, I can use that filter. Maybe I wanna have all of the keywords that have at least three words right, I don’t want any one word phrases, I don’t want two word phrases. You know I could use that filter. Tons of filters here. Maybe I’m interested in what are all the keywords that have a title density? Maximum three, all right. What does title density mean? Title density is the number of products on page one of the search results of a keyword that have that exact search keyword in its title. So there’s tons of different filters you can use.
Bradley Sutton:
And then again, this is a great way to round out your keyword research or perhaps get other ideas how to get top level information on a group of keywords. All right, let’s just say that you came up with, you know, 30 keywords from Cerebro that your competitor is beating you on. Or let’s just say you’ve been, you know, getting a whole bunch of data off of Amazon, like you’ve been looking at Pinterest trends or Google trends or TikTok hashtags or whatever, and you just have this random list of keywords and you’re like, hey, I just wanna see you know what’s the search volume of these keywords. Let me show you how you can just get some really quick information without having to, like one by one, go through these. All right, so let’s just use the scenario, first of all, that maybe you were on Cerebro and you found nine different keyword phrases that your competitors are beating you on and you maybe wanna know what is some information on those keywords. Well, I’ll just go ahead and copy these keywords right here and I’m actually going to paste them into Magnet. All right, and again, these keywords can come from anywhere.
Bradley Sutton:
Now, where I want to go, if I want to analyze multiple keywords, is the second tab of Magnet, all right, so once you’re in Magnet, hit the analyze keywords tab and then go ahead and paste all of those keywords. I can put up to 200 in here and then you can hit the button analyze keywords. All right, now what comes up is not all of the long tail keywords or not the loosely related keywords. This just brings up the exact keywords that came up. All right, from the ones I pasted, and now I can just see the information, such as the estimated keyword sales for each one. I can have the buttons that go to the brand analytics. I have the search volume for each keyword. Let’s just say these were the keywords that my competitors were beating me on, or that my competitors are on page one from. Well, the cool thing here is I can actually see a keyword summary of the total search volume. So instantly I’m like, okay, wow, my competitors is beating me on keywords that have a total search volume of 7,200. All right, so there’s a lot of cool information that you can see here.
Bradley Sutton:
So again, this is a great way to just get some like quick information on a group of keywords instead of having to go one by one on your keyword list, how to find long tail keywords from a root keyword or phrase. Now, why is this important? How can this make you money? Well, you might know what your main keywords are. You might know what other keywords products are ranking for, but it’s important to understand that there might be longer tail versions of these keywords. Maybe they don’t even have that much search volume that can really round out your keyword research, and maybe you’d be the only competitor who is ranking for these keywords, all right. So how can you do that?
Bradley Sutton:
Let’s hop into Magnet. I just use one of my main keywords coffin shelf. Here and again, there’s thousands of keywords that came up, but if I wanna see the long tail versions of this, all I have to do is I’m going to select the match type of smart complete, all right. So smart complete is allows me to show what keywords coffin shelf is the root of. Where are maybe there are some plural versions of this keyword? Where are some keywords where the order is different than the original word?
Bradley Sutton:
Do you know how you do autocomplete on the Amazon search bar? If you type in coffin shelf, it’ll just show you keywords that just start with the word coffin shelf. But look at some of the words that came up when I did smart complete here for coffin shelf. I see coffin shelves. I see coffin shelf large six foot tall. I see glass coffin shelf. So there’s a keyword where it starts with a different word. I see book shelf, coffin. So there, all of a sudden, it mixes up the words and even adds another one. Here’s another one coffin wall shelf. It took those two words, coffin shelf, and then put a word in the middle of it. So this is like a great way to kind of like look for longer tail versions.
Bradley Sutton:
Now that what I just showed you, that smart complete. It’s also indicative of what could come up in a phrase match target for PPC. All right. So if you do phrase match or broad match, right. So Amazon sometimes will change the order of the words. It’ll add a word before, it’ll add a word after In broad matches. A little bit, you know more crazy the kind of things that it does. But now, instead of just all right, let me just see what’s gonna show up on a broad or a phrase match. You can actually get a preview of what kind of keywords would come up if you do a PPC campaign on a certain keyword. That’s kind of crazy if you think about it. What is everybody else on Amazon doing? They’re just like all right, amazon, take the wheel. You know, let’s just see what you’re gonna show me for no, now you can know the exact keywords that potentially could come up in one of those campaigns.
Bradley Sutton:
Another way that you can use this information is by trying to see where you know like maybe you wanna expand out in your niche, like I am selling coffin shelves here. I have this list of 3000 keywords ready to coffin shelf and I just wanna make something coffin shaped, right? Maybe it doesn’t start with coffin shelf. Let me show you what you can do With the list unfiltered. The first filter you’re gonna do is you’re gonna go to phrases containing and then I’m gonna go ahead and put coffin there, all right. And then, once I apply the filters, now any keyword out of these 3000 that came up that have coffin in it show up. So maybe I’m like all right, where are the keywords that have at least 400 search volume that have the word coffin in it? And now, all of a sudden, I see 40 keywords.
Bradley Sutton:
Right, and if I’m selling coffin shelves, all of a sudden, something else might strike my fancy here, like I’m just looking at this and here’s something that I didn’t realize. There’s 400 people searching for coffin coffee table all right. There are 500 people searching for coffin decorations. There’s 500 people searching for coffin bowl what the heck is a coffin bowl? I might wanna look at that. There’s almost a thousand people searching for coffin rug all right, and here’s a creepy keyword skeletons carrying coffin.
Bradley Sutton:
These are like new product ideas that I can expand my brand out to, that I didn’t even know existed and all I did was I just put in my main keyword into MAGNET and I was like, let me do a filter for any keyword out of these 3000 where coffin is in it, and now I can see tons of product potential. So here’s three different ways that you can find long tail versions of keywords what might come up in a PBC campaign, or even new ideas for product line extensions, how to see the keywords in a niche that are trending up in search volume. Now, why is this important? How can it make you money If you’ve got a lot of keywords that you’re considering to use and maybe you can’t fit them all in? Or maybe you’re looking for new product ideas.
Bradley Sutton:
Well, how are you gonna prioritize it? Sure, you can prioritize it by search volume, but let’s just say that even there, hey, all these keywords, there’s a lot of products that have this, or a lot of keywords that have the same search volume. Well, how do you prioritize then? Well, what I like to do is I like to prioritize by the ones that are trending up. Right, if a keyword is going down in popularity compared to last month, I might not wanna focus on that keyword. So how can I easily see which ones are trending up?
Bradley Sutton:
There’s a filter right here in MAGNET. So if I have any search results up in MAGNET, all I have to do is look for the filter search volume trend. And maybe I wanna see something that has a minimum of 50% increase compared to last month. I’m gonna put a minimum of 50 and I’m gonna hit apply filters. And now any keyword that has a big trending up is going to show up here. And look at this. Oh, my goodness gracious, I see coffin Zen garden is up 104% on search volume compared to last month. Coughing candy bowl is up 261%. So if I was looking to prioritize keywords, do you think I’d wanna prioritize some keywords that are up by over 100%, absolutely. So an easy way again to see in your niche what keywords are on the way up. Or, conversely, maybe you wanna see what keywords are on the way down. Just put in any keyword into MAGNET, check the related keywords and use that trending filter how to find common root words in an overall keyword niche. Now, why is this important? Well, again, I like to use this almost as a product research tactic. It could be, and also a PPC play too.
Bradley Sutton:
When I enter in Magnet a certain keyword, that’s my main keyword and I’m looking at a whole bunch of loosely related keywords. Maybe there are certain trends that I don’t realize. Like it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that if I put in coffin shelf, there’s probably gonna be a lot of coffin related keywords, but sometimes there might be other keywords that could give you other ideas that you weren’t even thinking about. How can you find that? Let me show you. Let’s just say I searched coffin shelf here in MAGNET. I’m gonna look at this box called word frequency and what this means is, of all the search results that are showing up and I can also filter it down even a little bit what keywords appear the most in the phrases. And again, just like I thought the number one keyword here or actually the number one keyword is decor at 1000, but then coffin was 600. But maybe there’s something else here that looks interesting. Like, for example, I see a spooky and I’m like spooky, 131 of these keywords have the word spooky in it. So if I hit spooky, what happens is is now all of the keywords on that list that start with the word spooky are gonna show up here and I can start getting some ideas. Like look at this 38,000 search volume for this keyword. Spooky basket 1400 search volume for spooky home decor. Spooky desk accessories has a couple hundred searches a month. All right. So now, all of a sudden, I just discovered, maybe in like a new sub niche where I’m looking at coffin shelf. But I see, wow, look how this keyword spooky is trending in so many of these keywords. And again, I can use these keywords in my listing or use it as potential PPC test or use it as an idea generation for new ideas for my brand. All right.
Bradley Sutton:
Last strategy of the day how to instantly see the most search terms on Amazon that start with a word or phrase? All right. So this is pretty cool. Like how can this help you out? Well, you know, you might just be doing very, very like kind of low key research where you discover something you’re like, all right, well, what is the most search term? Like, hey, I saw this garlic press, you know, is garlic press the most search term that starts with the word garlic? Or is there something else you know, coffin shelf. Is coffin shelf the highest search term that starts with the word coffin, or are there longer tail versions of this keyword that have even more search volume?
Bradley Sutton:
Check out a super simple way to find out in seconds which keywords are the most searched. When you start with any letters, word or phrase, all you have to do is just go directly to magnet guys and start typing. That’s it. So let’s just say I’m gonna type in coffin. If I pause just a few seconds, any keyword that has a lot of search volume is gonna show up here. And here I can see that the number one keyword that starts with coffin it’s not coffin shelf. Coffin shelf isn’t even top 10. It’s coffin charcuterie board. That’s crazy. I didn’t realize that. All right, maybe I’m wondering. All right, what are the most search terms that start with coffin shelf? Here we go coffin shelf is number one. Coffin shelf large is number two. I mentioned garlic press earlier. What are the most search terms that start with the word garlic? Well, whatever shows up here in this autocomplete, right here in magnet, it is the words. It is sorted by the number of searches. All right, so I can see. If I put in garlic, the number one keyword is garlic, number two is garlic press, then garlic powder. So any keyword you can possibly think of on Amazon.
Bradley Sutton:
If you’re just really curious, hey, what are some other keywords that might start with this keyword and one of the most search ones? Just start typing anything you want into magnet. Don’t even have to click anything. Whatever comes up in the magnet autocomplete are the highest search terms. All right, guys, there you have it. We just did, I think, by my last count, 31 keyword research strategies over the last three episodes. Now don’t just sit there and be like oh wow, that was amazing, Bradley, those are some incredible strategies and that’s it All right. That does nobody any good. That means I just wasted my breath here in all these strategies. What I want you to do is pick some of these strategies and start doing it right now on your own account.
Bradley Sutton:
Maybe you haven’t even found a product yet, but there was ideas that I brought up in this keyword research on how you can find product ideas. Maybe you’ve got an existing brand and now you know of how you can come up with expanded ideas by doing keyword research. Maybe you’ve got your product on the way to you right now from your supplier and you need to start building your listing and you wanna make sure you’ve got the best keywords. These 31 strategies are going to help you with that. So, guys, hope you enjoyed these episodes. Bookmark these, go back to it, refer to it. I’m gonna try and put copies of these videos also inside of our tool and inside of our Helium 10 Academy so you can have them as reference. Let me know, guys, in the Helium 10 members Facebook group or, if you’re watching this on YouTube, in the comments. Let me know which one of these strategies you thought was the coolest, which ones that have helped you find new keywords that can help you get those extra thousands of dollars of sales on Amazon.
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- Freedom Ticket: Taught by Amazon thought leader Kevin King, get A-Z Amazon strategies and techniques for establishing and solidifying your business.
- Helium 10: 30+ software tools to boost your entire sales pipeline from product research to customer communication and Amazon refund automation. Make running a successful Amazon or Walmart business easier with better data and insights. See what our customers have to say.
- Helium 10 Chrome Extension: Verify your Amazon product idea and validate how lucrative it can be with over a dozen data metrics and profitability estimation.
- SellerTrademarks.com: Trademarks are vital for protecting your Amazon brand from hijackers, and sellertrademarks.com provides a streamlined process for helping you get one.
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