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Helium 10 Inventory Management

Compatible with: Amazon

Amazon Inventory Management Software

Never second guess your inventory levels again!

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Benefits of Inventory Management

Stock keeping, simplified.

  • Complete supplier orders and send inventory to Amazon, all in one place
  • Avoid stock-outs and over-ordering
  • Stay in the know with quantity updates and restock recommendations
Benefits of Inventory Management

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Amazon inventory management is the process by which Amazon sellers track inventory levels, deliveries, sales, and orders. Amazon sellers are in complete control of replenishing their stock, automating quantity changes, adjusting for lead times, predicting supplier shipment speeds, and much more. Proper Amazon order management and efficient Amazon inventory control are key to maintaining a profitable business with fewer logistical delays.

Amazon order management is the process that begins when a customer makes a purchase and ends when the order is shipped and fulfilled. An Amazon order management system enables you to oversee all orders from a single dashboard. With an Amazon order management software, sellers can manage supplier orders, send orders to Amazon, and manage their order inventory without consulting several separate spreadsheets or forms.

Amazon inventory planning is when a seller identifies what the projected number of orders will be over the next 30-90 days to ensure they can meet the demand by replenishing stock at an Amazon fulfillment center. It requires an analytical mind to find the right mix so that the seller doesn’t buy too much or too little at any given time (accidentally tying up too much capital or running into stockout issues.)

In Helium 10’s Inventory Management platform, you can use the Inventory Levels feature to identify if a seller (or multiple sellers) are in a situation where they’re close to running out of stock.

To add inventory to your Amazon store, you must: click on ‘Add Products’, and add in the product information (Product Name, ASIN or SKU, etc.).

To check your Amazon inventory levels, visit the Inventory menu and click “Manage Inventory.”

To download your entire inventory list: go to ‘Inventory’ and click on ‘Inventory Reports’, select the report type, click on ‘Request Report’, and click the ‘Download’ button.

To sell through Amazon FBA, you must have inventory at an Amazon fulfillment center. You can find inventory through retail or online arbitrage.

This depends on search volume, where your product ranks for your keywords, seasonality trends, and lead times for inventory replenishment. However, a good rule of thumb is to start with 200 units and adjust your inventory levels from there.

Typically, it’s best practice to keep around 60 days’ worth of inventory at an Amazon fulfillment center at all times to cover any expected changes in sales volume. This will enable you to minimize overstocking while providing you with enough lead time to replenish stock if there’s an unexpected increase in sales.

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The Details

Why You Need an Amazon Inventory Management Software

Amazon inventory management is an important but often challenging part of running a successful Amazon business. Timing inbound shipments and monitoring low stock levels can mean the difference between continued profit momentum and a stagnant sales period. With an Amazon inventory management software like Inventory Manager from Helium 10, sellers now have unmatched control over purchase order creation, local inventory levels, and inbound shipments to Amazon warehouses. Helium 10 applies advanced forecasting models to your sales and inventory data to provide recommendations on when to order or transfer your products.

Key Tips for How to Manage Inventory on Amazon

It is best to consider Amazon inventory fulfillment as an investment. Even putting in the work now may not yield results immediately, but investing in smooth inventory control will have a huge impact on your business. There are several ways to manage your inventory on Amazon.

First, make sure you are maintaining a healthy relationship with your supplier. This means clear communication, staying up to date with your bills, and active goodwill building. Your supplier is one of your most important business relationships; nurture it constantly! Additionally, you want to balance your incoming and outgoing shipments. This is known as managing your “sell-through rate” and helps avoid spiking warehouse costs caused by stocking more inventory than you can realistically sell.

One of the most important aspects of Amazon inventory management is identifying high-demand and low-demand products. Aging inventory or overstocked products make great candidates for special Amazon deals to help liquidate stock taking up space (and cost) on your warehouse shelves. Conversely, you never want to run your inventory dry of a bestselling product with healthy sales momentum. Track your inventory throughout the year to account for holiday spikes in demand and possible supply chain disruptions so you can take advantage of Amazon’s busiest seasons.

Next, you should ensure that you maintain four weeks of inventory cover. Being able to meet demand and offer fast shipping is every FBA seller’s ticket to soaring profits and keeping enough inventory to meet demand on a rolling four-week basis is ideal for keeping well-distributed stock.

Lastly, all Amazon sellers should choose an inventory management software that is easy for them to understand. Whether you are fulfilling your product orders via FBA or using your own warehouse, the right inventory management system will sync with your order fulfillments, track product info, provide refill recommendations, push alerts for low stock, and be centralized in one dashboard like Helium 10’s Inventory Management.