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Now that you have launched on Amazon and are seeing success, what comes next? Do you start looking into new ASINs to sell on Amazon? Or do you take your successful Amazon products and launch them in a new market? 

There are clear benefits of launching an existing successful product into a new marketplace; you already have suppliers, you know who is buying it, and you have already invested time into a successful listing – both copy and images. You also derisk your business through diversification, making you less dependent on a single marketplace – this is more critical than ever with the speed at which we currently see ecommerce evolving.  

But launching into a new market can be intimidating – and we consistently get the same questions from our customers when they talk about TikTok, “How do I know if I will make any money?” 

Calculate your Tiktok shop profit margins in seconds

That is why we have built the TikTok shop profitability calculator – allowing you to understand what margins look like for any product on Amazon (whether or not you are already selling them) so you know if it makes sense to introduce them to this quickly growing marketplace.  

This free tool available in the Helium 10 chrome extension shows what you can expect based on fulfillment, referral, affiliate and manufacturing costs, will options for full customization by you based on your specific business model. 

And once you have found the ideal products to sell on Tiktok shop – check out our top tips for selling on Tiktok shop.  

Carrie Miller, Principal Brand Evangelist at Helium 10

A 7-figure e-commerce seller, Carrie began her journey on Amazon, expanding rapidly to Shopify and now Walmart.com. Currently serving as the Principal Brand Evangelist for Walmart.com tools at Helium 10, she's deeply passionate about sharing success strategies, tips, and tricks with fellow e-commerce sellers.

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Published in: BlogSelling on Amazon

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