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Sponsored & Organic Rank: The Secret(s) to Optimizing Bids on Amazon


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There are almost 2 million Amazon sellers that are actively selling in the online marketplace. With so many competitors within the space, it is of utmost importance to remain competitive. In order to run a profitable business, one must think strategically, especially when it comes to advertising spending. 

The Importance of Optimizing Bids

One of the most difficult aspects of PPC advertising on Amazon is optimizing bids. There are many common factors that play into this decision such as: 

  • Historical performance
  • Advertising Cost of Sales (ACoS) goal
  • Product lifecycle stage
  • CTR
  • Impressions share 

Equally important, but less commonly referenced are other metrics such as: 

  • Organic rank
  • Sponsored rank
  • Search volume

Accessing all of this data typically means going back and forth between multiple tools, such as our PPC solution Adtomic, and Keyword Tracker for the ranking data. This can become incredibly time-consuming over time. 

What is the importance of reviewing your ranking before making a bid decision?  

Some sellers believe it is good to have complete control over keywords in both sponsored and organic placements. Some argue that it is better not to prioritize top-of-search sponsored placement on that keyword if you’re already ranked well organically.

Ultimately, it comes down to how aggressive one wants to be. If you can afford to spend enough to appear in two placements on the first page, then it could be worth it for the enhanced visibility. If appearing organically on the first page is sufficient for your strategy, then the PPC budget for that keyword could be reduced. 

Either way– it’s important that sellers have access to this data when evaluating their bids to understand the importance of a keyword’s bid in relation to its rank.

Search Volume Shows More  

Search volume also plays a factor in a seller’s decision-making. The amount of searches for a keyword determines the demand for a product and visibility for that keyword. This also impacts how you bid on a keyword. 

If it has a low search volume, it will be less competitive, and therefore, a lower bid should suffice. And vice versa, if a keyword has high search volume, a seller may bid higher in an attempt to gain market share from competitors, increase sales due to keyword relevancy, or simply increase product awareness. 

Adtomic Combines It For You

With Adtomic, keyword tracking is easier than ever. Gone are the days of having multiple tabs open to check placement positions and/or to see if you have been ranking or de-ranking on important search terms. Keyword Tracker is now integrated with Adtomic, providing a centralized data source where sellers can quickly see search volume, organic rank, and sponsored rank in one line item view per keyword, making manual optimization way less time-consuming.

View of Keyword Tracker which includes Search Volume, Organic Rank, and Sponsored Rank.

We also make it super easy to find and add additional keywords to track: 

View of suggested keywords to apply to a self water pot listing on Amazon in Keyword Tracker.

With our expanded capabilities, Adtomic users can track up to 5000 keywords and still review the data within Keyword Tracker. 

Here are just some of the things you can do by leveraging this data within Adtomic:

  • Guide keyword bidding strategy with organic and sponsored placement metrics
  • Establish the competitiveness of a keyword using search volume
  • Track PPC keyword performance and its influence on organic ranking 
  • Save time by centralizing your work vs. tracking in two separate tools

Unlock the full power of Adtomic today and experience even more features designed to help you succeed with Amazon PPC. 

Happy Selling!


Vince Montero is the Sr. Marketing Product Manager for Helium 10's PPC tool, Adtomic. During his 14 year career in digital marketing, he built his expertise around the latest ad-tech in both America and the UK spanning everything from Affiliate Marketing to Mobile Marketing at an app development firm. As a consultant since 2016, he focused on helping Amazon sellers advertise effectively on Amazon and now brings that experience to Helium 10 with the goal of designing the ultimate PPC tool.

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