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Amazon Message Center: How to Check Your Amazon Messages

As an Amazon seller, understanding how to use the tools that are available to you is essential to building a successful online business. Specifically, you need to know how to communicate with buyers to offer customer support, answer product questions, and discuss returns and refunds. To do this, you need to use the Buyer-Seller Messaging Center. Find out more about the Amazon Buyer-Seller Messaging Center, how it works, and how you can leverage buyer-seller messages to help build your brand and create satisfied customers.

The Buyer-Seller Messaging Center

If you’re wondering how to check messages on Amazon, the key is the Buyer-Seller Messaging Center. The Buyer-Seller Messaging Center allows buyers and sellers to communicate privately without sharing sensitive information. Each buyer is assigned an anonymous email that sellers can use to contact them, and each contact email remains the same for that buyer. However, buyers are able to opt-out of receiving unsolicited messages from sellers, in which case your message won’t be delivered.

The Buyer-Seller Messaging Center is one of the best Amazon seller resources because it allows you to stay in constant contact with buyers. Buyer-seller communication allows you to receive feedback, offer returns, and get valuable insights from your customers. Remember, a clear line of communication also helps build trust with customers. 

Trust is the difference-maker in turning one-time customers into long-term brand ambassadors!

If you’ve been neglecting Amazon buyer-seller messaging, today is your lucky day. 

How to enable buyer-seller messaging

Before you can use buyer-seller messaging, you’ll need to enable it in your settings. As a seller, it’s as simple as finding your notification preferences and turning on buyer-seller messaging. This is one of the most important steps when it comes to how to check messages on an Amazon account.

Buyer seller messages Amazon

To enable Buyer-Seller Messaging for buyers to send you messages about your products:

  1. On the Settings menu, select Notification Preferences.
  2. In the Messaging section, select Edit.
  3. Select the Buyer Messages check box, and enter the email address that you want Amazon buyers to send messages to about your products.
  4. Select Save.

How do you access the Amazon Message Center?

Now that you know what the Amazon Message Center is and how it helps you as a seller, you need to know how to view messages on Amazon. To view your messages, you’ll need to navigate to the Amazon Message Center, where you’ll see an inbox that includes all the messages you’ve received from buyers.

In order to access the Amazon Message Center, you’ll need to go to the “Your Account” section of Amazon. Once you’re on this page, you’ll see a list of options such as “Your Orders,” “Gift Cards,” and “Prime.” Click the button that says “Your Messages” to open the message center. By default, you’ll see all the messages in your inbox. You can click “Sent Messages” on the left-hand side to look at all the messages you’ve sent, or click the “Buyer/Seller Messages” button to filter out automated messages from Amazon.

How to Check Messages on Amazon

The best way to check messages on Amazon is through Amazon’s Buyer-Seller Messaging Center. Understanding how to check buyer seller messages is one thing, but you also need to know how to navigate the message center in general. The Amazon Message Center is one of the biggest differences between selling on Amazon vs. eBay. When it comes to checking your messages as an Amazon seller, here’s what you need to know.

Check Messages on Amazon

First, you need to navigate to the “Your Account” page on Amazon. You can find this page by clicking on your account name at the top-right of the Amazon homepage. Once you’ve found this page, click the link that says “Your Messages.”

After you’ve opened your messages, you might notice a lot of automated messages from Amazon, such as order and shipping confirmations. If you just want to look at buyer-seller messages, you can click the tab at the top of your messages that says “Buyer/Seller Messages.” You can also use the “Sent Messages” button on the left side of your screen to look at messages you’ve sent to buyers.

Remember, you need to enable buyer-seller messages before you can receive messages in your inbox. It’s crucial to regularly check your messages to ensure timely and effective communication with your customers, fostering trust and reliability, which are key to success on the Amazon platform.

If your inbox is empty, it could be because you’ve disabled buyer-seller messages. 

Some buyers may also opt-out of receiving buyer-seller messages, in which case you’ll receive a message that your message couldn’t be delivered when you attempt to message a buyer.

Guidelines for Buyer-Seller Messages on Amazon

Before you start messaging buyers as an Amazon seller, it’s important to understand the basic guidelines regarding Amazon messages. Not only are there guidelines about what you can include in Amazon messages, but there are also different guidelines for regular messages versus proactive messages.

In general, any message that’s required to complete an order or respond to a customer service query is permitted via the Amazon Message Center. For example, you can send a buyer a message if the item they purchased is currently unavailable to ship, or if you want to offer a return.

Proactive, permitted messages are messages you can send within 30 days of the date the order was completed. There are several reasons you may send a proactive permitted message, including:

  • Confirming a custom product choice
  • Resolving problems that may arise with orders
  • Sending a customer an invoice
  • Requesting information needed to process an order
  • Sending questions about customer returns
  • Asking a buyer for an honest review
  • Scheduling delivery for bulk or large items

When you send these messages, there are certain things you shouldn’t include. Some of the things Amazon sellers shouldn’t include in permitted messages include:

  • External links that aren’t secure and required for order completion
  • Attachments that aren’t invoices, warranties or instructions
  • Logos that link to your website
  • Requests for buyers to opt-out of messages
  • Email address and phone numbers
  • Tracking pixels
  • Unrelated images
  • Sensitive information (in the form of text or images)

While it’s important to understand how to check your messages on Amazon, you also need to make sure you’re following Amazon Message Center guidelines. Failure to follow these guidelines could result in a temporary suspension of your Amazon Message Center permissions, or even a complete suspension of your Amazon seller account.

Does Amazon read buyer-seller messages?

The Amazon Message Center is designed to allow buyers and sellers to communicate with each other, but those messages must follow certain guidelines. In order to ensure buyers and sellers aren’t breaking any rules, Amazon will read buyer-seller messages. Amazon uses this ability to monitor communications between buyers and sellers and help resolve any disputes that may arise.

Considering the potential penalties for violating Amazon Message Center guidelines, it’s important to follow all the rules. If a seller reports a message you sent and Amazon decides that message violates the messaging guidelines, you could lose your ability to send messages, or even your Amazon account.

Amazon package delivery

How to Leverage Buyer-Seller Messages on Amazon 

If you want to start your own Amazon business, you need to understand how to use Amazon Buyer-Seller Messages to your advantage. Not only do you need to know how to check messages on Amazon, but you also need to understand how to use those messages to build long-term relationships with satisfied customers.

  1. First thing’s first, learn how to handle complaints from customers. When a customer has a complaint or concern, it’s your job to reassure them. Try to remain calm, acknowledge the problem a customer is having, and try your best to find a solution that benefits the buyer. Of course, this is more difficult if buyers don’t know how to check messages from a seller on Amazon.
  2. You can use message filters to make sure you’re prioritizing the right messages and getting things done on time. This allows you to take care of the important stuff first, whether that’s a shipping-related message or a customer complaint about your product.
  3. Being active is a great way to use Amazon messaging to your advantage. Sending proactive messages helps build customer relationships and shows buyers that you’re committed to providing the best service.
  4. Above all else, respond to any buyer messages as quickly as possible. The longer buyers have to wait, the more frustrated they’re going to be. Timely responses help build rapport with customers, which is something you need to succeed as an Amazon seller.

Now that you know how to check messages on Amazon and how to use the Amazon Message Center to your advantage, you can improve customer communications and increase your odds of succeeding as an Amazon seller.

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