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Helium 10 Acquires Prestozon to Help Amazon Sellers Supercharge Their Advertising Efforts


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Before we dive into the details, please help us welcome Prestozon to the Helium 10 team! Shout them out on social, comment below and get ready, because the future of Amazon PPC is here. 

A World-Class Amazon Advertising Solution

Today, Helium 10 users and Amazon sellers around the world have a lot to be excited about. This acquisition marks the first of its kind in the Amazon seller ecosystem; where two leading software companies come together with one shared vision to help sellers grow their businesses through PPC.

Together, Helium 10 and Prestozon will combine their vast amounts of data and years of expertise to help sellers better understand their organic and paid marketing efforts. This combination of expertise and technology means sellers can expect a world-class Amazon advertising solution. It also means a continuation of our vision to provide a true All-In-One Amazon Software solution to sellers around the world.  

Why Prestozon and What Happens Next?

So, you may be asking yourself, “why Prestozon?” 

For us, the answer was simple. There are two sides of the ‘Amazon coin’ when it comes to marketing; organic and paid. Helium 10 is the best in the world at helping sellers understand and leverage organic keyword ranking, while Prestozon is the best in the world at PPC. The truth is, Prestozon has built industry-leading optimization algorithms that help sellers run PPC more efficiently so they can spend more time growing their business. 

However, the biggest problem for Amazon sellers still exists (until today)… sellers don’t want to subscribe to dozens of different software tools. They want one platform to run their business on Amazon

Existing Helium 10 ADS and Prestozon Users: Here’s What to Expect

In the short-term, nothing changes for Helium 10 and Prestozon users. Why? We know that Q4 is often the most crucial part of the year for Amazon sellers. For most companies, more than half of their yearly sales happen in Q4 alone. For this reason, our goal is to provide stability through the end of 2020 to help sellers capture more sales with their existing PPC platform. 

Helium 10 customers using ADS should continue to expect improvements over the next few months as more functionality will become available as we integrate Prestozon’s technology. Login to Helium 10 ADS today and you might start to notice new features or optimization capabilities already. In fact, just yesterday, ADS was removed from BETA and received multiple feature updates. Watch the launch here on Youtube.

Prestozon users should continue to use Prestozon to manage their PPC campaigns through the end of 2020, but will also get full access to Helium 10, depending on your subscription level. Keep an eye out for details in the coming weeks.  

In the longer-term (early 2021), Amazon sellers can expect a unified PPC management offering from Helium 10. We can’t wait to unveil what we’ve been working on!

The Future is Bright

While the future is largely unknown, we know one thing is for certain, Amazon sellers finally know who they can turn to for PPC strategies, tactics and of course, software; Helium 10. 

You probably already know that 2020 has been a record year for e-commerce, especially on Amazon. While e-commerce demand increased, Amazon sellers have also become more savvy with their marketing efforts. Years ago, you could easily rank your product on page one of Amazon with minimal organic marketing efforts. PPC was simply optional. Nowadays, even as demand on Amazon has increased, so has the competition. We believe PPC is now a must-have if you want to succeed on Amazon and compete in your category. So in addition to our investments over the past year in Helium 10 ADS, this Prestozon acquisition means a commitment to helping you capture a greater piece of your market through Amazon PPC. 

In the end, our mission remains the same, to provide sellers with the tools, education and community they need to thrive in the future of e-commerce. And today – that future is looking bright. 


The Helium 10 Software Suite will allow you to gain an unfair advantage over your competitors as it was designed and battle-tested by Amazon's top sellers. So if you want more sales, more time, lower PPC costs, and if you want to discover hidden keywords your competitors don’t use then start using Helium 10 -- the same tools top Amazon sellers use on a daily basis.

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