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Does Helium 10 Training Teach Everything About Amazon Selling?


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“Does Helium 10 training teach everything about selling on Amazon?” Learn the answer to this question from Bradley Sutton, Helium 10’s Director of Customer Success and Training.

At the risk of sounding like another Freedom Ticket plug, yes, Helium 10’s Freedom Ticket course will do just that.

Note that these are different from the pro videos found on each of the tool pages. More on that in a sec.

Anyway, Helium 10 is now your one-stop-shop for all things Amazon FBA, because now it includes a complete and thorough training course for beginning-to-intermediate sellers, as well as plenty of details, advanced sellers could use a refresher on or might have overlooked.

The course is packed with eight weeks’ worth of content, with full video tutorials and on-screen walkthroughs to help you learn everything you need to know about planning and starting your Amazon business. Freedom Ticket is angled for a “grow and sell your business in a few years” approach, but the material is still 100% relevant for Amazon sellers who have different business goals.

With Freedom Ticket, you’ll learn essential Amazon FBA skills like how to navigate the Seller Central backend to set up your account, create listings, upload product photos, and more. You’ll also learn details beginners may overlook, like the nitty-gritty of finances: inventory planning and cycles, how large and far apart your inventory orders should be, and different scenarios using different amounts of starting capital.

Freedom Ticket not only provides you with these video lectures and walkthroughs, but also offers downloadable notes, spreadsheets, and infographics. You’ll be able to use these handy references to collect, analyze, and track data, or just keep the notes close by for you to reference and review.

Throughout the course, also learn how to use Helium 10’s tools to conduct Amazon product research, analyze competition, create and optimize listing content, and tons more! The use of the tools is woven into the course content.

Was that a little more than you’d bargained for? Good!

And that’s not even the best part.

The Freedom Ticket course is included with your paid Helium 10 membership. If you’re already a member, then you already have access to this full Amazon FBA course.

(Don’t believe us? Check out the details here!)

Now that we’ve explained Freedom Ticket as a complete Amazon FBA course, let’s touch on the pro training videos, which are a different resource.

Our pro training videos help explain each of our Helium 10 tools in more detail. Each tool has an overview video to orient you with the general functions and purposes of each Helium 10 tool. Once you’re familiar with the overall function of each tool, you can move on to the next pro training videos, which demonstrate the more advanced capabilities of each tool, as well as strategies on how to use them for your business.

So there you have it. Between our Freedom Ticket course and our pro training videos, Helium 10 has everything you need to learn about and excel at selling on Amazon.

VP of Education and Strategy

Bradley is the VP of Education and Strategy for Helium 10 as well as the host of the most listened to podcast in the world for Amazon sellers, the Serious Sellers Podcast. He has been involved in e-commerce for over 20 years, and before joining Helium 10, launched over 400 products as a consultant for Amazon Sellers.

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