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How To Sell Internationally On Amazon?


Yes! Using Amazon Global Selling, you can set up an Amazon selling account in any marketplace across the globe. To learn more, click here.

Amazon has 20 marketplaces worldwide. Those include: USA, Mexico, Canada, Brazil, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Japan, India, China, Australia, Singapore, Poland, Sweden, UK, Netherlands, France, Italy, Spain, and Germany.

Amazon sellers can find success in any marketplace, but the marketplace that has had the most success is the USA marketplace.

Amazon Global Selling is Amazon’s educational and support program for sellers wanting to sell internationally. Once enrolled in the program, you can start selling in any other Amazon marketplace that you currently do not sell in. To learn more, click here.

In terms of revenue, the largest Amazon marketplaces are USA, Germany and the UK. You can enter these marketplaces knowing that there will be a large customer base for you to sell to.