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Gutenberg Blocks – Proof of concepts

What is Gutenberg?

Gutenberg is a block-based editor for the WordPress platform. It was introduced in WordPress 5.0, which was released in November 2018. Since then, many website owners have switched out the classic editor for Gutenberg.

Gutenberg is now the default editor for WordPress installations. It’s a block-based WordPress editor designed to be more like popular page builder tools. It enables you to add elements like images, paragraphs, lists, and buttons to a page or post with customizable blocks.

What is Block Editor

Also known as the Block Editor, Gutenberg is a user-friendly builder that enables you to design your posts and pages more easily. It has replaced the WordPress Classic Editor to offer a more intuitive web-building experience.

It’s a editor designed to be more like popular page builder tools. It enables you to add elements like images, paragraphs, lists, and buttons to a page or post with customizable blocks.

Gutenberg has become the default WordPress editor. In fact, the WordPress team discontinued support for the Classic Editor in 2022. Therefore, if you’re still using the old editor, now is the time to switch to Gutenberg.

WordPress Classic Editor
WordPress Classic Editor
WordPress Block Editor

Gutenberg Blocks

Gutenber blocks are building blocks of new editor. They are written in React but it is only on back-end side. React component is the one that is communicating with WordPress and it’s APIs and allowing user that smooth editing experience but when it comes to the content and from where it is served on front-end it is still static HTML from the database. Here is diagram what is happening behind the scene, what those block editor do and where React components, Blocks fit in:

Data flow in Block Editor