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#398 – November’s New Amazon And Walmart Seller Tools, Updates, & Features

If you’ve missed this month’s Bigger Better Launch webinar, we’ve got you covered! Bradley goes over all the latest tools, updates, and features of Helium 10 in this episode. We launched a ton of new features that can add value to your business, like the new PPC bid estimates, Xray thumbnail downloads, Adtomic’s advanced bulk features, a new course called Exit Ticket, historical data inside Cerebro, and more!

In episode 398 of the Serious Sellers Podcast, Bradley talks about:

  • 02:55 – Bradley’s Realization And His Promise For 2023
  • 03:50 – Let’s Recap Last Month’s New Tools, Updates, and Features
  • 14:30 – November’s Newest Tools, Updates, And Features
  • 15:30 – Introducing Helium 10 PPC Bid Estimates
  • 19:30 – Introducing Xray Thumbnail Downloads And Other Updates
  • 22:00 – Adtomic Updates: Advanced Bulk Features
  • 23:00 – Adtomic Hourly Analytics And Schedules (Dayparting) Available For Diamond Users
  • 24:10 – New Course Inside Helium 10: Exit Ticket
  • 25:00 – Serious Sellers Hub: New Claim Offer Button!
  • 25:30 – Expanded Use of Listing Analyzer!
  • 27:00 – A Game-Changing New Feature: Introducing Cerebro Historical Data
  • 29:00 – Use Cases Of This New Feature
  • 33:00 – How To Get Into Helium 10 Elite’s Waiting List


Bradley Sutton:

Today we’re gonna be going over all the new updates that are out there to be able to help Amazon sellers that we’ve launched lately, including one that is an absolute game changer for your historical keyword research. How cool is that? Pretty cool I think.

Bradley Sutton:

You wanna know what keywords are driving the most sales for listings on Amazon? To do that, you need to know what highly searched keywords the product is ranking for, maybe at the top of page one. You can actually find that out in seconds by using helium ten’s keyword research tool, Cerebro. Now, that’s just one of the many, many functions that make this tool my favorite tool in the whole suite, and it’s the most powerful keyword research tool ever created for e-commerce sellers. For more information, go to, Don’t forget to use the Serious Sellers Podcast, discount coupon SSP10. Hello everybody, and welcome to another episode of the serious seller’s podcast by Helium 10. I am your host Bradley Sutton, and this is the show that’s a completely BS free unscripted, and unrehearsed organic conversation about serious strategies for serious sellers of any level in the e-commerce world.

Bradley Sutton:

Now, today we are doing our monthly podcast that we call BBL, Bigger Better Launch, where we go over some strategies some of which you might be familiar with. Most of which are brand new that you need to be leveraging in order to help your online businesses. And let me just tell you, I just came from the Elite workshop, our quarterly workshop, and I actually went over some advanced strategies for the Amazon launch. Now, when I say advance, I would say half of them are kind of like the high level that I’d be expecting seven-eight-figure sellers to do. And then the others are kind of like a lot of it was just general too, that even if you’re brand new, you’re barely new to Helium 10 or barely new to Amazon, these are things that you probably should be doing.

Bradley Sutton:

And I was shocked because most of the Elite members were not doing the far vast majority of these, even some of these even basic steps. And so it’s kind of made me realize it’s like I’ve gotta do a better job at kind of getting the message out there in this training about this no-brainer bread and butter things that you guys could be doing. I’m not just talking about the stuff inside of Helium 10, but stuff that–, I was shocked that half the people I was talking to, weren’t even using Brand Analytics to do historical keyword research. They weren’t looking at the Product Opportunity Explorer in Amazon to get some extra insights. These are stuff that has nothing to do with Helium 10.

Bradley Sutton:

They’ve been in Seller Central for months or even years in the case of Brand Analytics. So I’m just making a statement right now. as of November when this is going out, I’m going to be making and thinking about how in 2023 I can try and get this education out there more because I think Amazon and Walmart sellers out there are leaving a lot of money on the table by not utilizing all of the different data points and strategies that they have available. So we’re gonna talk about some of those today mainly in the context of like some of these new things that we’ve come out with at Helium 10. But again, even if you’re not a Helium 10 member, stay tuned to this episode. Don’t tune out yet, because there are things that we’re gonna go over today regardless of what tool you use or don’t use, you should be utilizing these strategies regardless of the tool.

Bradley Sutton:

So remember, we talk strategies here. The podcast model is serious strategies for serious sellers. It doesn’t say serious Helium 10 strategies. These are just general strategies that you guys need to be using. So first of all, let’s just get into what we talked about in last month’s episode of BBL. In case you missed that. number one, we talked about the Brand Analytics conversion share in Cerebro. Now, this is whether you’re using Helium 10 or not, I highly recommend using Brand Analytics. But what we had launched was before, two months ago when we first launched Brand Analytics in Cerebro, you could only see the click share. For those who don’t know how Brand Analytics works from Amazon, is that it shows all of like the top million or 2 million keywords depending on the marketplace.

Bradley Sutton:

Some marketplace is only like Japan might only have 400,000 top keywords, but it will show all of the most search ones for a day, week, month, or quarter. And then it breaks it down to which three products were the top three clicked. That means somebody searches for this keyword that’s on this list, and people click on products after they search. They might click five or 10 products in one search because they’re browsing around. But regardless all of those clicks are added up. And products, the three products that have made up the most clicks is displayed in Brand Analytics, and it tells you what their click share is. So the top three products, maybe number one was 30%, number two was 25%, number three was 20%, and then the other, whatever the other products make up the remaining 35% of the clicks, right?

Bradley Sutton:

But what I love about Brand Analytics is the second column of those three products that were the top clicked, what percentage of the conversion share do they make up? In other words, let’s say for a keyword for a week, there were 1000 purchases. Like, or let’s just say there were 100,000 clicks, but then 1000 of those clicks actually resulted in a purchase of that product. Now it’s saying, “Hey, of those 1000 purchases, what percentage of those purchases does each of these three products make up?” And usually, you would kind of consider that, okay, they’re probably making up the same amount, right? Hey, if these three products make up 50% of the clicks, these three products might make 50% of the purchases because they have an equal chance of getting it right. That’s actually usually the case. I mean, it’s not like a one-to-one basis, but what will happen sometimes if you start analyzing the data, like, here’s an example right now for those watching this on YouTube, you’ll see this keyword collagen powder, and the top three products make up almost 50% of the clicks.

Bradley Sutton:

However, those same top three products only make up about 25% of the conversions. So if you’re not thinking guys and thinking about this, this is just numbers to you, right? But think about what that means. That means that of the top three clicked products, people are clicking out of it and purchasing something else. They don’t necessarily like what they see, so they love those three products on how they look in the search results. Be it the price point, the main image or the title, but they’re just not vibing with exactly what is going on. Now, contrast that with this keyword here. Collagen pills, that’s a completely different market than collagen powder, right? Collagen pills, the three products that makeup 51% of the clicks get 53% of the conversions. So that’s the kind of number that makes a little bit more sense, right?

Bradley Sutton:

It’s like, they’re proportionally getting the number of sales compared to how many clicks they’re getting. So you should be looking at both ends of the spectrum. I gave an example of one where the click share is way bigger than the conversion share. Think about the opposite. What would that mean to you guys? What if a product, the top three products made up only 25% of the clicks, yet 50% of the conversions? That should just like to rattle your brain right there. Because what’s that saying is that those three products have an incredibly high conversion rate. Like four times as much as the other products. That means people click on there and they’re like buying it at an incredible rate, whereas the rest of the products, people are clicking on them, and they’re not at all buying that product hardly, right?

Bradley Sutton:

So this is the kind of information that’s been available in years in Brand Analytics inside of Amazon for a couple of months. The click share has been in Helium 10, but now the conversion share is also there. So you can start doing filters and, and things like that. So really great information there. The next thing we had or the next few things we had launched the last episode in October was now you can take your keywords from Magnet, and take it directly to Keyword Tracker. Hopefully, you guys are using both of those tools. we had some renewed onboarding processes for you, new users out there at Helium 10. I know a lot of you guys are English is not your first language. So we have more and more languages that you can actually change Helium 10 into. Hope you guys knew that.

Bradley Sutton:

The update last month was now at the very top of the dashboard in Helium 10. You just hit this dropdown menu, kinda like Amazon, and you can change it to Chinese, to German to Spanish I believe Italian as well. So if one of those is your first language, make sure you’re using Helium 10 in that language. We also launched a Sales Heat Map, per capita. Now, this was pretty cool because we’re mapping out where all of your sales are happening either at the city level or the county level or the state level. This sometimes is kind of insightful you might think that all your sales are spread out, but it’s not. Here I have a screenshot showing on YouTube of Schrone. He made a post saying, “Hey, post your Helium 10 Profit Sales distribution map.”

Bradley Sutton:

You can see that he’s heavily big-time sales on the East Coast, not so much in the Pacific Northwest or the Midwest for him. so what does that mean for him? Who knows different people take this information, and do different things. Like maybe they want to do some targeted Google ads in the areas that they’re not doing well, or they might take that information and go completely opposite and say, “You know what? I’m just gonna double down with the geographic locations where my products are already very popular.” It’s up to you what you wanna do with that information, but this is stuff that you might not have been able to, to see before. So that was another new update that we had given a couple of months ago. We talked about alerts, and filters and how you can just bulk-add those.

Bradley Sutton:

Guys, this is getting more and more important that you know when things are happening to your listing. four years ago, five years ago, the reason that Alerts was actually made, and the name of the tool in those days actually kind of is a spoiler alert for why it was made. Alerts were not called Alerts in Helium 10 before it was called Hijack Alerts, because back in those days, the biggest problem, not that these problems completely disappeared, but the biggest problem that sellers were facing was it was so easy for anybody just to jump on the listings. This is before Brand Registry and stuff like that where you would launch a product on Amazon, then 17 different sellers would jump on your listing pretending to sell the same product and so then we would make an alert for when that happened.

Bradley Sutton:

And we, it still works for that purpose. But nowadays, in me or my opinion, the more important Alerts are when Amazon changes your title, Amazon changes the dimensions of your package, Amazon changes your bullet points, they change the category that you’re in, right? Your listing gets suppressed for some reason. I mean, these things are happening, it seems more often than not, towards the end here of 2022. So guys, turn on all of the Alerts, and that was the update that we launched. Alerts is not a new tool, but we offered the ability now to just bulk turn on all of your alerts. And so guys, just go do that right now. You’re already Helium 10 members, you’re paying for this. Why would you not have this activated, guys?

Bradley Sutton:

So go into your account mass, add every single product that you’re selling, and turn on the Alerts. it’s necessary, guys. You’re literally losing hundreds if not thousands of dollars without this if you are not on your own checking these things. Again, this is not something you necessarily need Helium 10 for, and if you don’t have it, you have no visibility. I mean, sure, you could have an employee check your listing every day to make sure your images don’t change or there are no hijackers, but obviously, this is a little bit more a little more economical way of doing things, so we added that. Also added the ability to go from Keyword Tracker to Listing Analyzer. And then for those of you who are arbitrage sellers and wholesale sellers, I know we got some listening to the podcast out there, and we have a lot of Helium users, they would always ask for like, more results in Black Box. In Black Box, we limit the results to 200 in order to make sure that no you’re not really doing the same kind of search and filter that somebody else is.

Bradley Sutton:

Like, the odds of that happening is super low when you’re getting it to under 200, but there is some arbitrage. So I was just like, I couldn’t care less about somebody else looking at my search. My point is I wanna see every single product that this seller is selling. I wanna see every single product that this brand is under, and it messes it up when it’s under 200, right? Because it’s more than 200 is what I need to look for. So for Diamond and above, we added that last month to a 500. So that was another update that we did. We also had a new Chrome Extension widget that we launched, and also Brand Analytics in Magnet, which was big because it was in Cerebro before, but you couldn’t just go in and enter a keyword and find the data on it.

Bradley Sutton:

You actually had to like, just hope that keyword came up in a Cerebro search for an ASIN. So we added that to Magnet. And now now you can just enter any keyword or keywords that you wanna get the Brand Analytics info on, and then be able to go ahead and see how the data matches with Helium 10. And that’s the reason, that’s what’s different. For example, you could be looking in Brand Analytics and you can see these conversion shares and it was a top click and all this that, but then it’s only part of the picture. The same thing, you could be looking in Helium 10 to see what was the rank of a product organic and sponsored, but it’s only part of the picture. Now. You see everything together where it’s like, “Hey, here’s a product that was one of the top clicked.”

Bradley Sutton:

You can see why, because he had an organic position thanks to Helium 10 data top five positions or something. But now you can see all of this on one graph. So what do we have cooking for the month of November? So one question I posed when I first did this webinar was I was like, how many of you guys are using PPC with your own private label brands? I think everybody who was listening on the webinar said, “Me” probably you guys out there, everybody here is probably using PPC who is not in one of those, those like restricted categories that PPC is not allowed. And then of you out there who are using PPC what would you say is your CPC, like compared to what you thought it was gonna be?

Bradley Sutton:

What’s your cost per click? Like maybe you went into this product, like, “I’m gonna pay a dollar per click.” Then it ended up being three or four or something crazy like that. How many people were like shocked at what it was? And the same time how many of you guys out there are just like frustrated with how different the Amazon-suggested or Amazon-recommended bids are compared to what you end up paying? Now, it’s because of these questions that we’ve been getting for years that we’re like, “we’re gonna come out with Helium 10 PPC Bid Estimates.” Now what these are there’s a single number that you’re gonna start seeing in Cerebro and Magnet and keyword tracker by the end of this month or beginning of December, depending on when you’re listening to this.

Bradley Sutton:

You’ll see an exact bid suggestion and then you’ll see a range. It’s very similar to what you’re used to in Seller Central, but ours is more accurate. We are not just taking in the Amazon-recommended bid. Because a lot of you guys were saying, and everybody who sells on Amazon pretty much knows that it’s all over the place and it’s sometimes very off. And the other thing we know is that there’s no magic number. Even this Helium 10 number is not a magic number. That’s one number for all. If I’m selling a product like I’ve got in front of me a bowl, right? And I’ve got another product in front of me, which is a water bottle, theoretically speaking container for water could be a relevant keyword loosely to both of these products.

Bradley Sutton:

But to get this bowl ranked high in PPC for that, or to make sure that Amazon knows I’m relevant, it’s gonna take me more money to do that, as opposed to this water bottle, right? Which is probably a more logical product for a container for water, right? So bids are all over the place depending on the time of day, all that stuff. We all know that, but at the end of the day, there is kind of like a range where it’s at and the one that Amazon gives so much is like way off. So we’re gonna keep getting better. This is our version one beta here, and it’s already on average 30% more accurate than the bid you see. Maybe wondering how in the world can Helium 10 get more accurate than Amazon.

Bradley Sutton:

Well, I have no idea how the Amazon algorithm works as far as this goes, but we here at Helium 10 and Pacvue have so much data and so much historical data that we were our data scientists we’re able to come up with an algorithm that can better predict what you are gonna be paying. So that is going to be available by the end of the month to not just elite members, not just Diamond members, but also platinum members as well. Now another thing though that is gonna be for Diamond and Elite is pretty cool. You’re gonna be able to click on that bid and then see the history of how it changes. Now, this is like the kind of hashtag game-changing thing for this update. like you’ve always been able to see some kind of suggested bids even from Amazon.

Bradley Sutton:

So this is not like Helium 10 is changing the game on that, but you’ve never really been able to see before actually doing PPC, how the bid estimates change from Amazon. So it’s $2 and 55 cents today. What was it like last week? What was it six months ago? what was it during Q4? What was it during summer? You’ve never been able to answer these kinds of questions and now you’re going to be able to, inside Helium 10 by clicking on that graph and getting this information. This is really, really great information. So guys, make sure to check that out in Cerebro, in Magnet, and in Keyword Tracker, I’d say by the end of November, beginning of December, that should be available to you. Another thing that is great for private label sellers, wholesale sellers whoever’s using our Chrome extension, namely Xray a lot of you guys run it, and then you would download the Excel file so that you can just manipulate the information and the data to your own means.

Bradley Sutton:

a lot of people have their own way that they like to sift through the data, and a lot of users were like saying this is great. We see all of the information here, but sometimes it’s not obvious which product is which, based on the title only, like that we would get in a download, right? So now what we added was when you download these files, you’re gonna see these thumbnails that are going to be coming up right here in your downloadable file in Excel. And then, so you’ll easily be able to kind of like have a visual aid to what the product is. everybody loves putting their mouse over the thumbnails inside of regular Xray. They weren’t able to do that with their downloads, but now they’re going to be able to. Another thing you’re gonna see when you start clicking on some of the graphs in Xray for example, the sales graph.

Bradley Sutton:

Well, now everything is in one graph and just in different tabs. So you don’t have to find three different numbers and click on them. You click on one of those graphs, and then you’ll have a toggle where you can go between the Estimated Sales history, the BSR history, and the Review Count history. Guys, why is this even important? This is something you should be doing when you’re doing your research on Amazon. Sure, it’s great to know what’s their sales right now, what the last 30 days, what’s their BSR right now, how many reviews they have right now, and what’s their review velocity has been. How has their BSR changed over time? Are they seasonal products? Things like this are important to study. And now we just made it a little bit easier in order to be able to do that inside of Xray.

Bradley Sutton:

We also have different upgrades to the Title Keyword Table filter. This is something guys that were very, very useful even before we had the Title Density filter inside of Helium 10, where you can see how many listings on page one have a certain keyword in phrase form and the title. Well, now what you can do is instead of just being able to search phrases, you can now search like individual words by separating them with a comma. So for example the traditional way of using this tool when you’re in Xray and then hitting the filter for title keyword searches, like, “Hey, how many listings on page one have coffin shelf in them?” Two words, right? “How many listings have gothic decor?” But only a small number might come up. However, what if there was a listing that had the title “coffin book space shelf” right?

Bradley Sutton:

Well, under the original filter, that wouldn’t have come up, but it’s still probably a coffin shelf, right? It just had a word there in the middle. So it’s not in phrase form. So in this way you can say, Hey, “I wanna see anything that has a coffin or and shelf in it.” So that’s why you can use this new cool comma filter right now. At this point, Vince came onto the webinar and talked about some new Adtomic changes. Adtomic’s been really added in a lot of things the last few months and now you’re gonna be able to do these bulk changes, right? So users are gonna be able to adjust your target ACoS quickly across 500 campaigns. You maybe you’re only doing three, four campaigns, you probably couldn’t care less about this, but a lot of you are big ballers out there and you might be doing 200, 300, 400 campaigns and you’re like, you know what?

Bradley Sutton:

During Black Friday, I’m okay with my ACoS being a little bit higher, so I’m gonna set my target higher and I wanna change all 300 of my campaigns to 30% instead of 25%. Well, now, instead of having to go one by one, you could just do this bulk update to Adtomic for those of you. And you can also turn on or off automation in Adtomic for up to 500 campaigns. In addition, in previous BBLs we’ve talked about how you can have Hourly Analytics, and now that’s available for Diamond. Before that was only available to Elite members. So you’re gonna be able to break down your PPC campaign performance, not just by day, as you’ve always been able to do, not just by week and not just by month, but now even by an hour of the day. So you can see what are the days when your ACoS is the best? What are the times of day that it’s the best? What are the times of day that it’s worst?

Bradley Sutton:

When are you spending the most money, et cetera? And you might be wondering, well, what do I do with that? Well, that’s where the new Adtomic Schedules comes in, where now you can set scheduled actions. Other people call this day parting we call it Schedules, right? You’re gonna be able to quickly view the hourly data and then make data-driven scheduling decisions based on the trends that you’re seeing. So this new automation’s gonna help ensure that your ad spend is really focused for more efficient ROI by isolating the times of day that your campaigns are running. So this is pretty key for those of you who are really into doing your own PPC, which I highly suggest for people of all levels before trying to outsource it I would say try doing it yourself, especially with the help of Adtomic.

Bradley Sutton:

We’ve simplified the process a lot more for sellers. The other thing that we talked about in bbl, I’m not gonna go into too much in detail cause we just had a podcast about it recently, was our new Exit Ticket course. It’s a 30-plus module course all about how to get ready for your business for a highly profitable exit. In other words, how to sell your Amazon business for some cash money up to hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars potentially. It’s not just something you can just put it up on Craigslist and get a buyer. there’s sometimes up to a year or more of preparation that you have to do. And even if you don’t think you’re gonna be ready in the next 12 months or 16 months, this is a great course to get into because you gotta start now, even if you wanna have a goal of selling your company in two years, now is the time to start with getting your accounting in a row and getting things ready.

Bradley Sutton:

So we have our Exit Ricket course for that. Don’t forget, you guys can actually go to that by going to, something new for those who use the Hub, that’s That’s where we have tons and tons of outside companies who offer services that Helium 10, be it payment services or freight solutions. Well, some of these companies have special offers for different levels of Helium 10 members, especially Elite members. So now when you’re browsing the hub, look for the little offer buttons that you might start seeing inside the Hub. And then you can just like, kind of like clip them, kind of like coupons. Listing Analyzer Guys is a tool that you guys have hopefully been using for a long time.

Bradley Sutton:

But because of that and because we’ve added so much to Listing Analyzer, people are saying, Hey, I’m running out of my uses during the month. So we drastically expanded the use of the Listing Analyzer. So one of the updates we mentioned in this BBL, Bigger, Better Launch is Platinum, you guys used to be able to only do it 25 times a month, but you could do 50 now. Diamond, we increase from 50 to 150 and Elite went from 125 to 300. So guys, make sure you’re using Listing Analyzer as much as possible. A super useful tool that gives you insights into your and your competitor’s listings. And it kind of goes along with what I was talking about with Alerts before. One of the things that happen is, is if something happens to your listing, be it an image change or a title change, a bad review gotten, or a good review got, you might wonder what effect if any does this have on your sales?

Bradley Sutton:

Well, you’re gonna be able to see that in Listing Analyzer because it graphs out when the alerts happen and then you can kind of see your sales chart before and after. Now those of you out there who are selling on Amazon, have you ever talked or thought about launching a seasonal product, right? a lot of you guys have, or maybe you’ve noticed that a competitor was crushing it during a certain month of the year, but maybe not afterward. Or maybe the opposite a competitor like the kind of like fell off the face of the earth sales-wise at a certain time of year. Well, how in the past have you done your historical keyword research, right? Maybe Brand Analytics you were using before. That’s pretty much the only way I had. But now we have the Cerebro Historical Data.

Bradley Sutton:

We talked a little bit about this on the podcast before, but I cannot emphasize how game-changing this is. To be able to basically look up in history how, what the Cerebro was for a certain product or group of products going back up to two years, right? So like for example, I want to see maybe how the kind of width of a market has changed keywords. And so here I’m looking at the coffin letter board market, and I can see over time it’s kind of gradually been going up the number of keywords that products are ranking for. Another use case is maybe I just wanna look at one singular product, alright? One singular product. What’s the historical trend there? And I just clicked on this button, I’m getting data I never, ever saw before. I click on this product in Cerebro, and now I can see that from January through May, they were running sponsored ads, but then they just stopped from June to October.

Bradley Sutton:

They’re just like, “you know what? We’re not gonna run PPC.” That’s gonna get me excited. I’m like, hey, I can, I can definitely compete with this product and beat them because they’re not even running any sponsored ads, right? I can click on a certain date and what’s gonna happen is when I click on this date or this month, I will see a history of what Cerebro was for that product for that month. Just think of all the different use cases. I’m sure you guys can think of even more use cases, but for me, the reason why I’ve always wanted this was because like beach balls right now is December, right? December, November. if I run Cerebro on whatever I see right now are the top-selling beach balls, is that really an accurate idea of the market, the keyword market for beach balls? No.

Bradley Sutton:

Some of the keywords for beach balls probably aren’t even don’t even have registerable search volume, whatever these products are ranking for. Maybe some of these products are not even the top ones that are selling, right? It’s very, very possible, if not likely, that the top-selling beach ball or one of the top 10 beach balls is not even in stock right now. Like, why would somebody be pushing hard beach balls? just like people are not selling Christmas tree ornaments in July conversely, right? They let it go outta stock and then they’ll bring it back when people start shopping for Christmas. So if I were to put those in cerebra now it would show, show nothing because in the last 30 days these products haven’t ranked at all. But now you can put it into Cerebro and it’ll still show nothing.

Bradley Sutton:

But now there’ll be a graph where you can look back in history and say, “Hey, I know that this product was going bonkers in July. What was it ranking for in July?” And now I can analyze the market that way. What was the search volume of the keywords, right? And now like maybe I’m gonna launch a beach ball in February and I don’t have to wait until July to see all the main keywords that I need to be on page one. I could start ranking for those keywords immediately without almost any competition while the rest of the competitors are brand new and want to launch beach ball. So they’re just guessing what the main keywords are for beach balls and they’re only gonna start trying to rank for it once they start seeing where the search volume starts increasing, right?

Bradley Sutton:

It’s already game over by then. I’ve already killed them because I’ve had this information, I’m already to the top page one for all these keywords since I probably only need a couple of sales via PPC to even rank for these keywords. So I mean that’s, that’s just one of the many, many applications. Another one is the opposite, maybe for my product or my competitor’s product. I notice a big dip in sales over a month or over a few weeks, right? Well, I’m wondering on the keyword side, what happened either on sponsored or organic that caused them to dip and why is that valuable? Well, imagine if you start using the Cerebro tool and now you pinpoint that, wow, for gothic decor, their organic rank from March to April went from page one, position three to page one, position 45.

Bradley Sutton:

And then that just happened to correspond with this big dip in sales. Well, guess what? I just reverse-engineered where they lost most of their sales on how am I gonna use that information? I mean, if it’s my own product, obviously I’m gonna use it, but now I know if I’m selling a similar product to this or if it even was my own product, I know that I super have to pay attention to this keyword and never let it get below position 10, otherwise my sales are gonna go down. this is stuff that before you would just have to guess on because sometimes, like, here’s, here’s another situation. Let’s say you see via the historical ranking and cerebral charts that they did drop off on a searching keyword month over month, but the sales weren’t impacted at all. If anything, the sales went up.

Bradley Sutton:

Well, what does that tell me? Well if I fall in the ranking on this keyword, again, I don’t have to pay a whole bunch of money to try and get it up, cuz it doesn’t seem like it goes along with drops in my sales. Like I said guys, the possibilities are endless. So this is something coming new to Helium 10 Elite members and only Helium 10 Elite members. It’ll be available by the beginning of December, the end of November. So if you’re an elite member, make sure to start using that. if you’re not an Elite member, I’m sorry you can’t get into Elite until 2023, but sign up for the waiting list guys. Go to and you can get on the waiting list guys. So anyways, this is what we launched for BBL, Bigger, Better Launch.

Bradley Sutton:

If you guys want to catch up with some of these repeats or replays you can see them on YouTube or you can see them on this podcast, you can go to and be able to get in there as well. Uh, we’re always trying to get bigger, we’re always trying to get better. And we do this by launching new tools and features for you users. But remember, even if you’re not using Helium 10, these are all things that you need to be doing. I talked about historical keyword research in Cerebro. What if you don’t have Cerebro? Well, guess what? You should be doing historical keyword research in Brand Analytics. It’s limited compared to Helium 10, but you still should be doing it. the other thing I talk about, is the importance of alerts. Well, if you don’t have Helium 10, we’ll hire somebody to be monitoring this stuff for you guys.

Bradley Sutton:

You guys need to be utilizing these strategies in order to maximize your sales. people talk about Amazon getting more competitive. To me, I couldn’t care less if it’s getting more competitive because I know I’m always gonna have the competitive advantage because I’m one of those people who is making sure I’m utilizing every piece of data and tools and analytics that’s available to me. And I know 95% of my competitors are not doing that. So guys, make sure you’re part of the 5%, not the 95%. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this episode and I’ll see you in the next one. Thanks a lot.

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Want to absolutely start crushing it on Amazon? Here are few carefully curated resources to get you started:

  • Freedom Ticket: Taught by Amazon thought leader Kevin King, get A-Z Amazon strategies and techniques for establishing and solidifying your business.
  • Helium 10: 30+ software tools to boost your entire sales pipeline from product research to customer communication and Amazon refund automation. Make running a successful Amazon or Walmart business easier with better data and insights. See what our customers have to say.
  • Helium 10 Chrome Extension: Verify your Amazon product idea and validate how lucrative it can be with over a dozen data metrics and profitability estimation.
  • Trademarks are vital for protecting your Amazon brand from hijackers, and provides a streamlined process for helping you get one.

The Helium 10 Software Suite will allow you to gain an unfair advantage over your competitors as it was designed and battle-tested by Amazon's top sellers. So if you want more sales, more time, lower PPC costs, and if you want to discover hidden keywords your competitors don’t use then start using Helium 10 -- the same tools top Amazon sellers use on a daily basis.

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